Stalag Luft III murders

The Stalag Luft III murders were war crimes perpetrated by members of the Gestapo following the "Great Escape" of Allied prisoners of war from the German Air Force prison camp known as Stalag Luft III on March 25, 1944. Of the 76 successful escapees, 73 were recaptured, most within several days of the breakout, 50 of whom were executed on the personal orders of Adolf Hitler. These summary executions were conducted within a short period following recapture.

Outrage at the killings was expressed immediately, both in the prison camp, among comrades of the escaped prisoners and in the United Kingdom, where Foreign Minister Anthony Eden rose in the House of Commons to announce in June 1944 that those guilty of what the British government suspected was a war crime would be "brought to exemplary justice."[1]

After Nazi Germany's capitulation in May 1945, the Police branch of the Royal Air Force, with whom the 50 airmen had been serving, launched a special investigation into the killings, having branded the shootings a war crime despite official German reports that the airmen had been shot while attempting to escape from captivity following recapture. An extensive investigation headed by Wing Commander Wilfred Bowes (RAF) and Squadron Leader Frank McKenna of the Special Investigation Branch into the events following the recapture of the 73 airmen was launched, which was unique for being the only major war crime to be investigated by a single branch of any nation's military.[1]:261

Model of Stalag Luft III prison camp


Memorial to "The Fifty" down the road toward Żagań.

The day after the mass escape from Stalag Luft III, Hitler initially gave personal orders that every recaptured officer was to be shot. Reichsmarschall Hermann Göring, head of the Luftwaffe, Reichsführer-SS Heinrich Himmler, chief of state security, and Field Marshal Wilhelm Keitel, head of the German High Command, who had ultimate control over prisoners of war, argued about the responsibility for the escape. Göring pointed out to Hitler that a massacre might bring about reprisals to German pilots in Allied hands. Hitler agreed, but insisted "more than half" were to be shot, eventually ordering Himmler to execute more than half of the escapees. Himmler fixed the total at 50. Keitel gave orders that the murdered officers were to be cremated and their ashes returned to the POW camp as a deterrent to further escapes.[1]:56–57 Himmler set up the logistics for actually killing the men, and passed it down through his subordinates in the Gestapo.[2] The general orders were that recaptured officers would be turned over to the Criminal Police, and fifty would be handed to the Gestapo to be killed.[1]:57

As the prisoners were recaptured, they were interrogated for any useful information and taken out by motor car, usually in small parties of two at a time, on the pretext of returning them to their prison camp. Their Gestapo escorts would stop them in the country and invite the officers to relieve themselves. The prisoners were then shot at close range from behind by pistol or machine pistol fire. The bodies were then left for retrieval, after which they were cremated and returned to Stalag Luft III.

British Military Intelligence was made aware of the extraordinary events even during conditions of wartime by letters home and as a result of communications from the protecting power, Switzerland, which as a neutral party regularly reported on conditions in prisoner camps to both sides. Notices posted in Allied POW camps on 23 July 1944 that "THE ESCAPE FROM PRISON CAMPS IS NO LONGER A SPORT" in the wake of the Stalag Luft III escape, as well as the suspicious deaths of fifty officers during their recapture, led the British government to suspect a war crime had occurred. The Judge Advocate General originally placed the blame on Field Marshal Keitel, feeling publication of the notices linked him to the notice to shoot the prisoners.

