List of mathematicians (P)
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- Pach, János (USA, born 1954)
- Pachter, Lior (Israel/South Africa, born 1973)
- Pacioli, Luca (Italy, 1440s–1517)
- Packard, Norman (?, born 1954)
- Padberg, Harriet (USA, 1922–2014)
- Padberg, Manfred W. (Germany, 1941–2014)
- Padé, Henri (France, 1863–1953)
- Padoa, Alessandro (Italy, 1868–1937)
- Padova, Ernesto (Italy, 1845–1896)
- Padovani, Giovanni (Italy, born 1512)
- Pagnini, Giovanni (Italy, ?–?)
- Le Paige, Constantin (Belgium, 1852–1929)
- Painlevé, Paul (France, 1863–1933)
- Pairman, Eleanor (?, ?–?)
- de Paiva, Valeria (Brazil/USA, ?–?)
- Päivärinta, Lassi (Finland, ?–?)
- Pak, Igor (Russia, born 1971)
- Pál, Gyula (Hungary, 1881–1946)
- Palacios, Octavio Cordero (?, 1870–1930)
- Palais, Richard (USA, born 1931)
- Palásti, Ilona (Hungary, 1924–1991)
- Palatini, Attilio (Italy, 1889–1949)
- Paley, Raymond (England/Britain, 1907–1933)
- Pálfy, Péter Pál (Hungary, born 1955)
- Palis, Jacob (Brazil, born 1940)
- Pall, Gordon (?, 1907–1987)
- Palm, Conny (Sweden, 1907–1951)
- Palm, Enok (Norway, 1924–2012)
- Palmstrøm, Henrik (Norway, 1900–1998)
- Paman, Roger (?, 1700–1748)
- Pan, Victor (Soviet Union, ?–?)
- Pancatuccio, Paulo (?, ?–?)
- Pancholi, Dishant Mayurbhai (India, born 1976)
- Pandharipande, Rahul (India, born 1969)
- Pandita, Narayana (mathematician) (?, 1340–1400)
- Pandrosion (Ancient Greece, ?–?)
- Pangrati, Ermil (Romania, 1864–1931)
- Panin, Ivan (mathematician) (?, born 1959)
- Pāṇini (Ancient India, ?–?)
- Pannelli, Marino (Italy, 1855–1934)
- Pannwitz, Erika (Germany, ?–?)
- Panorska, Anna (Poland/USA, ?–?)
- Panova, Greta (?, born 1983)
- Pansu, Pierre (France, born 1959)
- Paoli, Pietro (?, 1759–1839)
- Papaioannou, Konstantinos (Greece, 1899–1979)
- Papakyriakopoulos, Christos (Greece, 1914–1976)
- Papaloizou, John (?, born 1947)
- Papanicolaou, George C. (USA, born 1943)
- Papasoglu, Panos (?, ?–?)
- Papert, Seymour (South Africa, 1928–2016)
- Papić, Pavle (Croatia, 1919–2005)
- Papoulis, Athanasios (Greece, 1921–2002)
- Pappiani, Alberto (Italy, 1709–1790)
- Pappus of Alexandria (Ancient Greece, 290s–350s)
- Paradisi, Giovanni (Italy, 1760–1826)
- Parameshvara (Medieval India, 1380–1425)
- Paranjpe, R. P. (India, 1876–1966)
- Paranjpye, Shakuntala (India, 1906–2000)
- Pardon, John (USA, born 1989)
- Pardoux, Étienne (France, born 1948)
- Parent, Antoine (France, 1666–1716)
- Parimala, Raman (India, born 1948)
- Paris, Jeff (Britain, born 1944)
- Park, Haesun (South Korea, ?–?)
- Parker-Rhodes, Frederick (Britain, 1914–1987)
- Parker, E. T. (USA, born 1926)
- Parker, Matt (Australia, born 1980)
- Parker, Richard A. (England, born 1953)
- Parks, Harold R. (USA, born 1949)
- Parlett, Beresford (?, born 1932)
- Parnell, Clare (Britain, born 1970)
- Parrondo, J. M. R. (?, born 1964)
- Parry, Bill (England, 1934–2006)
- Pars, Leopold (Britain, 1896–1985)
- Parseval, Marc-Antoine (France, 1755–1836)
- Parshall, Karen (?, born 1955)
- Parshin, Aleksei (Soviet Union/Russia, born 1942)
- Parsons, Charles (USA, born 1933)
- Parsons, Torrence (USA, 1941–1987)
- Parthasarathy, K. R. (?, ?–?)
