List of Johnny Test characters
This is a list of the many characters from the animated television series Johnny Test.

Main characters
Johnny Test
Jonathan Xavier "Johnny" Test (voiced by James Arnold Taylor, PJ Giovani in the web-series): A troublesome, unpredictable, and widely iconic 11-year-old boy who is the brother of Susan and Mary and the son of Hugh and Lila. He is the main protagonist of the show. He is often called the "kid with the flaming hair" due to having scarlet red highlights in his yellow hair. He is most often seen wearing green cargo pants and a black shirt with a trefoil symbol on it, which he wears under a navy blue dress shirt, a watch that he rarely uses and black hi-tops. Because he has Susan and Mary by his side, he can live any kid's dream, only to find that some dreams aren't worth living. He is very hyperactive, and often messes with his sisters' inventions, causing trouble and mayhem, but just as often proves himself to be extremely clever such as by frequently tricking his genius sisters or conquering the day from whatever goodness happens to show up. Johnny is also quite spoiled and stubborn, as he gets what he wants, through deceit, blackmail, or persuasion. Johnny has an alter ego that he calls "Johnny X", who is a superhero that has various superpowers, including hurricane hands (speeding wind from his hands), shapeshifting, fire-powered transformation, teleportation, ESP, "Power Poots". A running gag for this form is that his hurricane hands never work, either due to the target being immune to it or other factors. He was in love with Janet and later Sissy, the latter born out of hostile rivalry. Johnny does not like school and, if anything, he goes to great lengths to avoid doing work, often using his sisters' inventions to do so and often putting himself and/or others in danger as a result. He is addicted to video games, and will do anything to get them. His catchphrase is "Whoa, didn't see that coming" during an unexpected event. He has a dog named Dukey.
Dukeson "Dukey" Test (voiced by Louis Chirillo in Season 1–4, Trevor Devall in Season 5–6, Tom Kenny in a Kids' WB Johnny Test promo and Tom Wayland in the web-series): Johnny's anthropomorphic 4-year-old talking pet dog and best friend. The cause of Dukey's anthropomorphism is because of one of Susan and Mary's inventions, thus giving him human-like abilities. When Mrs. and Mr. Test aren't around, Dukey will stand on his hind legs rather than all fours. The reason for this is that Hugh banned Susan and Mary from DNA experiments, which was how they gave Dukey human-like intelligence. There have been a few "close calls" around the series, such as when Mr. Test got trapped inside of one of Johnny's video games and Johnny and Dukey also went inside the game to rescue him, and Dukey accidentally spoke in front of him, causing Hugh ask, "Did Dukey just talk?" Every time one of his parents asks this question after Dukey just spoke in front of them, either Johnny, Susan, or Mary answers "no" and their parents immediately believe them. Sometimes Dukey dresses as a human being when going out in public, and he is addressed by others as Johnny's "hairy friend" or "the kid with the rare hair disorder". Dukey can easily be bribed into assisting Johnny in his manipulations with steak. His superhero name was "Super Pooch" at first, but then changed it to Super Dukey. Super Dukey has superpowers like flight, shapeshifting, power poots, K-9 oral force field, ESP, and teleportation. He usually crashes while flying. Just like Johnny, Intentionally or not, He has a tendency to destroy Susan's and Mary's Inventions. His TinyMon name is "Mymuttdog" and he evolves into "Dukandra."
Susan and Mary Test
Susan and Mary Test (also known as The Test Twins) – Johnny's genius twin sisters and daughters of Hugh and Lila, who frequently use him as a lab rat for various inventions, most of which to impress their neighbor, Gil. Though they generally refuse to help Johnny in his antics, they generally end up doing so anyway due to Johnny blackmailing or manipulating them, or in exchange for Johnny allowing them to use him as a guinea pig. Their hard-headed demeanor makes them gullible, and they have been tricked by Johnny on various occasions. They have a habit of speaking in unison especially when reciting their catchphrase "We're such geniuses". Both twins wear traditional lab coats and harbor a deep love and obsession for the Tests' next door neighbor, Gil, although their attempts to attract his attention always end in failure. Both girls attend school at the Porkbelly (formally Mega) Institution of Technology.
