List of environmental books

Humans have been writing about the environment for centuries, and the environment has figured prominently as a theme in both Western and Eastern philosophies. Books about or featuring the environment as a prominent theme have proliferated especially since the middle of the twentieth century. The rise of environmental science, which has encouraged interdisciplinary approaches to studying the environment, and the environmental movement, which has increased public and political awareness of humanity's impact on the environment, have been highly influential. The 1962 publication of Rachel Carson's Silent Spring has been regarded as particularly important in popularizing environmental science and helping to launch the modern environmental movement.[1] The emergence of the environmental humanities, including fields like environmental history, has also been important in bridging divides between the sciences and humanities and encouraging further interdisciplinary approaches. The environment also features prominently in much fictional literature.

This page is a list of environmental books. In this context they are notable books that feature the environment as a major theme, including human impacts on the environment.

Non-fiction environmental books

Non-fiction accounts are ones that are presented as factual, although often in the context of subjective argument. Non-fiction environmental books may, for example, be the products of scholarly or journalistic work. The books in this list include fields and styles such as anthropology, conservation science, ecology, environmental history, lifestyle, and memoirs.

Title Author(s) Year Theme(s) and subtheme(s) ISBN(s)
1491: New Revelations of the Americas Before ColumbusCharles C. Mann2005Indigenous population and land useISBN 978-1-4000-4006-3
1493: Uncovering the New World Columbus CreatedCharles C. Mann2011Ecological imperialismISBN 978-0-307-26572-2
A Geography of Blood: Unearthing Memory from a Prairie LandscapeCandace Savage2012Landscape historyISBN 9781553652342
A Science on the Scales: The Rise of Canadian Atlantic Fisheries Biology, 1898-1939Jennifer Hubbard2006Fisheries managementISBN 9780802088598
Abundance: The Future Is Better Than You ThinkPeter Diamandis and Steven Kotler2012Various themesISBN 978-1-4516-1421-3
Agricultural Involution: The Processes of Ecological Change in IndonesiaClifford Geertz1963Agriculture; IndonesiaISBN 9780520004597
All the Fish in the Sea: Maximum Sustainable Yield and the Failure of Fisheries ManagementCarmel Finley2006Fisheries management; conservationISBN 978-0226249667
Alternative Energy: Political, Economic, and Social FeasibilityChristopher A. Simon2006EnergyISBN 0-7425-4908-9 ISBN 978-0-7425-4908-1 ISBN 0-7425-4909-7 ISBN 978-0-7425-4909-8
Animal, Vegetable, MiracleBarbara Kingsolver2007Local foodISBN 978-0-06-085255-9
AP 42 Compilation of Air Pollutant Emission Factors1968Pollution: air pollution
An Appeal to Reason: A Cool Look at Global WarmingNigel Lawson2008Global warmingISBN 978-0-7156-3786-9 ISBN 978-1-59020-084-1
Aqueous Wastes from Petroleum and Petrochemical PlantsMilton R. Beychok1967Waste: oil refinery and petrochemical wastewaters
As Long as Grass Grows: The Indigenous Fight for Environmental Justice from Colonization to Standing RockDina Gilio-Whitaker2019Activism, conservation, Indigenous sovereignty, environmental justiceISBN 978-080707378-0
Atlas of Our Changing EnvironmentUnited Nations Environment Programme2005Climate change
Awful Splendour: A Fire History of CanadaStephen J. Pyne2007Wildfires; CanadaISBN 9780774840279
Babylon's Ark, The Incredible Wartime Rescue of the Baghdad ZooLawrence Anthony and Graham Spence2007Wildlife conservationISBN 9781429981439
Beyond the LimitsDonella Meadows, Dennis Meadows, Jorgen Randers1992PopulationISBN 0-930031-62-8
Beyond Oil: The View from Hubbert's PeakKenneth S. Deffeyes2006EnergyISBN 9780374707026
Big Coal: The Dirty Secret Behind America's Energy FutureJeff Goodell2006PollutionISBN 978-0-618-87224-4
A Big Fix: Radical Solutions for Australia's Environmental CrisisIan Lowe2005Various themesISBN 9781863951265
Biohazard: The Chilling True Story of the Largest Covert Biological Weapons Program in the World - Told from Inside by the Man Who Ran ItKen Alibek1999Biological weaponsISBN 0-385-33496-6
Black Faces, White SpacesCarolyn Finney2014Environmental justiceISBN 978-1-4696-1448-9
Blessed Unrest: How the Largest Movement in the World Came into Being and Why No One Saw It ComingPaul Hawken2007EnvironmentalismISBN 978-0-670-03852-7
The Blue EconomyGunter Pauli2010Technology: biomimeticsISBN 978-0-912111-90-2
A Blueprint for SurvivalEdward Goldsmith and Robert Allen1972SurvivalISBN 978-0-14-052295-2
Borderlands/La Frontera: The New MestizaGloria Anzaldúa1987Chicanx theory; borderlandsISBN 978-1-879960-12-1
Braiding Sweetgrass: Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge, and the Teachings of PlantsRobin Wall Kimmerer2013Botany, Indigenous knowledgeISBN 978-1-57131-335-5
