
The Toyman is the name of three fictional supervillains and one adolescent superhero appearing in comic books published by DC Comics, mostly as an adversary for Superman.

The Toyman (Winslow Schott). Art by Jesus Merino.
Publication information
PublisherDC Comics
First appearance(Schott)
Action Comics #64
(September 1943)
Action Comics #432
Superman Vol. 2 #127
Created by(Schott)
Don Cameron
Ed Dobrotka
Cary Bates
Curt Swan
Jeph Loeb
Ed McGuinness
In-story information
Alter egoWinslow Percival Schott
Jack Nimball
Hiro Okamura
Team affiliations(Schott)
Superman Revenge Squad
The Society
Injustice League
Super Foes
Legion of Doom
Mechanical genius manifests in the form of many violent, destructive, and dangerous toys.

The most well known incarnation of the Toyman is Winslow Schott, a criminal who uses toy-based or toy-themed devices and gimmicks in his various crimes.[1] The Toyman made frequent appearances in the Golden Age comics, but has appeared infrequently in Superman stories since then.

Toyman appeared in live-action by Chris Gauthier in the television series Smallville. Henry Czerny appeared in the television series Supergirl who had a son named Winslow Schott Jr. or Winn played by Jeremy Jordan. He eventually used the Toyman name as part of the Legion of Superheroes.

Publication history

The Winslow Schott version of Toyman first appeared in Action Comics #64 (September 1943) and was created by Don Cameron and Ed Dobrotka.[2]

The Jack Nimball version of Toyman first appeared in Action Comics #432 and was created by Cary Bates and Curt Swan.[3]

The Hiro Okamura version of Toyman first appeared in Superman Vol. 2 #127 and was created by Jeph Loeb and Ed McGuinness.[4]

Fictional character biography

Winslow Schott

The Toyman vs. Superman, from the cover of Action Comics #64. Art by Joe Shuster.

The Toyman first appeared in 1943 and appeared in several Golden Age Superman stories.[5] Schott appeared less frequently in comics published after the early 1950s, but remained a semi-regular foe during the '60s, '70s, and '80s.

While at first more of a nuisance, Toyman gradually grew more emotionally unstable and paranoid over time, his toys following suit by becoming a lot more dangerous. Although Winslow Schott in his civilian persona was a rather sweet, humble, quirky (if socially withdrawn) person, as Toyman he turned into a childish, destructive megalomaniac. During the '70s Winslow was effectively retired from crime, but he kept contact with Superman and even helped out to take down Jack Nimball, who he felt sullied the Toyman legacy.

This retirement proved to be tragically short, as not long after Winslow put some of his toys on display (a suggestion by Superman), the entire museum exhibition was completely wrecked. Sightings reported this to be the work of a man in blue tights flying at great speeds. Thinking he's been played for a fool by Superman, Schott swore to destroy everything Superman cared about to avenge his life's work. Eventually it is revealed that the real culprit was Bizarro, in search for the duplicator ray, but by then it was already too late: Schott had already returned to his Toyman ways, murdered Jack Nimball and a hotel door guard in cold blood, and built a giant robot to terrorize the city. Shortly after his defeat, he regained his sanity and remembered what he had done. He shed tears of regret as he was escorted to the police car.

After that incident Winslow's mental state grew even worse, and while he often made several legitimate attempts to atone for his sins, he would often relapse back into madness.

After 1985's miniseries Crisis on Infinite Earths and John Byrne's Man of Steel miniseries, the Toyman's history was revised, and the post-Crisis version of the character first appeared in Superman (vol. 2) #13 (January 1988). In this version, Winslow Schott is an unemployed British toymaker who blames Lex Luthor and his company, LexCorp, for being fired from the toy company he is working for. He uses his toymaking talents to seek revenge, which eventually causes him to cross paths with the British hero Godiva, and subsequently, Superman himself. The Toyman continues to commit various crimes in Metropolis, including engaging in child abduction.

