List of U.S. state birds

Below is a list of U.S. state birds as designated by each state's legislature, as well as the District of Columbia's state bird. The list also contains U.S. territory birds as designated by each territory's legislature. The selection of state birds began in 1927, when the legislatures for Alabama, Florida, Maine, Missouri, Oregon, Texas and Wyoming selected their state birds. The last state to choose its bird was Arizona in 1973. Alaska, California, and South Dakota permit hunting of their state birds. Alabama, Georgia, Massachusetts, Missouri, Oklahoma, South Carolina, and Tennessee have designated an additional "state game bird" for the purpose of hunting. The northern cardinal is the state bird of seven states, followed by the western meadowlark as the state bird of six states. Several states have extinct official animals, such as state dinosaurs in addition to state insects, state butterflies, state mammals and state reptiles. The District of Columbia designated a district bird in 1938.[1] Each of the five inhabited territories of the United States has a designated territorial bird (except for American Samoa).

State birds

federal district
or territory
State bird
district bird
or territory bird
Binomial nomenclaturePhotographyYear
Alabama Yellowhammer (Northern flicker)Colaptes auratus1927[2]
Alaska Willow ptarmiganLagopus lagopus1955[3]
American Samoa None
(See List of birds of American Samoa)
Arizona Cactus wrenCampylorhynchus
Arkansas Northern mockingbirdMimus polyglottos1929[5]
California California quailCallipepla californica1931[6]
Colorado Lark buntingCalamospiza melanocorys1931[7]
Connecticut American robinTurdus migratorius1943[8]
Delaware Delaware Blue HenGallus gallus1939[9]
District of Columbia Wood thrushHylocichla mustelina1938[1]
Florida Northern mockingbirdMimus polyglottos1927[10]
Georgia Brown thrasherToxostoma rufum1928[11]
Guam Guam rail (ko'ko')Gallirallus owstoni?
Hawaii Hawaiian goose (Nēnē)Branta sandvicensis1957[12]
Idaho Mountain bluebirdSialia currucoides1931[13]
Illinois Northern cardinalCardinalis cardinalis1929[14]
Indiana Northern cardinalCardinalis cardinalis1933[15]
Iowa Eastern goldfinch (American goldfinch)Spinus tristis1933[16]
Kansas Western meadowlarkSturnella neglecta1933[17]
Kentucky Northern cardinalCardinalis cardinalis1942[18]
Louisiana Brown pelicanPelecanus occidentalis1966[19]
Maine ChickadeeNot specified in state law1927[20]
Maryland Baltimore orioleIcterus galbula1947[21]
Massachusetts Black-capped chickadeePoecile atricapilla1941[22]
Michigan American robinTurdus migratorius1931[23]
Minnesota Common loonGavia immer1961[24]
Mississippi Northern mockingbirdMimus polyglottos1944[25]
Missouri Eastern bluebirdSialia sialis1927[26]
Montana Western meadowlarkSturnella neglecta1941[27]
Nebraska Western meadowlarkSturnella neglecta1929[28]
Nevada Mountain bluebirdSialia currucoides1967[29]
New Hampshire Purple finchCarpodacus purpureus1957[30]
New Jersey Eastern goldfinch (American goldfinch) Spinus tristis1935[31]
New Mexico Chaparral bird (Greater roadrunner)Geococcyx californianus1949[32]
New York Eastern bluebirdSialia sialis1970[33]
North Carolina Northern cardinalCardinalis cardinalis1943[34]
North Dakota Western meadowlarkSturnella neglecta1970[35]
Northern Mariana Islands Mariana fruit-dovePtilinopus roseicapilla?
Ohio Northern cardinalCardinalis cardinalis1933[36]
Oklahoma Scissor-tailed flycatcherTyrannus forficatus1951[37]
Oregon Western meadowlarkSturnella neglecta1927[38]
Pennsylvania Ruffed GrouseBonasa umbellus1931[39]
Puerto Rico Puerto Rican spindalisSpindalis portoricensis?
Rhode Island Rhode Island RedGallus gallus1954[40]
South Carolina Carolina wrenThryothorus ludovicianus1948[41]
South Dakota Ring-necked pheasantPhasianus colchicus1943[42]
Tennessee Northern mockingbirdMimus polyglottos1933[43]
Texas Northern mockingbirdMimus polyglottos1927[44]
Utah California gullLarus californicus1955[45]
Vermont Hermit thrushCatharus guttatus1941[46]
Virgin Islands (U.S.) BananaquitCoereba flaveola1970
Virginia Northern cardinalCardinalis cardinalis1950[47]
Washington Willow goldfinch (American goldfinch)Spinus tristis1951[48]
West Virginia Northern cardinalCardinalis cardinalis1949[49]
Wisconsin American robinTurdus migratorius1949[50]
Wyoming Western meadowlarkSturnella neglecta1927[51]

Other state birds

In addition to having a state bird, some states have chosen a state game bird (or state wild game bird), a state waterfowl (or state duck), a state raptor, or a bird as their state symbol of peace.

