List of parliaments of Iceland
This is a list of parliaments of Iceland.
Historical overview
- Commonwealth of Iceland (930–1262)
- The parliament was founded at Þingvellir in 930. It held both legislative and judicial power but no executive power was present in the country.
- Union with Norway (1262–1814)
- When Iceland became a dependency of Norway, the legislative power of the parliament was shared with the king of Norway who ruled through his officials. Laws adopted by the parliament were subject to royal assent and, conversely, if the king initiated legislation, the parliament had to give its consent.
- Danish monarchy (1380–1944)
- Norway falls under the control the Danish monarchy and Iceland along with it. The parliament served almost exclusively as a court of law until the year 1800 when it was disbanded by royal decree.
- A royal decree providing for the reestablishment of the parliament was issued on 8 March 1843. Elections were held the following year and the assembly finally met on 1 July 1845. The parliament functioned however only as a consultative assembly.
- Constitution of Iceland (1874)
- The constitution of 1874 granted to the parliament joint legislative power with the crown in matters of exclusive Icelandic concern. The king retained the right to veto legislation and often, on the advice of his ministers, refused to consent to legislation adopted by the parliament.
- The parliament began meeting in the newly built Parliament House in 1881 and has done so ever since.
- A constitutional amendment, confirmed on 3 October 1903, granted Icelanders home rule and parliamentary government.
- After 1915 standing committees began operating in the parliament for the first time. The parliament was bicameral and each chamber had the same seven standing committees.
- Kingdom of Iceland (1918–1944)
- The parliament was granted unrestricted legislative power.
- Republic of Iceland (1944–present)
- In May 1991 the parliament became unicameral, operating in a unified chamber.
- Iceland joins the European Economic Area in 1994, thus transferring significant legislative power to the European Union.
Parliament as a legislature (1875–present)
Parliament | Begin date (continuation) |
Adjourn date (deferment) |
Election |
1st | 1 July 1875 | 26 August 1875 | N/A |
2nd | 2 July 1877 | 30 August 1877 | |
3rd | 1 July 1879 | 27 August 1879 | |
4th | 1 July 1881 | 27 August 1881 | |
5th | 2 July 1883 | 27 August 1883 | |
6th | 1 July 1885 | 27 August 1885 | |
7th (special session) | 28 July 1886 | 26 August 1886 | |
8th | 1 July 1887 | 26 August 1887 | |
9th | 1 July 1889 | 26 August 1889 | |
10th | 1 July 1891 | 26 August 1891 | |
11th | 1 July 1893 | 26 August 1893 | |
12th (special session) | 1 August 1894 | 28 August 1894 | |
13th | 1 July 1895 | 24 August 1895 | |
14th | 1 July 1897 | 26 August 1897 | |
15th | 1 July 1899 | 26 August 1899 | |
16th | 1 July 1901 | 26 August 1901 | |
17th (special session) | 26 July 1902 | 25 August 1902 | |
18th | 1 July 1903 | 26 August 1903 | |
19th | 1 July 1905 | 29 August 1905 | |
20th | 1 July 1907 | 14 September 1907 | |
21st | 15 February 1909 | 8 May 1909 | |
22nd | 15 February 1911 | 10 May 1911 | |
23rd (special session) | 15 July 1912 | 26 August 1912 | |
24th | 1 July 1913 | 13 September 1913 | |
25th (special session) | 1 July 1914 | 13 August 1914 | |
26th | 7 July 1915 | 15 September 1915 | |
27th (special session) | 11 December 1916 | 13 January 1917 | |
28th | 2 July 1917 | 17 September 1917 | |
29th (special session) | 10 April 1918 | 18 July 1918 | |
30th (special session) | 2 September 1918 | 10 September 1918 | |
31st | 1 July 1919 | 27 September 1919 | |
32nd (special session) | 5 February 1920 | 1 March 1920 | |
33rd | 15 February 1921 | 21 May 1921 | |
34th | 15 February 1922 | 26 April 1922 | |
35th | 15 February 1923 | 14 May 1923 | |
36th | 15 February 1924 | 7 May 1924 | |
37th | 7 February 1925 | 16 May 1925 | |
38th | 6 February 1926 | 15 May 1926 | |
39th | 9 February 1927 | 19 May 1927 | |
