List of quantum chemistry and solid-state physics software

Quantum chemistry computer programs are used in computational chemistry to implement the methods of quantum chemistry. Most include the Hartree–Fock (HF) and some post-Hartree–Fock methods. They may also include density functional theory (DFT), molecular mechanics or semi-empirical quantum chemistry methods. The programs include both open source and commercial software. Most of them are large, often containing several separate programs, and have been developed over many years.

The following table illustrates some of their main capabilities.

PackageLicenseLanguage BasisPeriodic Mol. mech.Semi-emp.HFPost-HF MRCI CCDFTGPU
ABINITFree, GPLFortran PW3d YesNoNoNoNoNoYesYes
ACESFree, GPLFortran, C++ GTONo NoNoYesYesNoup to QYesYes
ACE-MoleculeFree, GPLC++ Grid, Lagrange function(Sinc)Any15 NoYesYesYesNoNoYesYes, CUDA
AMPACAcademicUnknown UnknownUnknown NoYesNoNoNoNoNoNo
ADFCommercialFortran STOAny YesYes4YesYesNoNoYesYes
Atomistix ToolKit (ATK)CommercialC++, Python NAO, EHT, PWAny9 YesYesNoNoNoNoNoNo
BerkeleyGWFree, GPLFortran PW3d NoNoNoYes20NoNoNoYes
BigDFTFree, GPLFortran WaveletAny YesNoYesNoNoNoYesYes
BrianQCCommercialC++, CUDA GTONo YesNoYesNoNoNoYesYes
CADPACAcademicFortran GTONo NoNoYesYesNoup to DYesNo
CASINO (QMC)AcademicFortran 2003 GTO, PW, Spline, Grid, STOAny NoNoNoYesNoNoNoNo
CASTEPAcademic, commercialFortran 95, Fortran 2003 PW3d YesNoYes5NoNoNoYesNo
CFOURAcademicFortran, C++ GTONo NoNoYesYesNoup to QNoNo
COLUMBUSAcademicFortran GTONo NoNoYesYesYesNoNoNo
CONQUESTAcademicFortran 90 NAO, Spline3d YesNoYes5NoNoNoYesNo
CP2KFree, GPLFortran 95 Hybrid GTO, PWAny YesYesYesYesNoNoYesYes, CUDA and OpenCL
CPMDAcademicFortran PW3d YesNoYesNoNoNoYesNo
CRYSTALAcademic (UK), commercial (IT)Fortran GTOAny YesNoYesYes10NoNoYesNo
DACAPOFree, GPL?1Fortran PW3d YesNoNoNoNoNoYesNo
DaltonFree, LGPLFortran GTONo NoNoYesYesYesup to (T)YesNo
deMon2k Academic, commercialFortran GTONo YesNoNoNoNoNoYesNo
DFTB+Free, LGPLFortran, C, Python NAO, STOAny YesYesNoNoNoNoNoYes, MAGMA
DFTKFree, MITJulia PWAny NoNoNoNoNoNoYesNo
DFT++ (succeeded by JDFTx)Free, GPLC++ PW, Wavelet3d YesNoNoNoNoNoYesNo
DIRACAcademicFortran 77, Fortran 90, C GTONo NoNoYesYes Yesup to (T)YesNo
DMol3CommercialFortran 90 NAOAny NoNoNoNoNoNoYesNo
ELKFree, GPLFortran 95 FP-LAPW3d NoNoYesNoNoNoYesNo
EmpireAcademic, commercialFortran Minimal STOAny NoYesNoNoNoNoNoNo
EPW6Free, GPLFortran PW2d, 3d NoNoNoNoNoNoYesNo
ErgoSCFFree, GPLC++ GTONo NoNoYesNoNoNoYesNo
Exabyte.ioCloud, Free TierPython PW3d YesNoNoNoNoNoYesYes
EXCITINGFree, GPLFortran 95 FP-LAPW3d NoNoYesNoNoNoYesNo
FLEURFree, MITFortran 95 FP-(L)APW+lo1d, 2d, 3d NoNoYesYesNoNoYesYes
FHI-aimsAcademic, commercialFortran NAOAny YesNoYesYesNoNoYesYes
FPLO13CommercialFortran 95, C++, Perl LO+minimum-basis, NAOAny NoNoNoNoNoNoYesNo
FreeON (formerly MondoSCF)Free, GPLFortran 95 GTOAny YesNoYesYesNoNoYesNo
Firefly (formerly PC GAMESS)AcademicFortran, C, Assembly GTONoYesYesYesYesYes16NoYesYes
GAMESS (UK)Academic (UK), commercialFortran GTONo NoYesYesYesYesup to (T)YesYes
GAMESS (US)AcademicFortran GTONo Yes2YesYesYesYes16up to (T)YesYes
GaussianCommercialFortran GTOAny YesYesYesYes Noup to (T)YesYes
GPAWFree, GPLPython, C Grid, NAO, PWAny YesNoYes5NoNoNoYesYes
HiLAPWUnknownUnknown FLAPW3d NoNoNoNoNoNoYesNo
HelFEMFree, GPLC++ Finite elementsNo NoNoYesNoNoNoYesNo
