SPECfp is a computer benchmark designed to test the floating point performance of a computer. It is managed by the Standard Performance Evaluation Corporation. SPECfp is the floating point performance testing component of the SPEC CPU testing suit. The first standard SPECfp was released in 1989[1] as SPECfp89. Later it was replaced by SPECfp92, then SPECfp95, then SPECfp2000, then SPECfp2006, and finally SPECfp2017.


SPEC CPU2017 is a suite of benchmark applications designed to test the CPU performance. The suite is composed of two sets of tests. The first being CINT (aka SPECint) which is for evaluating the CPU performance in integer operations. The second set is CFP (aka SPECfp) which is for evaluating the CPU floating point operations performance.

The benchmark applications are programs that perform a strict set of operation that simulate real time situations, such as physical simulations, 3D graphics, and image processing. These applications are written in different programming languages, C, C++ and Fortran. Many SPECfp benchmark applications are derived from applications that are freely available to the public and each application is assigned a weight based on its importance.

To compute the SPECfp score, benchmark applications run on a reference machine and the time each application requires for completion is recorded as the reference time. When evaluating the performance of another machine, the benchmark application is run on that system and the time the application requires for completion is recorded. Then the ratio between the recorded time and the reference time is computed. The geometric mean of all the benchmark suite application ratios is then computed as the SPECfp score.

For example, 126.gcc application takes 1280 seconds to complete on the AlphaStation 200 4/100, while it takes 1700 seconds on the reference machine. So, the ratio is: 1700/1280 = 1.328, which implies that AlphaStation 200 4/100 is 32.8% faster than the reference machine in running the 126.gcc.[1]


The SPECfp2017 test is organized in 2 suites: SPECrate 2017 Floating Point and SPECspeed 2017 Floating Point containing in total 23 benchmark programs, designed to evaluate the floating point operations performance of a given system.[2] The suite was released on June 2, 2017 replacing SPECfp2006 as of January 2018.


The SPECfp2006 test suite contains 17 benchmark programs, designed to evaluate the floating point operations performance of a given system. Three of these programs are written in C, four are written in C++, six are written in Fortran, and four are written in both C and Fortran. The suite was released on August 24, 2006[3] replacing SPECfp2000 as of February 2007.[4]


The benchmark programs are:[5]

Benchmark Language Category Description
410.bwavesFortranFluid DynamicsSimulates 3D transonic transient laminar viscous flow.
416.gamessFortranQuantum ChemistrySelf-consistent field computations are performed using Restricted open-shell Hartree–Fock, the Restricted Hartree Fock method, and Multi-Configuration Self-Consistent Field
433.milcCPhysics: Quantum ChromodynamicsA program that generates gauge field for lattice gauge theory programs with dynamical quarks.
434.zeusmpFortranPhysics/ CFDA computational fluid dynamics program developed at NCSA( University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) for the simulation of astrophysical phenomena.
435.gromacsC/ FortranBiochemistry/ Molecular DynamicsComputes Newtonian equations of motion for hundreds to millions of particles. It simulates protein Lysozyme in a solution.
436.cactusADMC/ FortranPhysics/ General RelativitySimulates the Einstein evolution equations using a staggered-leapfrog numerical method
437.leslie3dFortranFluid DynamicsComputational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) using Large-Eddy Simulations with Linear-Eddy Model in 3D. Uses the MacCormack Predictor-Corrector time integration scheme.
444.namdC++Biology/ Molecular DynamicsSimulates large biomolecular systems. The simulation has 92,224 atoms of apolipoprotein A - I.
447.dealIIC++Finite Element AnalysisComputes adaptive finite elements and error estimation. The simulation solves a Helmholtz-type equation with non-constant coefficients.
450.soplexC++Linear Programming, OptimizationSolves a linear program using a simplex algorithm and sparse linear algebra. Test simulation include railroad planning and military airlift models.
453.povrayC++Image Ray-tracingThe computation is a 1280x1024 anti-aliased image of a landscape with some abstract objects with textures using a Perlin noise function.
454.CalculixC/ FortranStructural MechanicsComputes finite element code for linear and nonlinear 3D structural applications. Uses the SPOOLES solver library.
459.GemsFDTDFortranComputational ElectromagneticsSimulates the Maxwell equations in 3D using the finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method.
465.tontoFortranQuantum ChemistryThe simulation places a constraint on a molecular Hartree–Fock wave function calculation to better match experimental X-ray diffraction data.
470.lbmCFluid DynamicsImplements the "Lattice-Boltzmann Method" to compute incompressible fluids in 3D
481.wrfC/ FortranWeatherWeather Prediction and Weather modeling from scales of meters to thousands of kilometers. The simulation is from a 30 km area over 2 days.
482.sphinx3CSpeech recognitionA widely known speech recognition system developed by Carnegie Mellon University


The SPECfp2000 test suite contains 14 benchmark programs, designed to evaluate the floating point operations performance of a given system. Four of these programs are written in C, six are written in Fortran 77, and four are written in Fortran 90. The suite was released on December 30, 1999[4] replacing SEPCfp95 as of July 2000.[6] This suite is currently retired.