The Toyman later became a much more sinister figure, shaving his head, wearing black and getting advice in his head from "Mother". This was prompted by him being told that a range of Superman action figures would not include him as he is not "edgy" enough. [6] While this seems to begin as a pose of what he thought people expect of a villain, it rapidly became a genuine psychotic break. While in this state he abducted and later murdered Adam Morgan, the son of Daily Planet reporter Cat Grant. Adam and several other children captured by Toyman tried to escape, but Schott found out and stabbed Adam to death for being the leader of the group. This caused Schott to develop a hatred of children, as he blamed them for not appreciating his toys. At the time, Schott showed no remorse for what he had done. When Cat Grant later confronted him in prison he cruelly told her "You were a bad mommy. I'm glad I killed your son."[7]

The Toyman later seemingly recovered, and Superman showed him that children did appreciate old-fashioned toys, arranging parole in an orphanage; it was later revealed, however, that this was all a hallucination caused when Zatanna attempts to cure him and he had, in fact, returned to child abduction. He appeared after JLA: Crisis of Conscience where Zatanna reveals she mind-wiped him. She and Superman go after him. Zatanna is bound and gagged by him, but freed by Superman; however, Toyman escaped.[8]

Winslow was seen in Lex Luthor: Man of Steel as a criminal released by Lex Luthor's aide Mr. Orr to deploy his genetically engineered hero Hope [9], but she almost kills the villain, until Superman saved him. [10] Toyman was as well as in the Infinite Crisis: Villains United special, preparing for the Blackgate Prison break by lacing the dinner stew with Venom and Velocity 9 to increase the prisoners' strength, speed, and aggression. Unfortunately, some guards also ate the drugged stew and fought the superheroes who showed up to stop the criminals.

He was later seen as a member of the Injustice League in the Justice League of America Wedding Special.

Toyman's history was later revised in Action Comics #865, by Geoff Johns and Jesus Merino. Winslow Schott tells Jimmy Olsen that he was a toymaker who lived with his wife Mary. When a businessman offered to buy his shop to expand the number of children his toys can reach, he refused. When Mary was killed in a car accident a few weeks later, Schott agreed to the purchase. However, the businessman lied and gave his technologically advanced toy plans to arms manufacturers. Schott proceeded to bomb the business with an explosive teddy bear. A twist at the end of the story reveals that Mary was just one of his first robotic creations.

Following his first confrontation with Superman, Schott met the Prankster for the first time. The Prankster is a cruel, callous man who commits crimes "because it's fun". He repeatedly asked Schott to "team up", but Schott refused.

Schott reveals to Jimmy that the Toyman who killed Adam Grant was a robot created by Schott to replace him in the event that he was ever incarcerated and that a glitch in the robot's programming resulted in it developing a personality, (and later a hatred of children), and that Schott's repeated attempts to contact the robot resulted in it suffering from delusions of "Mother". This was confirmed in Superman Secret Files 2009, although Jimmy initially expressed doubt that Schott was telling the truth.

In the 1997 Speed Force Special, the Max Mercury story Child's Play, set in 19th century New York City, featured the Schott Toy Company run by Archimedes Schott, a crooked businessman who resembles Winslow. Any relationship between them is unknown.

In the Supergirl series, while in Arkham Asylum, Toyman is visited by Cat Grant (whose son Adam was murdered) and Supergirl. Cat interrogates him about children who have been kidnapped with dolls left behind. Toyman claims he is innocent and the robotic dolls attack him. Supergirl saves him and gets him to medical care. When Cat return home, she is confronted by a villain called the Dollmaker. He identifies himself as Anton Schott implying that he is somehow related to Toyman.[11] Dollmaker eventually reveals himself to be the abandoned son of Winslow, who has been kidnapping children and using macabre experiments in order to turn them into slaves. He tells Cat that he wants her to become his new mother, and that he wishes to serve as a replacement for her murdered son, but Cat violently rejects him. With her gag temporarily removed, Cat is able to call Supergirl for help, and the two are able to defeat Dollmaker and free the children he had enslaved.[12]

Jack Nimball

In the 1970s, a man named Jack Nimball assumes the identity of the second Toyman during a period in which Schott retires from his criminal career and first appeared in Action Comics #432 (February 1974).[13] Nimball wore a jester costume and used a similar modus operandi to the original Toyman. However, this version of Toyman proved short-lived. Schott killed Nimball with a mechanical toy bird and resumed his criminal career in Superman #305 (November 1976). This Toyman's only other appearances were in Action #454[14] and Superman #299.[15]

Nimball appears as one of Schott's androids in Action Comics #865.[16]

The version of the Toyman who appears in Challenge of the Super Friends was based on Nimball.