The British government learned initially of 47 deaths after a routine visit to the camp by the Swiss authorities as the protecting power in May; Foreign Secretary Anthony Eden announced this news to the House of Commons on 19 May 1944.[3] Shortly after the announcement the Senior British Officer of the camp, Group Captain Herbert Massey, was repatriated to England due to ill health. Upon his return, he informed the Government about the circumstances of the escape and the reality of the murder of the recaptured escapees. With the information received from Massey along with the official notification of the 50 deaths from the German Government, Eden updated Parliament on 23 June, promising that, at the end of the war, those responsible would be brought to exemplary justice.[4]


The graves of 48 of the 50 officers of the Great Escape at Poznan Old Garrison Cemetery
NameRankNationUnitDate of death/
Last seen alive
Birkland, Henry J.[5]Flying Officer CANNo.72 Sqn RAF31 March 1944Liegnitz
Brettell, E. Gordon[6][7][8]Flight Lieutenant GBRNo.133 Sqn RAF29 March 1944Danzig
Bull, Leslie G. "Johnny"[9]Squadron Leader GBRNo.109 Sqn RAF29 March 1944Brüx
Bushell, Roger J.[10][11]Squadron Leader GBR[12]No.92 Sqn RAF29 March 1944Saarbrücken
Casey, Michael J.[13][14]Flight Lieutenant GBRNo.57 Sqn RAF31 March 1944Görlitz
Catanach, James[15][16]Squadron Leader AUSNo.455 Sqn RAAF29 March 1944Kiel
Christensen, Arnold G.[17]Pilot Officer NZLNo.26 Sqn RAF29 March 1944Kiel
Cochran, Dennis H.[18]Flying Officer GBRNo.10 OTU RAF31 March 1944Natzweiler
Cross, Ian E. K. P.[19]Squadron Leader GBRNo.103 Sqn RAF31 March 1944Görlitz
Espelid, HalldorLieutenant NORNo.331 Sqn (Norwegian) RAF29 March 1944Kiel
Evans, Brian H.[20]Flight Lieutenant GBR No.49 Sqn RAF31 March 1944Liegnitz
Fuglesang, Nils Jørgen[21]Lieutenant NORNo.332 Sqn (Norwegian) RAF29 March 1944Kiel
Gouws, Johannes S.Lieutenant ZAFNo.40 Sqn SAAF29 March 1944München
Grisman, William J.[22]Flight Lieutenant GBRNo.109 Sqn RAF6 April 1944Breslau
Gunn, Alastair D. M.[23][24]Flight Lieutenant GBRNo.1 PRU RAF6 April 1944Breslau
Hake, Albert H.[25]Flight Lieutenant AUSNo.72 Sqn RAF31 March 1944Görlitz
Hall, Charles P.[26]Flight Lieutenant GBRNo.1 PRU RAF30 March 1944Liegnitz
Hayter, Anthony R. H.[27][28]Flight Lieutenant GBRNo.148 Sqn RAF6 April 1944Natzweiler
Humphreys, Edgar S.[29][30]Flight Lieutenant GBRNo.107 Sqn RAF31 March 1944Liegnitz
Kidder, Gordon A.[31]Flying Officer CANNo.156 Sqn RAF29 March 1944Mährisch Ostrau
Kierath, Reginald V.[32][33]Flight Lieutenant AUSNo.450 Sqn RAAF29 March 1944Brüx
Kiewnarski, Antoni[34]Flight Lieutenant POLNo.305 Sqn (Polish) RAF31 March 1944unknown
Kirby-Green, Thomas G.[35][36]Squadron Leader GBRNo.40 Sqn RAF29 March 1944Mährisch Ostrau
Kolanowski, Włodzimierz A.Flying Officer POLNo.301 Sqn (Polish) RAF31 March 1944Liegnitz
Król, Stanisław Z.Flying Officer POLNo.64 Sqn RAF 12 April 1944Breslau
Langford, Patrick W.[37][38][39]Flight Lieutenant CANNo.16 OTU RAF31 March 1944Liegnitz
Leigh, Tom[40][41]Flight Lieutenant AUSNo.76 Sqn RAF31 March 1944Görlitz
Long, James L. R.[40][42]Flight Lieutenant GBRNo.9 Sqn RAF12 April 1944Breslau
Marcinkus, Romas[43]Flight Lieutenant LTUNo.1 Sqn RAF29 March 1944Danzig
McGarr, Clement A. N.[44]Lieutenant ZAFNo.2 Sqn SAAF6 April 1944Breslau
McGill, George E.[45]Flight Lieutenant CANNo.103 Sqn RAF 31 March 1944Liegnitz
Milford, Harold J.[46][47]Flight Lieutenant GBRNo.226 Sqn RAF6 April 1944Breslau
Mondschein, Jerzy T.[48]Flying Officer POLNo.304 Sqn (Polish) RAF29 March 1944Brüx
Pawluk, Kazimierz[49]Flying Officer POLNo.305 Sqn (Polish) RAF31 March 1944unknown
Picard, Henri A.[50][51]Flight Lieutenant BELNo.350 Sqn (Belgian) RAF 29 March 1944Danzig
Pohe, John[52][53]Flying Officer NZLNo.51 Sqn RAF31 March 1944Görlitz
Scheidhauer, Bernard W. M.[54]Lieutenant FRANo.131 Sqn RAF29 March 1944Saarbrücken
Skanzikas, Sotiris[55]Pilot Officer GRC No.336 Sqn (Greek) RAF30 March 1944unknown
Stevens, Rupert J.Lieutenant ZAFNo.12 Sqn SAAF 29 March 1944München
Stewart, Robert C.[56][57]Flying Officer GBRNo.77 Sqn RAF31 March 1944Liegnitz
Stower, John Gifford[58][59]Flying Officer GBRNo.142 Sqn RAF31 March 1944Liegnitz
Street, Denys O.[60][61]Flying Officer GBRNo.207 Sqn RAF6 April 1944Breslau
Swain, Cyril D.[62]Flight Lieutenant GBRNo.105 Sqn RAF31 March 1944Liegnitz
Tobolski, PawełFlying Officer POLNo.301 Sqn (Polish) RAF2 April 1944Breslau
Valenta, Arnošt[63]Flight Lieutenant CZENo.311 Sqn (Czechoslovak) RAF 31 March 1944Liegnitz
Walenn, Gilbert W.[64]Flight Lieutenant GBRNo.25 OTU RAF 29 March 1944Danzig
Wernham, James C.[65][66]Flight Lieutenant CAN No.405 Sqn RCAF30 March 1944unknown
Wiley, George W.[67][68][69]Flight Lieutenant CANNo.112 Sqn RAF31 March 1944Görlitz
Williams, John E. A.[70][71]Squadron Leader AUSNo.450 Sqn RAAF29 March 1944Brüx
Williams, John F.[72][73]Flight Lieutenant GBRNo.107 Sqn RAF6 April 1944Breslau