StateState birdBinomial nomenclaturePhotographyYear
Alabama Wild turkey
(state game bird)
Meleagris gallopavo1980[52]
Georgia Bobwhite quail
(state game bird)
Colinus virginianus1970[53]
Idaho Peregrine falcon
(state raptor)
Falco peregrinus2004[54]
Massachusetts Wild turkey
(state game bird)
Meleagris gallopavo1991[55]
Mississippi Wood duck
(state waterfowl)
Aix sponsa1974[56]
Missouri Bobwhite quail
(state game bird)
Colinus virginianus2007[57]
Oklahoma Wild turkey
(state game bird)
Meleagris gallopavo1990[58]
South Carolina Northern mockingbird
(former state bird)
Mimus polyglottos1939 -
Wild turkey
(state wild game bird)
Meleagris gallopavo1976[59]
Wood duck
(state duck)
Aix sponsa2009[60]
Tennessee Bobwhite quail
(state wild game bird)
Colinus virginianus1987[61]
Wisconsin Eastern mourning dove
(state symbol of peace)
Zenaida macroura carolinensis1971[62]

States with the same state bird

Some state birds are shared between multiple states. Of the 50 states, a total of 32 do not have a unique state bird.

  Northern cardinal
  Western meadowlark
  Northern mockingbird
  American robin
  American goldfinch
  Eastern bluebird
  Mountain bluebird
  Unique state bird
Bird # of states
Northern cardinal7
Western meadowlark6
Northern mockingbird5[lower-alpha 1]
Wild turkey
(state game bird or wild game bird)
American robin3
Bobwhite quail
(state game bird or wild game bird)
American goldfinch3[lower-alpha 2]
Chickadee2[lower-alpha 3]
Chicken2[lower-alpha 4]
Eastern bluebird2
Mountain bluebird2
Wood Duck
(state waterfowl or duck)


  1. and formerly South Carolina
  2. 2 as "Eastern goldfinch", 1 as "Willow goldfinch"
  3. 1 as "Black-capped chickadee", 1 as "Chickadee"
  4. 1 as "Rhode Island Red", 1 as "Delaware Blue Hen"
gollark: You are definitely not randomly/accidentally stalking people at this point.
gollark: ···
gollark: Why do you want my music library, anyway? I can probably send you a copy *somehow* if you have a good reason.]
gollark: Your questions worry me.
gollark: Should I be worried about you asking about the internals of osmarks internet radio™?