In 2011 Mattel released a DC Universe Classics 6" Toyman figure based on the Jack Nimball version of the character. On the back, though, the character is labeled as Winslow Percival Schott.[17]

Hiro Okamura

Hiro Okamura is a teenage mechanical genius from Japan first appearing as Toyman in Superman vol. 2, #177 (February 2002) by Jeph Loeb and Ed McGuinness. He shows up in Metropolis in a giant Super Robot fighting Metallo, claiming the cyborg's equally-giant body was based on material stolen from his grandfather.[18]

He later becomes an ally to Superman and Batman. In the Superman/Batman series, he aids the two in destroying a kryptonite meteor that threatens the Earth. He strikes a deal with Batman to provide him with various technological implements (Superman/Batman #7). Okamura uses more technologically advanced devices than the traditionally-constructed contrivances Schott uses and his work is largely whimsical in nature. Many of his inventions are inspired by anime and manga, including giant mecha (notably his giant Composite Batman-Superman robot).[19]

Okamura appears only a few times in the Superman/Batman comic book, and his activities are limited to Japan. Winslow Schott remains active as the Toyman in the United States. In the Sam Loeb-penned memorial issue Superman/Batman #26, Okamura fakes his own kidnapping at the hands of Schott, forcing Superboy and Robin to search through his complex to save his life. Realizing his loneliness, Superboy and Robin extend their friendship to the boy.[20] Okamura joins Robin and the other Teen Titans at Titans Tower for Superboy's funeral, clutching a Superboy action figure.

In Superman/Batman #45, he offers to assist the duo in their quest to rid the world of Kryptonite, using spider-like nanobots to collect Kryptonite molecules in the air. His offer becomes a necessity as Lana Lang, in a last-ditch effort to get rid of Kryptonians and keep LexCorp afloat, turns a set of Kryptonite caches into "dirty bombs", which irradiate the entire planet. Hiro comes to the rescue, settling for a Power Girl-bot to "date". Instead, he gets his dream date, a dinner in Paris with the real Karen, and the status of honorary member of the Justice League.[21]

A future version of Hiro, allied with a power-hungry group of Titans, travels back in time to modern day to cement their power-base in Teen Titans #52 (Jan. 2008).[22]

Hiro appears as one of Winslow Schott's androids in Action Comics #865; given the unreliable nature of Schott's narration, Hiro's status as his android creation is suspect.[16]

In The New 52 (a 2011 reboot of the DC Comics universe), Hiro Okamura operates as the Toymaster. He and his friend Agnes have reverse-engineered the works of Silas Stone and Professor Emil Hamilton to create a massive multiplayer online game that puts the players with Batman and Superman in real life. When it comes to Toymaster's latest game, Jimmy Olsen is one of the players that will partake in the game that will involve the killing of Batman. When Batman and Superman track down Toymaster, he warns Batman of their weakness of being beaten down in real life while also stating that his game has somehow began to manifest in real life. Before Batman can destroy the console in order to end the game, Toymaster's building is then attacked by Mongul who plans to make Toymaster's game real for him.[23] Hiro later appears as a confident at his Toymaster Gameshop for a witness named Condesa to Clark Kent and Lois Lane's story on HODOR_Root, in which he agrees to help them.[24]

Power and abilities

The Toyman doesn't have any real powers, but he possessed incredible technological expertise and inventiveness, and specialized in robotics, though he had also shown expertise in biological weaponry. Despite the childish motif which he usually insists on incorporating, Toyman's creations were incredibly sophisticated and deadly. In addition, most of his inventions had an innocuous, or even comical appearance that causes his opponents hesitation or confusion, often to their regret.

Other characters named Toyman

Toyman Robot

Toyman surfaces in Metropolis and allies with Lex Luthor in Action Comics #837 (May 2006) as part of the One Year Later 'Up, Up, and Away' story arc. His first appearance was written by Geoff Johns and Kurt Busiek with art by Pete Woods.

His appearance, inspired by the character's Superman: The Animated Series incarnation, is that of a child-sized doll. This Toyman mentions meeting Hiro Okamura in Japan and stealing one of his Superman robots. As part of his bargain with Luthor, he is given the information needed to find his creator Winslow Schott in exchange for assistance in a plot against Superman.

This Toyman, renamed Toyboy, is shown amongst Schott's other robots in Action Comics #865,[16] and appears as Toyboy alongside Schott in the 2009-2010 World's Finest limited series.

On the cover of Justice League of America (vol. 2) #13, it shows this android Toyman as a member of the Injustice League.


A female version of Toyman named Toywoman appears in Superman #349 (July, 1980). Toywoman is the gender-inverted version of Winslow Schott, the criminal known as Toyman, created by Mister Mxyzptlk to serve as an enemy to Superwoman. [25]

Bizarro Toyman

The Bizarro Toyman appears in Action Comics #856 (November, 2007). When Bizarro III found himself infused with radiation from a blue sun, he developed the ability to replicate himself as well as create other "Bizarro" lifeforms based upon likenesses of people from Earth. He used this power to populate a cube-shaped planetoid dubbed Bizarro World within the blue sun star system. One of the many duplicates that he created was a Bizarro version of Superman's adversary the Toyman. Bizarro imprisoned Toyman inside of his Fourtriss uv Bizarro along with several other known foes.