A detachment of the Special Investigation Branch of the Royal Air Force Police, headed by Wing Commander Wilfred Bowes, was given the assignment of tracking down the killers of the 50 officers. The investigation started seventeen months after the alleged crimes had been committed, making it a cold case. Worse, according to an account of the investigation, the perpetrators "belonged to a body, the Secret State Police or Gestapo, which held and exercised every facility to provide its members with false identities and forged identification papers[;] immediately they were ordered to go on the run at the moment of national surrender."[1]:7

The small detachment of investigators, numbering 5 officers and 14 NCOs, remained active for 3 years, and identified 72 men as guilty of either murder or conspiracy to murder, of whom 69 were accounted for. Of these, 21 were eventually tried and executed (some of these for other than the Stalag Luft III murders); 17 were tried and imprisoned; 11 had committed suicide; 7 were untraced, although 4 of these were presumed dead; 6 had been killed during the war; 5 were arrested but not charged; 1 was arrested but not charged so he could be used as a material witness; 3 were charged but either acquitted or had the sentence quashed on review; and 1 remained in refuge in East Germany.[1]:261

Despite attempts to cover up the murders during the war, the investigators were aided by such things as Germany's meticulous bookkeeping, such as at various crematoria, as well as willing eyewitness accounts and many confessions among the Gestapo members themselves, who cited that they were only following orders.


