Rankovce Municipality

Rankovce (Macedonian: Ранковце ) is a municipality in the northeastern part of the Republic of North Macedonia. Rankovce is also the name of the town where the municipal seat is found. Rankovce Municipality is part of the Northeastern statistical region.

Municipality of Rankovce

Општина Ранковце
Rural municipality
Coat of arms
Country North Macedonia
Region Southeastern
Municipal seatRankovce
  MayorMomchilo Aleksovski (SDSM)
  Total240.71 km2 (92.94 sq mi)
  Density17.22/km2 (44.6/sq mi)
Time zoneUTC+1 (CET)
car platesKP

Rankovce - Opshtina Rankovce

Mayor: Momcilo Aleksovski Council of the Municipality Rankovce President: Tony Angelovski Members: Violeta Stojanovski, Goran Simonovski ; Goce Vuchkovski ; Emilia Dodevska ; Emilian Popovski, Miki Milkovski ; Sladjana Ivanovska ; Stojanche Jovanovski.

Symbols of the municipality

Rankovci Interpretation of Arms and Flag The main color of the flag is red. The flag is treated with eight or 16 triangles in yellow, red color that the edges form a braid ancient Macedonian known symbol of heraldry. In the upper left corner is placed back on the Council. The coat of arms is a shield -shaped yellow processed with a thin black line, the central symbol is two birds goddesses discovered the site in the village Shtrkovica Rankovce that protect ( watch over ) the symbol of the monastery. Nicholas located on a small red shield on which the original version can be seen in the form of engraved in stone at the ends of the front wall of the monastery in the village Psacha Municipality Rankovce.

Geography and location

The municipality borders Serbia to the north, Kriva Palanka Municipality to the east, Kratovo Municipality to the south and Staro Nagoričane Municipality to the west. Rankovce municipality is located in the northeastern part of North Macedonia. The territory of the municipality Rankovce occupies space Slavishko field that belongs to the famous area of the curve River. It belongs to the group of medium and larg e municipalities bordering municipalities Kriva Palanka, Kratovo, Klechevce, Staro Nagoricane the north with the municipality of Targovishte - Republic of Serbia. Rankovce Municipality has significant geostrategic position because of the north bordering Serbia and indirectly through just 30 km Kriva Palanka municipality borders with the Republic of Bulgaria. Through it passes the important road connecting the southern Balkans to Istanbul and Asia Minor, today known as the east - west corridor. Municipality Rankovce traffic is associated with the road to the southwest of Kumanovo ( 50 km ) and Skopje ( 80 km ) east of the curve Palanka ( 22 km ) therefore northeast through the border crossing Deve Bair in Kyustendil ( 60 km ) and Bulgaria to the south with Kratovo ( 25 km ) from which we can conclude that its communications position is satisfactory. Municipality Rankovce a natural, geographical and economic unity of the 18 villages of which 3 are flat, hilly 9 of type and 6 mountain, covers an area of 242.55 km ² head of Municipal Center is located in Rankovce and belongs to the group of medium-sized municipalities. Soil cover in this area is characterized by great heterogeneity. The creation of this mosaic soil cover pedogenetski influenced many factors that are particularly important : the geological structure, relief, climate and hydrological conditions and the flora and fauna. Especially the quality of the soil and affect the human factor. But the most significant factor considered Geology i.e. subsoil. Mineroloshkiot composition affect the chemical composition of the substrate, chemical or affect the fertility of soils. Pochvoobrazovatelniot substrate can be: Pochvoobrazovatelniot substrate of compact rocks ( mountain region ) and Pochvoobrazovatelen substrate of loose and poorly bonded sediments ( valley plains ). Read more... RIVERS differences in terrain, geological composition, altitude, climate and forestation act as factors that conditioned the significant differences in hydrographic conditions between the mountain range and Slavishkoto field. The first area abounds with mountain springs and German mountain and Osogovski mountains. Osogovo is rich in springs, streams and rivers. This wealth was due to the relatively high altitude and geological composition. Most occur in areas where they are prevalent crystalline schists. The strongest is Turanichkiot source at an altitude of 1800m. Strongly and sources of kings peak ( source curve River), White Water, Stone Kalin and others. Curve River rises in the foothills of kings top of a strong source of altitude 1800m, and flows into Pchinja the village. Klechovce of altitude 295 m. Long is 85 km, an area of 985 km2 basin and the average decline of 186 ‰. The whole municipality and Rankovce Palanka municipality curve represents the catchment area curve Reka. Minuvajkji through steep grassy area and collect most sources flowing through the forest belt. Through the course brings rivers Kiselicki river Kriljanska Durachka river and river. From izvoriteto to s.Psacha has worked klisuresto bed. Thus enters the field and has Slavishko vital for this fruitful field, and here enters the territory of the municipality Rankovce.