Other versions

World's Finest Comics

A version of Toyman appears in World's Finest Comics #167 (June, 1967). Toyman notorious criminal, enemy of Superman. He tried to start a crime spree in Gotham City, but was promptly stopped by Superman, Supergirl and Batman. In his defeat, Toyman used a prototype molecular-dissolver ray on Batman, which affected him in the same way as Gold Kryptonite affects Kryptonians.

Titans Tomorrow

An older Hiro appears in the Titans Tomorrow reality, where he dons a Manga orange and blue battle armor as part of the Titans Army.[26]

Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow?

In the story, Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow? by Alan Moore, Toyman and Prankster, are unwittingly manipulated by Mister Mxyzptlk to discover Superman's secret identity. They succeed after kidnapping Pete Ross and torturing the information out of him, then killing him. After managing to unmask Clark Kent in front of Lana Lang and others by machine-gunning him and revealing his costume beneath his clothes, the Prankster and Toyman are captured by Superman.[27]


Throughout the Multiverse. On Earth-12, a robotic Toyman lives. For more information, see the other media section below.


Winslow Schott and Hiro Okamura are featured in the Smallville Season 11 digital comic based on the TV series, Toyman appears in a 2013 Smallville Season Eleven comic. At LexCorp R&D, Superman and Lex are all forced friendly-like as Lex analyzes the teleportation vest used by a some criminals in a hostage situation and admits the technology is his, but that it was stolen during a series of robberies made on Lexcorp and other companies, one of which was foiled way back by the Green Arrow and Superman. Lex surmises that whoever created these teleportation vests using all that stolen technology would have to be very familiar with Lexcorp's patents and proprietary coding. This leads Superman to Stryker's Island prison and Winslow who is still incarcerated and seemingly not a suspect, according to Warden Draper, since he has been under constant supervision in "hyper-solitary". Lois Lane arrives at Stryker's Island to question Toyman about Prankster. Toyman reveals that Prankster is just a pathetic imitation of him; they worked together in the Queen Industries Research and Development Department before Toyman started working for Lex. Winslow then asks Lois if Lex asked about him since his return, which leads Lois to retort that Toyman must rank pretty low since his memory has been removed. Toyman reveals that Oswald has no sense of gamesmanship and would cheat whenever he can and had stolen his idea for kryptonite bullets. It is later revealed Schott modified Corben's kryptonite heart, giving Corben the power to absorb the kryptonite radiation once Schott has reinstall it.[28]

DC Super Friends

Toyman/Schott appears in DC Super Friends comics.[29][30]


On Earth-31, an elderly version of the Toyman- never referred to as such, merely as Winslow- is contacted by the Joker to provide him with dangerous toys, such as exploding dolls.


The Toyman appears as part of the new Legion of Doom in Alex Ross' miniseries Justice. Toyman is only seen in person in the first and last issues of the series, he communicates through a human-sized marionette resembling the Jack Nimball version of Toyman. The Marionette uses a black-and-yellow color scheme and has several strings connected to its joints that give it the appearance of being operated from above. He attacks Hawkman and Hawkgirl in their museum using toy fighter planes and a gigantic Nimball Marionette, blowing up their museum and leaving the duo for dead,[31] though they survive the attack.[32] Toyman's city is shown to resemble a fun house and is mainly populated by children and families.[33] When the Justice League storm the Hall of Doom, the Marionette attacks the League as a whole instead of any particular target, but is nonetheless destroyed in the attack. After the attack the toys in his city come to life and attack the Justice League. Superman eventually finds Schott, now morbidly obese and infected with Brainiac's cybernetics. Superman realizes that Toyman had taken all the children in his city hostage and, with a band of Justice Leaguers, managed to save all of the children before any harm could come to them. Schott was seen recovering in a hospital bed on a screen in the Batcave.[34]

