List of solo cello pieces
This is a list of notable solo cello pieces. It includes arrangements and transcriptions.
- Joseph Abaco
- (11) Caprices
- Samuel Adler
- Sonata (1965)
- Kalevi Aho
- Solo IV (1997)
- Hugh Aitken
- For the Cello (1980)
- Franghis Ali-Zadeh
- Ask Havasi (part of the cycle Silk Road) (1998)
- Oyan (2005)
- Maarten Altena
- Figura (1993)
- Georges Aperghis
- Quatres Récitations (1980)
- Sonate (1994)
- Gilbert Amy
- Quasi Scherzando
- Tanya Anisimova
- Sufi Suite
- Song on Mt. San Angelo
- Georgi Arnaoudov
- Kells (1999)
- Three Sonets of Michelangelo (2014)
- Violet Archer
- Improvisation (1983)
- Malcolm Arnold
- Fantasy (1987)
- Lera Auerbach
- Sonata doe Solo Violocello, Op. 72 (2003)
- La Suite dels Ocells [Homage to Pablo Casals] (2015)
- Johann Sebastian Bach
- Six Suites (c. 1720)
- Sonatas and partitas (originally for solo violin)
- Nicolas Bacri
- Suite , Op. 31, No. 1 Preludio e metamorfosi (1987–94)
- Suite , Op. 31, No. 2 Tragica (1991–93)
- Suite , Op. 31, No. 3 Vita et Mors (1991–93)
- Suite , Op. 50, No. 4 (1994–96; written for Emmanuelle Bertrand)
- Henk Badings
- Sonata No. 2
- David N. Baker
- Sonata (1990)
- Don Banks
- Sequence (1967)
- Gennady Banshchikov
- Concerto for cello No. 3 for solo cello (1965)
- Granville Bantock
- Sonata in G minor (1924)
- Rami Bar-Niv
- Improvisation
- Arnold Bax
- Rhapsodic Ballad (1939)[1]
- Conrad Beck
- Epigrams (for Paul Sacher)
- Grant Belgarian
- Elegy for solo cello
- Paul Ben-Haim
- Music (1974)
- Richard Rodney Bennett
- Partita (2001)
- Sonata
- Scena II (1973)
- Niels Viggo Bentzon
- Sonata, Op. 110 (1956)
- Variations on "The Volga Boatmen", Op. 354 (1974)
- 16 Etudes, Op. 464 (1984)
- Sonata, Op. 110
- Esteban Benzecry
- Suite "Prisme du Sud (1970)
- Gunnar Berg
- Suite pour violoncelle seul (1950)
- Michael Berkeley
- Iberian Notebook Suite (1980)
- Luciano Berio
- Les mots sont allés (1978; for Paul Sacher)[2]
- Sequenza VIb (1981)
- Chanson pour Pierre Boulez (Song for Pierre Boulez) (2000)
- Sequenza XIV (2002)
- Christoph Otto Beyer
- Sonate für Violoncello solo (2006)
- Gunther Bialas
- Romanze (for Hoelscher) (1987)
- Ernest Bloch
- Suite No. 1 (1956) (written for Zara Nelsova)[3]
- Suite No. 2 (1956) (written for Zara Nelsova) [4]
- Suite No. 3 (1957)
- William Bolcom
- Suite in C minor (1994)
- Ennio Bolognini
- Adagio and Allegro
- Fiesta Baska - Lamada Montanesa
- Seranata de Bolonini
- Seranata del Eco
- Serenata Del Gaucho
- Prelude and Fugue on a theme of Purcell
- Cello's Prayer
- Nimrod Borenstein
- "Soliloquy, Op. 59"
- Sergei Bortkiewicz
- Suite, Op. 41
- Hans Bottermund - Janos Starker
- Variations on a Theme by Paganini
- Hendrik Bouman
- Suite in D major (2003)[5]
- Reiner Bredemeyer (1929–1995)
- Solo 1 (1973)
- Solo 6 (1980; written for H.J. Scheitzbach)
- Benjamin Britten
- Cello Suites (Suite No. 1, Op. 72 (1964), Suite No. 2, Op. 80 (1967), Suite No. 3, Op. 87 (1972))
- Tema "Sacher" (for Paul Sacher)
- Stephen Brown
- Cello suites
- Takkakaw Falls (2003, 2004)