Susan Test
Susan Test (voiced by Maryke Hendrikse, Laurie Hymes in the web-series): A 13-year-old girl who is the sister of Mary and Johnny and the daughter of Hugh and Lila. She has navy blue eyes and wears a black skirt, knee-high socks and a pair of Mary Janes, and a light blue shirt depicting a star. She has straight red hair, held with a yellow star-shaped clip, and wears glasses. She tends to be more irritable than Mary is, which often leads to her downfall. In the episode "Johnnymon", Susan claims she never feels bad for anyone. Thus Susan's emotions are more extreme than her twin's. Eugene/Bling-Bling expresses fond interest in Susan, often causing her to be used as a "bargaining chip" in his negotiations. When Susan is being pursued by Bling-Bling (despite having no interest at all for him), she tries to bribe Johnny into protecting her. Her Catchphrases are "too much?" and "got carried away."
Mary Test
Mary Test (voiced by Brittney Wilson in Seasons 1 & 5, Ashleigh Ball in Seasons 2–4 & 6, Laurie Hymes in the web-series): A 13-year-old girl who is the sister of Susan and Johnny and also the daughter of Hugh and Lila. She has greenish blue eyes and often wears baggy blue jeans and green sneakers with her trademark yellow moon shirt. She has curly red hair, held with a light moon-shaped clip, and wears moon-shaped glasses. Mary has been shown to be more warm-hearted than Susan. She believes less in science and more in science fiction, which proves to be correct, despite Susan's scorn. She is more level-headed and conservative than Susan, and speaks her mind much less often.
Secondary characters
Hugh Test
Hubert "Hugh" Test (voiced by Ian James Corlett): The uptight, obsessive-compulsive stay-at-home father of Johnny, Susan and Mary, and the husband of Lila. He has blond hair, blue eyes, and wears a green sweater over a yellow shirt with brown pants and loafers. He is apparently not very smart, because Dark Vegan is able to perform a mind trick on him, and they only work on dumb people. Hugh's two biggest obsessions are cleaning and cooking meatloaf (which in one instance he's shown to value more than the safety and well-being of his own children), which the rest of the Test family openly despises. He also gets distracted if he loses his shoe, and can't focus on anything if he does, something that Johnny occasionally exploits. He often wants his children to come back before dinner or risk being grounded. He also always grounds them for a month at a time for even the smallest offense or for ridiculous reasons. He will force (including his wife) or trick anyone to get his way;in one instance, He forced his wife to give up all her phones due to vacationing reasons. He outlaws genetic experiments by Susan and Mary in the house, which is mentioned rarely, though frequently defied. In "The Return of Johnny'Mon", he was mistook as a Tiny'Mon called "I'mhisdad" (I'm His Dad) and evolves into "Dadoomerang".
Lila Test
Lila Test (voiced by Kathleen Barr): The mother of Johnny, Susan and Mary and wife of Hugh. She has brownish- reddish hair, green eyes, and wears a typical women's work suit, pearl necklace and heels. She is a businesswoman, though her specific profession is never explained aside from the fact she works in financing. Due to the demands of her job, she isn't seen at home as often as the rest of the family, but her family always comes first and she never misses out on vacations and family events, despite the fact she always manages to take her work with her one way or another. She also possesses great martial arts skills and shown to not be as strict as her husband. Despite not being as strict as her husband and sometimes being forced against her will to take off work to relax, She has a scary/crazy side that even her husband has shown fear from when he makes mistakes in front of her.
Gil Nexdor
Gil Nexdor (voiced by Andrew Francis): A pretty boy teenager and Susan and Mary's crush, who doesn't even know they exist, despite having lived next door to him since they were born and even having met them face to face on several occasions. He is continuously depicted as intellectually lacking, although his handsome looks seem to compensate for this most of the time. Much to the great ire of Susan and Mary, Gil considers Johnny his friend (whenever Gil appears when Johnny is around, he shouts, "Hey, Johnny!"). Due to Susan and Mary's crush, many of their experiments often revolve around him, on some occasions even affecting him directly. However he can never seem to remember their names save for certain occasions. His surname "Nexdor" is a pun on "next door", alluding to the fact that he is Johnny's next door neighbor.
Mr. Black and Mr. White
Mr. Black and Mr. White (voiced by Bill Mondy and Scott McNeil respectively): Secret Agents who ask Johnny, Mary, Susan, and Dukey for help whenever they can not handle a crisis alone, which is most of the time. They seem to be highly incompetent and somewhat slackers at their job. They claim they are not afraid of anything and in their first appearance could shoot ropes from their wrists. Ironically, Mr. White is African American and Mr. Black is Caucasian (likely of Germanic ethnic origin). Despite first appearing as villains, they're now friends to the Test kids on most occasions. They also have a hidden passion for cooking. They also dream of vacation in Fiji and says so in a singsong voice("we are going to Fiji")
General (voiced by Lee Tockar): Mr. White and Black's Boss, the General is leader of the area 51.1 army base. Loud, slightly incompetent and forgetful, he frequently takes action whenever the situation becomes too large for the Tests to maintain, although his efforts never fare any better. He is prone to overkill and rarely considers what result his actions may have on civilians, to the point he fired at a forest, an inhabited area, and even a place were the Test kids were playing all in an attempt to destroy a monster. A running gag in the series involves him forgetting something and hesitating to remember.
