Street names of Warsaw

Warsaw is the capital of Poland. This page gives an overview of street names in the city that refer to famous persons, cities or historic events.

Traditionally the streets in Warsaw, unlike in many other cities in Poland, are named with adjective forms rather than in simple nouns in nominative case. For instance, the street named after Saint John is named Świętojańska (literally Saintjohnian Street) in Warsaw and Święty Jan (Saint John) in Poznań. In modern times the tradition is not closely observed and most streets named after personalities or groups are named with nouns in genitive case, thus the forms correspond roughly to the English prepositional phrases (for example, the Polish Plac Zwycięstwa means literally Square of Victory rather than Victory Square).

In the center of the city (postal code 00-0xx)


Groups of people


  • Vauxhall, a district of London (Foksal)
  • Jerusalem, capital of Israel (Aleje Jerozolimskie)
  • Kraków, second largest city in Poland (Krakowskie Przedmieście)
  • Mazowsze Voivodeship, largest and most populous of the sixteen Polish administrative regions or voivodships (Mazowiecka)


  • Mortgage Street (Hipoteczna)
  • Credit Street (Kredytowa)
  • Royal Street (Królewska)
  • Honey Street (Miodowa)
  • New World Street (Nowy Świat)
  • Holy Cross Street (Swiętokrzyska)
  • School Street (Szkolna)
  • Hospital Street (Szpitalna)
  • Outlook Street (Widok)
  • Gold Street (Złota)

In the western part of the city centre (postal code 00-1xx)


  • Władysław Anders, 18921970, General in the Polish Army and later a politician with the Polish government-in-exile in London.
  • Mordechaj Anielewicz, 19191943, the commander of the Jewish Fighting Organization (Żydowska Organizacja Bojowa) during the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising
  • Piotr Drzewiecki, 18651943, former president of Warsaw
  • Konstanty Grzybowski, 19011970, lawyer and historian
  • Jozef Lewartowski, 18951942, Communist party activist
  • Stefan Mirowski, 19201996, Harcerstwo (scouting) activist
  • John Paul II, 19202005, Roman Catholic pope born in Poland (Jana Pawla II)
  • Emilia Plater, 18061831, Polish revolutionary that fought in the November Uprising
  • Ludwig Zamenhof, 18591917, initiator of Esperanto

Groups of people


  • Parade Square (Plac Defilad)
  • Iron Gate Square (Plac Żelaznej Bramy)
  • Swamp street (Bagno)
  • Wild street (Dzika)
  • Boundary street (Graniczna)
  • Problem street (Kłopot)
  • Nice street (Miła)
  • Nalewki street, named after the main municipal water source located there
  • Low street (Niska)
  • Orla, after the Polish name for an eagle
  • Humble street (Pokorna)
  • Transit street (Przechodnia)
  • Bird street (Ptasia)
  • Dragon street (Smocza)
  • Cold street (Zimna)

In the Old Town district (postal code 00-2xx)



  • Birch street (Brzozowa)
  • Customs street (Celna)
  • Tight street (Ciasna)
  • Stone Stairs street (Kamienne Schodki)
  • Canon street (Kanonia)
  • Church street (Kościelna)
  • Crooked Circle street (Krzywe Koło)
  • Bridge street (Mostowa)
  • Muranów, a district of Warsaw (Muranowska)
  • Infantry street (Piesza)
  • Beer street (Piwna)
  • Street by the Market Square (Przyrynek), next to New Town Market Square
  • New Town Market Square (Rynek Nowego Miasta)
  • Old Town Market Square (Rynek Starego Miasta)
  • Chivalry street (Rycerska)
  • Wide and narrow Danube streets (Szeroki and Wąski Dunaj)

Groups of people

  • Heroes of the Warsaw Ghetto (Bohaterów Ghetta)
  • The Bonifrater Order
  • The Franciscan Order
  • The Jesuit Order
  • The Capuchin Order (Kapucyńska)
  • 1st Polish Armoured Division (1 Dywizji Pancernej)

Historic events

On the banks of the Vistula (postal code 00-3xx)


Groups of people

  • Red Cross street (Czerwonego Krzyża)



  • Side street (Boczna)
  • Brewery street (Browarna)
  • Quiet street (Cicha)
  • Good street (Dobra)
  • Wooden street (Drewniana)
  • Electric street (Elektryczna)
  • Dam street (Tamka)
  • Hare street (Zajęcza)
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