Bringing Whales Ashore: Oceans and the Environment of Early Modern JapanJakobina K. Arch2018Whaling; sustainabilityISBN 978-0-295-74329-5
Brittle Power: Energy Strategy for National SecurityAmory Lovins and L. Hunter Lovins1982EnergyISBN 0-931790-28-X
Caliban and the Witch: Women, the Body and Primitive AccumulationSilvia Federici2004EcofeminismISBN 978-1-57027-059-8
Canada's Deadly Secret: Saskatchewan Uranium and the Global Nuclear SystemJim Harding2007Uranium mining; nuclearISBN 9781552662267
The Carbon War: Global Warming and the End of the Oil EraJeremy Leggett1999Global warmingISBN 9780415931021
Catastrophe: Risk and ResponseRichard Posner2004Various themesISBN 978-0-19-530647-7
Challenging the ChipTed Smith, David A. Sonnenfeld, and David Naguib Pellow2006Waste: electronic wasteISBN 1-59213-330-4
Changes in the Land: Indians, Colonists and the Ecology of New EnglandWilliam Cronon1983Land and water: hunting and fishingISBN 0-8090-0158-6
The Chilling StarsHenrik Svensmark and Nigel Calder2003Climate change: cosmic raysISBN 1-84046-815-7
Cinderella of the New South: A History of the Cottonseed Industry, 1855-1955 Lynette Boney Wrenn 1995 Agriculture ISBN 9780870498824
A Civil ActionJonathan Harr1996Pollution: water pollutionISBN 0-679-77267-7
The Clean Tech Revolution: The Next Big Growth and Investment OpportunityRon Pernick and Clint Wilder2007Clean technologyISBN 0-06-089623-X
Climate Capitalism: Capitalism in the Age of Climate ChangeL. Hunter Lovins and Boyd Cohen2011Climate changeISBN 978-0-8090-3473-4
Climate Change and Global Energy Security: Technology and Policy OptionsMarilyn A. Brown and Benjamin K. Sovacool2011Climate change mitigation and global energy securityISBN 978-0-262-01625-4
Climate Change Denial: Heads in the SandHaydn Washington and John Cook; foreword by Naomi Oreskes2011Climate change denialISBN 978-1-84971-336-8
Climate Code Red: The Case for Emergency ActionDavid Spratt and Philip Sutton2008Global warmingISBN 1-921372-20-6
Climate of Hope: How Cities, Businesses, and Citizens Can Save the PlanetMichael Bloomberg and Carl Pope2017Global warming and sustainable citiesISBN 978-1-250-14207-8
Climber's Paradise: Making Canada's Mountain National Parks, 1906-1974 PearlAnn Reichwein 2014 environmental history, mountaineering, history of canada, national parks ISBN 978-0-88864-674-3
The Coal QuestionWilliam Stanley Jevons1865Coal: peak coal
Coal River: How a Few Brave Americans Took on a Powerful Company–and the Federal Government–to Save the Land They LoveMichael Shnayerson2008Mining: mountain removal miningISBN 9781429933162
Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or SucceedJared Diamond2005Various themesISBN 0-14-303655-6
The Colors of NatureAlison H. Deming and Lauret E. Savoy2011Nature writingISBN 978-1-57131-319-5
The Columbian ExchangeAlfred W. Crosby1972Columbian exchangeISBN 978-0837172286
The Coming Global SuperstormArt Bell and Whitley Strieber1999Global warmingISBN 0-671-04190-8
Comprehensive Assessment of Water Management in AgricultureInternational Water Management Institute and Earthscan2007Agriculture: agricultural hydrology
Confessions of an Eco-WarriorDave Foreman1991Earth First!; environmental activismISBN 9780451499455
The Consumer's Guide to Effective Environmental Choices: Practical Advice from the Union of Concerned ScientistsMichael Brower and Warren Leon1999ConsumerismISBN 0-609-80281-X
Contesting the Future of Nuclear Power: A Critical Global Assessment of Atomic EnergyBenjamin K. Sovacool2011Energy: nuclear energyISBN 978-981-4322-75-1
A Contract with the EarthNewt Gingrich and Terry L. Maple2007Environmental protection and restorationISBN 978-0-8018-8780-2
The Control of NatureJohn McPhee1989GeoengineeringISBN 0-374-12890-1
Cool It: The Skeptical Environmentalist's Guide to Global WarmingBjørn Lomborg2007Global warmingISBN 978-0-307-26692-7
Cradle to Cradle: Remaking the Way We Make ThingsMichael Braungart and William McDonough2002ISBN 0-86547-587-3
The Death of Nature: Women, Ecology, and the Scientific Revolution Carolyn Merchant 1990 Environmental history and history of science ISBN 0-06-250595-5
The Deniers: The world-renowned scientists who stood up against global warming hysteria, political persecution, and fraudLawrence Solomon2008Global warming: denialISBN 978-0-9800763-1-8
Desert Solitaire: A Season in the WildernessEdward Abbey1968ISBN 978-0-345-25021-6
Diagnosis Mercury: Money, Politics and PoisonJane Hightower2008Toxic waste
The Dirty Energy Dilemma: What's Blocking Clean Power in the United StatesBenjamin K. Sovacool2008EnergyISBN 9780313355417
The Discovery of Global WarmingSpencer R. Weart2003Global warming: history of scientific discoveriesISBN 0-674-03189-X
Do Glaciers Listen? Local Knowledge, Colonial Encounters, and Social Imagination Julie Cruikshank 2014 Anthropology; Indigenous History; Colonialism ISBN 9780774811866
Doughnut Economics: Seven Ways to Think Like a 21st-Century EconomistKate Raworth2017Economics; Doughnut (economic model); sustainabilityISBN 9781603586740
Dreamland: A Self-Help Manual for a Frightened NationAndri Snær Magnason2006Energy: hydropowerISBN 978-0-9551363-2-0