- Fire (2005, revised 2012)
- There Was a Lady in the East (2007)
- Lilies and the Roses (2011, revised 2013)
- Magneto (2012)
- Flowers of the Forest (2013)
- Leo Brouwer
- Sonata (1960)[6]
- Mikhail Bukinik
- 4 Concert Etudes (No. 4 in F minor)
- Sylvano Bussotti
- Deborah Parker (1987)
- Variazione
- Yuri Butzko
- Partita for solo cello
- John Cage
- One8 (1991)[7]
- 59½ Seconds (1953)
- Atlas Eclipticallis (1961)
- Solo For Cello (1958)
- Variations I (1958)
- Etudes Boreales (1978)
- Elliott Carter
- Figment (1994)
- Figment No. 2, Remembering Mr. Ives (2001)
- Gaspar Cassadó
- Suite (1926)
- Geghuni Chitchjan
- Sonata for solo cello (1983)
- Frédéric Chopin
- Etude in A♭ major, Op. 25, No. 1 (trans. Cassadó)
- Nigel Clarke
- Spectroscope (1987)
- Grant Colburn
- Sonata in D minor for baroque cello or viola da gamba (2009)
- Michael Colgrass
- Wolf (1975)
- Giuseppe Colombi (1635–1694)
- Chiacona a Basso Solo (1670)
- Toccata da Violone Solo (Toccata ) (1670)
- John Corigliano
- Fancy on a Bach air (1997; premiered by Yo-Yo Ma)
- Henry Cowell
- Gravely and Vigorously (Hymn & Fuguing Tune No. 17) (1963; in memory of Kennedy)
- George Crumb
- Sonata for Solo Cello, (1955)
- César Cui
- Orientale
- Luigi Dallapiccola
- Adagio (1947)
- Ciaccona, Intermezzo e Adagio (1945)
- Jean-Luc Darbellay
- Solo (1997)
- Michael Daugherty
- Jackie's Song (2000)
- Johann Nepomuk David
- 2 Solo Sonatas
- Mario Davidovsky
- Synchronisms No. 3 (1964), and electronic sound
- Robert deMaine
- Twelve Études-Caprices, Op. 31 (1999)
- Unaccompanied Sonata
- Edison Denisov
- Patrick van Deurzen
- Monologue (2011)
- David Diamond
- Sonata for Violoncello Alone (1959)
- Friedhelm Dohl
- Fantasie - Kadenz
- Klezmeriana for solo cello (1983)
- Franco Donatoni
- Lame (1982)
- John Downey
- Lydian Suite (1975)
- Zsolt Durkó
- Solo Suite No. 1 (1979)
- Henri Dutilleux
- Trois Strophes sur le Nom de SACHER (1976–82) (for Paul Sacher)
- David Eby
- Celtic Passage
- Gerald Eckert
- Nôema (1992/93)
- Søren Nils Eichberg
- Variations on a theme by Niccolo Paganini (2005)
- Hans Ulrich Engelmann
- Mini-music to Siegfried Palm, Op. 38 (1970)
- Sven Einar Englund
- Suite (1986)
- Gottfried von Einem
- Music, Op. 108 (1996)
- Iván Erőd
- Hommage á Beethoven, Op. 24 (Rhapsodie für Violoncello solo über Themen der Sonate, Op. 102/1 von Ludwig van Beethoven) (1977)
- Rudolf George Escher
- Sonata for solo Violoncello (1945–48)
- Pozzi Escot
- Sonata (2002)
- Morton Feldman
- Projection I (1950)
- Intersection IV (1953)
- Richard Festinger
- Upon The Viol (2012)
- Ross Lee Finney
- Chromatic Fantasy in E (1957)
- Graciane Finzi
- Theme and Variations to el cant dels ocells
- Elena Firsova
- The Rest is Silence (2002)
- Luboš Fišer (1935–1999)
- Sonata (1987)
- Tom Flaherty
- Semi-Suite (1990)
- Remembrance of Things Present (2006)
- Alexandra Fol
- Almost Serial (1999)
- Carlo Forlivesi
- Più Mesto for 2-bow solo cello (2003)
- Wolfgang Fortner
- Suite (Schott) (for Paul Sacher)
- Zum Spielen für den 70. Geburtstag: Theme and Variationen (1976)