40th | 19 January 1928 | 18 April 1928 | |
41st | 15 February 1929 | 18 May 1929 | |
42nd | 17 January 1930 26 June 1930 |
19 April 1930 28 June 1930 | |
43rd | 14 February 1931 | (dissolution) 14 April 1931 | |
44th (special session) | 15 July 1931 | 24 August 1931 | |
45th | 15 February 1932 | 6 June 1932 | |
46th | 15 February 1933 | 3 June 1933 | |
47th (special session) | 2 November 1933 | 9 December 1933 | |
48th | 1 October 1934 | 22 December 1934 | 1934 |
49th | 15 February 1935 10 October 1935 |
4 April 1935 23 December 1935 | |
50th | 15 February 1936 | 9 May 1936 | |
51st | 15 February 1937 | (dissolution) 20 April 1937 | |
52nd (special session) | 9 October 1937 | 22 December 1937 | 1937 |
53rd | 15 February 1938 | 12 May 1938 | |
54th | 15 February 1939 1 November 1939 |
26 April 1939 5 January 1940 | |
55th | 15 February 1940 | 24 April 1940 | |
56th | 15 February 1941 | 17 June 1941 | |
57th (special session) | 9 July 1941 | 10 July 1941 | |
58th (special session) | 13 October 1941 | 21 November 1941 | |
59th | 16 February 1942 (no continuation) |
23 May 1942 (dissolution) 5 July 1942 | |
60th (special session) | 4 August 1942 | 9 September 1942 | July 1942 |
61st (special session) | 14 November 1942 | 14 April 1943 | October 1942 |
62nd | 15 April 1943 1 September 1943 |
21 April 1943 17 December 1943 | |
63rd | 10 January 1944 10 June 1944 2 September 1944 |
11 March 1944 20 June 1944 3 March 1945 | |
64th | 1 October 1945 1 February 1946 |
21 December 1945 29 April 1946 | |
65th (special session) | 22 July 1946 19 September 1946 |
25 July 1946 9 October 1946 | |
66th | 10 October 1946 7 January 1947 |
22 December 1946 24 May 1947 |
1946 |
67th | 1 October 1947 20 January 1948 |
20 December 1947 24 March 1948 | |
68th | 11 October 1948 21 January 1949 |
20 December 1948 18 May 1949 | |
69th | 14 November 1949 4 January 1950 |
20 December 1949 17 May 1950 |
1949 |
70th | 10 October 1950 8 January 1951 |
19 December 1950 7 March 1951 | |
71st | 1 October 1951 3 January 1952 |
20 December 1951 24 January 1952 | |
72nd | 1 October 1952 12 January 1953 |
19 December 1952 6 February 1953 | |
73rd | 1 October 1953 5 February 1954 |
18 December 1953 14 April 1954 |
1953 |
74th | 9 October 1954 4 February 1955 |
18 December 1954 11 May 1955 | |
75th | 8 October 1955 5 January 1956 |
17 December 1955 28 March 1956 | |
76th | 10 October 1956 21 January 1957 |
22 December 1956 31 May 1957 |
1956 |
77th | 10 October 1957 4 February 1958 |
20 December 1957 4 June 1958 | |
78th | 10 October 1958 | 14 May 1959 | |
79th (special session) | 21 July 1959 | 15 August 1959 | June 1959 |
80th | 20 November 1959 28 January 1960 |
7 December 1959 3 June 1960 |
October 1959 |
81st | 10 October 1960 16 January 1961 |
20 December 1960 29 March 1961 | |
82nd | 10 October 1961 1 February 1962 |
19 December 1961 18 April 1962 | |
83rd | 10 October 1962 29 January 1963 |
20 December 1962 20 April 1963 | |
84th | 10 October 1963 16 January 1964 |
21 December 1963 14 May 1964 |
1963 |
85th | 10 October 1964 1 February 1965 |
22 December 1964 12 May 1965 | |
86th | 8 October 1965 7 February 1966 |
17 December 1965 5 May 1966 | |
87th | 10 October 1966 1 February 1967 |
17 December 1966 19 April 1967 | |
88th | 10 October 1967 16 January 1968 |
20 December 1967 20 April 1968 |
1967 |
89th | 10 October 1968 7 February 1969 |
21 December 1968 17 May 1969 | |
90th | 10 October 1969 12 January 1970 2 March 1970 |
19 December 1969 3 February 1970 4 May 1970 | |
91st | 10 October 1970 25 January 1971 |
18 December 1970 7 April 1971 | |
92nd | 11 October 1971 20 January 1972 |
21 December 1971 20 May 1972 |
1971 |
93rd | 10 October 1972 25 January 1973 |
21 December 1972 18 April 1973 | |
94th | 10 October 1973 21 January 1974 |
21 December 1973 (dissolution) 9 May 1974 | |
95th (special session) | 18 July 1974 | 5 September 1974 | |
96th | 29 October 1974 27 January 1975 |
21 December 1974 16 May 1975 |
1974 |
97th | 10 October 1975 26 January 1976 |
20 December 1975 19 May 1976 | |
98th | 11 October 1976 24 January 1977 |