The benchmark programs are:[7]

Benchmark Language Category Description
168.wupwiseFortran 77Physics / Quantum ChromodynamicsA Wuppertal Wilson Fermion Simulator in the area of lattice gauge theory (quantum chromodynamics).
171.swimFortran 77Shallow Water ModelingWeather prediction program for benchmarking the performance of current supercomputers.
172.mgridFortran 77Physics Multi-grid Solver: 3D Potential FieldComputes a three-dimensional potential field using a very simple multigrid solver.
173.appluFortran 77Parabolic / Elliptic Partial Differential EquationsSimulates five coupled nonlinear PDE's, on a 3-dimensional logically structured grid, using an implicit pseudo-time marching scheme, based on two-factor approximate factorization of the sparse Jacobian matrix.
177.mesaC3-D Graphics LibraryProgram that is a free OpenGL work-alike library.
178.galgelFortran 90Computational Fluid DynamicsPerforms numerical analysis of oscillatory instability of convection in low-Prandtl-number fluids
179.artCImage Recognition / Neural NetworksRecognizes objects in a thermal images using The Adaptive Resonance Theory 2 (ART 2) neural network.
183.equakeCSeismic Wave Propagation SimulationComputes the propagation of elastic waves in large, highly heterogeneous valleys, such as California's San Fernando Valley, or the Greater Los Angeles Basin.
187.facerecFortran 90Image Processing: Face RecognitionThis program performs face recognition system.
188.ammpCComputational ChemistryThis program computes molecular dynamics (i.e. solves the ODE defined by Newton's equations for the motions of the atoms in the system) on a protein-inhibitor complex which is embedded in water.
189.lucasFortran 90Number Theory / Primality TestingComputes the Lucas-Lehmer test to check primality of Mersenne numbers 2^p-1, using arbitrary-precision (array-integer) arithmetic.
191.fma3dFortran 90Finite-element Crash SimulationThis program computes the inelastic, transient dynamic response of three-dimensional solids and structures subjected to impulsively or suddenly applied loads.
200.sixtrackFortran 77High Energy Nuclear Physics Accelerator DesignSimulates the tracking of variable number of particles for a variable number of turns round a model of a particle accelerator.
301.apsiFortran 77Meteorology: Pollutant DistributionAttempts to solve for the mesoscale and synoptic variations of potential temperature, U AND V wind components, and the mesoscale vertical velocity W pressure and distribution of pollutants C having sources Q.


The SPECfp95 test suite contains 10 benchmark programs, designed to evaluate the floating point operations performance of a given system. The suite was released in March 1995 replacing SEPCfp92 as of September 1995.[6] This suite is currently retired.


The benchmark programs are:[8]

Benchmark Category
101.tomcatvVectorized mesh generation.
102.swimShallow water equations.
103.su2corMonte-Carlo method.
104.hydro2dNavier Stokes equations.
107.mgrid3D potential field.
110.appluPartial differential equations.
125.turb3dTurbulence modeling.
141.apsiWeather prediction.
145.fppppImage From Gaussian series of quantum chemistry benchmarks.
146.wave5Maxwell's equations.


The SPECfp92 test suite contains 14 benchmark programs, designed to evaluate the floating point operations performance of a given system. Twelve of these programs are written in Fortran, and two are written in C. The suite was released in 1995 replacing SPECfp89.[9] With the release of this suite, the Baseline rule was introduced; in which vendors are no longer allowed to optimize the compilation of the code without reporting it.[10] This suite is currently retired.


The benchmark programs are:[11]

Benchmark Language Category
013.spice2g6FortranAnalog circuits (double precision)
015.doducFortranMonte-Carlo simulation
034.mdljdp2FortranAtoms interacting through the idealized Lennard-Jones potential
039.wave5FortranMaxwell's equations on a Cartesian mesh
047.tomcatvFortranTwo-dimensional, boundary-fitted coordinate systems around general geometric domains.
048 oraFortranRays through an optical surface
052.alvinnCNeural network using back propagation
056.earCSimulates the human ear by converting a sound file to a cochleogram using Fast Fourier Transforms and other math library functions
077.mdljsp2FortranMotion equations for a model of 500 atoms
078.swm256FortranShallow water equations using finite difference approximations
089.su2corFortranMasses of elementary particles in the framework of the Quark Gluon theory.
090.hydro2dFortranHydrodynamical Navier Stokes equations to calculate galactical jets
093.nasa7FortranProgram kernels of operations used frequently in NASA applications
094.fppppFortranMulti-electron integral derivatives
gollark: Someone make an unmonad.
gollark: Not a language feature.
gollark: It would make more sense as a macro.
gollark: I like it not.
gollark: ah.

See also


  1. "The SPEC Benchmarks". 2003-02-03. Retrieved 2010-07-24.
  2. "SPEC CPU2017 Documentation". 2018-05-18. Retrieved 2018-10-24.
  3. "SPEC CPU2006". 2010-06-16. Retrieved 2010-07-25.
  4. "SPEC CPU2000". 2007-06-07. Retrieved 2010-07-25.
  5. "CFP2006 (Floating Point Component of SPEC CPU2006)". 2006-09-27. Retrieved 2010-07-25.
  6. "SPEC CPU95 Benchmarks". 2003-09-23. Retrieved 2010-07-25.
  7. "CFP2000 (Floating Point Component of SPEC CPU2000)". 2003-10-16. Retrieved 2010-07-25.
  8. "SPEC CFP95 Benchmarks". 2003-09-26. Retrieved 2010-07-25.
  9. "SPEC CPU92 Benchmarks". 2003-09-23. Retrieved 2010-07-25.
  10. "baseline.txt". 2003-09-26. Retrieved 2010-07-25.
  11. "CFP92 Benchmarks". 2003-09-26. Retrieved 2010-07-25.
  • (Floating Point Component of SPEC CPU2006)
  • (Floating Point Component of SPEC CPU2000)
  • (Floating Point Component of SPEC CPU95)
  • (Floating Point Component of SPEC CPU92)
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