List of 4X video games

This is a comprehensive index of 4X video games, sorted chronologically. Information regarding date of release, developer, platform, setting and notability is provided when available. The table can be sorted by clicking on the small boxes next to the column headings. Notice how many of these games are sequels.

Part of a series on:
Strategy video games

Video game platforms

Video game platforms


Classic 4X games

Year Game Developer Setting Platform Notes
1983Cosmic Balance IISSISci-fi (Space)ATR, APPIICosmic Balance from SSI in 1982, is a tactical level starship combat simulator and not a true predecessor.
1983Reach for the StarsSSGSci-fi (Space)DOS, WIN, APPII, MAC, C64, AMI
1984Strategic ConquestPeter MerrillHistoricalAPPII, MAC
1984Imperium GalactumSSISci-fi (Space)APPII, ATR, C64
1984IncunabulaAvalon HillHistoricalDOSBased on Avalon Hill's board game, Civilization.
1987Anacreon: Reconstruction 4021Thinking MachineSci-fi (Space)DOS
1987XconqVariousHistorical, Fantasy or Sci-fi (Planet)CROSSA strategy game engine hosting multiple fan-made game modules.
1987Strategic Conquest IIPeter MerrillHistoricalAPPII, MACSequel to Strategic Conquest.
1989WarlordsSSGFantasyAMI, DOSFirst title in the series.
1989Millennium 2.2Electric DreamsSci-fi (Space)AMI, DOS, ST
1990KhalaanChipFantasyAMI, ST, DOS
1990Spaceward Ho!Delta TaoSci-fi (Space)MAC, WIN, AMI
1990Centurion: Defender of RomeBits of MagicHistoricalDOS, AMI, SEGA
1991Armada 2525InterstelSci-fi (Space)DOS
1991DeuterosActivisionSci-fi (Space)AMI, STSequel to Millennium 2.2.
1991CivilizationMicroProseHistoricalDOS, WIN, MAC, AMI, ST, SNESFirst title in the series.
1992Pax ImperiaChangeling SoftwareSci-fi (Space)MAC
1992VGA PlanetsTim WissemanSci-fi (Space)DOS
1993Master of OrionSimtexSci-fi (Space)DOS, MACFirst title in the series. First game to use the term "4X".
1993Space EmpiresMalfadorSci-fi (Space)WINFirst title in the series.
1993Warlords IISSGFantasyDOSSequel to Warlords.
1993Merchant PrinceHolistic
HistoricalDOSAlso supported randomized maps
1993When Two Worlds WarImpressions GamesSci-fi (Space)AMI, DOS
1994ColonizationMicroProseHistoricalAMI, DOS, WIN, MAC
1994K240Gremlin GraphicsSci-fi (Space)AMI
1994Hammer of the GodsHolisticFantasyDOSNorse mythology within a mostly historical setting
1994Lords of the RealmImpressions GamesHistoricalWIN, AMI
1994Master of MagicSimtexFantasyDOS
1995Machiavelli the PrinceHolistic
HistoricalDOSImproved version of Merchant Prince
1995Age of DiscoveryEmail GamesHistoricalPBEM, WINAlternate version of Global Diplomacy with randomized maps.
1995AscendancyThe Logic FactorySci-fi (Space)DOS, WIN, IPAD (iOS)
1995Heroes of Might and Magic: A Strategic QuestNew WorldFantasyDOS, WIN, MAC, GBCFirst title in the series.
1995ImperiumEmail GamesSci-fiPBEM, WIN
1995Space Empires IIMalfadorSci-fi (Space)WINSequel to Space Empires.
1995Stars!Jeff Johnson and Jeff McBrideSci-fi (Space)WIN
1996Civilization IIMicroProseHistoricalMAC, PS1, WINSequel to Civilization.
1996Deadlock: Planetary ConquestAccolade (company)Sci-fi (Planet)MAC, WIN
1996Destiny: World Domination from Stone Age to Space AgeInteractive MagicHistoricalWIN
1996Emperor of the Fading SunsHolisticSci-fi (Planet)WIN