HORTONFree, GPLPython, C++ GTONo NoNoYesYesNoNoYesNo
HyperChemCommercialC++ STO, GTOYes YesYesYesYes NoNoYesNo
JaguarCommercialFortran, C GTONo YesNo11YesYes NoNoYesNo
JDFTxFree, GPLC++ PW3d NoNoYesNoNoNoYesYes, CUDA
LOWDINAcademicFortran 95, 03 GTONo YesNoYesYes NoNoYesNo
MADNESSFree, GPLC++ WaveletNo NoNoYesYesNoNoYesNo
Maple Quantum Chemistry PackageCommercialMaple, C, Fortran, PythonGTONoNoNoYesYes Noup to (T)YesNo
MOLCASAcademic, commercial[1] 14Fortran, C, C++, Python, Perl GTONo YesYesYesYesYesup to (T)YesYes
OpenMOLCASFree,14 LGPLFortran, C, C++, Python, Perl GTONo YesYesYesYesYesup to (T)YesYes
MOLGWFree, GPLFortranGTONo NoNoYesYes NoNoYesNo
MOLPROCommercialFortran GTONo NoNoYesYesYes17up to (T)YesYes
MOPACAcademic, commercialFortran Minimal GTOAny NoYesNoNoNoNoNoYes
MPQCFree, LGPLC++ GTONo NoNoYesYes Noup to QYesNo
MRCCAcademicFortran GTONo YesNoYesYesYesany orderYesNo
NRLMOLUnknownFortran GTONo NoNoNoNoNoNoYesNo
NTChemUnknownUnknown GTONoNoNoYesYes NoYesYesNo
NWChemFree, ECL v2Fortran 77, C GTO, PWYes (PW), No (GTO) YesNoYesYes Noup to QYesYes, CUDA
OctopusFree, GPLFortran 95, C GridAny YesNoYesNoNoNoYesYes, CUDA and OpenCL
ONETEPAcademic (UK), commercialFortran PW3d YesNoYes5NoNoNoYesYes, CUDA
OpenAtomAcademicCharm++ (C++) PW3d YesNoNoNoNoNoYesYes
OpenMXFree, GPLC NAOAny YesNoNoNoNoNoYesNo
ORCAAcademic, commercialC++ GTONo YesYesYesYes Yes19up to (T)YesNo
PARSECFree, GPL Fortran GridAny YesNoYesNoNoNoYesNo
phase0 Free, GPL PW[2] Unknown YesNoNoNoYesNo
PLATOAcademicUnknown NAOAny YesNoNoNoNoNoYesNo
PQSCommercialUnknown UnknownUnknown YesYesYesYes Noup to (T)YesNo
Priroda (see also )AcademicC GTONo NoYesYesYes Noup to DYesNo
PSIFree, GPLC, C++, Python GTONo NoNoYesYes Yesup to (T)YesNo
PUPILFree, GPLFortran, C GTO, PWAny YesYesYesYes NoNoYesYes
PWmatCommercialFortran PW3d YesNoYesYes NoNoYesYes
PyQuanteFree, BSDPython GTONo NoYesYesYes NoNoYesNo
PySCFFree, BSDPython GTOYes NoNoYesYes Noup to (T)YesNo
QboxFree, GPLC++ PW3d YesNoYesNoNoNoYesNo
Q-ChemAcademic, commercialFortran, C, C++ GTONo YesYesYesYes Noup to (T)YesYes
QMCPACK (QMC)Free, U. Illinois Open SourceC++ GTO, PW, Spline, Grid, STOAny NoNoYesYes Yes18NoNoYes, CUDA
Quantemol-NAcademic, commercialFortran, Java GTONo YesYesYesYes NoNoNoNo
Quantemol-ECAcademic, commercialFortran, Python GTONo YesYesYesYes NoNoNoNo
QSiteUnknownUnknown GTONo YesNo11YesYes NoNoYesNo
Quantum ESPRESSO6Free, GPLFortran PW3d YesNoYesNoNoNoYesYes, CUDA
RMGFree, GPLC, C++GridAny YesNoNoNoNoNoYesYes, CUDA
RSPtAcademicFortran, C FP-LMTO3d NoNoNoNoNoNoYesYes
SAMSONFreeC++, Python MultipleNo YesYesNoNoNoNoYesNo
ScigressCommercialC++, C, Java, Fortran GTOYes YesYesNoNoNoNoYesNo
Siam QuantumFree, GPLC GTONo YesNoYesYesNoNoYesNo
SIESTAFree, GPLFortran NAO3d12 YesNoNoNoNoNoYesNo
SpartanCommercialFortran, C, C++ GTONo YesYesYesYesNoup to (T)YesNo
SPHInXFree, Apache LicenseC++ PW3d NoNoNoNoNoNoYesNo
TB-LMTOAcademicFortran LMTO3d NoNoNoNoNoNoYesNo
TeraChem 8CommercialC, CUDA GTONo YesNoYesYes NoNoYesYes
TURBOMOLECommercialFortran GTOYes YesYesYesYes Noup to (T)YesNo
VASPAcademic (AT), commercialFortran PW3d YesNoYesYesNoNoYesYes
WIEN2kCommercialFortran, C FP-(L)APW+lo3d YesNoYesNoNoNoYesNo
xtbAcademicFortran Minimal GTO3d NoYesNoNoNoNoNoNo
Yambo CodeFree, GPLFortran PW3d NoNoYesYesNoNoNoNo
PackageLicenseLanguage BasisPeriodic Mol. mech.Semi-emp.HFPost-HF MRCICCDFTGPU