  1. "District of Columbia State Bird". District of Columbia State Symbols. 50 States.
  2. "Alabama State Bird". Alabama Emblems, Symbols and Honors. Alabama Department of Archives and History. 2006-04-27. Retrieved 2007-03-18.
  3. "Alaska State Bird". Alaska History, Geography, Population and State Facts. Fact Monster.
  4. "Arizona State Bird". Arizona State Bird- Cactus Wren. 50 States.
  5. "Arkansas State Bird". Arkansas State Bird- Mockingbird. About.
  6. "California State Bird". California State Bird- California Quail. 50 States.
  7. "Colorado State Bird". Colorado State Bird- Lark Bunting. About. Archived from the original on 2014-11-29.
  8. "Connecticut State Bird". The State Bird. State of Connecticut.
  9. "Delaware State Bird". California State Bird- Blue Hen Chicken. 50 States.
  10. "Florida State Bird". Florida State Bird: Mockingbird. SHG Resources.
  11. "Georgia State Bird". Georgia State Bird Brown Thrasher Toxostoma rufum. Netstate.
  12. "Hawaii State Bird". The Nene Goose- Branta Sandvicensis-Hawaii's State Bird. Aloha-Hawaii.
  13. "Idaho State Bird". Idaho State Bird Mountain Bluebird. Netstate.
  14. "State Symbols". State of Illinois. Retrieved 25 April 2015.
  15. "Indiana State Bird". Indiana Historical Bureau. Retrieved 25 April 2015.
  16. "Iowa State Bird". Iowa State Bird Eastern Goldfinch Carduelis tristis. Netstate.
  17. "Kansas State Bird". Kansas State Bird Western Meadowlark Sturnella neglecta. Netstate.
  18. "Kentucky State Bird". Kentucky's State Bird: The Cardinal. Kentucky Department for Libraries and Archives. Archived from the original on 2010-03-18.
  19. "Louisiana State Bird". Louisiana State Bird: Brown Pelican. SHG Resources.
  20. The problem with naming ‘the chickadee’ as Maine’s state bird Bangor Daily News. 28 February 2019. Retrieved 6 March 2019.
  21. "Maryland State Bird". Louisiana State Bird Baltimore Oriole Icterus galbula. Netstate.
  22. "Massachusetts State Bird". Massachusetts State Bird: Chickadee. SHG Resources.
  23. "Michigan State Bird". Michigan State Bird American Robin Turdus migratorius. Netstate.
  24. "Minnesota State Bird". Minnesota State Bird Common Loon Gavia immer. Netstate.
  25. "Mississippi State Bird". Mississippi State Bird: Mockingbird. SHG Resources.
  26. "State Symbols of Missouri". Missouri's State Bird. Missouri Secretary of State.
  27. "Montana State Bird". Michigan State Bird Western Meadowlark Sturnella neglecta. Netstate.
  28. "Western Meadowlark", NebraskAccess, Nebraska State Symbols, Nebraska Library Commission, retrieved 2020-06-18
  29. "Nevada State Bird". Nevada State Bird, mountain bluebird. Val-U-Corp Services, Inc. Archived from the original on 2015-01-14. Retrieved 2007-04-24.
  30. "New Hampshire State Bird". New Hampshire State Bird: Purple Finch. SHG Resources.
  31. "New Jersey State Bird". NJ Senate No. 241. NJ Home.
  32. "New Mexico State Bird - Roadrunner". New Mexico State Bird - Roadrunner - Geococcyx californianus.
  33. "New York State Bird". New York State Bird Bluebird Sialia sialis. Netstate.
  34. "North Carolina State Bird". Cardinal- North Carolina State Bird. NC Department of State.
  35. "North Dakota State Bird". North Dakota State Bird Western Meadowlark Sturnella neglecta. Netstate.
  36. "Ohio State Bird". Ohio's State Bird- The Cardinal. Ohio History Central.
  37. "Oklahoma State Bird". Oklahoma State bird. Birds of Oklahoma. Archived from the original on 2008-02-19.
  38. "Oregon State Bird". Oregon State Bird Western Meadowlark Sturnella neglecta. Netstate.
  39. "1931 Act 234", Unconsolidated Statutes, Pennsylvania General Assembly, retrieved 2020-06-02
  40. "Rhode Island State Bird". Rhode Island State Bird: Rhode Island Red. SHG Resources.
  41. "SC Statehouse Student's web page, State Symbols and Emblems, State Bird". South Carolina General Assembly. Archived from the original on 2007-07-02. Retrieved 2007-07-19.
  42. "South Dakota State Bird". South Dakota State Bird Ring-necked Pheasant Phasianus colchicus. Netstate.
  43. "Tennessee State Bird". Tennessee State Bird: Mockingbird. SHG Resources.
  44. "Texas State Bird". The Texas State Bird: Mockingbird. Lone Star Junction.
  45. "Utah State Bird". Utah State Bird California Gull Larus californicus. Netstate.
  46. "Vermont State Bird". Vermont State Bird- Hermit Thrush. About. Archived from the original on 2014-11-29.
  47. "Virginia State Bird". Netstate. 2005-04-17. Retrieved 2007-04-06.
  48. "Symbols of Washington State". Washington State Legislature. Archived from the original on 2007-03-05. Retrieved 2007-03-11.
  49. "West Virginia State Bird". Netstate.
  50. "Wisconsin State Bird". Wisconsin State Bird: Robin. SHG Resources.
  51. "Wyoming State Bird". Wyoming State Bird: Robin. State of Wyoming. Archived from the original on 2007-02-10.
  52. "Official Alabama Game Bird". Alabama Emblems, Symb and Honors. Alabama Department of Archives and History. 2003-11-17. Retrieved 2007-03-18.
  53. "Georgia Secretary of State - State Game Bird". Georgia Secretary of State. State of Georgia. Archived from the original on 2012-07-10. Retrieved 2008-07-21.
  54. "Idaho State Raptor". Idaho State Raptor Peregrine Falcon. Netstate.
  55. CIS: State Symbols
  56. "Mississippi State Symbols, Emblems, and Mascots". SHG Resources.
  57. "HOUSE BILL NO. 576" (PDF). HOUSE BILL NO. 576 94TH GENERAL ASSEMBLY. State of Missouri. Archived from the original on 2010-06-02.CS1 maint: BOT: original-url status unknown (link)
  58. "Oklahoma State Game Bird". Official State Game Birds. NSTATE, LLC.
  59. "SC Statehouse Student's web page, State Symbols and Emblems, State Wild Game Bird". South Carolina General Assembly. Archived from the original on 2007-07-06. Retrieved 2007-07-19.
  60. "South Carolina State Duck". Official State Ducks. NSTATE, LLC.
  61. "Tennessee State Symbols". Tennessee State General Assembly. Archived from the original on 2008-05-09.
  62. "Wisconsin Historical Society". Wisconsin State Symbols. Wisconsin Historical Society.
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