- Parthasarathy, K. R. (probabilist) (India, born 1936)
- Parthasarathy, Rajagopalan (India, born 1945)
- Parthasarathy, Thiruvenkatachari (India, born 1941)
- de Parthenay, Catherine (France, 1554–1631)
- Partington, Jonathan (England, born 1955)
- Pascal, Blaise (France, 1623–1662)
- Pascal, Ernesto (?, 1865–1940)
- Pascal, Étienne (France, 1588–1651)
- Pascal, Mario (Italy, 1896–1949)
- Pasch, Moritz (Germany, 1843–1930)
- Pasha, Hüseyin Tevfik (?, 1832–1901)
- Pashayev, Rizvan (Azerbaijan, 1949–2007)
- Pasik-Duncan, Bozenna (Poland, ?–?)
- Paskvić, Ivan (Croatia, 1754–1829)
- du Pasquier, L. Gustave (Switzerland, 1876–1957)
- Passi, Inder Bir Singh (India, born 1939)
- Passman, Donald S. (?, born 1940)
- Pastor, Julio Rey (Spain/Argentina, 1888–1962)
- Pastori, Maria (Italy, 1895–1975)
- Pastur, Leonid (Ukraine, born 1937)
- Patanjali (India, ?–?)
- Paternain, Gabriel (Uruguay, ?–?)
- Patodi, Vijay Kumar (India, 1945–1976)
- Patterson, Boyd Crumrine (USA, 1902–1988)
- Patterson, Edward McWilliam (Britain, 1926–2013)
- Patterson, Samuel James (?, born 1948)
- Paucton, Alexis-Jean-Pierre (France, 1736–1798)
- Paul of Middelburg (?, 1446–1534)
- Paul, Iain (?, 1939–2012)
- Paule, Peter (Austria, ?–?)
- Paulin-Mohring, Christine (?, ?–?)
- Paulos, John Allen (USA, born 1945)
- Paulsen, Vern (USA, ?–?)
- Paulsson, Johan (?, ?–?)
- Pavlović, Nataša (Serbia, ?–?)
- Pawlak, Zdzisław (Poland, 1926–2006)
- Pawlowsky-Glahn, Vera (Spain, ?–?)
- Paycha, Sylvie (France, born 1960)
- Payne, William (England, ?–1779)
- Pazman, Andrej (Slovakia, born 1938)
- Pazy, Amnon (Israel, born 1936)
- Peabody, Selim (USA, 1829–1903)
- Peacock, George (England, 1791–1858)
- Peano, Giuseppe (Italy, 1858–1932)
- Pearce, Charles E. M. (Australia, 1940–2012)
- Pearcey, Trevor (England, 1919–1998)
- Pearcy, Carl (USA, ?–?)
- Pearson, Egon (England, 1895–1980)
- Pearson, Karl (England, 1857–1936)
- Pečarić, Josip (Croatia, born 1948)
- Péché, Sandrine (France, born 1977)
- Pechen, Alexander (Russia, born 1979)
- Peck, G. W. (USA, ?–?)
- Pediasimos, John (Greece, ?–?)
- Pedley, Tim (Britain, born 1942)
- Pedoe, Daniel (England, 1910–1998)
- Peeva, Irena (USA, ?–?)
- Pegel, Magnus (Germany, 1547–1619)
- Pegg Jr., Ed (USA, born 1963)
- Peiffer, Jeanne (?, born 1948)
- Peirce, Benjamin (USA, 1809–1880)
- Peirce, Benjamin Osgood (USA, 1854–1914)
- Peirce, Charles Sanders (USA, 1839–1914)
- Peirce, James Mills (?, ?–?)
- Peitgen, Heinz-Otto (Germany, born 1945)
- Peixoto, Maurício (Brazil, born 1921)
- Pekeris, Chaim L. (USA/Israel, 1908–1993)
- Pekonen, Osmo (Finland, born 1960)
- Pelesko, John (USA, born 1960s)
- Peligrad, Magda (USA/Romania, ?–?)
