
The Wuliuan stage is the fifth stage of the Cambrian, and the first stage of the Miaolingian Series of the Cambrian. It was formally defined by the ICS in 2018.[1] Its base is defined by the first appearance of the trilobite species Oryctocephalus indicus; it ends with the beginning of the Drumian stage, marked by the first appearance of the trilobite Ptychagnostus atavus around 504.5 million years ago.[2]

Key events in the Cambrian
Orsten Fauna
Kaili biota
Archaeocyatha extinction
Emu Bay Shale
Chengjiang biota
SSF diversification, first brachiopods & archaeocyatha
Treptichnus pedum trace
Large negative peak δ 13Ccarb excursion
Stratigraphic scale of the ICS subdivisions and Precambrian/Cambrian boundary.

The 'golden spike' that formally defines the base of the period is driven into the Wuliu-Zengjiayan section of the Kaili formation, near Balang Village in the Miaoling Mountains, Guizhou, China.[3]


Three sections are currently discussed as GSSP candidates: the Wuliu-Zengjiayan section near Balang in Guizhou province (China), a section on Split Mountain in Nevada (USA)[2] and the "Molodo river section" along the Molodo river.[4] The Wuliu-Zengjiayan section is an outcrop of the Kaili Formation in the Wuliu quarry. The first candidate for the beginning of Stage 5 is the trilobite Oryctocephalus indicus, the second candidate is the trilobite Ovatoryctocara granulata.[5]

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