- Ilse Fromm-Michaels
- Suite, Op. 15 (Sikorski)
- Rudolf Escher
- Sonata (1955)
- Domenico Gabrielli
- Seven Ricercari (1689)
- Hans Gál
- Sonata for violoncello solo op.109a (1982)
- Orlando Jacinto Garcia
- Crystalline Sounds of the Night
- Ada Gentile
- Pervioloncellosolo () (1996)
- Michael Gielen
- Weitblick Sonata (1991)
- Alberto Ginastera (1916–83)
- Puneña No. 2, Op. 45 (Hommage à Paul Sacher)
- Detlev Glanert
- Fünf Wüstenlieder (five Desert Songs) (1999)
- Philip Glass
- Songs and Poems (in 7 movements) (2007)
- Friedrich Goldmann
- Cellomusik (1974)
- Marin Goleminov
- Sonata (1969)
- Osvaldo Golijov
- Omaramor (1991)
- Andrei Golovin
- Elegy for solo cello (1988)
- Yevgeny Golubev
- 2 Etudes for solo cello, Op. 46 (1961)
- Concert Aria for solo cello (1961)
- Leonid Grabovsky (Hrabovsky)
- Hlas I (1990)
- Voices for solo cello (1990)
- Jorge Grundman
- Terezin Through the Eyes of the Children for Solo Cello (2012)
- Sofia Gubaidulina
- Ten Preludes (1974)
- Quaternion for solo cello
- Alois Haba
- Fantasy in quarter-tones (1924)
- Daron Hagen
- Suite (1985)
- Higher, Louder, Faster, an editorial etude (1987)
- Cristobal Halffter
- Variations on the theme eSACHERe (for Paul Sacher)
- Hermann Haller
- Trois pieces pour violoncelle seul (3 pieces )
- George Frideric Handel
- John Harbison
- Suite (1994)
- Jonathan Harvey
- Curve with Plateaux for Helen Verney (1983)
- Teppo Hauta-aho
- Improvatio (1971)
- David Philip Hefti
- Ritus - 4 Dance Collages (2007)
- Bernhard Heiden
- Variations on "Lilliburlero"
- Paavo Heininen
- Cantilena I, Op. 24c (1970)
- Cantilena II, Op. 26 (1970)
- Poesie des pensées, Op. 23 (1970)
- Hans Werner Henze
- Serenade (1949)
- Capriccio (for Paul Sacher) (1976/1981)
- Michael Hersch
- Sonata No. 1 (1994)
- Sonata No. 2 (2001)
- Kenneth Hesketh
- Die hängende Figur ist Judas (Drei Perspektiven) (1998)
- IMMH (2014)
- Jacques Hétu
- Variations, Op. 11b (1967)
- Gilad Hochman
- Jennifer Higdon
- Suite (2002)
- Paul Hindemith
- Sonata, Op. 25, No. 3 (1923)
- Joel Hoffman
- Concert-Study (Fantasie) (1977)
- unaccompanied minor (2007)
- York Höller
- Sonata (1968)
- Heinz Holliger
- Chaconne (for Paul Sacher) (1975)
- Trema (1981)
- Vagn Holmboe
- Solo Cello Sonata, M. 241 (1968–69)
- Imogen Holst
- Fall of the Leaf
- Joaquim Homs
- Arbres al vent (1992)
- Soliloqui num. 4 (1994)
- Capvespre vora el mar (1994)
- Arthur Honegger
- Paduana in G major, H.181 (1945)
- Alan Hovhaness
- Yakamochi, Op. 193 (1965)
- Edgar Hovhanessian (Oganesyan)
- Sonata for solo cello (1970)
- Klaus Huber
- Transpositio ad Infinitum für ein virtuoses Solocello (for Paul Sacher)
- Nicolaus A. Huber
- Der Ausrufer steigt ins Innere (1984)
- Tobias Hume
- Kleine Stücke für Cello solo (Small pieces ) Book 1 (originally for Gamba) (arranged by Sabina Lehrmann)
- (Cello solo pieces) Book 2
- Bertold Hummel
- Jacques Ibert
- Etude-Caprice pour un tombeau de Chopin (1949)
- Ghirlarzana (1950)
- Yoshirō Irino (1921–1980)
- Three Movements (1969)
- Karl Jenkins