Sissy Blakely
Elisabeth "Sissy" Blakely (voiced by Brittney Wilson in Seasons 1 & 5, Ashleigh Ball in Seasons 2–4 & 6): An 11-year-old girl who tends to hide her crush for Johnny through bullying and asserting superiority over him. Johnny also has a crush on her, although he doesn't seem to be aware of it or denies it. However, the two are constantly competing against each other. If Sissy beats him, she will brag about it. If Johnny wins, he'll either get caught into a situation because of it, or brag as much as her. In one episode, Johnny pretends to be nice and to be used to being bullied by Sissy. They ended up falling in love with each other along with Dukey and Missy. She seems to be the victim to the show's twists, adventures; her misfortune seen at the end of the episode. She has blonde hair with a red lightning bolt pattern, with multiple ear piercings and a plaid skirt with pants underneath.
Bumper Randalls
Mitchell "Bumper" Randalls (voiced by Scott McNeil): A local bully who regularly tortures the kids at Johnny's school, though Johnny is his favorite victim; he tortures Johnny more than anyone else. However, he has a sensitive side as he loves roses and even has a rose garden. He has two cats: a white cat called "Cuddles" and an orange tomcat. He also has a lizard named Mr. Muncher and a dog. His father seems to want him to be a wrestler, but he just wants to grow flowers so he takes his anger out on Johnny. This leads to why he probably bullies all the time. In "Johnny X Strikes Back" he gains the power to turn to stone and flight.
Mr. Henry Teacherman
Mr. Henry Joseph Teacherman (voiced by Louis Chirillo (Seasons 1–4), Trevor Devall (Seasons 5 & 6): Johnny's school teacher, who Johnny believes "has it out for him" (which he sometimes does). He seems to not believe that any of his students really tries hard enough (and once told his class they might want to learn a trade when passing out an important exam). It is shown that he really likes it if a student fails a test (rarely, he gives his students assignments on topics they never learn), and at times, he has even shown to get sadistic pleasure out of punishing Johnny. Mr. Teacherman is always very tough, but not always to be mean. He believes that deep down, there is a great student inside of everyone, including Johnny. It has shown that even Johnny can't reason or bribe him out of an difficult assignment by him, showing that He can be stubborn and strict.
Recurring characters
Janet Nelson Jr.
Janet Nelson Jr. (voiced by Kathleen Barr): Johnny's former crush. She is a shallow and self-centered popular girl that is usually mean and inconsiderate to Johnny and appoints him as a loser. She has a love-hate relationship with him, but she is too popular to express the love part. She appears in the first season, though she does make cameos in the second and third seasons.
Hank Anchorman
Hank Anchorman (voiced by James Arnold Taylor): An anchorman for Porkbelly News. In his first appearance, he had blond hair, was thinner and younger, but later on, he had brown hair (which was a wig), was older and had a different face. He often reports about the Test family. After that the entire family have a massive orgy
Mayor Howard
Mayor Howard (voiced by Lee Tockar): The Mayor of Porkbelly is a short bald man who still lives with his mother. He easily panics at the first sign of trouble, and will not hesitate to cave into pressure. Whenever a supervillain appears, he would always agree to swear allegiance with the villain and change the name of the city before the villain even says anything.
Principal Jules Harm
Principal Jules Harm (voiced by James Arnold Taylor): is the principal of Johnny's middle school, and likes Johnny, despite his antics, which have caused large-scale destruction on more than one occasion.
Professor Slopsink
Professor Slopsink (voiced by Richard Newman): The German head professor at the Mega (later Porkbelly) Institute of Technology (M.I.T./P.I.T). Due to a mishap with one of Eugene's theses, he lacks a left hand, so now he uses a robotic hand (though Repto-slicer ate that as well).
Mrs. Hamilton
Mrs. Hamilton (voiced by Lee Tockar): is the Mother of Bling-Bling Boy and Mr. Hamilton's Wife. She is very harsh with her son, and is always screaming but is calmed by smooth talk.
Tim Burnout
Timothy "Tim" Burnout: A classmate of Susan and Mary and the former owner of Mr. Mittens. He copied the modified genetic structure used by Susan and Mary to create Dukey and used it on Mr. Mittens and his bunny rabbit, which turned him into an evil villain seeking world domination. Despite his lazy personality, he is apparently very intelligent, as he was able to alter Mr. Mittens (despite stealing the idea). His last name refers to the way he acts.
