< Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog
Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog/Characters
The Heroes
Sonic the Hedgehog
- Badbutt
- Big Brother Instinct: Probably the most emphasised usage of any Sonic incarnation. He looks out for Tails constantly and regularly goes frantic the moment something happens to him.
- Catch Phrase: "Up, over and gooone!", "I'm waaaaiiiiiiitiiiiiing...", "Gotta speed, keed!", "You got it ace - let's race!" amongst other rhyming phrases.
- Chick Magnet
- Defrosting Ice King : Shown retrosepctively in 'Tails new home' Sonic is shown to be jerk before he met Tails, he also acts jerkishly toward some other people before learning to respect them.
- The Hero
- Karmic Trickster: The show nudges Sonic's characterization into this category, where he uses all sorts of mental tricks and misdirection to deflate Robotnik's plans.
- Paper-Thin Disguise: Much of Sonic's disguises are this. One's just Sonic with a hat and a bag of mail, and they fall for it.
- Lampshaded by Sonic when, to his alarm, sufficient doses of downloaded ninjutsu allow Scratch and Grounder to see through a disguise.
- Also in the episode Grounder the Genius twice. The first time Sonic visits the fortress as a "Chip Recycler" and looks for the genius chip. Grounder says he has it which Sonic tries to get him, however Grounder, now being a genius, petrifies him aware that this would happen. Another example is later where Grounder makes out a trap and tosses it away far before anything bad happens. Sonic takes off his disguise and Grounder states he already knew Sonic was going to pull that.
- At one point, Sonic even winks at the audience while showing himself through disguise.
- In Too Tall Tails Sonic actually takes off his disguise mid way through one of his schemes. Scratch and Grounder still don't recognize him!
- Dr. Robotnik actually does manage to see through the majority of Sonic's disguises, however the few times he does it is either a few moments too late, or he's too far away to tell Grounder and Scratch, the ones typically being tricked.
- Lampshaded by Sonic when, to his alarm, sufficient doses of downloaded ninjutsu allow Scratch and Grounder to see through a disguise.
- Parental Substitute: To Tails, who happily accepts that Sonic's his "mom, dad, and picket-fence".
- Race Lift: Simply put, Jaleel White, who is dark skinned, didn't want Sonic to sound too black.
- Rhymes on a Dime
- Rule-Abiding Rebel
- Sharp-Dressed Man: Sonic in some of his disguises counts for this.
- Smug Super: At times.
- Teen Genius: Sonic has his moments of this.
- Totally Radical
- Trademark Favourite Food: Chili-dogs.
- Walking the Earth
Miles "Tails" Prower
- Balloon Belly: In Boogie-Mania.
- Big Eater
- Bratty Half-Pint: Sometimes.
- Child Prodigy: Keeps up with Sonic, saves the day on occasion, built a flying bicycle from scrap, studies the Big Bang in kindergarten — and is four-and-a-half years old. And that's assuming you write up his claim of illiteracy to Negative Continuity.
- Cool Little Bro: Tails, so very much.
- Designated Victim: And how!
- Do Not Call Me Miles
- Girls Have Cooties: What he believes. It's actually helpful from time to time.
- The Lancer
- Only Known by Their Nickname: You can count the times he's called "Miles" on one hand. This actually becomes a plot point in "Tails' New Home", when a couple appears claiming to be his parents. Sonic eventually realizes that, if they were really his parents, they shouldn't have been calling him Tails; they should have been calling him Miles.
- Tagalong Kid
- Trademark Favourite Food: Chili-dogs.
The Badniks
Dr. Ivo Robotnik
- Adult Child
- Badass Moustache
- Bad Boss: Robotnik comically verbally and physically abuses his "metallic moron" minions on a very frequent basis. On more than a few occasions he has also proved to find them rather dispensable as well.
- Bald of Evil: Sonic has frustrated Robotnik so much, he made him "Tear every hair from my BEAUUUUUTIFUL HEAD!"
- Berserk Button: Robotnik has many, mainly Sonic foiling his plans or Wes Weasley scamming him. But his biggest was arguably when Coconuts stole...er, "borrowed" his Egg-O-Matic and crashed it while trying to nab Sonic.
- Being served anything other than eggs for breakfast. When Scratch and Grounder try to surprise him by making him hotcakes for a change he loses it.
Hotcakes... How nice... You know what I like on my hotcakes? CHOPPED CHICKEN BRAINS!!!
- Beware the Silly Ones: It is often implied Robotnik is only ineffective due to Sonic, a lot of episodes show the heroes encountering civilians that have already been enslaved or terrorized by Robotnik due to Sonic not being around. Not to mention the odd occasion Robotnik even manages to get one over the hedgehog.
- Big Bad
- Butt Monkey: Sonic pulls no punches making him suffer. One of the best examples is the "Zoobotnik" episode.
- Card-Carrying Villain: Played with. Sure, he likes being called despicable but there are moments when he will pretend to be a hero if his plans require it. An example of this would be Over The Hill Hero, where he says to Captain Rescue "I think we can fight rotten-ness just as good as that hedgehog..
- Catch Phrase: "I HATE THAT HEDGEHOG!!!"
- Dastardly Whiplash: Has some of this trope's characteristics, most notably moustache-twirling, open and two-dimensional eeevilness and bombastic diabolical laughter.