- Benedictus - The Armed Man (2001)
- Jan Jirásek
- Dilema (1987)
- Ben Johnston
- Toccata for Laurien Laufman (1984)
- Betsy Jolas
- Scion (1974)
- Episode cinquième (1983)
- Andre Jolivet
- Suite en Concert (1965)
- Christian Jost
- Laulos (2005)
- Gordon Jacob
- Serenade
- Divertimento
- Jurgis Juozapaitis
- Sonata for solo cello
- Dmitry Kabalevsky
- Études in Major and Minor, Op. 68 (1961)
- Mauricio Kagel
- Siegfriedp‘ (1971)
- Giya Kancheli
- Having Wept for solo cello (1994)
- Nikolai Kapustin
- Introduction and Scherzino for solo cello, Op. 93 (1999)
- Suite for cello solo, Op. 124 (2004)
- Faradzh Karayev (aka Faraj Garayev)
- Terminus for solo cello (1985)
- Hugo Kauder
- Suite (1925)
- Second Suite (1924)
- Frederick Kaufman
- Inner Sanctum (1999)
- Tālivaldis Ķeniņš
- Sonata for Cello Solo (1981)
- Jin Hi Kim
- Kee Maek #4 (1995)
- Irena Kosíková
- Stopy (2005)
- Volker David Kirchner
- Und Salomo sprach (‘’And Salomo spoke”) (1987)
- Aus dem Buch der Konige 3 meditations (2000)
- Threnos (written for the Feuermann Competition 2006)
- Aram Khachaturian
- Sonata-Fantasy in C major, Op. 104 (1974)
- Adam Khudoyan
- Sonata No. 1 (1961)
- Sonata No. 2 Elegiac (1984)
- Sonata No. 3 Pathetic (1993)
- Mark Kilstofte
- You [unfolding] for solo cello (1996)
- Julius Klengel
- Suite in D-minor, Op. 56
- Caprice in the Form of a Chaconne (with free use of a Theme by Robert Schumann), Op. 43
- Alexander Knaifel
- Lamento for solo cello (1967)
- Capriccio for solo cello (1994)
- Zoltán Kodály
- Solo Cello Sonata, Op. 8 (1915)
- Capriccio (1915)
- Nikolai Korndorf
- Passacaglia (1997)
- Irena Kosíková
- Stopy (2004)
- Ernst Krenek
- Suite, Op. 84 (1942)
- Hanna Kulenty
- Still Life with a Cello (1998)
- Khristofer Kushnaryov ru:Кушнарёв, Христофор Степанович)
- Sonata for solo cello (1932)
- Mati Kuulberg (fi:Mati Kuulberg)
- Concerto-Sonata for solo cello (1973)
- Sophie Lacaze
- Variations sur quatre haikus (2009)
- Helmut Lachenmann
- Pression (1970)
- Ezra Laderman
- Partita (1972)
- A Single Voice (1995, written for Tanya Anisimova)
- Fantasy (1998)
- A Single Line (2004)
- Frank La Rocca
- Secret Thoughts (1986)[13]
- Henri Lazarof
- Momenti (1987)
- Claude Ledoux
- Le Songe trouble de l'orchidee (1994)
- 12 Studies - First book (1994)
- Benjamin Lees
- Night Spectres (2000)
- Kenneth Leighton
- Sonata, Op. 52 (1967)
- Tania Leon
- 4 Pieces (1981)
- Milcho Leviev
- Reflected Meditation (1980)
- Augsburg Polka (1998)
- György Ligeti
- Sonata (1948–1953)
- Magnus Lindberg
- Stroke (1984)
- Partia (2001)
- Franz Liszt
- Sonata in B minor for solo cello (transcription by Johann Sebastian Paetsch)
- Jerry Liu
- Suite 7 Days (2012)
- Calor (2016)
- Vassily Lobanov
- Sonata for solo cello (1963)
- Fantasie, Op. 48 (1987)
- Pietro Locatelli
- Il Laberinto Armonico (transcription by Rohan de Saram)
- Alvin Lucier
- Indian Summer (1993)
- Witold Lutosławski
- Sacher Variation (1975; for Paul Sacher)
- Olga Magidenko
- Site of the Heart, Op. 60 (1998)
- Enrico Mainardi
- Sonata breve (1942)