Lolo (voiced by Ashleigh Ball): Susan and Mary's midnight blue lab monkey who they sometimes test their experiments on. She loves bananas and is somewhat intelligent possibly due to the sister's tests. She has a strange metal hatpiece on her head, the reason for which is not explained.
Missy (voiced by Brittney Wilson): Sissy's pink labradoodle dog, who seems to show the same amount of dislike to Dukey as Sissy does to Johnny. Despite this Dukey has a crush on her, but often shows the hatred Johnny shows to Sissy.
Repto-Slicer: (voiced by Andrew Francis) A blue-green mutant lizard. He was originally owned and created by Eugene, but decided to stay with Johnny after he tamed him. He earned his name from his ability to have razors protrude from his entire body; he even has a chainsaw for a tongue. He excels at salsa-making.
Jillian Vegan
Jillian Vegan (voiced by Maryke Hendrikse): Dark Vegan's daughter who doesn't approve of her father's evil ways. She makes friends with Johnny and helps him save his world twice. As of the fourth season she is living comfortably on Earth, having successfully integrated into its culture.
Mrs. Vegan
Mrs. Vegan: Dark Vegan's wife and Jillian's mother who constantly nags about Vegan's plans to take over the world.
The Turbo Toy Force
The Turbo Toy Force: A group of toys that were animated and given superpowers by Johnny, Dukey, Mary, and Susan to battle Nasteria. The group consists of: Stacy, Nice Sweatered Ben, a toy bunny rabbit, a toy dragon, a chew toy, and formerly Mega Roboticle.
Speed McCool
Speed McCool (voiced by Lee Tockar): A famous actor. In the movies he is in, he can be seen with a chimpanzee. Johnny is a fan of him and once used a virtual reality machine to get inside one of his films.
Montague (voiced by Lee Tockar): An anarchist talking mouse bent on world domination but in actuality, He just wants cheese. He appears in two episodes: in Johnny's Big Dumb Sisters, he makes brief cameos, but in Tom and Johnny, he has a larger role, eventually helping out the Test siblings and Dukey. He becomes an antagonist in one episode where he tries to live in Johnny's house. According to the show, He is a Wild Card to the Tests due to his randomness and his "goals"
Dog Catcher
The Dog Catcher (voiced by James Arnold Taylor): The owner of Porkbelly's Animal Control. His first appearance was in the episode "Here Johnny, Here Boy!" He captured Johnny, Susan, and Mary after using the Animal Machine, which turned them into animals (Johnny into a dog and Susan and Mary into lions). He made minor appearances such as "Johnny's 100th Episode" where we see that Johnny first adopted Dukey.
Fillmore (voiced by Lee Tockar): The main clerk in the video game store, Game Galaxy. He made his first appearance in the episode "Phat Johnny". Johnny sometimes makes fun of him because he's fat (although Fillmore says he has a glandular problem).
Bling Bling Boy
Eugene Kenneth "Bling-Bling Boy" Hamilton (voiced by Lee Tockar): A major antagonist and friendly enemy of Johnny and Dukey, preferring to go by name of "Bling-Bling Boy" (because of his gold jewelry and watches). Most characters usually call him by his real name instead of Bling-Bling Boy because of his immense amount of wealth and ice on his wrists and neck, which annoys him greatly. He is a multi-millionaire with unlimited funds at his disposal. He is also somewhat of a god to the rest of the characters despite having fears of being punished by his mother and being despised by the rest of the characters (Mostly Susan). He has a big crush on Susan, who doesn't reciprocate his feelings, and often resorts to evil plots or blackmail to try and force her to be his girlfriend which mostly fails or backfires due to either by Johnny and the family foiling his plans or his own doing. He occasionally teams up with Johnny and Dukey to defeat the other villains when the situation demands it. He seems to be good friends with Johnny and Dukey, despite being the main antagonist of the series. Similar to his sisters, he occasionally tricks Johnny into testing some of his inventions. Deep down Bling-Bling Boy is insecure due to being fat and having buck teeth although in Phat Johnny his weight and buck teeth actually help Bling-Bling Boy become successful as a hip hop star. He has a mother who punishes him for "embarrassing her" by plotting his evil schemes and at one point he considers going to jail rather than being in trouble with his mother. He used to also attend the Mega Institution of Technology, but left the school after his thesis ate Professor Slopsink's hand. He later was allowed to return to the Institute in exchange for aiding in preventing a nuclear crisis, finally admitting to missing human interaction. In "Johnny X Strikes Back" he gains the power of gold vision and flight.