Post processing packages in quantum chemistry and solid-state physics

PackageLicenseLanguage Inputwhat it calculate
wannier90Free, GPLFortran interfaces with many solid-state DFT packagesMaximally localised Wannier functions, density of states, Berry-phase properties, transport properties
Bader Charge Analysis Free Fortran interfaces with VASP Grid based partitioning in Atoms in Molecules
LOBSTER Academic interfaces with VASP, abinit, Quantum Espresso Crystal Orbital Hamilton Populations
DGrid Free C++ interfaces with ADF, FHI-aims, GAMESS, Gaussian, Molpro, Molcas, Turbomole Evaluates properties on a grid to analyze chemical bonding
molden2AIM MIT Fortran Convert from ORCA, CFOUR, MOLPRO, MOLCAS, PSI4, ... to AIM format Converts to AIM and NBO formats


"Academic": academic (no cost) license possible upon request; "Commercial": commercially distributed.

Support for periodic systems (3d-crystals, 2d-slabs, 1d-rods and isolated molecules): 3d-periodic codes always allow simulating systems with lower dimensionality within a supercell. Specified here is the ability for simulating within lower periodicity.

1 The CAMPOS project(which includes Dacapo) states that all code is GPL. The Dacapo distribution contains no license information.

2 QuanPol is a full spectrum and seamless (HF, MCSCF, GVB, MP2, DFT, TDDFT, CHARMM, AMBER, OPLSAA) QM/MM package integrated in GAMESS-US.[3]

3 Through Ascalaph

4 Through interface to MOPAC

5 Using exact exchange DFT

6 Distributed as PWSCF, until version 2.0.4 (2004)

7 Web service integrating MPQC.

8 TeraChem is the first fully GPU-accelerated quantum chemistry software.

9 Atomistix ToolKit also contains finite-bias NEGF electron transport calculations with open boundary conditions.

10 Through CRYSCOR program.

11 However, available in the Schrödinger Suite.

12 SIESTA also contains finite-bias NEGF electron transport calculations with open boundary conditions using TranSIESTA.

13 FPLO has fully relativistic calculation.

14 In September 2017, large part of MOLCAS was released under LGPL.

15 Gamma point only.

16 Supports MRCI calculations only in the FOCI (first order CI) and SOCI (second order CI) variants.

17 Supports MRCI calculations only in internally-contracted forms (two variants are possible).

18 Supports MRCI-type calculations though general selected-CI.

19 Supports both full, uncontracted MRCI and contracted MRCI using two contraction schemes.

20 BerkeleyGW is a many-body perturbation theory code for excited states, using the GW method and the GW plus Bethe-Salpeter equation (GW-BSE) method to solve respectively for quasiparticle excitations and optical properties of materials.

Further programs

gollark: Isn't just *asking* what scroll an egg is from prone to misuse?
gollark: Yes, but people are unlikely to do that.
gollark: Trouble is that my system doesn't actually know what scroll an egg is from.
gollark: I could set up webhooks.
gollark: Er... yes?

See also


  1. "Order MOLCAS".
  2. Kaneko, Tomoaki; Tajima, Nobuo; Yamasaki, Takahiro; Nara, Jun; Schimizu, Tatsuo; Kato, Koichi; Ohno, Takahisa (2018). "Hybrid density functional analysis of distribution of carbon-related defect levels at 4H-SiC(0001)/SiO2 interface". Applied Physics Express. 11 (1): 011302. Bibcode:2018APExp..11a1302K. doi:10.7567/APEX.11.011302. ISSN 1882-0778.
  3. Change History of GAMESS

Further reading

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