In other media



  • Toyman first appears in animated form in The New Adventures of Superman. This particular Toyman is the son of the original Winslow Schott version.
  • Toyman appears in the Challenge of the Super Friends television cartoon, voiced by Frank Welker as a recurring villain and member of Lex Luthor's Legion of Doom. This Toyman bears the likeness of Jack Nimball (as he is named in the comics).
  • An unrelated Toyman resembling Jack Nimball appears in The Plastic Man Comedy/Adventure Show episode "Toyman", voiced by Alan Oppenheimer. This one is dressed in a red, green, and yellow jester costume similar to the Jack Nimball version, but he has a wind up key on his back which needs to be rewound at regular intervals to keep him animated.
  • Winslow Schott appears in various projects that take place in the DC animated universe:
    • Toyman first appears in the 1990s series Superman: The Animated Series, voiced by Bud Cort. This version is depicted as an insane man who wears an ever-smiling mask similar to a doll's head, which he is never seen without, and armed with toy-like weapons including a giant superball that can smash concrete and an "inescapable" bubble-blower. In this continuity, Winslow Schott Jr. is the son of a kindly toymaker who spent his days in his father's shop watching him make toys. Winslow Schott Sr. dreamed of building a toy factory, but lack of capital prevented it. Infamous Metropolis mob boss Bruno Mannheim offered to bankroll Schott to build the toy factory while secretly using it as a front for a numbers racket behind Schott's back. When the police uncovered the scheme, the gangsters fled, leaving the elder Schott to be framed for running the operation and falsely imprisoned for ten years on embezzlement charges. Schott eventually died in prison before he could be paroled while Winslow was left on his own and spent several years in abusive and neglectful foster homes. By the time he reached adulthood, Winslow became mentally ill. Making use of his natural aptitude for mechanics, he decided to make up for his ruined childhood by terrorizing the world and stealing money to amass his own personal fortune. Toyman appears in two episodes: "Fun and Games" and "Obsession". His plans revolved around Darci, a lifelike android created to be his companion, but he also sought revenge against Mannheim for wronging his father and Superman for foiling his schemes. He was seemingly killed in "Obsession", though he continued to make appearances in other DCAU projects. Several scenes from "Fun and Games" were used in the title sequence of all three seasons of Superman: The Animated Series.
    • Toyman appears alive in the Static Shock episode "Toys in the Hood", voiced again by Bud Cort. Having survived the events of "Obsession", he and Darci turned up in Dakota to capture Static's friend Daisy so they could use her as a model for Darci's new nanite-constructed body. After Superman and Static confronted Toyman, Darci betrayed him and tried to escape, only to discover that he had implanted a fail-safe device programmed to have the nanites destroy her if she ever did. Darci melted while Toyman was taken to jail.
    • In the Justice League episode "Hereafter", Toyman (voiced by Corey Burton) became a member of the Superman Revenge Squad. During their attack on Metropolis, he used an experimental machine designed to resemble a giant toy robot capable of firing energy blasts from its "chest". Toyman first targeted innocent bystanders before trying to blast Superman. When Toyman tried to kill Batman and Wonder Woman, Superman shielded them from the blast; leading to everyone, including Toyman, to believe that he had been vaporized. It was later revealed that Superman had been sent to an apocalyptic future before he eventually made his way back to the present to prevent the catastrophe with the help of a reformed Vandal Savage.
    • In Justice League Unlimited, Toyman (voiced again by Bud Cort) became a member of Grodd's new Secret Society. He is prominently featured in the episode "Alive!", in which he becomes the pilot of the Secret Society's spaceship. When a riot erupts and divides the villains into two factions, Toyman held his own against and defeated Killer Frost with a headbutt and a rigged yo-yo. In the following episode and series finale "Destroyer", Toyman joins the surviving Society members and the Justice League in fighting off Darkseid's forces with exploding Nerf darts.
  • The Jack Nimball version of Toyman briefly appears in The Batman's season five episode, "Lost Heroes" Pt. 1, voiced by Richard Green. He faced off against Batman and Superman with his weaponized toys and high-tech punching gloves, only to get knocked out by bombs. He should not be confused with Toymaker, another character created specifically for the show and who shares his toy-based M.O.
  • Toyman appears in the Batman: The Brave and the Bold episode "Battle of the Superheroes!", voiced by John DiMaggio. He committed a robbery until he ran afoul of Superman and Batman. Due to the Red Kryptonite gifts that Lois Lane and Jimmy Olsen unknowingly received from Lex Luthor, Superman goes rogue and nearly kills Toyman before Batman saves him and hands him over to the police. Earlier in the series, a villain named Funhaus, who was based on the Jack Nimball version of Toyman, appeared in "Mayhem of the Music Meister", voiced by Gary Anthony Williams.
  • A young Toyman based on the Silver Age version makes a cameo appearance in the Young Justice episode "Intervention", voiced by Cameron Bowen. He went on a rampage in a giant toy soldier to rob the First Bank of Metropolis only to be defeated by the Blue Beetle.
  • A villainous and diminutive version of Hiro Okamura appears in the Justice League Action episode "Play Date", voiced by Ken Jeong.[36] He and his toys invaded the Justice League Watchtower to make video game players out of Superman, Wonder Woman, and Batman before competing against Cyborg in a real-life video game. During their battle, the latter hacked into the former's toys to free Superman, Wonder Woman, and Batman from his control. Toyman tried to escape, only to be caught by the Justice League using his reprogrammed toys.
  • The android version of Toyman makes a cameo appearance in the Harley Quinn episode, "L.O.D.R.S.V.P.", as a member of the Legion of Doom.

