List of mathematicians (N)
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- Naboth, Valentin (Germany, 1523–1593)
- Nabutovsky, Alexander (Canada, ?–?)
- Naccari, Andrea (Italy, 1841–1919)
- Nachbin, Leopoldo (Brazil, 1922–1993)
- Nadir, Mehmet (Turkey, 1856–1927)
- Nadler, David (mathematician) (?, born 1973)
- Nag, K. C. (India, 1893–1987)
- Nagano, Tadashi (Japan, 1930–2017)
- Nagar, Anirudh Lal (India, 1930–2014)
- Nagata, Jun-iti (Japan, 1925–2007)
- Nagata, Masayoshi (Japan, 1927–2008)
- Nagel, Alexander (?, born 1945)
- von Nagel, Christian Heinrich (Germany, 1803–1882)
- Nagell, Trygve (Norway, 1895–1988)
- Nagornov, Oleg (Russia, born 1956)
- Nagumo, Mitio (Japan, 1905–1995)
- Nagurney, Anna (Ukraine, born 1950s)
- Nahavandi, Ahmad (Medieval Persia, ?–845)
- Naher, Hasibun (Bangladesh, ?–?)
- Nahin, Paul J. (?, born 1940)
- Nahmod, Andrea R. (?, ?–?)
- Nai, Yao (China, 1731–1815)
- Naimark, Mark (Soviet Union/Russia, 1909–1978)
- Najafi, Mohammad-Ali (Iran, born 1952)
- Nakajima, Hiraku (Japan, born 1962)
- Nakasawa, Takeo (Japan, 1913–1946)
- Nakayama, Tadashi (Japan, 1912–1964)
- Nalli, Pia (Italy, 1886–1964)
- Namboodiripad, Chennas Narayanan (India, born 1428)
- Nambooripad, K. S. S. (India, 1935–2020)
- Namioka, Isaac (Japan, 1928–2019)
- Nanda, Seema (India, ?–?)
- Nang, Philibert (Gabon, born 1967)
- Nanson, Edward J. (?, 1850–1936)
- Naonobu, Ajima (Japan, 1732–1798)
- Naor, Assaf (Czech Republic/Israel, born 1975)
- Napier, John (Scotland, 1550–1617)
- Naraniengar, M. T. (India, 1871–1940)
- Narasimhan, M. S. (India, born 1932)
- Narasimhan, Raghavan (India, 1937–2015)
- Narlikar, Jayant (?, born 1938)
- Narlikar, Mangala (India, ?–?)
- Nash Jr., John Forbes (USA, 1928–2015)
- Nash-Williams, Crispin (Canada, 1932–2001)
- Nashed, Zuhair (USA, born 1936)
- Nason, Guy (Britain, born 1966)
- Nastold, Hans-Joachim (Germany, 1929–2004)
- Nasuh, Matrakçı (?, ?–?)
- Natale, Sonia (Argentina, ?–?)
- Natanson, Isidor (Soviet Union, 1906–1964)
- Nathanson, Melvyn B. (USA, born 1944)
- Natterer, Frank (Germany, born 1941)
- Naumov, Pavel (Russia/USA, born 1970)
- de Navarra, Eugenio Oñate Ibañez (?, born 1953)
- Navy, Caryn (USA, born 1953)
- Nayfeh, Ali H. (?, 1933–2017)
- Al-Nayrizi (Medieval Persia, 865–922)
- Nazarov, Fedor (Russia, born 1967)
- Neale, Vicky (Britain, ?–?)
- Nebe, Gabriele (Germany, ?–?)
- Necker, Louis (Switzerland, 1730–1804)
- Needell, Deanna (USA, ?–?)
- Needham, Tristan (USA, ?–?)
- Negri, Sara (Italy/Finland, born 1967)
- Nehari, Zeev (Israel, 1915–1978)
- Nehemiah, Rabbi (?, ?–?)
- Nei, Wada (Japan, 1787–1840)
- Neile, William (England, 1637–1670)
- Neisendorfer, Joseph (USA, ?–?)
- Nekhoroshev, Nikolay (Russia/Soviet Union, 1946–2008)
- Nekrasov, Aleksandr (Russia, 1883–1957)
- Nekrasov, Pavel (?, ?–?)