High command

Hitler, AdolfFührerSuicide, 30 April 1945
Keitel, WilhelmHead of OKW "Supreme Command of the Armed Forces"Executed 16 October 1946
Himmler, HeinrichReichsführer-SS and Chief of the German Police[74]Suicide 23 May 1945
Göring, HermannLuftwaffe and enemy Air Forces POWsSuicide 16 October 1946

RSHA leadership

Kaltenbrunner, ErnstChief of RSHAExecuted 16 October 1946
Nebe, ArthurChief of Kripo, RSHAExecuted by Gestapo February 1945
Wielen, MaxKripo, BreslauSentenced to life imprisonment 3 September 1947
released October 24, 1952
Müller, HeinrichChief of Gestapo, RSHAUnknown – vanished after April 1945
Scharpwinkel, WilhelmGestapo, BreslauDied in Soviet prison, May 1948

Gestapo field officers

Absalon, GuntherBreslauDied in Soviet prison May 1948
BaatzReichenbergPrematurely released from Red Army camp
Boschert, HeinrichKarlsruheSentenced to death 3 September 1947, commuted to life imprisonment
Breithaupt, WalterSaarbrückenSentenced to life imprisonment 3 September 1947, released October 24, 1952
Bruchardt, ReinholdDanzigSentenced to death 6 November 1948, commuted to life imprisonment upon Britain abandoning the death sentence experimentally, released 1956[75]
Denkmann, ArturKielSentenced to 10 years' imprisonment 3 September 1947
Dissner, MaxStrasbourgSuicide 11 May 1948
Ganninger, OttoKarlsruheSuicide 26 April 1946
Geith, EduardMünchenExecuted at Hameln 27 February 1948
Gmeiner, JosefKarlsruheExecuted at Hameln 27 February 1948
Hampel, WalterBreslauArrested 1 September 1948, charge not proceeded with in accordance with British government's new war crimes policy
Hänsel, RichardBreslauAcquitted 6 November 1948
Herberg, WalterKarlsruheExecuted at Hameln 27 February 1948
Hilker, HeinrichStrasbourgPrematurely released from French custody, charged but case dismissed 23 December 1966
Hug, JuliusDanzigUntraced
Isselhorst, ErichStrasbourgExecuted at Strasbourg 23 February 1948 for other atrocities
Jacobs, WalterKielExecuted at Hameln 27 February 1948
Kähler, HansKielExecuted at Hameln 27 February 1948
Kilpe, MaxDanzigArrested 27 August 1948, charges not proceeded with
Kiske, PaulBreslauKilled during Siege of Breslau
Kiowsky, FriedrichBrno/ZlínExecuted in Czechoslovakia 1947
Knappe, ?BreslauKilled during Siege of Breslau
Knippelberg, AdolfBrno/ZlínPrematurely released from Red Army camp 1945
Koslowsky, OttoBrno/ZlínExecuted in Czechoslovakia 1947
Kreuzer, ?BreslauUntraced, probably killed 1945
Kuhnel, ?BreslauKilled during Siege of Breslau
Lang, ?BreslauUntraced, probably killed 1945
Läuffer, ?BreslauSuicide reported, not confirmed
Lux, ?BreslauKilled during Siege of Breslau
Nölle, WilhelmBrno/ZlínArrested 10 June 1948; charge not proceeded with
Pattke, WalterBreslauUntraced, probably killed 1945
Post, JohannesKielExecuted at Hameln 27 February 1948
Preiss, OttoKarlsruheExecuted at Hameln 27 February 1948
Prosse, ?BreslauDied 1944
Romer, HugoBrno/ZlínUntraced
Sasse, WalterDanzigEscaped from internment camp
Schäfer, OswaldMünchenAcquitted 11 December 1968
Schauschütz, FranzBrno/ZlínExecuted in Czechoslovakia 1947
Schermer, MartinMünchenSuicide 25 April 1945
Schimmel, AlfredStrasbourgExecuted at Hameln 27 February 1948
Schmauser, ErnstBreslauCaptured by Red Army
Schmidt, FranzKielSuicide 27 October 1946
Schmidt, Friedrich (Fritz)KielSentenced to two years' imprisonment May 1968
Schmidt, OskarKielExecuted at Hameln 27 February 1948
Schneider, JohannMünchenExecuted at Hameln 27 February 1948
Schröder, RobertBreslauNot charged, used as material witness
Schulz, EmilSaarbrückenExecuted at Hameln 27 February 1948
Schwartzer, FriedrichBrno/ZlínExecuted in Czechoslovakia 1947
Seetzen, HeinrichBreslauSuicide 28 September 1945
Spann, LeopoldSaarbrückenKilled in air raid, Linz, 25 April 1945
Struve, WilhelmKielSentenced to 10 years' imprisonment 3 September 1947
Venediger, GüntherDanzigSentenced to two years' imprisonment after four years of appeals, 17 December 1957
Voelz, WalterDanzigUntraced, believed killed
Weil, EmilMünchenExecuted at Hameln 27 February 1948
Weissman, RobertReichenbergHeld by French authorities but not transferred
Wenzler, HerbertDanzigArrested 1948, charge not proceeded with
Weyland, RobertReichenbergRefuge in Soviet zone
Wieczorek, ErwinBreslauSentenced to death 6 November 1948, conviction quashed on review
Wielen, MaxBreslauSentenced to life imprisonment 3 September 1947
Witt, HarryDanzigArrested September 1948, charge not proceeded with
Wochner, MagnusKarlsruheSentenced to 10 years' imprisonment for atrocities at Natzweiler-Struthof
Zacharias, ErichBrno/ZlínExecuted at Hameln 27 February 1948
Ziegler, HansBrno/ZlínSuicide 3 February 1948


