Qseven, a computer-on-module (COM) form factor, is a small, highly integrated computer module that can be used in a design application much like an integrated circuit component. It's smaller than other computer-on-module standards such as COM Express, ETX or XTX and is limited to very low power consuming CPUs. The maximum power consumption should be no more than 12 watt.
Since the release of Specification 1.20 (September 10, 2010) Qseven modules can be indifferently based on x86 or ARM architectures.[1]
The Qseven specification defines a rich set of legacy-free interfaces. Older interfaces like PCI, ISA, RS-232 or EIDE are not supported.
- 70 mm × 70 mm;
- 70 mm × 40 mm.[2]
Qseven uses one 230 pin MXM2 SMT edge connector to connect all power and signal lanes to the carrier board. This connector is available from multiple vendors at different heights (5.5 mm and 7.8 mm).
The Qseven specification is hosted by the independent Qseven consortium. It's freely available at the consortiums website. The current revision 2.00 was released September 9, 2012.
Design Guide
The Qseven design guide provides information for designing a custom system carrier board for Qseven modules. It includes reference schematics for the external circuitry required to implement various peripheral functions. It also explains how to extend the supported buses and how to add additional peripherals and expansion slots to a Qseven-based system. It's available from the Qseven consortium webpage.
See also
- COM Express
- EOMA-68
- "congatec.com: Qseven - the Mobile COM Definition". www.congatec.com. Retrieved 2019-02-08.
- "sget.org: Qseven". www.sget.org. Retrieved 2016-03-13.
External links
- Qseven consortium website
- List of SGET (Standardization Group for Embedded Technologies) member companies
- EETimes Design Article: Making the transition to the new Qseven Computer-On-Module standard
- Embedded Intel Solutions: Is America Ready for Qseven?
- RTC Magazine: Atom-Based Qseven Module Addresses the Portable Device Market
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