- Nelder, John (Britain/England, 1924–2010)
- Nelson, Edward (USA, 1932–2014)
- Nelson, Evelyn (Canada, 1943–1987)
- Nelson, Graham (England, born 1968)
- Nelson, Leonard (Germany, 1882–1927)
- Nemchinov, Vasily Sergeevich (Soviet Union/Russia, 1894–1964)
- Nemeth, Abraham (USA, 1918–2013)
- Nemirovski, Arkadi (Russia/Israel/Ukraine, born 1947)
- Nemirovski, Stefan (Russia, born 1973)
- de Nemore, Jordanus (?, ?–?)
- Nemytskii, Viktor Vladimirovich (Russia/Soviet Union, 1900–1967)
- Nerode, Anil (USA, born 1932)
- Néron, André (France, 1922–1985)
- Nersessian, Anry (Armenia/Soviet Union, born 1936)
- Nesbitt, Cecil J. (?, 1912–2001)
- Nešetřil, Jaroslav (Czech Republic, born 1946)
- Nešić, Dimitrije (Serbia, 1836–1904)
- Nesselmann, Georg Heinrich Ferdinand (Germany, 1811–1881)
- Nesterenko, Yuri Valentinovich (Russia, ?–?)
- Nesterov, Yurii (Belgium/Soviet Union, born 1956)
- Netanyahu, Elisha (Israel, 1912–1986)
- Netto, Antônio Carbonari (Brazil, ?–?)
- Netto, Eugen (Germany, 1848–1919)
- Netz, Reviel (?, born 1968)
- Neuberg, Joseph Jean Baptiste (Belgium, 1840–1926)
- Neugebauer, Otto E. (Austria, 1899–1990)
- Neuhauser, Claudia (?, ?–?)
- Neukart, Florian (Austria, born 1982)
- Neukirch, Jürgen (Germany, 1937–1997)
- Neuman, Edward (Poland, born 1943)
- Neumann-Lara, Víctor (Mexico, 1933–2004)
- de Neumann, Bernard (Britain, born 1943)
- Neumann, Bernhard (Australia, 1909–2002)
- Neumann, Carl (Germany, 1832–1925)
- Neumann, Franz Ernst (Germany, 1798–1895)
- Neumann, Hanna (Germany, 1914–1971)
- von Neumann, John (Hungary, 1903–1957)
- von Neumann, Klara Dan (Hungary, 1911–1963)
- Neumann, Nelli (?, 1886–1942)
- Neumann, Peter M. (England, born 1940)
- Neumann, Walter (Germany, born 1946)
- Neusel, Mara (Germany, 1964–2014)
- Nevanlinna, Frithiof (Finland, 1894–1977)
- Nevanlinna, Rolf (Finland, 1895–1980)
- Neves, André (Portugal, born 1975)
- Neveu, Jacques (Belgium/France, 1932–2016)
- Neville, Eric Harold (England, 1889–1961)
- Nevins, Monica (Canada, born 1973)
- Newcomb, Simon (Britain, 1835–1909)
- Newell, Alan C. (Ireland, born 1941)
- Newell, Jr., Homer E. (USA, 1915–1983)
- Newell, Martin J. (Ireland, 1910–1985)
- Newelski, Ludomir (Poland, born 1960)
- Newman, Charles M. (?, born 1946)
- Newman, Donald J. (USA, 1930–2007)
- Newman, James R. (?, 1907–1966)
- Newman, Max (England, 1897–1984)
- Newson, Mary Frances Winston (USA, 1869–1959)
- Newton, Hubert Anson (USA, 1830–1896)
- Newton, Isaac (England, 1642–1727)
- Neyman, Abraham (Israel, born 1949)
- Neyman, Jerzy (Poland/USA, 1894–1981)
- Ng, Edward (USA, born 1939)
- Ng, Lenhard (USA, born 1976)
- Ngoc, Nguyen Dinh (Vietnam, 1932–2006)
- Nguyen, Giang (Australia/Vietnam, born 1985)
- Nhàn, Lê Thị Thanh (Vietnam, born 1970)
- Nicholas of Cusa (Germany, 1401–1464)
- Nichols, Nancy K. (Britain, ?–?)