The Hamburg Curio Haus, photographed in more recent times

SS-Gruppenführer Arthur Nebe, who is believed to have selected the airmen to be shot, was later executed by the Nazis for his involvement in the 20 July plot to kill Hitler.

American Colonel Telford Taylor was the U.S. prosecutor in the High Command case at the Nuremberg trials. The indictment in this case called for the General Staff of the Army and the High Command of the German Armed Forces to be considered criminal organizations; the witnesses were several of the surviving German Field Marshals and their staff officers.[76] One of the crimes charged was of the murder of the 50.[77] Luftwaffe Colonel Bernd von Brauchitsch, who served on the staff of Reich Marshal Hermann Göring, was interrogated by Captain Horace Hahn about the murders.[78]

The first trial specifically dealing with the Stalag Luft III murders began on 1 July 1947, against 18 defendants. The trial was held before No. 1 War Crimes Court at the Curio Haus in Hamburg. The accused all pleaded Not Guilty to the counts indicated on the table below; names in the final column are the victims that they were accused of murdering. The verdicts and sentences were handed down after a full fifty days on 3 September of that year. Max Wielen was found guilty of conspiracy and sentenced to life imprisonment. The others were found not guilty of the first two charges, but guilty of the individual charges of murder. Breithaupt received life imprisonment, Denkmann and Struve ten years' imprisonment each, and Boschert eventually received life imprisonment. The other 13 condemned prisoners were hanged at Hamelin prison in February 1948 by British executioner Albert Pierrepoint.[1]:252–257