According to the 2002 Macedonian census, Rankovce Municipality has 4,144 residents.[1] Ethnic groups in the municipality:

  • Macedonians = 4,058 (97.9%)
  • Roma = 57 (1.4%)
  • others = 29 (0.7%)
Demographics of Rankovce Municipality
Census yearPopulation



POPULATION Population : 4144 inhabitants Population structure Macedonians Albanci0 97.92%, 00% Turks, Roma 0.00% 1.38% 0.00% Vlachs Serbs Bosniaks 0.43% 0.00% Other 0.27% population Density : 17.22 inh/km2 Istorija.

Inhabited places

Inhabited places in Rankovce Municipality
Villages: Baratlija (Баратлија) | Vetunica (Ветуница) | Vržogrnci (Вржогрнци) | German (Герман) | Ginovci (Гиновци) | Gulinci (Гулинци) | Krivi kamen (Криви Камен) | |Ljubinci (Љубинци) | Milutince (Милутинце) | Odreno (Одрено) | Opila (Опила) | Otošnica (Отошница) | P'klište (П'клиште) | Petralica (Петралица) | Psača (Псача) | Radibuš (Радибуш) | Rankovce (Ранковце) | Stanča (Станча)

Settlements in the municipality Rankovci

BARATLIJA specific data for this village because it is not considered to be part of Petralica village, its surroundings and other data within the village. Petralica. Mozhe arbitrarily say that the village is ritsko mountain - scattered and neighborhood type, with neighborhoods that extends greater altitude

VRZHOGRNCI village is located in the western part of the municipality, its surroundings bordering Kratovo Municipality and Klechovce. Municipal center is 7 km distance from the main road and 5 km and has a solid relationship with neighboring settlements. The settlement is scattered neighborhood type and origin of late antiquity, as reflected in the sites of this period : Blidezh and Lutavchina.

VETUNICA settlement located in the southwest part of the territory of the municipality is located on the right side of the curve River and passes through the village of Little River Vetunichka. The village is scattered neighborhood type, derived from late antiquity, which is the origin of the archaeological site Heap. The settlement lies directly on the road Kumanovo Rankovce - Palanka curve which means that it is in good standing with communicative surrounding settlements. A distance of 2 km Municipality bus station which is located about 600 meters from the village center

GINOVCI The settlement is located on the southern Slavishko field not far from the highway Kumanovo Rankovce - Kr. Province shows that communication is well connected. From the municipal center distance is 4 km. Near the village river flowing curves ( about 500 m ), the village is flat type and quality abounds in agricultural areas, it is suitable for agricultural production. The village of 311 residents living and 304 Macedonians, 2 declared as Serbs, Roma 4 1 else.

GERMAN German is located in the northern part of the territory of the Municipality Rankovce the surroundings reaches the state border of the Republic of Serbia and the other side with the Municipality of Old Nagoricane. This village is high and dispersed type of municipal center a distance of about 20 km, the village an asphalt path that indicates a good communication link with the municipality and surrounding areas.

GULINCI village is located in the western part of the municipality is the area bounded by the Municipality of Old Nagoricane village is scattered neighborhood type. From the municipal center is 7 km distance and is good sobrakjajna connection with the Municipality and surrounding villages, because the village is strongly

KRIVI KAMEN village is located on the northern part of the municipality Rankovce this mountain village municipal center is 9 km distance and is good sobrakjajna connection with the Municipality and surrounding areas. By weighing the village water way that is not in good condition, which is one of the reasons for the migration of the population (1961 - 237 people ), now living in the village of only 23 inhabitants of the Macedonian Orthodox religion and ethnicity.

LJUBINCI village is situated on part of sreddishniot Slavishko box on the right side of the river and the curve is flat type. From the municipal center a distance of about 2 km and is good communication connection because the settlement is concentrated on both sides of the road Kumanovo - Rankovce - Kr. Palanka.

MILUTINCE Located in central - northern part of the municipality and is Rankovce ritski and scattered type. From the municipal center is 7 km distance and is good sobrakjajna connection with other settlements, leading to it weighing a remote road 4 km from the main road.

ODRENO village located in the southern part of the municipality Rankovce at the foot of the mountains Osogovski left curve River. Through it flows and Odrenska small creek, near the village and occupies part of Slavishko field and is ritsko mountain neighborhood type. From the municipal center is 4 km distance and is solid sobrakjajna connection from a bus station in the village Petralica a distance of 1 km, but the road leading to the village is not fully paved

OPILA settlement is located in the southern part of the municipality left curve River a portion of the village extends into plain region while the other extends the Osogovski mountains, this shows that the village is ritsko - flat type. From the municipal center distance is 1 km and has a favorable geographical position because it is the road Kumanovo - Kr. Province and is in good sobrakjajna connection with surrounding areas.

