Orders of magnitude (frequency)

To help compare different orders of magnitude, the following list gives frequencies, measured in hertz, of various events.

Multiple Value Item
10−181 attohertz (aHz)~2.29 aHzThe Hubble constant (once in 13.8 billion years)
10−1710 aHz~79 aHzSupercontinent cycle
10−151 femtohertz (fHz)~3 fHzSound waves created by a supermassive black hole in the Perseus cluster[1]
10−121 picohertz (pHz)1.23 pHz Precession of the Earth's axis about every 25,700 years
10−1110 pHz~31.71 pHzOnce per millennium
10−10100 pHz~317.1 pHzOnce per century
10−9 1 nanohertz (nHz) ~1 nHzOnce per generation
~3.171 nHzOnce per decade
10−8 10 nHz 11.6699016 nHzOnce in a blue moon[2]
~31.71 nHzYearly (or Earth's orbital frequency)
10−7 100 nHz ~380.5 nHzMonthly (or the Moon's orbital frequency)
~413 nHzAverage menstrual cycle (28 days)
10−61 microhertz (µHz)~1.653 µHzWeekly
10−510 µHz~11.57 µHzDaily (or Earth's rotation frequency)
10−4100 µHz~277.8 µHzHourly
10−31 millihertz (mHz)1.40 mHz Rotational period of one of the fastest known Millisecond pulsars, PSR J1748−2446ad
10−21 centihertz (cHz)~16.667 mHzOne rpm
10−11 decihertz (dHz)189 mHZAcoustic  frequency of G−7, the lowest note sang by the singer with the deepest voice in the world, Tim Storms. His vocal cords vibrate 1 time every 5.29 seconds.
100 1 hertz 1 to 1.66 HzApproximate frequency of an adult human's resting heart beat
1 Hz60 bpm, common tempos in music.
2 Hz120 bpm, common tempos in music.
101 10 hertz (Hz) 10 HzCyclic rate of a typical automobile engine at idle (equivalent to 600 rpm)
12 HzAcoustic  the lowest possible frequency that a human can hear[3]
27.5 HzAcoustic  the lowest musical note (A0) playable on a normally-tuned standard piano
50 HzElectromagnetic  standard AC mains power (European AC, Tokyo AC),
refresh rate of PAL and SECAM CRT televisions
60 HzElectromagnetic  standard AC mains power (American AC, Osaka AC),
refresh rate of NTSC CRT televisions and standard refresh rate of computer monitors
102 100 Hz 100 HzCyclic rate of a typical automobile engine at redline (equivalent to 6000 rpm)
261.626 HzAcoustic  the musical note middle C (C4)
440 HzAcoustic  concert pitch (A above middle C; A4), used for tuning musical instruments
103 1 kilohertz (kHz) 4.186 kHzAcoustic  the highest musical note (C8) playable on a normally-tuned standard piano
8 kHzISDN sampling rate
104 10 kHz 14 kHzAcoustic  the typical upper limit of adult human hearing
17.4 kHzAcoustic  a frequency known as The Mosquito, which is generally only audible to those under the age of 24.
25.1 kHz Acoustic  G10, The highest pitch sang by Georgia Brown (Brazilian singer), who has a vocal range of 8 octaves.
105100 kHz740 kHzThe clock speed of the world's first commercial microprocessor, the Intel 4004 (1971)
106 1 megahertz (MHz) 530 kHz to 1.710 MHzElectromagnetic  AM radio broadcasts
1 MHz to 8 MHzClock speeds of early home/personal computers (mid-1970s to mid-1980s)
10710 MHz13.56 MHzElectromagnetic  Near field communication
108 100 MHz 88 MHz to 108 MHzElectromagnetic  FM radio broadcasts
902 to 928 MHzElectromagnetic  common cordless telephone frequency in the US
109 1 gigahertz (GHz) 1.42 GHzElectromagnetic  the hyperfine transition of hydrogen, also known as the hydrogen line or 21 cm line
2.4 GHzElectromagnetic  microwave ovens, Wireless LANs and cordless phones (starting in 1998).
2.6–3.8 GHzA common desktop CPU speed as of 2014
5.8 GHzElectromagnetic  cordless phone frequency introduced in 2003
1010 10 GHz3 GHz to 30 GHzElectromagnetic  super high frequency
60 GHzElectromagnetic  60 GHz Wi-Fi (WiGig) introduced in 2010
1011 100 GHz 160.2 GHzElectromagnetic  peak of cosmic microwave background radiation
845 GHzFastest transistor (December 2006).[4][5]
10121 terahertz (THz)The Terahertz gap
1013 10 THz 21 THz to 33 THzElectromagnetic  infrared light used in thermal imaging, for example for night vision
31.5 THzElectromagnetic  peak of Black-body radiation emitted by human body
1014100 THz428 THz to 750 THzElectromagnetic  visible light, from red to violet
10151 petahertz (PHz)2.47 PHzElectromagnetic  Lyman-alpha line
101610 PHz30 PHzElectromagnetic  X-rays
1017100 PHz
10181 exahertz (EHz)
101910 EHz
1020100 EHz300 EHz +Electromagnetic  Gamma rays
10211 zettahertz (ZHz)
10241 yottahertz (YHz)
10271,000 YHz3,900 YHzHighest energy (16 TeV) gamma ray detected, from Markarian 501.
104310 quintillion YHz18.5 quintillion YHzThe unit of inverse time (or frequency) in the system of Planck units

See also


  1. "Black Hole Sound Waves   NASA Science".
  2. Google Calculator Result for "once in a blue moon"
  3. 20 Hz is considered the normal low frequency limit of human hearing. When pure sine waves are reproduced under ideal conditions and at very high volume, a human listener will be able to identify tones as low as 12 Hz. Olson, Harry F. (1967). Music, Physics and Engineering. Dover Publications. p. 249. ISBN 0-486-21769-8.
  4. highbeam.com - Fastest Transistor Approaches Terahertz Speed.(Brief article), 2007-01-01
  5. World's fastest transistor approaches goal of terahertz device, Illinois News Bureau, Dec 11, 2006
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