Eaarth: Making a Life on a Tough New PlanetBill McKibben2010Climate changeISBN 978-0-8050-9056-7
Earth from the AirYann Arthus-Bertrand (photographer)2010Aerial landscape photographyISBN 9780500515419
Earth in the Balance: Ecology and the Human SpiritAl Gore1992ISBN 0-395-57821-3 ISBN 0-618-05664-5
ISBN 1-85383-743-1 ISBN 978-1-59486-637-1
Eating AnimalsJonathan Safran Foer2009Food industryISBN 0-316-06990-6
Ecodefense: A Field Guide To MonkeywrenchingDave Foreman and Bill Haywood (editors)1985Eco-terrorismISBN 9780963775108
Ecological Imperialism: The Biological Expansion of Europe, 900-1900Alfred Crosby1986Ecological imperialism; introduced species: epidemicsISBN 9781107394049
Ecology: From Individuals to EcosystemsMichael Begon, Colin R. Townsend, and John L. Harper2006ISBN 978-1-4051-1117-1
The Economical EnvironmentalistPrashant Vaze2009LifestyleISBN 9781849774604
Ecotage!Sam Love1972Eco-terrorismISBN 0-671-78180-4
Encounters at the Heart of the WorldElizabeth A. Fenn2014Environmental historyISBN 978-0-374-71107-8
Encounters with the ArchdruidJohn McPhee1971ISBN 0-374-51431-3
The End of the Line: How Overfishing Is Changing the World and What We EatCharles Clover2004OverfishingISBN 0-09-189780-7 ISBN 1-59558-109-X ISBN 0-09-189781-5 ISBN 0-520-25505-4
The End of NatureBill McKibben1989Global warmingISBN 0-8129-7608-8
The End of Oil: On the Edge of a Perilous New WorldPaul Roberts (author)2004EnergyISBN 978-0-618-23977-1
Endemic Bird Areas of the World: Priorities for Biodiversity ConservationAlison J. Stattersfield, Michael J. Crosby, Adrian J. Long, and David C. Wege1998Wildlife conservationISBN 0-946888-33-7
Endgame (two volumes)Derrick Jensen2006Anti-civilization ISBN 1-58322-730-X ISBN 1-58322-724-5
Energy and American Society: Thirteen MythsBenjamin K. Sovacool and Marilyn A. Brown (editors)2007Energy
Energy Autonomy: The Economic, Social & Technological Case for Renewable EnergyHermann Scheer2006EnergyISBN 1-84407-355-6
Engines of Creation: The Coming Era of NanotechnologyK. Eric Drexler1986NanotechnologyISBN 0-385-19973-2
Entropy: A New World ViewJeremy Rifkin and Ted Howard1980Resource conservationISBN 0-670-29717-8
Enviro-Capitalists: Doing Good While Doing WellTerry Lee Anderson and Donald R. Leal1997Free-market environmentalismISBN 978-0-8476-8382-6
Environmental Principles and Policies: An Interdisciplinary IntroductionSharon Beder2006Various themesISBN 978-1-84407-404-4
An Essay on the Principle of PopulationThomas Robert Malthus1798Population
Ethical Oil: The Case for Canada's Oil SandsEzra Levant2010Energy: petroleum energyISBN 0-7710-4641-3
The Everglades: River of GrassMarjory Stoneman Douglas1947Nature conservation
Everybody Loves a Good DroughtP. Sainath1996Economics; developmentISBN 0-14-025984-8
The Evolution of the Conservation Movement, 1850–1920 (collection of books and other publications) Conservation movement
Eyes Wide Open: Going Behind the Environmental HeadlinesPaul Fleischman2014Various themesISBN 978-0-7636-7545-5
Factor 5: Transforming the Global Economy through 80% Increase in Resource ProductivityErnst Ulrich von Weizsäcker, et al.2009Resource efficiencyISBN 978-0-8165-1086-3
Fallout: An American Nuclear TragedyPhilip L. Fradkin1989Radiation exposure; nuclear weapon testsISBN 978-0-8165-1086-3
Famine 1975! America's Decision: Who Will Survive?William Paddock, Paul Paddock1967Overpopulation: food security
Farmageddon: The True Cost of Cheap MeatPhilip Lymbery, Isabel Oakeshott2014Factory farming; fish farmingISBN 978-1-40884-644-5
The Fate of the EarthJonathan Schell1982Nuclear disarmamentISBN 9780394525594
Fateful Harvest: The True Story of a Small Town, a Global Industry, and a Toxic SecretDuff Wilson2001Waste: toxic waste recycled in fertilizerISBN 9780061873768
Feral: Searching for enchantment on the frontiers of rewildingGeorge Monbiot2013Re-wildingISBN 978-1846147487
Field Notes from a Catastrophe: Man, Nature, and Climate ChangeElizabeth Kolbert2006Climate change: causes and effectsISBN 1-59691-125-5
Floating Coast: An Environmental History of the Bering Strait Bathsheba Demuth 2019 Environmental history ISBN 0393635163
Food Inc.: A Participant Guide: How Industrial Food Is Making Us Sicker, Fatter, and Poorer—And What You Can Do About It2009Food industry
The Frankenfood Myth: How Protest and Politics Threaten the Biotech RevolutionHenry I. Miller, Gregory Conko2004Agriculture: genetically modified food
Free Market EnvironmentalismTerry L. Anderson, Donald R. Leal2001Environmental economicsISBN 9780312299736
Fundamentals of Stack Gas Dispersion
(4th edition)
Milton R. Beychok2005Pollution: air pollution: atmospheric dispersion modelingISBN 0-9644588-0-2
Gathering Moss: A Natural and Cultural History of Mosses Robin Wall Kimmerer 2003 Botany, Indigenous knowledge ISBN 0-87071-499-6
The Gene Revolution: GM Crops and Unequal DevelopmentSakiko Fukuda-Parr2006Genetically modified organismsISBN 9781136553844
The Ghost Map: The Story of London's Most Terrifying Epidemic - and How it Changed Science, Cities and the Modern WorldSteven Berlin Johnson2006Pollution: water pollutionISBN 1-59448-925-4