- Pell, John (Britain, 1611–1685)
- Pell, Morris Birkbeck (Australia, 1827–1879)
- Pelloni, Beatrice (Britain/Italy, born 1962)
- Peltesohn, Rose (Germany/Israel, 1913–1998)
- Peltonen, Kirsi (Finland, ?–?)
- Pendlebury, Richard (Britain, 1847–1902)
- Pengda, Zhao (China, born 1931)
- Pengra, Charlotte Elvira (?, 1875–1916)
- Penner, Robert (?, ?–?)
- Penney, William Penney, Baron (England, 1909–1991)
- Pennington, Barry (Britain, 1923–1968)
- Pennycuick, Kenneth (Britain, 1911–1995)
- Penrose, Lionel (Britain, 1898–1972)
- Penrose, Roger (England, born 1931)
- Pépin, Théophile (France, 1826–1904)
- Percival, Ian C. (?, born 1931)
- Peregrine, Howell (Britain, 1938–2007)
- Pereira, Thomas (Portugal, 1645–1708)
- Perelman, Grigori (Russia/Soviet Union, born 1966)
- Perera, Vicumpriya (Sri Lanka, ?–?)
- Pérès, Joseph (?, 1890–1962)
- Peres, Yuval (Israel, born 1963)
- Perez-Capdevila, Javier (Cuba, born 1963)
- Pérez-Marco, Ricardo (Spain, born 1967)
- Pérez, Francisco (Spain, ?–?)
- Pérez, José Augusto Sánchez (?, 1882–1958)
- Perfect, Hazel (Britain, ?–2015)
- Perigal, Henry (England, 1801–1898)
- Perkins, Ed (?, born 1953)
- Perles, Micha (Israel, ?–?)
- Perrin-Riou, Bernadette (France, born 1955)
- Perrin, Dominique (France, born 1946)
- Perron, Oskar (Germany, 1880–1975)
- Perry, John (Ireland, 1850–1920)
- Perry, Malcolm (physicist) (?, born 1951)
- Perseus (Ancient Greece, ?–?)
- Persson, Lars-Erik (Sweden, born 1944)
- Perthame, Benoit (France, born 1959)
- Perutz, Leo (Austria, 1882–1957)
- Pervushin, Ivan (Russia, 1827–1900)
- Peschl, Ernst (Germany, 1906–1986)
- Pesin, Yakov (Russia/USA, born 1946)
- Peskin, Charles S. (USA, born 1946)
- Peter, Fritz (Germany, 1899–1949)
- Péter, Rózsa (Hungary, 1905–1977)
- Petermichl, Stefanie (Germany/France, born 1971)
- Peters, Klaus (Germany, 1937–2014)
- Petersen, Julius (Denmark, 1839–1910)
- Peterson, Franklin P. (USA, 1930–2000)
- Peterson, Ivars (Canada, born 1948)
- Peterson, Karl Mikhailovich (?, 1828–1881)
- Peterson, Ludmila (?, ?–?)
- Peterson, W. Wesley (USA, 1924–2009)
- Petersson, Hans (Germany, 1902–1984)
- Petit, Pierre (France, 1594–1677)
- Petkanchin, Boyan (Bulgaria, 1907–1987)
- Petković, Miodrag (Serbia, born 1948)
- Petkovšek, Marko (Slovenia, born 1955)
- Petr, Karel (Czech Republic, 1868–1950)
- Petrén-Overton, Louise (Sweden, 1880–1977)
- Petri, Carl Adam (Germany, 1926–2010)
- Petrosian, Ashot (Armenia/Soviet Union, 1930–1998)
- Petrosjan, Leon (Armenia, born 1940)
- Petrov, Aleksei Zinovyevich (Russia, 1910–1972)
- Petrova, Guergana (Bulgaria, ?–?)
- Petrovskii, Sergei (England, ?–?)
- Petrovsky, Ivan (Russia/Soviet Union, 1901–1973)
- Petryshyn, Volodymyr (Ukraine, born 1929)
- Pettis, Billy James (USA, 1913–1979)
- Petunin, Yuri (Soviet Union/Russia/Ukraine, 1937–2011)
- Petzold, Linda (?, born 1954)
- Petzval, Joseph (?, 1807–1891)
- von Peuerbach, Georg (Austria, 1423–1461)
- Pevtsova, Julia (Russia, ?–?)