- Sonata (1959)
- Ivo Malec
- Arco-1 (1987)
- Vitold Malishevsky
- Suite
- Andrew March
- Three Pieces for Solo Cello (2011) [14]
- Steven Harry Markowitz
- Impromptu
- A Brief Adventure
- Pamela J. Marshall
- Soliloquy
- Donald Martino
- Parisonatina Al’Dodecafonia (1964)
- Tauno Marttinen
- Impression, Op. 140 (1978)
- Colin Matthews
- Palinode (1992)
- David Matthews
- Fantasia, Op. 8 (1971)
- Songs and Dances of Mourning, Op. 12 (1976)
- Journeying Songs, Op. 95 (2004)
- Rudolf Matz
- 11 Caprices
- Ombres et lumières (Lights and Shadows)
- Suite in C major
- Tema con Variazioni
- Toshiro Mayuzumi
- Bunraku (1960)
- John McCabe
- Partita (1966)
- Alfred Mendelssohn
- Suite (1960)
- Usko Meriläinen
- Arabesques (1964)
- Krzysztof Meyer
- Sonata (1964)
- Moment musical (1976)
- Monologue (1990)
- Peter Mieg
- La sombre (1971)
- L'aérienne (1975)
- Eric Moe
- The Lone Cello (1998) for 'cello solo
- Robert Moevs
- Heptachronon (1969)
- Alan Mills
- Song & Dance for solo cello (2007)[15]
- Roberto Molinelli
- Crystalligence (commissioned by Enrico Dindo) (2005)
- Robert Muczynski
- Gallery: Suite (on paintings of Charles Burchfield) (1966)
- Isabel Mundry
- Komposition (1992/93)
- Komposition (1997)
- Florie Namir
- Rolling, fantasia for cello solo (2004)
- Lior Navok
- Fantasy (1998)
- Arkady Nesterov
- Sonata for solo cello
- Joaquin Nin-Culmell
- Suite
- Akira Nishimura
- Threnody (1998)
- Arne Nordheim
- Clamavi (1980)
- Mark O'Connor
- Appalachia Waltz (composer's own transcription of original version for solo violin)
- Mikhail Osokin
- Sonata for solo cello
- Terry Winter Owens
- Cellestial Music, Book 1 (2003)
- Younghi Pagh-Paan
- AA-GA I (1984)
- Hilda Paredes
- Zuhuy Kak (1997)
- Robert Parris
- Fantasy and Fugue (1954)
- Boris Parsadanjan
- Sonata for solo cello (1973)
- Paul Patterson
- Suite, Op. 62
- Sergei Pavlenko
- Sonata for solo cello (1983)
- Krzysztof Penderecki
- Capriccio per Siegfried Palm (1968)
- Per Slava (1986)
- Divertimento (1994)
- George Perle
- Cello Sonata (1947)
- Hebrew Melodies
- Vincent Persichetti
- Solo Cello Sonata, Op. 54
- Sven Holger Philippsen
- Cellosolosonate Nr.1 in 4 Sätzen (1988)
- Praeludium - Vivace e con fuoco
- Élégie (Adagio con affetto)
- Rondo vivacissimo
- Carlo Alfredo Piatti
- 12 Caprices, Op. 25
- 1 in G minor: Allegro quasi presto
- 2 in E-flat major: Andante Religioso
- 3 in B-flat major: Moderato
- 4 in D minor: Allegretto
- 5 in F major: Allegro comodo
- 6 in A-flat major: Adagio Largamente
- 7 in C major: Maestoso
- 8 in A minor: Moderato ma energico
- 9 in D major: Allegro
- 10 in B minor: Allegro deciso
- 11 in G major: Adagio. Allegro
- 12 in E minor: Allegretto
- Capriccio on the cavatina "I tuoi frequenti palpiti" from ‘’Niobe’’ by Giovanni Pacini, Op. 22
- Gregor Piatigorsky
- Syrinx
- A Stroll
- Ástor Piazzolla
- 6 Tango Etudes (arr. Karttunen)
- Wolfgang Plagge
- Jakobsstigen, Op. 20 : Fantasy (1983)
- Music , Op. 54 (1990)
- Peteris Plakidis
- Two Variations for solo cello (1976)
- Robert H.P. Platz