Miss X and Miss Z
Miss X and Miss Z: These girls are actually two cyborgs created by Bling Bling Boy to work at their disposal. They can operate and have a mind of their own when Bling-Bling is not around or Bling-Bling is in need. They have high intelligence, capable to study at the Institute Of Porkbelly and avoiding attention. Throughout the seasons, they are more robotic and shown to have more than one pair of them
Mr. Whack-O
Mr. Whack-O (voiced by Lee Tockar): One of the first major villains. Despite being a toymaker, he deeply loathes kids and makes incredibly destructive toys in order to rid the world of them. He seems quite intelligent and quite wealthy; despite of his appearance, behavior, and the bad publicly he brings to his company. He is the leader of the Johnny Stopping Evil Force 5. He has shown to be obsessed of defeating and destroying Johnny and the Tests due to Johnny foiling his plans in the past causing him to go mentally insane. He is so obsessed of Johnny, he'll risk his own safety or other people just to gain an advantage over The Tests. He is somewhat similar to Toyman in "Superman"
Brain Freezer
Brain Freezer (voiced by Louis Chirillo in seasons 1–4, Bill Mondy in seasons 5 & 6): The former janitor and coffee guy of Susan and Mary's school. He is a self-proclaimed genius, with his inventions typically involving both coffee and ice. He has a "Chillachino Machine" that can freeze anything including creating armor made of ice. It appears he is immune to the blasts from his freeze gun, as he uses them to transform into his supervillain form by blasting himself but his 'Chillachino' will still freeze him solid if he drinks it. He often makes ice-related puns. In a episode, the reason for villainy is that He's just lonely and that girls rejects him. His personality is similar to that of Mr. Freeze from Batman.
The Beekeeper
The Beekeeper (voiced by James Arnold Taylor): The Beekeeper is a man in a beekeeper's suit that can control bees. His secret identity is Doc Beebles, maker of Piles 'O Honey Bars. His debut plot was to use his bees to eat all other candy in the world so his Piles 'O Honey Bars would finally sell (none bought his bars because they were naturally sweet and healthy), though he really wanted the kids to be healthier. However, he does help out the Test siblings and Dukey save a holiday that they created. Due to this, he is currently reformed and likes the Tests, and has dropped out of the force to be replaced by Zizrar. He loves saying "bee" as "be" as a pun when he's wearing his bee suit.
Mr. Mittens
Mr. Mittens (voiced by James Arnold Taylor): An evil cat with the same modified genetic structure as Dukey by Susan and Mary's classmate Tim Burnout who owned Mr. Mittens. He once tried to turn the entire world into cats. In an ending of an episode, He claims to want revenge on Johnny, But in reality he's just lonely just like Brain Freezer. Like Dukey, he is highly intelligent but seems to lack Dukey's fighting skills. He also has a butler named Albert.
Albert (voiced by Lee Tockar): Mr. Mitten's aforementioned butler. Albert isn't seen hating Johnny, but he was forced into the squad because he has to take care of Mr. Mittens all the time (it is debated if he's actually a villain). He is quite calm and down to earth. He has shown that he can't be tickled even by the best inventions (in fact, he broke and overloaded a machine in the process of being tickled). He has also shown to be quite intelligent as well as his master.
Zizrar (voiced by Scott McNeil): King of the Mole People who often attempts to take over the world only to fail due to his intense aversion to light. He is the first villain Johnny ever fought, but he rarely makes any appearances. He later became Beekeeper's replacement on the Johnny Stopping Evil Force 5 after Beekeeper reformed.
Dark Vegan
Dark Vegan (voiced by James Arnold Taylor): A rival of Johnny. He is the ruler of Vegandon, a seemingly utopian planet composed completely of the Vegans, which at first appear peaceful and well-meaning, but in reality, they go to other planets and sap them of their resources, which is what he tried to do to Earth on two occasions and nearly succeeded. After his second attack on Earth, he and his family were left stranded on Earth, much to the ire of Vegan and the pleasure of his family. Although Johnny eventually helped him to return to Vegandon, he later returned to Earth and became a regular resident after discovering his planet was incapable of producing his new favorite food: toast. He has a mind-control power which works only on dumb people. He was Jillian's father. Later in the series, He appears as an ally and rare enemy of The Tests(only if they intervene of his plans or Johnny Harms/hurts his daughter in any way). He appears to be a parody of Darth Vader from the Star Wars movies.