- del Pezzo, Pasquale (Italy, 1859–1936)
- Pfaff, Johann Friedrich (Germany, 1765–1825)
- Pfaff, Johann Wilhelm Andreas (Germany, 1774–1835)
- Pfannkuche, Michael (Germany, born 1956)
- Pfeffer, Washek (USA, born 1936)
- Pfeiffer, Georgii Yurii (Soviet Union/Ukraine, 1872–1946)
- Pfister, Albrecht (Germany, born 1934)
- Pfluger, Albert (Switzerland, 1907–1993)
- Pham, Frédéric (Vietnam/France, born 1938)
- Phelps, Robert (?, 1926–2013)
- Pheru, Thakkar (India, ?–?)
- Philip, Flora (Scotland, 1865–1943)
- Phillips, Cynthia A. (?, ?–?)
- Phillips, Ralph S. (USA, 1913–1998)
- Philolaus (Ancient Greece, 470s BC–380s BC)
- Philon (Ancient Greece, ?–?)
- Philonides of Laodicea (Ancient Greece/Syria, ?–?)
- Philoponus, John (?, ?–?)
- Philpott, Wade Edward (USA, 1918–1985)
- Phong, Duong Hong (Vietnam, born 1953)
- Phragmén, Lars Edvard (Sweden, 1863–1937)
- Piaggio, Henry Thomas Herbert (England, 1884–1967)
- Piasecki, Bartosz (?, born 1986)
- Piatetski-Shapiro, Ilya (Israel, 1929–2009)
- Picard, Dominique (France, born 1952)
- Picard, Émile (France, 1856–1941)
- Piccard, Sophie (Russia/Switzerland, 1904–1990)
- Piccione, Paolo (?, born 1964)
- Piccirillo, Lisa (?, ?–?)
- Pick, Georg Alexander (Austria, 1859–1942)
- Picone, Mauro (Italy/Sicily, 1885–1977)
- Piene, Ragni (Norway, born 1947)
- Pieprzyk, Josef (Poland, born 1949)
- Pier, Jean-Paul (?, 1933–2016)
- Pierantoni, Giovanni Giacomo (Italy, ?–?)
- Pierce, Joseph Alphonso (USA, 1902–1969)
- Pierce, Lillian (?, ?–?)
- Pieri, Mario (Italy, 1860–1913)
- Pierpont, James (USA, 1866–1938)
- Piesch, Johanna (Austria, 1898–1992)
- Pigafetta, Filippo (Italy, 1533–1604)
- Pigeon, Jean (?, 1654–1739)
- Pigeon, Marie Anne Victoire (?, 1724–1767)
- Pighius, Albert (Netherlands, 1490–1542)
- Pighizzini, Giovanni (Italy, ?–?)
- Pignatelli, Faustina (Italy, ?–1785)
- Pila, Jonathan (Australia, born 1962)
- Pilipovic, Stevan (Serbia, born 1950)
- Pillai, K. C. Sreedharan (India/USA, 1920–1985)
- Pillai, Kadammanitta Vasudevan (India, ?–?)
- Pillai, Subbayya Sivasankaranarayana (India, 1901–1950)
- de Pillis, Lisette (?, ?–?)
- Pilloni, Vincent (?, born 1982)
- Piltz, Adolf (Germany, 1855–1940)
- Pilz, Günter (Austria, born 1945)
- Pin, Jean-Éric (France, born 1947)
- Pincherle, Salvatore (?, 1853–1936)
- Pinder, George F. (USA, ?–?)
- Pingala (Ancient India, ?–?)
- Pingree, David (?, 1933–2005)
- Pinheiro, Paulo (Brazil, born 1967)
- Pini, Ermenegildo (Italy, 1739–1825)
- Pinilla, Martha Isabel Fandiño (Colombia/Italy, born 1956)
- Pinkall, Ulrich (?, born 1955)
- Pinkerton, Peter (Scotland, 1870–1930)
- Pinsker, Mark Semenovich (Russia/Soviet Union, 1925–2003)
- Pinto, Alberto (Portugal, born 1964)
- Pintz, János (Hungary, ?–?)