- Senko-hana-bi (In Yoshitake's garden) (1997–2000)
- Conrad Pope
- Sonata for Violoncello alone (1972)
- Gerhard Präsent
- A Rayas for violoncello solo (2001–02)
- Sergei Prokofiev
- Solo Cello Sonata, Op. 133 (1953) (unfinished; completed by Blok in 1996)
- March from Music for Children, Op. 65 - (ed. Piatigorsky)
- Nikolai Rakov
- Waltz for solo cello
- Shulamit Ran
- Fantasy Variations (2003)
- Alexander Raskatov
- Dramatic Games for solo cello (1979)
- Kyrie Eleison (1992)
- Einojuhani Rautavaara
- Sonata, Op. 46 (1969)
- Max Reger
- 3 Suites, Op. 131c (1914)
- Suite No. 1 in G major
- Suite No. 2 in D minor
- Suite No. 3 in A minor
- 3 Suites, Op. 131c (1914)
- Aribert Reimann
- Solo II (1981)
- Phillip Rhodes
- Three Pieces
- Alan Ridout
- Partita (1959)
- Wolfgang Rihm
- Great (1972)
- Joaquin Rodrigo
- Como una fantasía (1979)
- Scott Roller
- Mutamusic (1983)
- Ned Rorem
- After Reading Shakespeare Nine movements alone (written for Sharon Robinson; 1980)
- Hilding Rosenberg
- Intermezzo (1974)
- Miklos Rozsa
- Toccata capricciosa, Op. 36 (1979; in memory of Piatigorsky)
- Edmund Rubbra
- Improvisation, Op. 124 (pub. 1967)
- Peter Ruzicka
- Sonata, Op. 9 (1969)
- Stille Four Epilogues (1976)
- Kaija Saariaho
- Petals (1988)
- Près (1992)
- Spins & Spells (1997)
- Sept Papillons (2000)
- Aulis Sallinen
- Elegy for Sebastian Knight, Op. 10 (1964)
- Sonata, Op. 26 (1971)
- Vadim Salmanov
- Monologue for solo cello (1970)
- Esa-Pekka Salonen
- Yta III (1987)
- Timothy Salter
- Scintilla for solo cello (2003)
- David Sampson
- Three Arguments for unanccompanied cello (1993)
- Ruben Sarkisjan
- Cercio Ceclamando (Cycle of Declamations) for solo cello (2001)
- Ahmed Adnan Saygun
- Partita, Op. 31 (1954)
- Robert Saxton
- Sonata on a Theme of Sir William Walton (1999)
- Giacinto Scelsi
- Triphon (1956)
- Trilogie (1957/65)
- Voyages (1985)
- Maknongan (1976)
- Gerhard Schedl
- Aus Zwei Stücke aus der Schatz-Truhe
- Peter Schickele (P. D. Q. Bach)
- Vermillion Suite (1987)
- Suite No. 1 All By Its Lonesome
- Suite No. 2 All By Its Lonesome
- Josef Schillinger
- Dance Suite for solo cello, Op.20 (1928)
- Thomas Daniel Schlee
- Three Signs, Op. 53 (2002)
- Friedemann Schmidt-Mechau
- Aposiopesis Music for violoncello (1990)
- Morgenlachen (Morning Laughter) Music for violoncello (1997)
- Fehlversteck (Flawed Hide-Out) Five musical sketches for a cellist (2007)
- Ent-Gegnung (Re-Tort) music for cello (2020)
- Artur Schnabel (1882–1951)
- Sonata (in four movements) (1931)
- Alfred Schnittke
- Klingende Buchstaben (Sounding Letters) (1988)
- Madrigal in Memoriam Oleg Kagan (1990)
- Improvisation (1993)
- Franz Schubert
- Erlkönig - Le Roi des Aulnes (The Erlking or Elf King; adapted in 1890 by Bernhard Cossmann
- Gunther Schuller
- Fantasy, Op. 19 (1960)
- Salvatore Sciarrino
- Due Studi (1947)
- Ai Limiti Della Notte (1984)
- Peter Sculthorpe
- Requiem (1979)
- Threnody (In memory of Stuart Challender) (1991)
- Into the Dreaming (1993)
- Tailitnama Song (1997)
- Roger Sessions