- Nicholson Jr., George E. (USA, 1918–1971)
- Nicholson, John William (England, 1881–1955)
- Nicholson, Peter (Scotland, 1765–1844)
- Nickl, Richard (Austria, born 1980)
- Nicodemi, Olympia (?, ?–?)
- Nicolai, Giovanni Battista (Italy, 1726–1793)
- Nicolas, Jean-Louis (France, ?–?)
- Nicole, François (France, 1683–1758)
- Nicolescu, Miron (Romania, 1903–1975)
- Nicoletti, Onorato (Italy, 1872–1929)
- Nicolson, Phyllis (Britain, 1917–1968)
- Nicomachus (Ancient Greece, 60–120)
- Nicomedes (Ancient Greece, 280s BC–210s BC)
- Nicoteles of Cyrene (Ancient Greece, ?–?)
- Niebergall, Karl-Georg (Germany, born 1961)
- Niebuhr, Carsten (Germany, 1733–1815)
- Niederländer, Abraham (Austria, ?–?)
- Niederman, Derrick (USA, ?–?)
- Niederreiter, Harald (Austria, born 1944)
- Nielsen, Hans Bruun (Denmark, ?–?)
- Nielsen, Jakob (Denmark, 1890–1959)
- Nielsen, Niels (Denmark, 1865–1931)
- Niemeier, Hans-Volker (Germany, ?–?)
- Nienhuys, Jan Willem (Netherlands, born 1942)
- van Nierop, Dirck Rembrantsz (?, 1610–1682)
- Niethammer, Barbara (Germany, born 1967)
- Nieuwentyt, Bernard (Netherlands, 1654–1718)
- Nieuwland, Pieter (Netherlands, 1764–1794)
- Niiniluoto, Ilkka (Finland, born 1946)
- Nijenhuis, Albert (Netherlands, 1926–2015)
- Nikishin, Evgenii (Russia/Soviet Union, 1945–1986)
- Nikodym, Otto M. (Poland, 1887–1974)
- Nikodym, Stanisława (Poland, 1897–1988)
- Nikolov, Aleksandar (computer scientist) (Canada, ?–?)
- Nikolova, Mila (Bulgaria/France, 1962–2018)
- Nikolski, Nikolai Kapitonovich (Soviet Union, born 1940)
- Nikolsky, Sergey (Russia, 1905–2012)
- Nikulin, Viacheslav V. (Russia, ?–?)
- Nirenberg, Louis (Canada, 1925–2020)
- al-Nisapuri, Nizam al-Din (Medieval Persia, ?–?)
- Nishaburi, Bi Bi Monajemeh (Iran, 1203–1280)
- Nishida, Goro (Japan, 1943–2014)
- Nishioka, Kumiko (?, born 1954)
- Nishiyama, Yutaka (Japan, born 1948)
- Nishizeki, Takao (Japan, born 1947)
- Nitsche, Joachim (Germany, 1926–1996)
- Niven, Charles (?, ?–?)
- Niven, Ivan M. (Canada, 1915–1999)
- Niven, William Davidson (?, 1842–1917)
- Nizioł, Wiesława (Poland, ?–?)
- Nlend, Henri Hogbe (Cameroon, born 1939)
- Nöbeling, Georg (Germany, 1907–2008)
- Noble, Charles Albert (?, 1867–1962)
- Nocedal, Jorge (?, born 1952)
- Noether, Emmy (Germany, 1882–1935)
- Noether, Fritz (Germany, 1884–1941)
- Noether, Gottfried E. (USA, 1915–1991)
- Noether, Max (Germany, 1844–1921)
- Nolan, Patrick Joseph (?, 1894–1984)
- Noll, Landon Curt (?, born 1960)
- Noll, Walter (USA, born 1925)
- Nomizu, Katsumi (Japan, 1924–2008)
- Nongxa, Loyiso (South Africa, born 1953)
- Noor, Khalida Inayat (Pakistan, ?–?)
- Norie, John William (England, 1722–1843)
- Nørlund, Niels Erik (Denmark, 1885–1981)
- Normand-Cyrot, Dorothée (France, ?–?)