Accused Charge 1: Committing a war crime in that you at divers places in Germany and German occupied territory between 25 March 1944 and 13 April 1944 were concerned together and with SS Gruppenführer Müller and SS Gruppenführer Nebe and other persons known and unknown in the killing in violations of the laws and usages of war of prisoners of war who had escaped from Stalag Luft III. Charge 2: Committing a war crime in that you in divers places in Germany and German-occupied territory between 25 March 1944 and 13 April 1944 aided and abetted SS Gruppenführer Müller and SS Gruppenführer Nebe and each other and other persons known and unknown in carrying out orders which were contrary to the laws and usages of war—namely, orders to kill prisoners of war who had escaped from Stalag Luft III. Charge 3: Committing a war crime in that you between (place) and (place) on or about (date) when members of the (place) Gestapo, in violation of the laws and usages of war were concerned in the killing of (victim(s)), both of the (force), prisoners of war.
Boschert, HeinrichxxD. H. Cochran
Breithaupt, WalterxxR. J. Bushell and B. M. W. Scheidhauer
Denkmann, ArturxxJ. Catanach, H. Espelid, A. G. Christensen, N. Fuglesang
Geith, EduardxxJ. R. Stevens, J. S. Gouws
Gmeiner, JosefxxD. H. Cochran
Herberg, WalterxxD. H. Cochran
Jacobs, WalterxxH. Espelid, A. G. Christensen, N. Fuglesang
Kähler, HansxxJ. Catanach, H. Espelid, A. G. Christensen, N. Fuglesang
Post, JohannesxxJ. Catanach, H. Espelid, A. G. Christensen, N. Fuglesang
Preiss, OttoxxD. H. Cochran
Schimmel, AlfredxxA. R. H. Hayter
Schmidt, OskarxxH. Espelid, A.G. Christensen, N. Fuglesang
Schneider, JohannxxJ. R. Stevens, J. S. Gouws
Schulz, EmilxxR. J. Bushell, B. M. W. Scheidhauer
Struve, WilhelmxxH. Espelid, A. G. Christensen, N. Fuglesang
Weil, EmilxxJ. R. Stevens, J. S. Gouws
Wielen, MaxxxN/A
Zacharias, ErichxxG. A. Kidder, T. G. Kirby-Green

A second trial began in Hamburg on 11 October 1948, with verdicts and sentences being reached by November 6. In the interim, however, Ernest Bevin, the British Foreign Secretary, announced a Cabinet decision not to prosecute any more war criminals after 31 August 1948.

Burchhardt, Reinhold
Hänsel, Richard
Wieczorek, Erwin

The murders were shown (as a single massacre rather than individuals or small groups being murdered) in the 1963 film The Great Escape.

The search for the culprits responsible for the murder of the 50 Allied officers was depicted in The Great Escape II: The Untold Story.

A dramatisation of the investigation, written by Robin Brooks and Robert Radcliffe, was featured in the BBC Radio 4 "Saturday Drama" series, first broadcast on 13 April 2013.

gollark: For individuals it isn't very good, but it correlates decently with lots of important things.
gollark: No it's not.
gollark: Ħmm yes.
gollark: Of course, I do know the answers to all the questions.


  1. Andrews, Allen (1976). Exemplary Justice. Corgi Books. ISBN 0-552-10800-6.
  2. "Colditz web article". Archived from the original on December 3, 2010. Retrieved July 17, 2019.
  3. "Officer Prisoners of War, Germany (Shooting)". Parliamentary Debates (Hansard). House of Commons. 19 May 1944. col. 437–439.; 47 BRITISH AND ALLIED AIRMEN SHOT BY GERMANS, The Manchester Guardian, May 20, 1944, Page 6.
  4. "Officer Prisoners of War, Germany (Shooting)". Parliamentary Debates (Hansard). House of Commons. 23 June 1944. col. 477–482.
  5. "Casualty". Archived from the original on 2018-02-02. Retrieved 2018-02-01.
  6. Motor Sport, July 1944, Page 142: Obituary.
  7. "Casualty". Archived from the original on 2018-02-02. Retrieved 2018-02-01.
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  10. Born in South Africa
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  27. Canada, Veterans Affairs. "Patrick Wilson Langford - The Canadian Virtual War Memorial - Veterans Affairs Canada".
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  52. Nuremberg Trial Proceedings Vol. 9 seventy-ninth day: Tuesday, 12 March 1946: Morning Session, Avalon Project, Yale University, Retrieved 1 March 2010
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