- Pinzari, Gabriella (Italy, ?–?)
- Pinzón, Mario Laserna (Colombia, 1923–2013)
- Piola, Gabrio (Italy, 1794–1850)
- Piontkovsky, Andrey (Russia/Soviet Union, born 1940)
- Piotrowski, Edward W. (?, born 1955)
- Pipher, Jill (USA, born 1955)
- Piranian, George (Ethnic Armenia, 1914–2009)
- Piretti, Ferdinando (Italy, ?–?)
- Pirie, George (mathematician) (Scotland, 1843–1904)
- Piro, Oreste (?, born 1954)
- Pironneau, Olivier (?, born 1945)
- Pisani, Giovanni Battista (Italy, ?–?)
- Pisanski, Tomaž (Slovenia, born 1949)
- Pisati, Laura (?, ?–1908)
- Piscopia, Elena Cornaro (?, 1646–1684)
- Pisharati, Achyuta (India, 1550–1621)
- Pisier, Gilles (France, born 1950)
- Pisot, Charles (France, 1910–1984)
- Pitassi, Toniann (Canada, ?–?)
- Pitati, Pietro (Italy, ?–1550)
- Pitiscus, Bartholomaeus (Germany, 1561–1613)
- Pitman, E. J. G. (Australia, 1897–1993)
- Pitt, Harry (Britain, 1914–2005)
- Pittarelli, Giulio (Italy, 1852–1934)
- Pitts, Jon T. (USA, born 1948)
- Pixton, Aaron (USA, born 1986)
- Plancherel, Michel (Switzerland, 1885–1967)
- Planman, Anders (Finland, 1724–1803)
- Platonov, Vladimir (Soviet Union/Belarus/Russia, born 1939)
- Playfair, John (Scotland, 1748–1819)
- Pleijel, Åke (Sweden, 1913–1989)
- Plemelj, Josip (Slovenia, 1873–1967)
- Pless, Vera (USA, born 1931)
- Plessner, Abraham (Soviet Union/Russia, 1900–1961)
- Pleszczyńska, Elżbieta (Poland, born 1933)
- Plofker, Kim (USA, born 1964)
- Plonka, Gerlind (Germany, ?–?)
- Plouffe, Simon (Canada, born 1956)
- Plücker, Julius (Germany, 1801–1868)
- Plummer, Michael D. (USA, ?–?)
- Plyushch, Leonid (Ukraine, 1938–2015)
- i Poch, Maria Assumpció Català (?, ?–?)
- Pochan, André (France, born 1891)
- Pochhammer, Leo August (Germany, 1841–1920)
- Pocklington, Henry Cabourn (England, 1870–1952)
- Poczobutt, Marcin Odlanicki (Lithuania/Poland, 1728–1810)
- Poénaru, Valentin (Romania, born 1932)
- Pogorelov, Aleksei (Ukraine/Soviet Union, 1919–2002)
- Pogorzelski, Henry (USA, born 1922)
- Pogue, William (astronaut) (USA, 1930–2014)
- Pohl, William Francis (?, 1937–1988)
- Poincaré, Henri (France, 1854–1912)
- Poinsot, Louis (France, 1777–1859)
- Poisson, Siméon Denis (France, 1781–1840)
- Poitou, Georges (France, 1926–1989)
- Polcastro, Sigismondo (?, ?–?)
- Poletti, Luigi (?, 1864–1967)
- de Polignac, Alphonse (France, 1826–1863)
- Polini, Claudia (Italy, ?–?)
- Politi, Bassano (Italy, ?–?)
- Pollack, Richard (USA, 1935–2018)
- Pollaczek, Félix (Austria, 1892–1951)
- Pollak, Henry O. (Austria/USA, born 1927)
- Pollard, Graham Hilford (Australia, ?–?)
- Pollard, Harry (USA, 1919–1985)
- Pollard, John (Britain, born 1941)
- Pollastri, Bartolomeo (Italy, ?–?)
- Pollatsek, Harriet (USA, born 1942)
- Pollicott, Mark (Britain, ?–?)
- Polozii, Georgii (Russia, 1914–1968)
- Polson, Nicholas (Britain, ?–?)