Live action

  • A different version of Toyman named Orlich Hoffman appears in the Wonder Woman episode "The Deadly Toys" portrayed by Frank Gorshin.
  • The Superboy live-action television series featured a Toyman-like villain named Nick Knack. The character (played by Gilbert Gottfried) wore childlike clothing and was an electronics genius. Gottfried appeared in two episodes and wrote a story featuring the character for the Superboy tie-in comics series.
  • Elements of Toyman were featured in Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman:
    • A character named Winslow P. Schott appears in the Christmas episode "Seasons Greedings" portrayed by Sherman Hemsley. With a similar background to the post-Crisis Schott in the comics, he created a toy that caused kids to become greedy and adults to act like children. Unlike past versions, he displayed a genuine love for kids and turned over a new leaf toward the end of the episode after trying to save a child from a horse while also being saved by Superman. He is only referred to once as "a toyman" in passing on-screen.
    • A later episode featured a childlike character named Toyman (played by Grant Shaud) who abducted children via toys that teleported them to his hideout underneath a fast food restaurant. His real identity is Harold Kripstly. After Lois Lane was accidentally abducted by one of Harold's toys, she was able to attract Superman's attention, allowing him to save Lois and apprehend Harold.
  • Toyman appeared three times in Smallville. In the fourteenth episode of the show's eighth season, "Requiem", portrayed by Chris Gauthier, Winslow Schott is depicted as a toymaker and former Queen Industries employee with a grudge against Oliver Queen. He was a scientific inventor at STAR Labs who was hired by Oliver to work for Queen Industries. A great mind, though a bit eccentric, he expressed his individuality by bringing toys to work. However, he went too far when he began putting explosives in them, which lead to his immediate termination from the company. He is later revealed to be working for Lex Luthor, disfigured, partially crippled, and hiding in a mobile base. He speaks to Luthor through a camera and microphone concealed in a wooden doll's head, and used toys such as an exploding Newton's cradle, knockout gas-filled Mylar balloons, and an explosive cymbal-clanging monkey. After he failed twice to kill Oliver, he escaped police custody. Oliver destroyed Lex's mobile base with one of Toyman's toys in order to frame Schott, which forced him to become a fugitive. While Clark Kent referred to him as "Toyman", Schott was mostly referred to as Toymaker and "Toyboy". In the season nine episode, "Echo", referred to as Toyman by himself, Clark, Chloe Sullivan, and the Daily Planet, Schott attempted to test Clark by saving a group of hostages he had kidnapped from a bomb, which Clark succeeded in. Later in the episode, he attempted to kill Oliver once more after being framed for Lex's demise. After Schott is apprehended and faced with solitary confinement, Tess Mercer visited Schott in jail to give him John Corben's Kryptonite-powered heart to study. This episode also featured an android version of Schott. Toyman makes his final appearance in Smallville's penultimate episode "Prophecy". Despite still being in jail, he created Marionette Ventures, an organization composed of Metallo, Roulette, Dark Archer, Black Manta, Captain Cold and Solomon Grundy that worked to control Smallville's water front properties. Toyman was approached by a brainwashed Courtney Whitmore and used her to do his organization's bidding. Following a series of failures, Clark confronted Toyman and assured him he would always stop him.
  • Toyman has made several appearances in the CW's Arrowverse:
    • Okamura Toys made an appearance in The Flash episode, "Running to Stand Still".
    • The Winslow Schott Toyman appeared in Supergirl, portrayed by Henry Czerny.[37][38][39][40] He makes his first appearance in the episode "Childish Things". More than a decade prior to the series, Winslow Schott tried to kill his boss, Chester Dunholz, with a bomb disguised as a gift for supposedly stealing his projects. Dunholz survived, but six innocents were killed instead. After learning what happened, his son Winslow "Winn" Schott Jr. (portrayed by Jeremy Jordan) never forgave him for giving in to his rage. After Schott escaped from prison in the present, he attempted to kill Dunholz again, with Winn by his side after he forced him to join, before ultimately being apprehended by Supergirl. In the episode "Schott Through the Heart," Schott passed away, but his funeral is disrupted by a bomb in his casket. In the episode "Back from the Future" Pt. 2, Winn encountered a digital conscious of his father, who begged his son to let him help stop a villainous doppelganger of Winn. He reluctantly allowed him to help. Once Winn entered the code to stop his evil counterpart, both Schott and the alternate Winn's consciousnesses are deleted.
    • "Schott Through the Heart" also introduced a Toywoman in Jacqueline Nimball (portrayed by Brooke Smith), a female version of Jack Nimball. Following Schott's death, his protégé Nimball sent flying monkeys into the DEO to target the original Toyman's ex-wife Mary and Winn, though they work with Supergirl to defeat her.[41]
    • The two-part episode "Back from the Future" featured an alternate version of Winn Schott Jr. (also portrayed by Jordan) from an unnamed alternative reality who took on the mantle of Toyman following his father's death and shared his vendetta with Dunholz. After he was freed from a prison transport by Brainiac 5 on Lex Luthor's behalf, this Toyman attempted to frame Winn for terrorism in the future by killing Andrea Rojas with robotic white tigers. While Supergirl and the DEO fought off the tigers, Winn confronted his villainous counterpart. Toyman was killed when he activated the dead man switch to a bomb he made, but he used Obsidian Tech lenses to upload himself into the D.E.O.'s computers at the last minute in order to invade the internet. With help from a digital copy of his dad's conscious, Winn hacked the system and deleted both of the Toymen's consciousnesses. As he had joined the Legion by this time, Winn changed his legionnaire codename from "Computer Lad" to "Toyman" in his father's memory and to do good in "Toyman's" name.