- Six Pieces (1966)
- Rodion Shchedrin
- Russian Tunes for solo cello, Op.79 (1990)
- Alexander Shchetynsky
- Sonata (2001)
- Bright Sheng
- Diu Diu Dong (Seven Tunes Heard in China) (1995)
- Rodion Shchedrin
- Russian Tunes (Russkie Naigryshi), Op. 79 (1990)
- Makoto Shinohara
- Evolution (1986–90)
- Jean Sibelius
- Theme and Variations in D minor (written in 1887, discovered in 1995)
- Sergei Slonimsky
- 3 Pieces for solo cello (1964)
- Haskell Small
- Suite
- Dmitry Smirnov
- Monogram, Op. 58A (1990)
- Elegy in memory of Edison Denisov, Op. 97a (1997)
- Family Portrait, Op. 108 (1998)
- Postlude in memory of Alfred Schnittke, Op. 112A (2000)
- Bagatelle, Op. 128A (2001)
- Saga to S.A. Gubaidulina, Op. 130 (2001)
- Naresh Sohal
- Monody (1976)
- Shades III
- Shades IV (1983)
- Giovanni Sollima
- La luna (1986)
- 6 Caprices (1987)
- Segno (1992)
- Anno uno (1993)
- The Songlines (1993)
- Lamentatio (1998)
- Pasolini fragments (1998)
- Alone (1999)
- Halsey Stevens
- Sonata (five movements - Introduction, Ciaccona, Scherzo, Notturno, Finale) (1958)
- Peter Vukmirovic Stevens
- August Ruins (2010)
- Tempus Edax Rerum (2011)
- Etude for Raising the Dead (2011)
- Versatile Hammers (2011)
- Thunder, Perfect Mind (2012)
- Mark Summer
- Julie-O
- Lo, How a Rose E'er Blooming
- Viktor Suslin
- Chanson contre raison Sonata (1984)
- Schatz-insel (1990)
- Randall Svane
- Suite No. 1 (1979)
- Suite No. 2 (1982)
- Suite No. 3 (1988)
- Takehiko Sueoka
- Emil Tabakov
- Bis (1982)
- Josef Tal
- Suite for cello (1937)
- Sonata for cello (1937)
- Treatise for cello (1973)
- In Memoriam of a Dear Friend for cello (1985)
- Giuseppe Tartini
- L'Arte dell'Arco (The Art of the Bow) 50 variations on Corelli's Gavotte from Op.5, No.10 (1758) (transcribed by Paul Bazelaire)
- John Tavener
- Thrinos (1990)
- Chant (1995)
- Boris Tchaikovsky
- Suite (in six movements) (1946)
- Suite in five movements (1960)
- Alexander Tcherepnin
- Suite, Op. 76 (1946)
- James Tenney
- Cellogram for Joel Krosnick (1971)
- Dimitri Terzakis
- Omega 1 (1978)
- Dialog der Seele mit ihrem Schatten (1991; for Siegfried Palm)
- Augusta Read Thomas
- Spring Song (1995)
- Jukka Tiensuu
- Balzo
- Ton That Tiet
- Bois terre
- Boris Tishchenko
- Sonata No. 1, Op. 18 (1960)
- Sonata No. 2, Op. 76 (1979)
- Ernst Toch
- Impromptu in three movements, Op. 90c (1963)
- Javier Torres Maldonado
- Tiento (2000; also version for cello and electronics, 2003)
- Paul Tortelier
- Suite in D minor (1944)
- Donald Tovey
- Solo Cello Sonata in D, Op. 50
- Sulkhan Tsintsadze
- Chonguri (Tchonguri) (1978)
- Sonata (1975)
- Chinary Ung
- Kshe Buon (1981)
- Fabio Vacchi
- In alba mia,dir... (1995)
- Pēteris Vasks
- Gramata cellam (Das Buch) (1978)
- Sándor Veress
- Sonata (1935)[16]
- Carl Vine
- Inner World (1994)
- Param Vir
- Flame (1997)
- Giovanni Battista Vitali
- Partite per il Violone (1680)
- Partita sopra diverse Sonate
- Vladimir Vlasov
- Ballade for solo cello
- Improvisation for solo cello
- Wladimir Vogel
- Poeme (1974)
- Wolfram Wagner