21 December 1976 4 May 1977 | |
99th | 10 October 1977 23 January 1978 |
21 December 1977 6 May 1978 | |
100th | 10 October 1978 25 January 1979 |
22 December 1978 23 May 1979 |
1978 |
101st | 10 October 1979 | (dissolution) 16 October 1979 | |
102nd (special session) | 12 December 1979 8 January 1980 |
21 December 1979 29 May 1980 |
1979 |
103rd | 10 October 1980 26 January 1981 |
20 December 1980 25 May 1981 | |
104th | 10 October 1981 20 January 1982 |
19 December 1981 7 May 1982 | |
105th | 11 October 1982 17 January 1983 |
18 December 1982 14 March 1983 | |
106th | 10 October 1983 23 January 1984 |
20 December 1983 22 May 1984 |
1983 |
107th | 10 October 1984 28 January 1985 |
20 December 1984 21 June 1985 | |
108th | 10 October 1985 27 January 1986 |
21 December 1985 23 April 1986 | |
109th | 10 October 1986 13 January 1987 |
20 December 1986 19 March 1987 | |
110th | 10 October 1987 | 11 May 1988 | 1987 |
111th | 10 October 1988 6 February 1989 |
6 January 1989 20 May 1989 | |
112th | 10 October 1989 22 January 1990 |
22 December 1990 5 May 1990 | |
113th | 10 October 1990 14 January 1991 |
21 December 1990 20 March 1991 | |
114th (special session) | 13 May 1991 | 31 May 1991 | |
115th | 1 October 1991 6 January 1992 |
22 December 1991 20 May 1992 |
1991 |
116th | 17 August 1992 4 January 1993 10 February 1993 |
22 December 1992 14 January 1993 9 May 1993 | |
117th | 1 October 1993 24 January 1994 16 June 1994 |
21 December 1993 11 May 1994 17 June 1994 | |
118th | 1 October 1994 25 January 1995 |
30 December 1994 25 February 1995 | |
119th (special session) | 16 May 1995 | 15 June 1995 | |
120th | 2 October 1995 30 January 1996 |
22 December 1995 5 June 1996 |
1995 |
121st | 1 October 1996 28 January 1997 |
20 December 1996 17 May 1997 | |
122nd | 1 October 1997 27 January 1998 |
20 December 1997 5 June 1998 | |
123rd | 1 October 1998 6 January 1999 2 February 1999 25 March 1999 |
20 December 1998 13 January 1999 11 March 1999 25 March 1999 | |
124th (special session) | 8 June 1999 | 16 June 1999 | |
125th | 1 October 1999 1 February 2000 2 July 2000 |
21 December 1999 13 May 2000 2 July 2000 |
1999 |
126th | 2 October 2000 15 January 2001 8 February 2001 |
16 December 2000 24 January 2001 20 May 2001 | |
127th | 1 October 2001 22 January 2002 |
14 December 2001 3 May 2002 | |
128th | 1 October 2002 21 January 2003 |
13 December 2002 15 March 2003 | |
129th (special session) | 26 May 2003 | 27 May 2003 | |
130th | 1 October 2003 28 January 2004 5 July 2004 |
15 December 2003 28 May 2004 22 July 2004 |
2003 |
131st | 1 October 2004 24 January 2005 |
10 December 2004 11 May 2005 | |
132nd | 1 October 2005 17 January 2006 30 May 2006 |
9 December 2005 4 May 2006 3 June 2006 | |
133rd | 2 October 2006 15 January 2007 |
9 December 2006 18 March 2007 | |
134th (special session) | 31 May 2007 | 13 June 2007 | |
135th | 1 October 2007 15 January 2008 |
14 December 2007 29 May 2008 |
2007 |
136th | 1 October 2008 20 January 2009 |
22 December 2008 (dissolution) 17 April 2009 | |
137th (special session) | 15 May 2009 | 28 August 2009 | |
138th | 1 October 2009 8 January 2010 29 January 2010 2 September 2010 |
30 December 2009 8 January 2010 24 June 2010 28 September 2010 |
2009 |
139th | 1 October 2010 17 January 2011 2 September 2011 |
18 December 2010 15 June 2011 17 September 2011 | |
140th | 1 October 2011 17 December 2011 |
16 January 2012 19 June 2012 | |
141st | 11 September 2012 22 December 2012 |
14 January 2013 28 March 2013 | |
142nd (special session) | 6 June 2013 10 September 2013 |
5 July 2013 18 September 2013 |
2013 |
143rd | N/A | N/A | |
144th | N/A | N/A | |
145th | N/A | N/A | |
146th | N/A | N/A | 2016 |
147th | N/A | N/A | |
148th | N/A | N/A | 2017 |
149th | N/A | N/A |
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gollark: æææ why is this not websocketing
gollark: It is being installed slowly because it's a bad node program.
gollark: That is a tautology and thus useless.
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