Lunch Lady
Lunch Lady: The lunch lady at Porkbelly Middle School who has greenish skin and speaks in a German accent. She can be very cruel when students don't eat her disgusting (albeit sometimes healthy) food. She even becomes a nemesis to Johnny in an episode where she tries to destroy him for giving kids applesauce.
Minor Characters
Extreme Teen Team: Appeared in the episode "Johnny Test: Extreme Crime Stopper". They stole all the drinks and snacks at a store at night without paying (like all of the other teens they do anything for sugar). At the end of the episode, they were caught and sent to jail. They also made minor appearance throughout the series.
Super Smarty Pants: A pair of pants that allow the user to gain higher intellectual abilities. It first appeared in the episode "Johnny's Super Smarty Pants". It has artificial intelligence and surprisingly, strong obsessive emotions for Johnny. It also has a strong hate for Dukey and The Smarty Pants will harm Dukey every chance it gets. It reappeared in "The Return of Johnny Super Smarty Pants" all the way from Antarctica to get back Johnny and take control of his brain.
Construction Drones: Robots created by Susan and Mary who are used to aid them in building their inventions. Johnny, however, uses them whenever he can to his advantage. They can build everything that they were commanded to do. From tables, benches and pancakes, to giant and advanced tree houses or a houses referencing a horror show. They have the ability to turn their hands to brushes and tools and transform their feet to wheels. They're intelligent, fast and handy. but they do have some weaknesses, such as working so fast and hard makes them to get short-circuited.
Mega Roboticle: Johnny's red hero robot action figure that he used Susan and Mary's 'Static Animator' to bring to life. Mega Roboticle is the former leader of The Turbo Toy Force.
Moon Fiends (also called Moonsies): the idiotic and evil blue aliens that live on the moon who made their first and only appearance in the episode "Johnny Gets Mooned". A bunch of evil Moon Fiends attacked Johnny and Dukey in outer space when they came to the moon to do research for Johnny's paper. The army of Moon Fiends ate a lot of spice cheese nachos, which gave them stink gas and fart on Johnny and Dukey. The leader sent all moon fiends, and later mega fiends, to attack the duo, only for Johnny to use the knowledge from his report (and the report itself) to defeat them all and escape.
Boyborgs: Robotic machines designed to look like Gil Nexdor, built by Susan and Mary Test. They are the main antagonists of "Johnny vs. Super Soaking Cyborgs", after they learn that the Twins love Gil more than them and attempt to eliminate him.
The Caveman: Appeared on the episode "Stinkin Johnny". Johnny wants to enter a wrestling competition so that he can win a new HDTV. Before wrestling, Susan and Mary make a costume for Johnny which allows him to spray gas out of his costume. Before the competition, Johnny sprays gas at Bumper, the evil dogs, and his dad. When Johnny was about to spray The Caveman with his costume, he realized that he ran out of perfume and gets chased by The Caveman. Later, Johnny gets kidnapped by the Caveman and Dukey, Susan, and Mary try to rescue Johnny but they get kicked out. Johnny's dad shows up but he gets thrown out as well. When Johnny was about to be beaten up the Caveman, his mom appears to save him. After Johnny's mom beats the Caveman, she saves Johnny and wins $10,000. At the end, Johnny and Dukey both get grounded from TV and Susan and Mary both get grounded from the lab. When Johnny plays baseball with Dukey, he accidentally breaks the new TV and he will be punished again.
Blast Ketchup (voiced by Kathleen Barr): The main character of the Tiny'Mon games, Blast Ketchup has dreams of becoming the World's Greatest Tiny'Mon Master. Ever since Johnny was trapped in their world and Blast was defeated by Johnny, it became his goal to defeat Johnny in Tiny'Mon to become the Tiny'Mon champion he self-proclaims deserves. It is easy for him to detect tricks and is not under using dirty tactics to win like kidnapping. He always takes the first words of what people say, mistaking them as Tiny'Mon. He is a parody of Ash Ketchum from the Pokémon series.
Ed: Blast Ketchup's friend and cheerleader. He always considered everyone as a loser despite showing lack of social skills and experience in Tiny'Mon.
Screechereen: Evolved from the almost completely weak Cuddlebuns. She is a legendary Tiny'mon that many believed didn't exist and is incredibly strong. In Return of Johnny'mon, she is brought up as female. She resembles Lugia from the Pokémon series.
Cuddlebuns: A cute but weak Tiny'mon. In fact, it is the weakest Tiny'mon ever. In Johnny'mon, it is revealed that it can evolve into Screechereen.
Baboomerang and Badias: Blast Ketchup's Tiny'Mon. Baboomerang (formerly Kadoomerang) is listed with 1000 Power Point's, while Badias has 1100. Baboomerang appeared as an anthropomorphic baboon he wore armor a belt and a diaper. Badias appeared like Screechereen but in black.