OTOSHNICA Otoshnica is located in the western part of the municipality Rankovce the surroundings reaches Staro municipality. The settlement extends to the foot of Mount Herman and has ritsko mountainous character. From the municipal center distance is 5 km, the village has a paved road which means it is solidly connected to other centers, but is not associated with a direct bus. The village originated from late antiquity, indicating the discovered archaeological sites: Anish, city locations, Coot, and Magila dr.i is scattered neighborhood type.

P'KLISHTE This mountain village is located in the northwestern part of the municipality Rankovce area of the village extends to Old Nagoricane Municipality and the border with neighboring Serbia. The village is located at an altitude of 1150 to 1250 m with houses scattered type. From the municipal center a distance of about 20 km to the village of asphalt road. Petralica The settlement is located on the eastern part of the municipality Rankovce the right curve of the river on the road leading to the Republic of Bulgaria. The village is plain ritsko a densely populated neighborhood beside the highway and neighborhoods of dispersed type in the higher parts of the village. From the municipal center distance is 5 km and has a solid communication link with the municipality and surrounding areas i.e. The village has a bus stop with about 12 daily bus connections from regional and local character. Historical data show that the village originated from late antiquity suggests that the existence of archaeological sites; Gradiste, Dubrava and Symbol Cross.

PSACHA Psacha settlement is located in the southeast part of the municipality, on the left side of the curve of the river road Kumanovo - Kriva Palanka and has good communications position with the municipality and other neighboring places. Ritsko village is mountainous with the highest no. houses concentrated near the highway and neighborhoods scattered in remote parts of the village. From the municipal center distance is 8 km.

RADIBUSH village is located in the central part of the municipality Rankovce ritsko village is mountainous and scattered. From the municipal center distance is 4 km, communication link with the municipal center is a paved road but no bus connection. In the village according to the last census 157 people live, all of Macedonian ethnic origin and Orthodox religion.

Rankovce settlement located in the central part of Slavishko box on the right side of the curve of the river road that leads to the Deve Bair Bulgaria and is center and seat of the municipality. The village consists of the urban part that is concentrated near the road and scattered settlements in remote part of the village. In the village according to the last census in 1129 living inhabitants of which 57 are Roma, Serb 2, 5 in other ethnic groups while all other Macedonians. In terms of religion except Orthodox Christians has 18 residents of the Muslim community and one member of the group of other religions.

Stancha village is located on the northwestern part of the municipality Rankovce municipal center is 18 km distance to the beginning of the village an asphalt road. The village is ritsko mountain - scattered in neighborhoods spanning the altitude from 800 – 1020 m, are coming to earth roads that are not in satisfactory condition especially in winter.

Social institutions

Education of the Municipality of Rankovce existing elementary school, Christian Todorovski - Karposh. The school has a tradition of work and distant 1956. Now working in a renovated school building from 2000 in more modern terms. The number of students in this school year is 417 students. The total school staff is 50 employees of which 42 nastavnika that in the most professional way they perform their job. Instruction in a contemporary way especially equipped lab and English, as well as others who equip classrooms with teaching resources from project to modernize education. Within the school realized and free student activities, made of literary, dramatic and recitatorska section of young mathematicians, physicists and computer scientists, chemical section Hispanic section of the English language, and istoriskatata section of young geographers. Also as part of the school work and school choir section for sports and journalism section. Within the journalistic section is currently preparing the school newspaper that traditionally comes in the month of May each year, which are present in all the activities and achievements of the current school year.

Cultural and natural sights

The municipality has eight churches

  • Ginovci - St Nicholas Church dating from the 17th century and restored in the 19th century.
  • Opila - Church St.. Nicholas originating from a single 13th or 14th century in eastern Macedonia raising entry.
  • Otoshnica - built church of St. John in the 19th century
  • Petralica - St George church which originates from the 17th century and renovated in the 19th century. For this church is characteristically the royal gates are located in the guest room of the Republic Institute for Protection of Monuments and culture.
  • Psacha - Church of St Nicholas monastery dating from the 14th century and was built by vlastodatelot Vlatko, the noble king Dusan. From the church choir bronze highlights which is exhibited in the Museum of Macedonia.
  • Radibush - St. Paraskeva dating from the 19th century
  • Rankovce - St. Virgin dating from the 19th century
  • German - St. Trinity is not aware of the period of its origin
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  1. 2002 census results in English and Macedonian (PDF)

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