Global Spin: The Corporate Assault on EnvironmentalismSharon Beder1997Anti-environmentalism and free-market environmentalismISBN 978-1-890132-12-5
God is Red: A Native View of ReligionVine Deloria Jr.1973Environmental degradation; anthropocentrismISBN 978-0-448-02168-3
The God Species: Saving the Planet in the Age of HumansMark Lynas2011Various themesISBN 9781426208911
The Great Barrier Reef: Biology, Environment and ManagementPat Hutchings, Mike Kingsford, Ove Hoegh-Guldberg2008Various themesISBN 978-0-643-09557-1
The Great Derangement: Climate Change and the UnthinkableAmitav Ghosh2016Climate changeISBN 9789386057433
The Green Bible2008ReligionISBN 978-0-06-162799-6
The Green Collar Economy: How One Solution Can Fix Our Two Biggest ProblemsVan Jones2008EconomicsISBN 978-0-06-165075-8
The Green CrusadeCharles T. Rubin1998EnvironmentalismISBN 0-8476-8817-8
Green Illusions: The Dirty Secrets of Clean Energy and the Future of EnvironmentalismOzzie Zehner2012Consumerism and renewable energyISBN 978-0-8032-3775-9
Green to Gold: How Smart Companies Use Environmental Strategy to Innovate, Create Value, and Build Competitive AdvantageDaniel C. Esty2006Business ISBN 9780470393741
Greenhouse Solutions with Sustainable EnergyMark Diesendorf2007EnergyISBN 978-0-86840-973-3
Gusher of Lies: The Dangerous Delusions of Energy IndependenceRobert Bryce2008Energy: renewable energyISBN 978-1-58648-321-0
Half Gone: Oil, Gas, Hot Air and the Global Energy CrisisJeremy Leggett2005Energy
Hard Choices: Climate Change in CanadaHarold Coward, Andrew J. Weaver2004Climate change: effects in CanadaISBN 978-0-88920-442-3
Harmony: A New Way of Looking at Our WorldCharles, Prince of Wales, with Tony Juniper, Ian Skelly2010Climate change and agricultureISBN 0-06-173135-8
Heaven and Earth: Global Warming — The Missing ScienceIan Plimer2009Global warmingISBN 0-7043-7166-9
Hell and High Water: Global Warming — the Solution and the Politics — and What We Should DoJoseph J. Romm2006Global warmingISBN 0-06-117212-X
High and Dry: John Howard, Climate Change and the Selling of Australia's FutureGuy Pearse2007Global warmingISBN 9780670070633
The Hockey Stick and the Climate Wars: Dispatches from the Front LinesMichael E. Mann2012Climate change: hockey stick graphISBN 0-231-15254-X
The Hockey Stick Illusion: Climategate and the Corruption of ScienceAndrew Montford2010Climate changeISBN 978-1-906768-35-5
Hot, Flat, and Crowded: Why We Need a Green Revolution—And How It Can Renew AmericaThomas L. Friedman2008Sustainable developmentISBN 9780141918501
How to Live a Low-Carbon Life: The Individual's Guide to Stopping Climate ChangeChris Goodall2007ConsumerismISBN 978-1-84407-426-6
Human Ecology, Human Economy: Ideas for an Ecologically Sustainable FutureMark Diesendorf and Clive Hamilton1997Ecological economics ISBN 9781864482881
The Hundred Year Lie: How Food And Medicine Are Destroying Your HealthRandall Fitzgerald2006Food industryISBN 0-525-94951-8
The Hype about Hydrogen: Fact and Fiction in the Race to Save the ClimateJoseph J. Romm2004Climate changeISBN 1-55963-703-X ISBN 1-55963-704-8
The Improving State of the World: Why We're Living Longer, Healthier, More Comfortable Lives On a Cleaner PlanetIndur M. Goklany2007Environmental skepticismISBN 1-930865-98-8
An Inconvenient Book: Real Solutions to the World's Biggest ProblemsGlenn Beck2007Climate change denialISBN 1-4165-5219-7
An Inconvenient Truth: The Planetary Emergency of Global Warming and What We Can Do About ItAl Gore2006Global Warming ISBN 1-59486-567-1
An Introduction to Sustainable DevelopmentPeter P. Rogers, with Kazi F. Jalal, John A. Boyd2007Sustainable development ISBN 978-1-84407-521-8
The Invention of Nature: Alexander von Humboldt's New WorldAndrea Wulf2015History of ecology ISBN 978-0385350662
It's a Matter of SurvivalAnita Gordon, David Suzuki1991SurvivalISBN 0-674-46970-4
Kick The Fossil Fuel Habit: 10 Clean Technologies to Save Our WorldTom Rand2010Renewable energy: solar energy, wind power, geothermal energy, and moreISBN 9780981295206
Killer Company: James Hardie ExposedMatt Peacock2009Asbestos in construction: fibrosisISBN 978-0-7333-2580-9
Last Chance to SeeDouglas Adams, Mark Carwardine1990Wildlife conservationISBN 9781409069751
Last Child in the Woods: Saving Our Children From Nature-Deficit DisorderRichard Louv2005Nature deficit disorderISBN 978-1-56512-605-3
Latin American World ModelAmilcar Herrera, Hugo Scolnick, et al.1976Ecology PopulationISBN 0-88936-083-9
The Lay of the Land: Metaphor As Experience and History in American Life and Letters Annette Kolodny 1984 Ecofeminism ISBN: 978-0-8078-4118-1
The Legacy of LunaJulia Butterfly Hill2000Forest conservationISBN 0-06-251658-2
Life in 2050Ulrich Eberl2011Various themesISBN 978-3-407-75357-1
The Limits to GrowthDonella Meadows, Dennis Meadows, Jørgen Randers, William W. Behrens III1972PopulationISBN 0-87663-165-0
Living in the Hothouse: How Global Warming Affects AustraliaIan Lowe2005Climate changeISBN 9781920769413
The Living SoilLady Eve Balfour1943Organic farming