- Polster, Burkard (Australia/Germany, born 1965)
- Polterovich, Leonid (Russia/Israel, born 1963)
- Polubarinova-Kochina, Pelageya (Russia/Soviet Union, 1899–1999)
- Pólya, George (Switzerland/USA/Hungary, 1887–1985)
- Polyaenus of Lampsacus (Ancient Greece, 340s BC–280s BC)
- Polyanin, Andrei (Russia, born 1951)
- Polymath, D. H. J. (?, ?–?)
- Pomeau, Yves (France, born 1942)
- Pomerance, Carl (USA, born 1944)
- Pommerenke, Christian (Denmark, born 1933)
- Pompeiu, Dimitrie (Romania, 1873–1954)
- Pompilj, Giuseppe (Italy, 1913–1968)
- Poncelet, Jean-Victor (France, 1788–1867)
- Ponomaryov, Lev (Soviet Union, born 1941)
- Pont, Timothy (Scotland, 1560s–1614)
- de Pontécoulant, Philippe Gustave le Doulcet, Comte (France, 1795–1874)
- Pontryagin, Lev (Russia/Soviet Union, 1908–1988)
- Poonen, Bjorn (USA, born 1968)
- van der Poorten, Alfred (Australia/Netherlands, 1942–2010)
- Pop, Florian (Romania, ?–?)
- Popa, Mihnea (Romania, born 1973)
- Popa, Sorin (Romania/USA, born 1953)
- Popescu, Cristian Dumitru (Romania/USA, ?–?)
- Popescu, Nicolae (Romania, 1937–2010)
- Popov, Vasile M. (USA/Romania, born 1928)
- Popov, Vladimir (mathematician) (Russia, born 1946)
- Popoviciu, Elena Moldovan (Romania, 1924–2009)
- Popoviciu, Tiberiu (Romania, 1906–1975)
- Popper, Micha (?, ?–?)
- Popplewell, Cicely (Britain, 1920–1995)
- Poretsky, Platon (Russia, 1846–1907)
- de la Porte, Mathieu (France, ?–1722)
- Porteous, Ian R. (Scotland, 1930–2011)
- Porter, Mason (USA, ?–?)
- Pósa, Lajos (Hungary, born 1947)
- Posidonius (Ancient Greece/Syria, 130s BC–50s BC)
- Posner, Ed (USA, 1933–1993)
- Possas, Cristina (Brazil, born 1948)
- Posse, Konstantin (Russia, 1847–1928)
- de Possel, René (France, 1905–1974)
- Post, Emil Leon (USA, 1897–1954)
- Postlethwaite, Thomas (England, 1731–1798)
- Postnikov, Aleksei Georgievich (Soviet Union, 1921–1995)
- Postnikov, Mikhail (Russia/Soviet Union, 1927–2004)
- Poston, Tim (Britain, born 1945)
- Posy, Carl (Israel, ?–?)
- Potapov, Mikhail (mathematician) (Russia, ?–?)
- Potapov, Vladimir (Soviet Union, 1914–1980)
- Potts, Renfrey (Australia, 1925–2005)
- Poulet, Paul (Belgium, 1887–1946)
- Pouliot, Adrien (Canada, 1896–1980)
- Pour-El, Marian (?, 1928–2009)
- Powell, Baden (England, 1796–1860)
- Powell, Michael J. D. (England, 1936–2015)
- Power, Joseph (England, 1798–1868)
- Powers, Ralph Ernest (?, 1875–1952)
- Powers, Victoria (?, ?–?)
- Poynting, John Henry (?, 1852–1914)
- Prabhu, N. U. (?, born 1924)
- Prachar, Karl (?, 1924–1994)
- Praeger, Cheryl (Australia, born 1948)
- Praetorius, Johannes (Germany, 1537–1616)
- Prager, William (Germany/USA, 1903–1980)
- Pramanik, Malabika (Canada, ?–?)
- Prasad, Dipendra (?, born 1960)
- Prasad, Ganesh (India, 1876–1935)
- Prasad, Gopal (?, born 1945)
- Prasad, Phoolan (India, born 1944)
- di Prato, Paolo Dagomari (Italy, 1282–1374)
- Pratt, John Henry (Britain, 1809–1871)
- Pratt, Orson (USA, 1811–1881)
- Prawitz, Dag (Sweden, born 1936)
- Preiss, David (England, born 1947)
- Prékopa, András (Hungary, 1929–2016)
- de Prémontval, Pierre Le Guay (?, 1716–1764)
- Prentice, Andrew (Australia, ?–?)
