The Peligran (Spanish: Peligrense) age is a period of geologic time (62.5–59.0 Ma) within the Paleocene epoch of the Paleogene, used more specifically with South American land mammal ages (SALMA). It follows the Tiupampan and precedes the Riochican age.[1]
The age is named after the paleontological site Punta Peligro in Argentina.
Formation bold is type |
Country | Basin | Notes |
Peñas Coloradas Formation | ![]() | Golfo San Jorge Basin | |
Bogotá Formation | ![]() | Altiplano Cundiboyacense | |
Cerrejón Formation | ![]() | Cesar-Ranchería Basin | |
Chota Formation | ![]() | Bagua Basin | |
Guaduas Formation | ![]() | Altiplano Cundiboyacense | |
Salamanca Formation | ![]() | Golfo San Jorge Basin | |
Santa Lucía Formation | ![]() | Potosí Basin | |
gollark: Wow, how bad.
gollark: Telepathy sounds less convenient than email. What if I want to send a file? Do I just have to very slowly encode it in a sequence of emotions?
gollark: How exciting.
gollark: ubqoid, was receipt of my email successful?
- Paleo Database: Peligran
- Clyde et al., 2014, p.303
- Bayona et al., 2012, p.103
- Jaramillo et al., 2007, p.168
- Chacaltana et al., 2015, p.2
- Castro Medina, 2010, p.53
- Montoya & Reyes, 2005, p.54
- Sempere et al., 1997, p.709
- Bajo de la Palangana at
- Cerro Redondo at
- Puerto Visser 2 at
- Punta Peligro at
- Bonaparte & Morales, 1997, p.266
- Necrosuchus at
- La Puente Pit at
- Anthracosuchus at
- Menispina evidens at
- Peñas Coloradas Formation
- Clyde, William C.; Peter Wilf; Ari Iglesias; Rudy L. Slingerland; Peter K. Bijl; Timothy J. Bralower; Henk Brinkhuis; Emily Comer, and Brian T. Huber, Mauricio Ibañez Mejia, Brian R. Jicha, J. Marcelo Krause, Jonathan D. Schueth, Bradley S. Singer, María Sol Raigemborn, Mark D. Schmitz, Appy Sluijs, and María del Carmen Zamaloa. 2014. New age constraints for the Salamanca Formation and lower Río Chico Group in the western San Jorge Basin, Patagonia, Argentina: Implications for Cretaceous-Paleogene extinction recovery and land mammal age correlations. GSA Bulletin 126. 289–306. Accessed 2017-08-15.
- Raigemborn, María Sol; Javier M. Krause; Eduardo Bellosi, and Sergio D. Matheos. 2010. Redefinición estratigráfica del Grupo Río Chico (Paleógeno inferior), en el norte de la Cuenca del Golfo San Jorge, Chubut. Revista de la Asociación Geológica Argentina 67. 239–256. Accessed 2017-08-15.
- Bogotá Formation
- Bloch, Jonathan Ivan; Edwin Cadena; Alexander Hastings; Aldo F. Rincón, and Carlos Jaramillo. 2008. Vertebrate faunas from the Paleocene Bogotá Formation of northern Colombia (Abstract). Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology Society of Vertebrate Paleontology, 68th Annual Meeting. _. Accessed 2017-03-29.
- Guerrero Uscátegui, Alberto Lobo. 1992. Geología e Hidrogeología de Santafé de Bogotá y su Sabana, 1–20. Sociedad Colombiana de Ingenieros.
- Montoya Arenas, Diana María, and Germán Alfonso Reyes Torres. 2005. Geología de la Sabana de Bogotá, 1–104. INGEOMINAS.
- Cerrejón Formation
- Ayala Calvo, Rosa Carolina. 2009. Análisis tectonoestratigráfico y de procedencia en la Subcuenca de Cesar: Relación con los sistemas petroleros (MSc.), 1–255. Universidad Simón Bolívar. Accessed 2017-06-14.
- Cadena, Edwin A., and Mary H. Schweitzer. 2014. A Pelomedusoid Turtle from the Paleocene–Eocene of Colombia Exhibiting Preservation of Blood Vessels and Osteocytes. Journal of Herpetology 48. 461–465. Accessed 2019-02-12.
- Cadena, Edwin A.; Daniel T. Ksepka; Carlos A. Jaramillo, and Jonathan I. Bloch. 2012a. New pelomedusoid turtles from the late Palaeocene Cerrejón Formation of Colombia and their implications for phylogeny and body size evolution. Journal of Systematic Palaeontology 10. 313–331. Accessed 2017-06-14.
- Cadena, Edwin A.; Jonathan I. Bloch, and Carlos A. Jaramillo. 2012b. New bothremydid turtle (Testudines, Pleurodira) from the Paleocene of northeastern Colombia. Journal of Paleontology 86. 688–698. Accessed 2017-06-14.
- Cadena, Edwin A.; Jonathan I. Bloch, and Carlos A. Jaramillo. 2010. New Podocnemidid Turtle (Testudines: Pleurodira) from the Middle-Upper Paleocene of South America. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 30. 367–382. Accessed 2017-06-14.
- Hastings, Alexander K.; Jonathan I. Bloch, and Carlos A. Jaramillo. 2014. A new blunt-snouted dyrosaurid, Anthracosuchus balrogus gen. et sp. nov. (Crocodylomorpha, Mesoeucrocodylia), from the Palaeocene of Colombia. Historical Biology 27. 998–1020. Accessed 2017-06-14.