- Normann, Dag (Norway, born 1947)
- Norris, James R. (England, born 1960)
- Northcott, Douglas (Britain, 1916–2005)
- Northrop, Eugene P. (USA, 1908–1969)
- Norton, Simon P. (?, born 1952)
- Norwood, Richard (England, 1590s–1675)
- Nosovsky, Gleb (Russia, born 1958)
- Nostradamus (France, 1503–1566)
- the Novgorodian, Kirik (?, 1110–1150s)
- Novik, Isabella (USA/Israel, ?–?)
- Novikov, Alexander (mathematician) (Soviet Union, ?–?)
- Novikov, Pyotr (Russia/Soviet Union, 1901–1975)
- Novikov, Sergei (Russia/Soviet Union, born 1938)
- Novozhilov, Viktor Valentinovich (Russia/Ukraine, 1892–1970)
- Nowacki, Witold (Poland, 1911–1986)
- Noyes, Henry Sanborn (?, 1822–1870)
- Nualart, David (Spain, born 1951)
- Nugel, Frieda (Germany, 1884–1966)
- Nulty, Eugenius (?, 1790–1871)
- Nunes, Pedro (Portugal, 1502–1578)
- Núñez, Rafael E. (USA, ?–?)
- Nunn, John (England, born 1955)
- Nunno, Giulia Di (Italy/Norway, born 1973)
- Nussbaum, A. Edward (USA, 1925–2009)
- Nyberg, Kaisa (Finland, born 1948)
- Nye, Nathaniel (England, born 1624)
- Nygaard, Kristen (Norway, 1926–2002)
- Nyström, Kaj (Sweden, ?–?)
gollark: <@151391317740486657> Do you know what "unsupported" means? PotatOS is not designed to be used this way.
gollark: Specifically, 22 bytes for the private key and 21 for the public key on and 25 and 32 on the actual ingame one.
gollark: <@!206233133228490752> Sorry to bother you, but keypairs generated by `` and the ECC library in use in potatOS appear to have different-length private and public keys, which is a problem.EDIT: okay, apparently it's because I've been accidentally using a *different* ECC thing from SMT or something, and it has these parameters instead:```---- Elliptic Curve Arithmetic---- About the Curve Itself-- Field Size: 192 bits-- Field Modulus (p): 65533 * 2^176 + 3-- Equation: x^2 + y^2 = 1 + 108 * x^2 * y^2-- Parameters: Edwards Curve with c = 1, and d = 108-- Curve Order (n): 4 * 1569203598118192102418711808268118358122924911136798015831-- Cofactor (h): 4-- Generator Order (q): 1569203598118192102418711808268118358122924911136798015831---- About the Curve's Security-- Current best attack security: 94.822 bits (Pollard's Rho)-- Rho Security: log2(0.884 * sqrt(q)) = 94.822-- Transfer Security? Yes: p ~= q; k > 20-- Field Discriminant Security? Yes: t = 67602300638727286331433024168; s = 2^2; |D| = 5134296629560551493299993292204775496868940529592107064435 > 2^100-- Rigidity? A little, the parameters are somewhat small.-- XZ/YZ Ladder Security? No: Single coordinate ladders are insecure, so they can't be used.-- Small Subgroup Security? Yes: Secret keys are calculated modulo 4q.-- Invalid Curve Security? Yes: Any point to be multiplied is checked beforehand.-- Invalid Curve Twist Security? No: The curve is not protected against single coordinate ladder attacks, so don't use them.-- Completeness? Yes: The curve is an Edwards Curve with non-square d and square a, so the curve is complete.-- Indistinguishability? No: The curve does not support indistinguishability maps.```so I might just have to ship *two* versions to keep compatibility with old signatures.
gollark: > 2. precompilation to lua bytecode and compressionThis was considered, but the furthest I went was having some programs compressed on disk.
gollark: > 1. multiple layers of sandboxing (a "system" layer that implements a few things, a "features" layer that implements most of potatOS's inter-sandboxing API and some features, a "process manager" layer which has inter-process separation and ways for processes to communicate, and a "BIOS" layer that implements features like PotatoBIOS)Seems impractical, although it probably *could* fix a lot of problems
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