Ms. Blakely: A minor character who appeared in the episode "Johnnyitis". She is Sissy Blakely's mother.
Mrs. Majekowski: A minor character who appeared in the episode "No Homework for Johnny" She is an elderly woman who lives alone with her cats. The Homework Buddy steals the cookies shes makes, which questions Johnny where it gets them from.
Larius Nefarius: A character who appeared in the episode "The Quantum of Johnny". He was first thought to be a villain but near the end of the episode, it is discovered that his daughter, Claire, was the real villain. Since he spends most of his time working, he barely has time for her. He is a parody of Ernst Stavro Blofeld, a James Bond supervillain, as they both hold and cuddle a cat while they are planning something nafarious.
Claire Nefarius: A character who appeared in the episode "The Quantum of Johnny". She is the daughter of Larius Nefarius. In the episode, she had a birthday party and hid to launch missiles into her father's factory (which was nearby) in order to get her dad to spend more time with her. Johnny constantly mentions that she is hot. At the end of the episode, Larius Nefarius learned of his mistake and promised to spend more time with her and act like a father. He started by forbidding her from dating Johnny because she is too young.
King Fufassel: A character who appeared in the episode "Princess Johnny". He is the ruler of Schmuldavia. He was at war with Muldavia's Princess Maribel over corn dog production rights, but Johnny managed to end the war when he pretended to be Princess Maribel and forced him to have a treaty/truce.
Princess Maribel: A character who appeared in the episode "Princess Johnny". She looks very identical to Johnny; except she is a girl,(which ironically Johnny finds unattractive) lacks Johnny's hair highlights, and wears a dress. She is the princess of Muldavia. It was at war with Schmuldavia led by King Fufassel. She goes missing and Johnny is recruited by Black & White to masquerade as her until she is found. She's eventually found in the hotel's arcade, dressed like Johnny. Johnny empathizes with her and after finding her after she ran away, threatened her guardian in order to give her more leisure time.
Branson Ridgeway: A minor character who first appeared in the episode "Johnny's Trophy Case". He was the creator of the Bike Jump Stunt contest. He made another appearance in "Johnny Rich".
Mrs. Crabapple: A character who first appeared in the episode "Who's Johnny". She teaches the "special classes". Students who appear in her class, like Bumper, are called "Bad Apples". She made another appearance in "Johnny Susan Susan Johnny".
Hotel Manager: A character who first appeared in the episode "Johnny Test in 3D". He does not allow pets in the hotel. He is able to smell wherever an animal, such as a dog, is in the hotel. He made several cameo appearances in later episodes.
Tyler: An overweight boy who enjoys eating his boogers. He made his first appearance in "Johnny Mint Chip". He used to be gross and immature (as seen in the episode "Johnny's New BFF"), but then became a teenager. He made several cameo appearances throughout the rest of the series.
Wendell: An boy who enjoys insects. He made his first and only appearance in the episode "Johnny's New BFF".
Dawg & Bone: The two characters that came from the TV in Johnny's house, with Susan and Mary's invention. Dawg & Bone try to destroy Johnny and Porkbelly due to the fact that they think they are zombies. Since they live in a cartoon world in a cartoon, their cartoon rules are stronger than Johnny and Dukey, they also can give punishment as much they can take. Johhny and Dukey claims to dislike this show, despite having strong similarities to the show's main characters. In fact, Johnny and Dukey broke the Fourth Wall few times realizing how similar they are but can't put their finger on how or not realizing the simliarities.
High-Pitched Hal: A character who appeared in the episode "Johnny Tube". He is a popular star on Snoobtube (a parody of YouTube) and received a movie deal in Hollywood.
Warty: Johnny's talking wart who appeared in the episode "Johnny's Got a Wart!". He started out as a regular wart until he was brought to life. Although Johnny was unsure how, he obtained a wart on his left wrist. Worried, Dukey took him to the Lab, hoping Susan and Mary get rid of it. They shot it with a "laser", though it failed. Later at school, the wart came to life and became helpful to Johnny: he helped him remember his locker combination, got him an "A" in math, confronted Bumper by revealing his inner soft side and got Johnny an invite to a party with cheerleaders. After school, Warty grew eyes that Johnny thought was creepy. Warty became evil and took over Johnny's body (by controlling his brain and nerves) and then the world though was stalled since he struggled to control Johnny and couldn't do so until he had complete control of Johnny's brain.