- Hastings, Alexander K.; Jonathan I. Bloch, and Carlos A. Jaramillo. 2011. A new longirostrine Dyrosaurid (Crocodylomorpha, Mesoeucrocodylia) from the Paleocene of north-eastern Colombia: Biogeographocal and behavioural implications for New-World Dyrosayridae. Palaeontology 54. 1095–1116. Accessed 2017-06-14.
- Head, J.J.; J.I. Bloch; A.K. Hastings; J.R. Bourque; E.A. Cadena; F.A. Herrera; P.D. Polly, and C.A. Jaramillo. 2009. Giant boid snake from the paleocene neotropics reveals hotter past equatorial temperatures. Nature 457. 715–718. Accessed 2017-06-14.
- Herrera, Fabiany A.; Carlos A. Jaramillo; David L. Dilcher; Scott L. Wing, and Carolina Gómez N. 2008. Fossil Araceae from a Paleocene neotropical rainforest in Colombia. American Journal of Botany 95. 1569–1583. Accessed 2017-06-14.
- Hernández, Marina. 2003. Geología de la Plancha 48 La Jagua de Ibírico - 1:100,000, 1–102. INGEOMINAS.
- Jaramillo, Carlos A.; Germán Bayona; Andres Pardo Trujillo; Milton Rueda; Vladimir Torres; Guy J. Harrington, and Germán Mora. 2007. The palynology of the Cerrejón Formation (Upper Paleocene) of northern Colombia. Palynology 31. 153–189. Accessed 2017-08-15.
- Ojeda Marulanda, Carolina, and Carlos Alberto Sánchez Quiñónez. 2013. Petrografía, petrología y análisis de procedencia de unidades paleógenas en las cuencas Cesar - Ranchería y Catatumbo. Boletín de Geología, Universidad Industrial de Santander 35. 67–80. Accessed 2017-06-14.
- Wing, Scott L.; Fabiany Herrera; Carlos A. Jaramillo; Carolina Gómez Navarro; Peter Wilf, and Conrad C. Labandeira. 2009. Late Paleocene fossils from the Cerrejón Formation, Columbia ((sic)), are the earliest record of Neotropical rainforest. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106. 18627–18632. Accessed 2017-06-14.
- Chota Formation
- Castro Medina, Walter Fidel. 2010. Geología, informe temático. Proyecto Zonificación Ecológica y Económica del departamento de Amazonas, 1–76. Instituto de Investigaciones de la Amazonía Peruana (IIAP). Accessed 2018-09-04.
- Chacaltana, César; Alexandra Lucytania Benites Cañote; Waldir Valdivia, and Marco Chumpitaz. 2014. La formación Chota en la Cuenca Bagua: Evaluación e implicancias del criterio de clasificación litoestratigráfico, 1–4. Congreso Peruano de Geología. Accessed 2017-08-15.
- Guaduas Formation
- Amaya, Erika; Jorge Mariño, and Carlos Jaramillo. 2010. Litofacies y ambientes de acumulación de la Formación Guaduas en al parte central de la Cordillera Oriental - implicaciones paleogeográficas. Boletín de Geología, Universidad Industrial de Santander 32. _. Accessed 2017-03-16.
- Salamanca Formation
- Apesteguia, Sebastián; Raúl O. Gómez, and Guillermo W. Rougier. 2014. The youngest South American rhynchocephalian, a survivor of the K/Pg extinction. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 281. 20140811.
- Bonaparte, J.F., and J. Morales. 1997. Un primitico Notonychopidae (Litopterna) del paleoceno inferior de Punta Peligro, Chubut, Argentina. Estudios Geológicos 53. 263–274. Accessed 2018-10-01.
- Clyde, William C.; Peter Wilf; Ari Iglesias; Rudy L. Slingerland; Timothy Barnum; Peter K. Bijl; Timothy J. Bralower; Henk Brinkhuis, and Emily E. Comer, Brian T. Huber, Mauricio Ibañez Mejia, Brian R. Jicha, J. Marcelo Krause, Jonathan D. Schueth, Bradley S. Singer, María Sol Raigemborn, Mark D. Schmitz, Appy Sluijs, María del Carmen Zamaloa. 2014. New age constraints for the Salamanca Formation and lower Río Chico Group in the western San Jorge Basin, Patagonia, Argentina: Implications for Cretaceous-Paleogene extinction recovery and land mammal age correlations. GSA Bulletin 126. 289–306. Accessed 2017-08-15.
- Jud, Nathan A.; Maria A. Gandolfo; Ari Iglesias, and Peter Wilf. 2017. Flowering after disaster: Early Danian buckthorn (Rhamnaceae) flowers and leaves from Patagonia. PLOS ONE 12. e0176164.
- Ruiz, Daniela P.; Mariana Brea; M. Sol Raigemborn, and Sergio D. Matheos. 2017. Conifer woods from the Salamanca Formation (early Paleocene), Central Patagonia, Argentina: Paleoenvironmental implications. Journal of South American Earth Sciences 76. 427–445.
- Santa Lucía Formation
- Buffetaut, É., and L.G. Marshall. 1991. A new crocodilian, Sebecus querejazus, nov. sp. (Mesosuchia, Sebecidae) from the Santa Lucía Formation (Early Paleocene) at Vila Vila, Southern Bolivia, 545–557. Revista Técnica de YPFB.
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- De Muizon, Christian; Sandrine Ladevèze; Charlène Selva; Robin Vignaud, and Florent Goussard. 2018. Allqokirus australis (Sparassodonta, Metatheria) from the early Palaeocene of Tiupampa (Bolivia) and the rise of the metatherian carnivorous radiation in South America. Geodiversitas 40. 363–459. Accessed 2019-02-11.
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