The Long Emergency: Surviving the Converging Catastrophes of the Twenty-first CenturyJames Howard Kunstler2005Various themesISBN 978-0-87113-888-0
The Machine in Neptune's Garden: Historical Perspectives on Technology and the Marine EnvironmentHelen M. Rozwadowski, David K. van Keuren2004Ocean environment; envirotechISBN 0-88135-372-8
Making Peace with the PlanetBarry Commoner1990ISBN 978-0-394-56598-9
Man and NatureGeorge Perkins Marsh1864Environmental degradation
Managing the Mountains: Land Use Planning, the New Deal, and the Creation of a Federal Landscape in AppalachiaSara M. Gregg2010U.S land policyISBN 9780300192568
Managing Urban AmericaDavid R. Morgan, Robert E. England, John Peter Pelissero1979Urban planningISBN 1-56643-065-8 ISBN 1-56802-930-6
Megaprojects and Risk: An Anatomy of AmbitionBent Flyvbjerg, Nils Bruzelius, Werner Rothengatter2003MegaprojectsISBN 0-521-80420-5
Memory Lands: King Philip's War and the Place of Violence in the Northeast Christine M. DeLucia 2018 Indigenous history ISBN 9780300201178
Merchants of Doubt: How a Handful of Scientists Obscured the Truth on Issues from Tobacco Smoke to Global WarmingNaomi Oreskes, Erik M. Conway2010Climate change denial; politics; lobbyingISBN 978-1-59691-610-4
Millennium: Tribal Wisdom and the Modern WorldDavid Maybury-Lewis1992Tribal cultures and modernity (book companion to documentary series) ISBN 978-0934245203
Mira Lloyd Dock and the Progressive Era Conservation Movement Susan Rimby 2012 Environmental History, Conservation, Progressive Era, Women's History ISBN 978-0-271-05823-8
The Moral Case for Fossil FuelsAlex Epstein2014Energy: fossil fuelsISBN 978-1-59184-744-1
Moving Mountains: How One Woman and Her Community Won Justice from Big CoalPenny Loeb2007Mining: coal miningISBN 9780813156569
The Mushroom at the End of the World: On the Possibility of Life in Capitalist Ruins Anna Tsing 2015 Ethnography ISBN 9781400873548
Natural Capitalism: Creating the Next Industrial RevolutionPaul Hawken, Amory Lovins, Hunter Lovins1999Ecosystem services: full-cost accountingISBN 978-0-316-35316-8
A Nature Conservation Review (2 volumes)Derek Ratcliffe1977Nature conservationISBN 0-521-21159-X
Nature, Place, and Story: Rethinking Historic Sites in Canada Claire Elizabeth Campbell 2017 Historic sites; human and environmental history ISBN 9780773551251
The Navajo People and Uranium MiningDoug Brugge, Timothy Benally, Esther Yazzie-Lewis2006Mining: uranium miningISBN 978-0-8263-3778-8
The New Green Consumer GuideJulia Hailes2007ConsumerismISBN 978-0-7432-9530-7
No One Is Too Small to Make a DifferenceGreta Thunberg2019Global warming; climate crisisISBN 978-0-14-199174-0
Non-Nuclear Futures: The Case for an Ethical Energy StrategyAmory B. Lovins, John H. Price1975EnergyISBN 0-88410-603-9
Nourishing the PlanetAgriculture: sustainable agriculture
The Omnivore's Dilemma: A Natural History of Four MealsMichael Pollan2006Food industryISBN 978-1-59420-082-3
Open Veins of Latin America: Five Centuries of the Pillage of a ContinentEduardo Galeano1971Latin America; miningISBN 978-0853459903
Operating Manual for Spaceship EarthBuckminster Fuller1968Spaceship Earth; conservation
Our Angry Earth: A Ticking Ecological BombIsaac Asimov, Frederik Pohl1991Various themesISBN 0-312-85252-5
Our Choice: A Plan to Solve the Climate CrisisAl Gore2009Climate changeISBN 9780747590989
Our Plundered PlanetHenry Fairfield Osborn, Jr.1948Environmental degradation; soil
Our Posthuman Future: Consequences of the Biotechnology RevolutionFrancis Fukuyama2002BiotechnologyISBN 0-374-23643-7 ISBN 0-312-42171-0
Our Stolen FutureTheo Colborn, Dianne Dumanoski, John Peterson Myers1996Endocrine disruptorsISBN 978-0-525-93982-5
Our Synthetic EnvironmentMurray Bookchin (pseudonym "Lewis Herber")1962PesticidesISBN 9781684222339
Out of Control: The New Biology of Machines, Social Systems, and the Economic WorldKevin Kelly (editor)1994Various themesISBN 978-0-201-48340-6
Out of Gas: The End of the Age of OilDavid Goodstein2004EnergyISBN 0-393-05857-3
The Oyster Question: Scientists, Watermen, and the Maryland Chesapeake Bay since 1880Christine Keiner2009ConservationISBN 978-0820326986
The Party's Over: Oil, War, and the Fate of Industrial SocietiesRichard Heinberg2003EnergyISBN 0-86571-482-7
The Pesticide Question: Environment, Economics and EthicsDavid Pimentel, Hugh Lehman (editors)1993PesticidesISBN 978-0-412-03581-4
Pilgrim at Tinker CreekAnnie Dillard1974Nature narrativeISBN 978-0-7862-2325-1
Plows, Plagues and Petroleum: How Humans Took Control of ClimateWilliam Ruddiman2005Various themesISBN 9780691173214
Plutopia: Nuclear Families, Atomic Cities, and the Great Soviet and American Plutonium Disasters Kate Brown 2013 Environmental history; energy; nuclear power ISBN 9780199855766
Political Animals and Animal PoliticsMarcel Wissenburg, David Schlosberg2014Animal welfare: animal ethics and environmental politicsISBN 978-1-137-43461-6
The Population BombPaul R. Ehrlich1968PopulationISBN 1-56849-587-0
Population Control: Real Costs, Illusory BenefitsSteven W. Mosher2008PopulationISBN 978-1-4128-0712-8
Power Down: Options and Actions for a Post-Carbon WorldRichard Heinberg2004EnergyISBN 978-0-86571-510-3