Truant Officer: A character who appeared in "Johnny Test's Day Off". Johnny decides to ditch his school after a rough week, until he sees the officer driving by. Johnny and Dukey hid in Lila's car until they were at the Test Sisters' school. Susan & Mary come outside and tell Johnny that they don't want to help him, but the truant officer catches up and puts Susan and Mary into the back of his truck in an attempt to take them to Johnny's school since he doesn't think that they should be in college but Johnny distracts him and Dukey helps them out. The officer chases the 4 throughout the city.
Kirk Kirkland: A character who appeared in the episode "Johnny Boat Racing". Kirk and his team are national champions in boat racing. They challenged Johnny, Dukey, and their friends in a boat race after Johnny questioning why their rowing when nowadays we have motor boats.
Willy Keller: A minor character who appeared in the episode "Johnny Daddy Day". He used to be Hugh's best friend when he was 10 years old, until they hated each other after Hugh stole Willy's girlfriend in high school. He made another appearance in "Black & White & Johnny All Over"
Xeandra: A character who appeared in the episode "Fangs A Lot Johnny". She is a movie star who appears in a vampire movie in the Porkbelly Movie Theater. Gil Nextor is a huge fan of her. She is a caricature of Kristen Stewart who portrays the fictional character Bella Swan in the Twilight novel series.
Joni West: The female counterpart of Johnny Test. She made her first appearance in "Johnny Alternative" along with her best friend and female counterpart of Dukey, Dutchy. She and Dutchy teamed up with Johnny and Dukey to get rid of the counterparts of Albert and Mr. Mittens. In the episode, she seemed to like or have a crush on Johnny. Her first thought was disgusting, then later on he ended saving her from being turned into a kitten, she was touched and they almost ended up kissing but Johnny went back to his world. She made another appearance in the web series, starting with the episode "The League of Johnnys".
Dutchy: The female counterpart of Dukey. She made her first appearance in "Johnny Alternative". She's the pet and the best friend of Joni and has the same personality as Dukey. She has a brief crush on Dukey.
Simon and Mark West: The male counterparts of Susan and Mary Test. They made their first appearances on the episode "Johnny Alternative" when Johnny Test and Dukey were sucked into a portal that sent to them into Simon and Mark's world. Simon and Mark's parents might look exactly the same as Susan and Mary's parents because there is a picture in their house that looks exactly like Lila Test.
Eugenia "Glam-Glam Girl": The female counterpart of Bling-Bling Boy who makes her only appearance in the episode "Johnny Alternative". She has a huge crush on Simon, just like the way Bling-Bling Boy has a crush on Susan Test.
Phobious McPhobe: A character appearing in "Johnny Germ Fighter". McPhobe is a famous Hygienist and a scientist who loves to get rid of germs at anytime (he even made bathroom cleaning foams) and wishes to make world a cleaner place. Hugh once (when he was a kid in a camp) got a badge from him for being a clean and careful scout (Hugh explained that after that no body has ever saw him) but it appeared that he quit his job when he sneezed once while he was cleaning the bathroom when he was younger. (McPhobe said that his cleanness got under doubt and he decided to never get back to his work again) after that he built a foam making laboratory, becoming an alone scientist. He first refused to help Johnny and Dukey about getting rid of the germs (telling that he doesn't do this anymore) but finally decided to help them by making an ingredient that can kill the germs but after Johnny accidentally poured down an "attracting ingredient", it made the germs attack the lab, forcing McPhobe, Johnny and Dukey to escape from the lab and McPhobe destroy the lab with all of the Germs in in. After that, with Hugh's suggestion, he lived with the Test family until his lab was rebuilt.
Monty Butterworth: A spoiled rich kid and an enemy of Bling-Bling Boy and Johnny, who was first seen in "Mush, Johnny, Mush".
The Tickler: An enemy of Johnny and Dukey. He is the twin brother of Wacko (except he has red, not blue, hair) he had the ability to create any weapon that can make people laugh. He is jealous of his brother, even claiming he's the family favorite. In his only appearance to date he attempted to succeed where brother failed, getting revenge on Johnny. His only appearance was in "Johnny vs. The Tickler".
Jeffy: A character first appearing in the episode "Johnny's No. 1 Fan". He is Johnny's Number 1 fan. At first he was nice to Johnny, but then he goes a little too far. He becomes Dark Vegan's Number 1 Fan at the end of the episode.
Clyde: Susan and Mary's pet orangutan. He first appeared in "Johnny and Clyde". Since he's an orangutan, he copies everything that people do on TV, which causes a lot of trouble for Johnny and Dukey when he learned how to rob banks from watching TV (which is why Susan and Mary told Johnny NOT to let him watch TV).