- Presburger, Mojżesz (Poland, 1904–1943)
- Pressly, Eleanor C. (USA, 1919–2003)
- Prestel, Robert L. (USA, born 1936)
- Preston, Gordon (England, 1925–2015)
- Previato, Emma (?, born 1952)
- Price, Bartholomew (Britain, 1818–1898)
- Price, George R. (USA, 1922–1975)
- Price, Griffith Baley (USA, 1905–2006)
- Price, Justin Jesse (USA, ?–?)
- Pries, Rachel Justine (?, ?–?)
- Priest, Eric (Britain, born 1943)
- Priestley, Henry (Australia, 1883–1932)
- Priestley, Hilary (?, ?–?)
- Prim, Robert C. (USA, born 1921)
- Princet, Maurice (France, 1875–1973)
- Pringsheim, Alfred (Germany, 1850–1941)
- Prior, Arthur (New Zealand, 1914–1969)
- Prithudaka (?, ?–?)
- Privalov, Ivan (Russia, 1891–1941)
- Prize, Richard C. DiPrima (?, ?–?)
- Prize, Rollo Davidson (?, ?–?)
- Procesi, Claudio (Italy, born 1941)
- Procházka, Bedřich (Czech Republic, 1855–1934)
- Proclus (Ancient Greece, 412–487)
- Proclus of Laodicea (Ancient Greece, ?–?)
- Prokhorov, Yuri (Russia/Soviet Union, 1929–2013)
- de Prony, Gaspard (France, 1755–1839)
- Propp, Jim (USA, ?–?)
- Prosser, Reese (USA, 1927–1996)
- Proth, François (?, 1852–1879)
- Protter, Murray H. (USA, 1918–2008)
- Proudman, Joseph (England, 1888–1975)
- Proutiere, Alexandre (France/Sweden, ?–?)
- Prudnikov, Anatoli (Russia, 1927–1999)
- Prüfer, Heinz (Germany, 1896–1934)
- Prugovečki, Eduard (Canada/Romania, 1937–2003)
- Prusinkiewicz, Przemysław (Poland, ?–?)
- Prvanović, Mileva (Serbia, born 1929)
- Prym, Friedrich (Germany, 1841–1915)
- Przytycki, Józef H. (Poland/USA, born 1953)
- Psellos, Michael (?, born 1010s)
- Pták, Vlastimil (Czech Republic, 1925–1999)
- Ptolemy (Ancient Greece/Egypt, 100–170)
- Pu, Pao Ming (China, 1910–1988)
- Pugh, Charles C. (?, born 1940)
- Pugh, Mary (Canada, ?–?)
- Puglisi, Onofrio (Italy, ?–1679)
- Puiseux, Victor (France, 1820–1883)
- Puissant, Louis (France, 1769–1843)
- Pujals, Enrique (Argentina/Brazil, ?–?)
- Pukánszky, Lajos (Hungary, 1928–1996)
- Pullan, Andrew John (New Zealand, 1963–2012)
- Pullman, Norman J. (USA, 1931–1999)
- Pulvirenti, Mario (Italy, ?–?)
- Punt, Andre (South Africa, born 1965)
- Puppe, Dieter (?, 1930–2005)
- Purdy, George B. (USA, 1944–2017)
- Purser, Frederick (?, 1839–1910)
- Purser, John (mathematician) (?, 1835–1903)
- Pursiheimo, Ulla (Finland, born 1944)
- Puta, Mircea (Romania, 1950–2007)
- Putman, Andrew (?, born 1979)
- Putnam, Hilary (USA, born 1926)
- Pyatt, Kedar "Bud" (USA, ?–?)
- Pyber, László (Hungary, born 1960)
- Pykna, Franciszek Indan (Poland, 1913–1992)
- Pythagoras (Ancient Greece, 570s BC–490s BC)
gollark: It watches all modems.
gollark: Buying materials. Hold on.
gollark: Unless you want four turtles for yourself, I mean?
gollark: Well, in that case, you can have your 40KST back.
gollark: Wait, already?
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