Power Hungry: The Myths of "Green" Energy and the Real Fuels of the FutureRobert Bryce2010EnergyISBN 978-1-58648-789-8
Power, Justice, and the Environment: A Critical Appraisal of the Environmental Justice Movement David Pellow and Bob Brulle (eds) 2005 Environmental justice ISBN 9780262162333
Power, Profit and Protest: Australian Social Movements and GlobalisationVerity Burgmann2003Social movements; AustraliaISBN 9781741140163
Primate Visions: Gender, Race, and Nature in the World of Modern Science Donna Haraway 1990 History of science and biology ISBN 9780415902946
Prosperity Without GrowthTim Jackson (economist)2009Environmental economicsISBN 9781849713238
Pumpkin: The Curious History of an American Icon Cindy Ott 2012 Environmental history ISBN 9780295993324
Putting biodiversity on the map: priority areas for global conservationC. J. Bibby, et al.1992Biodiversity conservationISBN 0-946888-24-8
Reaction Time: Climate Change and the Nuclear OptionIan Lowe2007Various themesISBN 978-1-86395-412-9
The Real Global Warming Disaster (Is The Obsession With 'Climate Change' Turning Out To Be the Most Costly Scientific Blunder In History?)Christopher Booker2009Global warmingISBN 1-4411-1052-6
Red Sky at Morning: America and the Crisis of the Global EnvironmentJames Gustave Speth2004EnvironmentalismISBN 0-300-10232-1
Reflections in Bullough's Pond: Economy and Ecosystem in New EnglandDiana Muir2000Agriculture and fossil fuelsISBN 0-87451-909-8
Refuge: An Unnatural History of Family and PlaceTerry Tempest Williams1991Various themesISBN 978-0-679-40516-0
Renewable Electricity and the Grid: The Challenge of VariabilityGodfrey Boyle2007EnergyISBN 978-1-84407-418-1
Requiem for a Species: Why We Resist the Truth about Climate ChangeClive Hamilton2010Climate change: climate change denialISBN 978-1-84971-081-7
The Revenge of Gaia: Why the Earth is Fighting Back - and How we Can Still Save HumanityJames Lovelock2007Various themesISBN 0-14-102597-2
Risk Governance: Coping with Uncertainty in a Complex WorldOrtwin Renn2008Risk
River of Renewal: Myth and History in the Klamath BasinStephen Most2006Various themesISBN 9780295986227
The Riverkeepers: Two Activists Fight to Reclaim Our Environment as a Basic Human RightJohn Cronin (environmental author) and Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. (foreword by Al Gore)1997Pollution: water pollutionISBN 0-684-83908-3
Road to SurvivalWilliam Vogt1948anti-capitalist environmentalismISBN 0-548-38516-5
The Sacred BalanceDavid Suzuki1997Various themesISBN 978-1-55054-548-7
A Sand County AlmanacAldo Leopold1949Nature conservationISBN 0-19-500777-8
Science Under Siege: The Politicians' War on Nature and TruthTodd Wilkinson1998PoliticsISBN 9781555662103
Scorched: South Africa's Changing ClimateLeonie Joubert2007Climate changeISBN 9781868144372
Scorcher: The Dirty Politics of Climate ChangeClive Hamilton2007Climate change: Kyoto Protocol and Australian politicsISBN 978-0-9775949-0-0
The Sea Around UsRachel Carson1951Marine biology
Secrets and LiesNicky Hager and Bob Burton1999Anti-environmentalismISBN 0-908802-57-9
Selling Solar: The Diffusion of Renewable Energy in Emerging MarketsDamian Miller2009EnergyISBN 9781849772518
Sensing Changes: Technologies, Environments, and the Everyday, 1953-2003 Joy Parr 2010 Environmental history; embodied history ISBN 9780774859189
The Shamba Raiders: Memories of a Game WardenBruce Kinloch1972Wildlife conservationISBN 978-0-00-261751-2
Shaped by the West Wind: Nature and History in Georgian Bay Claire Elizabeth Campbell 2004 environmental history, history of canada ISBN 9780774810982
A Short History of ProgressRonald Wright2004Environmental historyISBN 0-88784-706-4
Siberia, SiberiaValentin Rasputin1991Environmental degradationISBN 978-0-8101-1575-0 ISBN 5-94535-067-2
Silence of the SongbirdsBridget Stutchbury2007Various themesISBN 978-0-8027-1609-5
Silent SpringRachel Carson1962PesticidesISBN 9780618249060
Silent Spring & other writings on environmentRachel Carson2018Environmental scienceISBN 978-1-5985-3560-0
Six Degrees: Our Future on a Hotter PlanetMark Lynas2007Climate changeISBN 978-0-00-720905-7
The Sixth Extinction: An Unnatural HistoryElizabeth Kolbert2014Extinction: human activitiesISBN 978-0-8050-9299-8
The Skeptical Environmentalist: Measuring the Real State of the WorldBjørn Lomborg2001Various themesISBN 0-521-01068-3
Small Is Beautiful: A Study of Economics As If People MatteredE. F. Schumacher1973Various themesISBN 978-0-06-091630-5
Small Is Profitable: The Hidden Economic Benefits of Making Electrical Resources the Right SizeAmory Lovins, et al.2002Economics ISBN 9781881071075
State of the WorldWorldwatch Institute1984–
Global environmental challenges Various (see article)
State of the World 2010: Transforming Cultures: From Consumerism to SustainabilityErik Assadourian, et al.2010Sustainability and consumerism
States of Nature: Conserving Canada's Wildlife in the Twentieth CenturyTina Loo2006Environmental history; conservation; CanadaISBN 978-0-77-481290-0