- Even Bad Men Love Their Mamas: Dr. Robotnik fears his mother, but he still loves her.
- Evil Laugh: Robotnik has a few utterly excellent ones
- Evil Is Hammy: Robotnik takes it up to eleven.
- Faux Affably Evil: Though Robotnik's villainy is taken somewhat lightly, some of it can seem pretty extreme when you think about it.
- Freudian Excuse: Dr. Robotnik is implied to have one in the form of his abusive mother, Momma Robotnik.
- Gadgeteer Genius: As buffoonish as he is, most of his gadgets do what they are supposed to and are pretty damn advanced.
- Genre Savvy: He may not fair much better than Grounder and Scratch in the department of victory, but at least he knows enough to try different methods to keep Sonic away (such as tempered steel and tricking people around Sonic rather than getting Sonic himself), and even then always assumes Sonic will show up and take out Scratch and Grounder at the minimum.
- Gonk
- Large Ham: Robotnik. Oh God, Robotnik. And his mother is even worse.
- Guess it just runs in the family.
- Last-Name Basis: Dr. Robotnik, whose first name "Ivo" is only mentioned twice in the whole series.
- Laughably Evil: The doctor is completely ruthless, but it's hard to find a scene he isn't hilarious. Only upped even further due to YouTube Poop.
- My Beloved Smother: Robotnik, despite his evil nature, is completely at the mercy of his mother, who is even more demanding and has a really bad temper. He has turned on her a couple of occasions though.
- Not-So-Harmless Villain: Usually rather bumbling and defeated handily by Sonic. There are a fair few times he manages to outsmart the hedgehog and temporarily get the upper hand however. It helps he also knows just how to get under Sonic's skin (see above).
- Robosexual: Robotnik himself proved this when he created a robot wife.
- Robotic Spouse: Robotnik creates one for himself in one episode
- And another when he was running for president.
- Trademark Favorite Food: Eggs. Having eggs for breakfast for ten years! No, he does not want any hotcakes for breakfast.
- Trrrilling Rrrs: Does this quite frrrequently
- "I'll have to :give myself a PRRRRROMOTION"
- Villainous Breakdown: Has one at least once an episode.
Scratch & Grounder
- Annoying Laugh: Scratch: "Ba-HA ha-HAAAA!!"
- Arm Cannon: Grounder
- Chew Toy: At least half of the humor in the show revolves around them getting turned into spare parts by Sonic.
- Do-Anything Robot: Scratch and Grounder are full of all sorts of tools, up to and including inflatable supermodel decoys.
- Evil Laugh: Scratch's rooster laugh, which sounds like a trumpet.
- Genre Blindness: Sonic tricks Grounder and Scratch endlessly all the time with various disguises, yet as far as they seem to know there's just a lot of hedgehogs all over the planet with a series of different and very diverse jobs.
- Harmless Villain: While Robotnik could at least strive to be fearsome every now and then, Scratch and Grounder were completely incompetent for the large majority of the time, when not being defeated easily by Sonic, their plans were taken apart by random civilians or even their own bumbling.
- Laser Guided Tykebomb: The Sonic Super Special Search and Smash Squad. This combined with Goldfish Poop Gang. Robotnik created Scratch and Grounder for the express purpose of hunting down and killing Sonic, but since the two have only a quarter of a brain between them, Sonic always ends up the winner.
- The Magnificent: Listening to how Scratch and Grounder address Robotnik is one of the best parts of the show. Such as "Your Masochisticness".
- Non-Identical Twins Scratch and Grounder, sort of. Scratch was built first, but Grounder was created in the exact same way -- except for Scratch pulling one additional lever on the control panel.
- Simpleton Voice: Grounder
- Smug Snake: Grounder, when he temporarily becomes a genius.
- Swiss Army Weapon: Grounder
- Those Two Bad Guys:
- Butt Monkey: Takes abuse most of the time simply for existing despite his rather extreme effort and enthusiasm, getting demoted constantly for mostly nothing. Scratch and Grounder aren't much better off either, but unlike Coconuts they at least don't get demoted (although Robotnik admits they're useless anyways and they did get demoted one time as backup singers). It helps that he actually is a monkey
- The Unfavorite: Gets it much worse than Scratch and Grounder, which is really saying something.
Other Characters
Momma Robotnik
- Card-Carrying Villain: As she reveals in "Zoobotnik," she intentionally raised her son to be a dishonest supervillain.
- Gag Boobs: In one of the show's many instances of Getting Crap Past the Radar, they visibly stretch out her much-too-small dress.
- Girls with Moustaches
- Gonk: Arguably even moreso than her son, due to the two looking so similar. She even has his mustache.
- Tertiary Sexual Characteristics: Is essentially Robotnik in a dress with eyelashes. They didn't even bother getting rid of the mustache.
- Uncanny Family Resemblance
Robotnik Jr.
- Catch Phrase: "Big whoop!"
- Heel Face Turn
Wes Weasley
- Con Man
- Expy: Michael Donovan has admitted[1] that Weasley's voice is his "bad impersonation" of Phil Silvers.
- Honest John's Dealership
- Snake Oil Salesman
- ↑ look in the comments
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