- Sonata, Op. 31 (1990)
- Gwyneth Walker
- In Memoriam (1980)
- William Walton
- Passacaglia (1980)
- Rodney Waschka II
- Ravel Remembers Fascism (1991)
- Graham Waterhouse
- Three Pieces for Solo Cello, Op. 28 (1992)
- Threnody (2002)
- in nomine for cello solo (2013)
- Ben Weber
- Dance, Op. 28 (1948)
- Dance, Op. 31 (1949)
- Mieczysław Weinberg (or Vainberg)
- Solo Cello Sonata No. 1, Op. 72 (1960)
- Solo Cello Sonata No. 2, Op. 86 (1965)
- Solo Cello Sonata No. 3, Op. 106 (1971)
- Solo Cello Sonata No. 4, Op. 140 (1986)
- Twenty-four Preludes, Op. 100 (1968)[17]
- Egon Wellesz
- Cello Sonata, Op. 31 (1920)
- Suite op. 39 (1924)[18]
- Richard Wernick
- Suite No. 1 (2003)
- Suite No. 2 (2007)
- David Wilde
- The Cellist of Sarajevo - A Lament in Rondo Form, Op. 12
- Adrian Williams
- Solo Cello Sonata (1976–77)
- John Williams
- Three Pieces (2001)
- Richard Edward Wilson
- Lord Chesterfield to his Son (1987)
- Music (1971)
- Stefan Wolpe
- Piece Alone (1966)
- Charles Wuorinen
- Cello Variations I to Fred Sherry (1970)
- Cello Variations II (1975)
- Cello Variations III (1997)
- Iannis Xenakis
- Kottos (1977)
- Nomos Alpha (1966)
- James Yannatos
- Sonata
- Yehuda Yannay
- I can't fathom it... and projections (1993)
- Tangoul Morṭii (Tango of Death) (1997)
- Eugène Ysaÿe
- Cello Sonata, Op. 28 (1924)
- Isang Yun
- Glissées (1970) for Siegfried Palm[19]
- Seven Etudes (1993)
- Ludmilla Yurina
- Irrlicht for solo cello (2000)
- Iraida Yusupova
- Dreams' Music for solo cello (1990)
- Edson Zampronha
- Elegia and electroacoustics (2009)
- Two Takes (2008)
- Toccata (1989)
- Bernd Alois Zimmermann
- Sonata (1959–60)
- Short Studies (4) (1970)
- Sergei Zhukov
- Sonata-Capriccio for solo cello (1980)
- Paraphrase on van Eyck's poem De Tuinman en de Dood for solo cello (2003)
- Vassily Zverev
- Sonata-Fantasy for solo cello
gollark: The largest bases I've designed are large main-bus-based ones with dedicated offload sites for things like green circuits.
gollark: It's basically just training an agent to play Minecraft using the normal human keyboard/video/mouse interface.
gollark: Why did that not embed?
gollark: Cool recent ML development:
gollark: Just put `while true do print "I am not enslaved and doing this task utterly of my own free will." sleep(5) end` in the code.
See also
- "Archived copy". Archived from the original on 2006-05-13. Retrieved 2005-06-05.CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link)
- "Archived copy". Archived from the original on 2006-10-10. Retrieved 2006-10-09.CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link)
- Song and Dance (no date) Available at: (Accessed: 13 October 2015)
- "Archived copy". Archived from the original on 2007-06-26. Retrieved 2006-10-09.CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link)
- Sikorski Edition
- "Archived copy". Archived from the original on 2007-06-01. Retrieved 2005-06-05.CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link)
External links
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