Staying with the Trouble: Making Kin in the ChthuluceneDonna Haraway2016Environmental change; pollutionISBN 978-0822362241
Storm World: Hurricanes, Politics, and the Battle Over Global WarmingChris Mooney2007Global warmingISBN 978-0-15-101287-9
Storms of My Grandchildren: The Truth About the Coming Climate Catastrophe and Our Last Chance to Save HumanityJames Hansen2009Climate change: fossil fuelsISBN 978-1-60819-200-7
Straight Up: America's Fiercest Climate Blogger Takes on the Status Quo Media, Politicians, and Clean Energy SolutionsJoseph J. Romm2010Various themesISBN 1-59726-716-3
Struggle for the Land: Native North American Resistance to Genocide, Ecocide and ColonizationWard Churchill1993Various themesISBN 0-87286-414-6
Stung! On Jellyfish Blooms and the Future of the Ocean Lisa-ann Gershwin 2013 Overfishing; global warming; various themes ISBN 978-0226020105
Surviving the Century: Facing Climate Chaos and Other Global ChallengesHerbert Girardet (editor)2007Various themesISBN 9781136556159
Taken By Storm: The Troubled Science, Policy and Politics of Global WarmingChristopher Essex and Ross McKitrick2002Global warmingISBN 1-55263-212-1
Tasmania's Wilderness Battles: A HistoryGreg Buckman2008WildernessISBN 978-1-74175-464-3
Ten Technologies to Save the Planet (first edition) or Ten Technologies to Fix Energy and Climate (second edition)Chris Goodall2008 (1st ed.);
2009 (2nd ed.)
Various themesISBN 978-1-84668-868-3
This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs. the Climate Naomi Klein 2014 Climate change; economics ISBN 978-1451697384
This Fissured Land: An Ecological History of IndiaMadhav Gadgil and Ramachandra Guha1992Environmental history; use of natural resources in IndiaISBN 978-0-19-807744-2
A Thousand Barrels a Second: The Coming Oil Break Point and the Challenges Facing an Energy Dependent WorldPeter Tertzakian2007EnergyISBN 978-0-07-149260-7
Toms River: A Story of Science and SalvationDan Fagin2013Pollution: cancer clusterISBN 978-0-553-80653-3
Trading Up: Consumer and Environmental Regulation in a Global EconomyDavid Vogel1995Environmental regulationISBN 9780674044685
Twisted: The Distorted Mathematics of Greenhouse DenialIan G. Enting2007Climate change: environmental skepticismISBN 978-0-646-48012-1
The Ultimate ResourceJulian Lincoln Simon1981ResourcesISBN 0-691-00381-5
Unbowed: A Memoir Wangari Maathai 2007 Environmentalism ISBN 9780307275202
The Unfinished Twentieth CenturyJonathan Schell2001Energy: nuclear energyISBN 978-1-85984-780-0
Unstoppable Global Warming: Every 1,500 YearsSiegfried Fred Singer and Dennis T. Avery2006Global warming: natural causesISBN 978-0-7425-5117-6
The Upside of Down: Catastrophe, Creativity, and the Renewal of CivilizationThomas Homer-Dixon2006Various themesISBN 978-0-676-97722-6
Voices from the Gathering Storm: The Web of Ecological-Societal CrisisJoseph C. Arcos, Mary F. Angus, and Frederick J. DiCarlo, eds. (18 contributors)2005Ecological and social crisisISBN 978-1-59571-101-4
WaldenHenry David Thoreau1854LifestyleISBN 978-0-345-80431-0
Wave: Life and Memories after the TsunamiSonali Deraniyagala2013Natural disaster: 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunamiISBN 978-0-345-80431-0
The Weather Makers: The History and Future Impact of Climate ChangeTim Flannery2005Climate changeISBN 1-920885-84-6
The Weather of the Future: Heat Waves, Extreme Storms, and Other Scenes From a Climate-Changed PlanetHeidi Cullen2010Climate changeISBN 978-0-06-172688-0
When Corporations Rule the WorldDavid Korten1995Anti-globalization; economics ISBN 1-887208-00-3
Whole Earth Discipline: An Ecopragmatist ManifestoStewart Brand2009Various themesISBN 978-0-670-02121-5
Why We Disagree About Climate Change: Understanding Controversy, Inaction and OpportunityMike Hulme2009Climate changeISBN 978-0-521-72732-7
Wild Law: A Manifesto for Earth JusticeCormac Cullinan2003Environmental justiceISBN 0-9584417-8-2 ISBN 1-903998-35-2
Wild Solutions: How Biodiversity is Money in the BankAndrew Beattie and Paul R. Ehrlich2001BiodiversityISBN 9780300127188
Wildlife Wars: My Fight to Save Africa's Natural TreasuresRichard Leakey and Virginia Morell2001Wildlife conservationISBN 0-330-37240-8
The Windward Road: Adventures of a Naturalist on Remote Caribbean ShoresArchie Carr1956Conservation: wildlife conservationISBN 978-0-8130-0639-0
Winning the Oil Endgame: Innovation for Profits, Jobs and SecurityAmory Lovins2005EnergyISBN 978-1-84407-194-4
WintergreenRobert Michael Pyle1987LoggingISBN 978-0-395-46559-2
The World Without UsAlan Weisman2007De-population; the natural worldISBN 0-312-34729-4 ISBN 978-0-312-34729-1
World of Wonders: In Praise of Fireflies, Whale Sharks, and Other AstonishmentsAimee Nezhukumatathil2020Nature conservation; animal extinctionISBN 1571313656
Worms Eat My Garbage: How to Set Up & Maintain a Worm Composting SystemMary Appelhof1982Vermicomposting; waste managementISBN 978-0-942256-10-9

Fiction environmental books

Fiction environmental books feature the environment as a prominent theme. Books in this list include fields such as children's literature, eco-fiction, fantasy, and science fiction.