  • In the unproduced screenplay for Batman vs. Superman, Toyman makes a brief appearance as a reformed criminal that Batman interrogates and tortures in order to locate Joker. When they are attacked by one of the Joker's deadly gadgets, Batman narrowly escapes, leaving Toyman to be caught in an explosion. His fate isn't revealed in the script.[42]
  • Toyman appears in Superman: Doomsday, voiced by John DiMaggio. Like most of the characters in this film, his appearance differs from that of the DCAU Toyman and he is portrayed in a more deranged and unkempt form with a goth-like form. In the movie, Toyman appears after Superman dies during a fight with Doomsday. Toyman (referred to in this movie as Winslow P. Schott) first uses a giant spider-like robot to hold a school bus full of children hostage after he robs a bank. After a secret clone of Superman defeats him, he attempts to go on the lam. Although police do recapture him, he kills a four-year-old girl off screen during the capture. Upon hearing the news, the Superman clone angrily takes Toyman from the police outside the police department and flies straight up into the sky. Toyman says that he has rights and had nothing to say to which the Superman clone responded with "How about good-bye?" and suddenly drops him to his death from high above the city. Toyman lands on a police car onscreen and his death marks the beginning of the Superman clone's harsher stance on crime than the real Superman.
  • The Hiro Okamura version of Toyman appears in Superman/Batman: Public Enemies, voiced by Calvin Tran. He helps Superman and Batman into finding a way to stop the Kryptonite Meteor. His result being a ship that resembles Composite Superman. He is shown to be highly intelligent in the fields of science and technology and is stated to have an I.Q. of 210. He is also alluded to be hyper-sexually and inappropriately behaving towards Power Girl, who avoids his presence; at one point, when Batman and Superman arrive at his base, Power Girl says that she'll wait outside and when they go inside, Toyman tells them to tell Power Girl that he's sorry about the x-ray goggles as he takes the broken goggles off. In another instance, when asked if his rocket can stop the meteor, he retorts, "Does Power Girl have big---?" before Batman abruptly cuts him off.
  • The Jack Nimball version of Toyman appears in the direct-to-video animated film JLA Adventures: Trapped in Time, voiced by Tom Gibis. He appears as a member of the Legion of Doom. In this version, he is actually a living wooden doll like his Justice version. In the future, his history is forgotten as his body is labeled "Unknown Totem."
  • The Jack Nimball version of Toyman appears in Justice League vs. Teen Titans, voiced by Steve Blum. He's the member of the Legion of Doom and he fights the Justice League along with Lex Luthor, Cheetah, Solomon Grundy and Weather Wizard in Metropolis and after the battle they were sent to jail.
  • The Jack Nimball version of Toyman made a cameo in Justice League Dark: Apokolips War.

Video games

  • Toyman appears in the DC Universe Online video game, voiced by Matt Hislope.
  • In Batman: Arkham Origins Blackgate upon completing the Detective Case called "Ground Zero", it is revealed that the Toyman was an inmate within Blackgate Penitentiary until he was blackmailed by someone outside the prison (implied to be Amanda Waller), who smuggled in an explosive bracelet and attached it to his arm. It is stated that Toyman was killed when he tried to remove the bracelet, but this is likely a continuity error considering this game takes place before the events of Batman: Arkham City unless there are different Toymen existing in this universe.
  • Toyman appears as a playable character in Lego Batman 3: Beyond Gotham, voiced by Nolan North.
  • Toyman appears as a playable character in Lego DC Super-Villains, voiced by Corey Burton.


