
Some people appreciate being kissed. But then there's the one who is Allergic to Love. If this person is kissed by a person that he does not like (or sometimes even a person he does like), he will react with exaggerated disgust: he'll start spitting, for example, or rush off to wash off his mouth. It also doesn't necessarily have to be a romantic kiss; with an Accidental Kiss, both characters may have this reaction. The title is a portmanteau of the words "kiss" and "disgusting".

Contrast Post-Kiss Catatonia. A He-Man Woman Hater is likely to do this.

Examples of Kissgusting include:

Anime and Manga

  • In one of the Code Geass sound episodes, Suzaku ends up accidentally kissing Lelouch. Lelouch freaks out (and Rolo screams), but Suzaku actually seems okay with it.
  • Naruto and Sasuke have an Accidental Kiss in one of the earlier episodes/chapters and react with disgust.
    • And Naruto still reacts with disgust upon remembering it years later. It doesn't help that no one ever lets him live it down.
  • A classic example happens in Neon Genesis Evangelion when Asuka makes out with Shinji for a solid minute and then feels grossed out when Shinji forceably pulls away to catch breath.
  • In Airmaster Nagato asks Kinjiro to kiss him to make his pain go away and he does. Nagato feels better afterwards, Kinjiro\x8D however feels sick.
  • Urusei Yatsura: Thanks to a lipstick that draws the lips of the people using it together, Ataru and Handsome Lech Mendou end up in a full-frontal smooch by mistake. Both are promptly disgusted — a dappya fish monster even offers the readers three panels to recover from this shock. The participants of the kiss think they require more.
  • Kaname in Full Metal Panic! after Leonard surprises her with a kiss.
  • Rito and Ren in To LOVE-Ru have an Accidental Kiss and react by gagging in disgust.
  • Sailor Moon is kissed by Prince Diamond in the manga and she reacts by slapping him.


  • An accidental example shows up in Quest for Camelot, between the two-headed dragon Devon and Cornwall.
  • Bachelor Party: after Gary learns that the female escort he was making out with is really a man we see him standing in the shower desparately washing his face, and his crotch. To quote the script:

Gary feels filthy. He rips open the [bathroom] cabinet, takes out tooth paste and toothbrush and vigorously brushes his teeth. He rips off his clothes and jumps in the shower and scrubs as if he's scraping barnacles off a hull of a tugboat.

  • The Emperors New Groove: Pacha tries to give Kuzco mouth-to-mouth resuscitation and then Kuzco wakes up. Cut to the next scene with Kuzco gargling to get the germs out and Pacha insisting that it wasn't a kiss.
  • In Superman: Doomsday, Lois has to get close to Lex Luthor in order to inject him with a sedative. She uses the obvious method. As soon as he's out, she spits.
  • Occasionally in The Three Stooges when Curly would kiss Moe, he'd spit and say "I'm poisoned!"
  • Atlantis: The Lost Empire: The picture of Preston Whitmore and Thaddeus Thatch immediately post-kiss. They're both recoiling in disgust. And it's Whitmore's fault.

Mr. Whitmore: I told him "Thatch, if you actually find that so-called journal of yours, not only will I finance the expedition, I'll kiss you full on the mouth." Imagine my embarrassment when he found the damn thing.

Newspaper Comics


  • In the Russian novel Dead Souls, protagonist chichikov is "kissed" (well, licked) on the mouth by a dog. Understandably, he spits out after this.

Live-Action TV

  • Done in the Deep Space Nine episode "The House Of Qwark". Due to the peculiarities in Klingon law, a wife of a lord had to marry Qwark, as he was the lord's presumed killer (it was really an accident during a drunken bar brawl). The ceremony ended with a kiss, which she spit out. After he helped get her house back properly, she gave him a proper kiss.
  • Dick, from Veronica Mars gets seduced by a call girl hired by his little brother. Cassidy's revenge kicks in when we see Dick bursting out of his car, screaming and spitting "What the hell is that?!", to which the deep voice call girl says "What do you call yours?" much to Dick's chagrin.
  • This was used in Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Buffy and Spike when they wake up from the love spell in "Something Blue".

Buffy: "Spike lips! Lips of Spike!"

  • When Chuck kisses Casey in an ill-found attempt to save his life, both react with disgust. Casey spits while Chuck makes a face.
  • In Fawlty Towers, when Basil kisses Sybil on the cheek:

Sybil: (shocked) What are you doing?
Basil: I'm kissing you, dear.
Sybil: Well, don't!

  • No actual kiss occurs, but a teenage girl in one commercial made her little brother surrender the last cookie, or toaster waffle, or something of the sort, by threatening to "kiss you all over your face!" He recoiled with a cry of horror.

Western Animation

  • On an episode of Batman the Animated Series, Batman acted this way when Poison Ivy kissed him. Justified in that she's known to use poisoned lipstick.
  • Bart does this at the end of The Simpsons episode "Bart Gets an F", Bart impulsively kisses the teacher, and regrets doing so afterward.
    • Another example would be in "Flaming Moe's", when one of Lisa's friends pounches Bart to kiss him on the mouth on a dare, and he spits twice in response to this.
  • Billy the Cat
    • Seen when a human girl is turned into a cat, and Billy has to choose whether she can be turned back into a human or he can; Billy decides to let her have the human-transformation instead, and in gratitute, the girl kisses him on the mouth while she's in human form, and he's in cat form; instead of enjoying it, he just wipes his mouth with his paw and mutters "ugh, girls."
    • A borderline example (as his discomfort is somewhat mild) would be from when Billy frees several female cats from captivity in a boat, and afterwards they are all shown kissing him. This shows that his discomfort at being kissed by human girls can't be attributed to being a cat; or at least not exclusively; as he doesn't exactly enjoy the affection from feline females, either.
  • In an episode of The Mask, when Dr. Pretorius takes control of the Mask's body, he forces The Mask to kiss Mrs. Peenman (For the Evulz). After this, both of them scream and The Mask runs away, gargles an entire tube of mouthwash, and chews and spits out an entire package of gum.
  • Superman the Animated Series has it as well. Pretty but wicked Mala kisses a handsome soldier, who wipes his lips on the back of his hands when she isn't looking, thoroughly revolted.
  • In the first episode of Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog, Coconuts kisses a picture of Dr. Robotnik, and the expression on the picture turns into one of disgust.
  • In The Powerpuff Girls, toward the end of the first episode featuring the Rowdyruff Boys, the girls destroy them by kissing them. Buttercup is shown to be very reluctant with this. At the episode's conclusion, Buttercup was puking her guts out, while Blossom and Bubbles didn't find the experience bad.
  • In Jimmy Two-Shoes, Heloise and Beezy once share an Accidental Kiss and both react by making disgusted faces and saying "BLEGH!"
  • Family Guy: Meg kisses Stewie on the side of his head and once she leaves the room, he barfs into a plant.
  • On Jabberjaw, this is Shelly's usual reaction to being kissed by a shark.
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