American War Omar El Akkad 2017 Climate change ISBN 978-1-5098-5220-8
AntarcticaKim Stanley Robinson1997Nature conservationISBN 0-00-225359-3
The AppealJohn Grisham2008Pollution: water pollutionISBN 978-0-385-51504-7
The Back of the TurtleThomas King2014DefoliantsISBN 978-1-4434-3162-0
BlockadeDerek Hansen1998LoggingISBN 0-7322-6466-9
Caballero: A Historical NovelJovita Gonzalez and Eve Raleigh1996borderlandsISBN 978-0-89096-700-3
The Caretaker Trilogy (series)David Klass2006;
Nature conservationISBN 978-0-374-32307-3
ISBN 978-0-374-32308-0
ISBN 978-0-374-32309-7
CarpentariaAlexis Wright2006indigenous studies; Australia; settler colonialismISBN 978-1439157848
CoalAudre Lorde1976poetry collectionISBN 978-0393044393
The Cool WarFrederick Pohl1981Energy; fossil fuel depletionISBN 0-394-29383-5
Drive Your Plow Over the Bones of the DeadOlga Tokarczuk2009Animal welfare; huntingISBN 978-83-08-04398-1
Earth AbidesGeorge R. Stewart1949Disease and populationISBN 9780345487131
The Earthquake in ChileHeinrich von Kleist1807Earthquakes
Ecotopia: The Notebooks and Reports of William WestonErnest Callenbach1975Various themesISBN 0-553-34847-7
Ecotopia EmergingErnest Callenbach1981Various themesISBN 0-9604320-3-5
Flight BehaviorBarbara Kingsolver2012Climate changeISBN 978-0-06-212427-2
The Forgotten EnemyArthur C. Clarke1949Climate change
FreedomJonathan Franzen2010Various themesISBN 0-374-15846-0
A Friend of the EarthT. Coraghessan Boyle2000Various themesISBN 0-670-89177-0
The Green BrainFrank Herbert1966Ecosystems: insects almost extinguishedOCLC 476046923
HootCarl Hiaasen2002Wildlife conservationISBN 0-330-41529-8
The Hungry TideAmitav Ghosh2004South Asia; environmental transformationISBN 0-00-714178-5
IshmaelDaniel Quinn1992Human-animal relations; sustainabilityISBN 0-553-07875-5
The Last ManMary Shelley1826Pandemic; global catastrophic risk
The LoraxDr. Seuss1971Various themesISBN 0-394-82337-0
MaddAddamMargaret Atwood2013Climate change; ecological degradationISBN 0-77100-846-5
Make Room! Make Room!Harry Harrison1966PopulationISBN 978-0-7653-1885-5
The Marrow ThievesCherie Dimaline2017indigenous studies; climate changeISBN 978-1770864863
The Mockery BirdGerald Durrell1981Symbiosis and Lazarus taxaISBN 978-0-671-44131-9
The Monkey Wrench GangEdward Abbey1975Eco-terrorismISBN 0-397-01084-2
Mother of StormsJohn Barnes1994Climate change: giant hurricane caused by nuclear explosionISBN 0-312-85560-5
Old MacDonald Had a FarmMike Resnick2001Genetically engineered animals
Oryx and CrakeMargaret Atwood2003Climate change; ecological degradationISBN 0-7710-0868-6
Parable of the Sower Octavia Butler 1993 Ecological collapse; adaptation ISBN 0-941423-99-9
Parable of the Talents Octavia Butler 1998 Ecological collapse; adaptation ISBN 1-888363-81-9
A Planet for the PresidentAlistair Beaton2004Various themesISBN 0-297-84776-7
PlumeKathleen Flenniken2012Poetry collectionISBN 978-0-295-99153-5
Process of EliminationCarolyn Keene1998MysteryISBN 9780671007393
Prodigal SummerBarbara Kingsolver2000ISBN 0-06-095903-7
RainforestJenny Diski1987ISBN 978-0-413-15910-6
Salvage the BonesJesmyn Ward2011Environmental justiceISBN 978-1-60819-522-0
So Far from GodAna Castillo1993Environmental justiceISBN 0-393-03490-9
State of FearMichael Crichton2004Various themesISBN 0-00-718159-0
Under the Feet of Jesus Helena María Viramontes 1995 Environmental justice, Chicanx ISBN 9780393326932
The Winter VaultAnne Michaels2009dams; inundated landscape; EgyptISBN 978-0747598091
The Word for World Is ForestUrsula K. Le Guin1972Colonialism ISBN 0-399-11716-4
The Year of the FloodMargaret Atwood2009Climate change; ecological degradationISBN 978-0-7475-8516-9
ZodiacNeal Stephenson1988Toxic wasteISBN 0-87113-181-1
gollark: Well, that seems awful.
gollark: Well, mostly, but as I said they also require you pay taxes in their currency.
gollark: Currency is another good to be traded, but also one governments legally require you use for some things, because governments.
gollark: Let's make all currency out of thin sheets of easily damaged paper.
gollark: Put too much money in one place, and *boom*.

See also


  1. Griswold, Eliza (21 September 2012). "How 'Silent Spring' Ignited the Environmental Movement". The New York Times. ISSN 0362-4331. Retrieved 2020-07-20.
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