  • Toyman appears in issue 2 of the Batman: The Brave and the Bold comics. The Hiro Omakura version also appears.
  • The Hiro Okamura version of Toyman appears in the Catwoman: Queen of Thieves podcast.[43] They do not refer to him as Toyman but, according to the show, he had helped Catwoman steal things by inventing devices.
  • Toyman is featured in several segments of Robot Chicken DC Comics Special, voiced by Seth Green. He is mostly seen with the Legion of Doom.
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gollark: Coming soon™™™™™.

See also


  1. Rovin, Jeff (1987). The Encyclopedia of Supervillains. New York: Facts on File. p. 350. ISBN 0-8160-1356-X.
  2. Fleisher, Michael L. (2007). The Original Encyclopedia of Comic Book Heroes, Volume Three: Superman. DC Comics. pp. 470–474. ISBN 1-4012-1389-8.
  3. Eury, Michael (2006). The Krypton Companion. TwoMorrows Publishing. p. 96. ISBN 9781893905610.
  4. Cowsill, Alan; Irvine, Alex; Korte, Steve; Manning, Matt; Wiacek, Win; Wilson, Sven (2016). The DC Comics Encyclopedia: The Definitive Guide to the Characters of the DC Universe. DK Publishing. p. 311. ISBN 978-1-4654-5357-0.
  5. Greenberger, Robert; Pasko, Martin (2010). The Essential Superman Encyclopedia. Del Rey. pp. 444–445. ISBN 978-0-345-50108-0.
  6. Superman Vol 2 #84
  7. Superman Vol 2 #85
  8. Adventures of Superman #644 (November 2005)
  9. Lex Luthor: Man of Steel #3
  10. Lex Luthor: Man of Steel #4
  11. Supergirl (vol. 5) #58 (January 2011)
  12. Supergirl (vol. 5) #59 (February 2011)
  13. McAvennie, Michael; Dolan, Hannah, ed. (2010). "1970s". DC Comics Year By Year A Visual Chronicle. Dorling Kindersley. p. 158. ISBN 978-0-7566-6742-9. Writer Cary Bates and artist Curt Swan gave Superman all the 'fun' he could handle with the savvy new Toyman in Action Comics #432.CS1 maint: extra text: authors list (link)
  14. Action Comics #454
  15. Superman #299
  16. Action Comics #865
  17. OAFE - DC Universe Classics 18: Toyman review
  18. Superman #177
  19. Superman/Batman #5
  20. Greenberger, Robert (2008). The Essential Batman Encyclopedia. Del Rey. p. 352. ISBN 9780345501066.
  21. Superman/Batman #45
  22. Teen Titans #52
  23. Batman/Superman #5
  24. Superman #42
  25. Superman #349
  26. Teen Titans (Volume 3) #52
  27. Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow?
  28. Smallville Season 11 Specials #2 (June (2013)
  29. Super Friends #1-2
  30. Super Friends #41
  31. Justice #3-4
  32. Justice #6
  33. Justice #9
  34. Justice #12
  35. Commentary for "The Case of the Dreadful Dolls" on the DVD Super Friends: The Legendary Super Powers Show.
  37. Roffman, Marisa (October 11, 2015). "New York Comic Con: Supergirl adds Toyman to Villain Roster". The Hollywood Reporter.
  38. Burlingame, Russ (October 26, 2015). "Henry Czerny Cast as Toyman on Supergirl".
  39. Mitovich, Matt Webb (October 31, 2014). "CBS' Supergirl Casting Jimmy Olsen, Cat Grant and Others". TV Line. Retrieved October 31, 2014.
  40. Ge, Linda (March 2, 2015). "CBS's 'Supergirl' Casts 'Last Five Years' Star Jeremy Jordan". The Wrap.
  41. Wells, Buckie (April 17, 2018). "Supergirl recap: Winn's mother arrives in Schott Through the Heart". Fansided.
  42. "Archived copy". Archived from the original on 2015-12-22. Retrieved 2017-02-02.CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link)
← The seventeenth of the Superman theatrical animated short series would be released. See Secret Agent (1943 film) for more info and the previous timeline. Timeline of DC Comics (1940s)
September 1943
The first Cheetah was debuted by William Moulton Marston and H. G. Peter. See Cheetah (comics) for more info and next timeline. →
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