< Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog
Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog/YMMV
YMMV Tropes in this work:
- Anvilicious: The "Sonic Sez" segments.
- Awesome Music: The theme song and "Sonic's Song".
- Ear Worm: "Sonic the Hedgehog, You can't catch what you can't see. Sonic the Hedgehog, He's going to make Mobius free!"
- Robotnik's Leitmotif is also really catchy.
- Ensemble Darkhorse: Breezie for obvious reasons.
- Arguably also the bounty hunters from "Sonic Search and Smash Squad", largely due to their reappearance in Dr Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine, a rather extreme example of the trope since outside the game, most of the characters only appear for all of a couple of seconds in the show itself.
- And, of course, the good doctor himself, Robotnik.
- Evil Is Sexy: Catella and Breezie until her Heel Face Turn.
- Foe Yay: Sonic and Robotnik, at times, especially in "Best Hedgehog."
- Fountain of Memes
- Funny Moments: Too many to specify, but the ending of "The Robotnik Express" is a particularly good example.
- Heartwarming Moments: The ending of "Tails' New Home". Both Tails and Sonic come to accept that Sonic is Tails' family, after searching for his parents. And especially this line: "You're my mom, you're my dad, and you're my picket fence!"
- Hilarious in Hindsight: One of the four part Chaos Emerald saga episodes "Hedgehog of the Hound Table" has Sonic going back to medieval times. Guess what the second entry in the storybook series from the modern Sonic games is about.
- Around the same time the show started airing, Sonic the Hedgehog CD introduced a certain pink hedgehog whose main role is touching Sonic in a way that makes him feel uncomfortable. Incidentally, Sonic becoming a Chaste Hero in the main series contradicts his portrayal in this show.
- The Macbeth level from Star Fox 64 in its entirety, unintentionally resembles "The Robotnik Express".
- From "Mobius 5000"
- Harsher in Hindsight: "Mass Transit Trouble," an episode about Robotnik attempting to bomb three separate transit stations, feels darker than the other episodes because of this trope. It doesn't help that Robotnik and his henchmen are far more competent than usual.
- Ho Yay: Robotnik is forced to "kiss and make up" with rival Dr. Quark in order to keep their Big Bad Duumvirate going. Afterwards, Quark spits; Robotnik blushes.
- Jerkass Woobie: Coconuts, so very much.
- Memetic Badass: Doctor Ivo Robotnik
- Memetic Molester: Inverted Trope with Sonic in this Sonic Sez. Played straight in YouTube Poop, thanks to Detournement.
- Memetic Mutation: Hoo boy. Where to begin? This show has provided ample material for many a YouTube Poop.
- SnooPING AS usual, I see...
- There's even a video featuring a version by Microsoft Sam.
- I'll have to give myself a PRRRROMOTION!
- Kids, there's nothing more cool than being hugged by someone you like. But if someone tries to touch you in a place or in a a way that makes you uncomfortable, that's no good!
- Ahh, hapPINESS is always so much more enjoyable when it's based on the misery of millions.
- Trying to find new ways to get Robotnik to say penis. So far, the "classic" PINGAS and PINESS were joined by PIENDISH, PEINOUS, PINDES, PENGAUSE and PEANDUZ.
- Can't forget Diploma Dope.
- "And who are you supposed to be?"
- There's also the "NO!!" from Lovesick Sonic.
- SnooPING AS usual, I see...
- Memetic Sex God: Breezie and Catella.
- Moment of Awesome: Sonic's escape from Robotnik's prison in Sonic Breakout.
- Moral Event Horizon: While Robotnik isn't anywhere near the Complete Monster he is in Sonic Sat AM, some of his schemes are downright evil, such as in "Mass Transit Trouble" and "Hero of the Year".
- Narm Charm: There's so much in this show it's not even funny. It's hilarious.
- Nightmare Fuel: The climax to Robotnikland has this in the form of a haunted roller coaster, the afore mentioned Hellevator, a grotesque landscape with demons laughing at the villains, a door that sends them into a torture hall, Scratch's shadow getting decapitated (and putting his head back on!), a hallway of axes (where Scratch pulls out his heart), and fire breathing Badniks. The facade of this nightmarish landscape? Sonic's head!
- No Problem With Licensed Games: In order to promote the show, SEGA edited the Genesis and Game Gear title Puyo Puyo with AOSTH cosmetics, relabeling it Doctor Robotniks Mean Bean Machine. Despite these edits, and the odd omission of Sonic himself (instead of a playable character, opponents talk to the screen during cutscenes) the game is rather well received and considered a retro classic. Sonic the Hedgehog Spinball also included briefer elements of the show (along with Sonic Sat AM) as easter eggs.
- Rooting for the Empire: Most fans seem to like the villains (Robotnik, Scratch, and Grounder) better than the heroes.
- So Bad It's Good
- Tear Jerker: In Sonically Ever After, after defeating Robotnik, Sonic talks to the audience saying that "Every story must end, even this one". And mostly this is the last episode, if you don't include the Christmas episode makes what Sonic says sad.
- This Is Your Premise on Drugs: This show is best summed up as Sonic the Hedgehog meets The Ren and Stimpy Show with some Looney Tunes sprinkles and a heapin' helping of Max Fleischer surreality.
- What the Hell, Casting Agency?: Urkel for Sonic.
- The Woobie: Usually Tails. Sonic also has his moments, such as the episode "Sloooowwww Going".
- Coconuts COULD be this when you realize he is actually trying to get a promotion instead of being evil.
- Goopster the alien in "So Long Sucker" is quite The Woobie as well.
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