1996FreecivFreeciv teamHistoricalCROSSCivilization clone.
1996Heroes of Might and Magic II: The Succession WarsNew WorldFantasyWIN, MAC, ROS, GBCSequel to Heroes of Might and Magic: A Strategic Quest.
1996Lords of the Realm IIImpressions GamesHistoricalWIN, MACSequel to Lords of the Realm.
1996Master of Orion II: Battle at AntaresSimtexSci-fi (Space)DOS, WIN, MACSequel to Master of Orion.
1997Fragile AllegianceGremlinSci-fi (Space)WIN9X, DOS
1997Heroes of Might and Magic II: The Price of LoyaltyNew WorldFantasyWINExpansion to Heroes of Might and Magic II: The Succession Wars.
1997ImperialismFrog CityHistoricalMAC, WIN
1997Imperium GalacticaDigital RealitySci-fi (Space)DOSFirst title in the series.
1997Lords of MagicImpressionsFantasyWIN9X
1997Pax Imperia Eminent DomainHeliotropeSci-fi (Space)WIN, MAC
1997Space Empires IIIMalfadorSci-fi (Space)WINSequel to Space Empires II.
1997Tone Rebellion, TheThe Logic FactorySci-fi (Planet)WIN
1997Warlords III: Reign of HeroesSSGFantasyWINSequel to Warlords II.
1998Lords of Magic: Legends of UrakImpressionsFantasyWIN9XExpansion to Lords of Magic.
1998Sid Meier's Alpha CentauriFiraxisSci-fi (Planet)WIN, LIN, MACPseudo-sequel to Civilization
1998Star Wars: RebellionCoolhandSci-fi (Space)WIN
1998Warlords III: Darklords RisingSSGFantasyWINExpansion to Warlords III: Reign of Heroes.
1999Age of WondersTriumphFantasyWINFirst title in the series.
1999Civilization II: Test of TimeMicroProseHistorical, Fantasy or Sci-fi (Planet)WINRemake of Civilization II.
1999Civilization: Call to PowerActivisionHistorical and Sci-fi (Planet)BEOS, LIN, MAC, WINSpin-off of Civilization.
1999Disciples: Sacred LandsStrategy FirstFantasyWINFirst title in the series.
1999Heroes of Might and Magic III: Armageddon's BladeNew WorldFantasyWIN, MACExpansion to Heroes of Might and Magic III: The Restoration of Erathia.
1999Heroes of Might and Magic III: The Restoration of ErathiaNew WorldFantasyDC, LIN, MAC, WINSequel to Heroes of Might and Magic II: The Succession Wars.
1999Imperialism II: Age of ExplorationFrog CityHistoricalOSX, WINSequel to Imperialism.
1999Sid Meier's Alien CrossfireFiraxisSci-fi (Planet)WIN, LIN, MACExpansion to Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri.
1999Star Trek: Birth of the FederationMicroProseSci-fi (Space)WIN
2000Call to Power IIActivisionHistorical and Sci-fi (Planet)WINSequel to Civilization: Call to Power.
2000Heroes of Might and Magic III: The Shadow of DeathNew WorldFantasyWIN, MACExpansion to Heroes of Might and Magic III: The Restoration of Erathia.
2000Imperium Galactica II: AlliancesDigital RealitySci-fi (Space)WINSequel to Imperium Galactica.
2000Shogun: Total WarCreative AssemblyHistoricalWINFirst title in the series.
2000Space Empires IVMalfadorSci-fi (Space)WINSequel to Space Empires III.
2000TheocracyPhilosHistoricalWIN, LIN
2001Civilization IIIFiraxisHistoricalWIN, MACSequel to Civilization II.
2001Heroes of Might and Magic: Quest for the Dragon Bone StaffNew WorldFantasyPS2Spin-off of the Heroes of Might and Magic series.
2001Merchant Prince IIHolistic
Take-Two Interactive
HistoricalWINExpansion to Merchant Prince.
2001Empire EarthStainless Steel StudiosHistoricalWIN
2002Age of Wonders II: The Wizard's ThroneTriumphFantasyWINSequel to Age of Wonders.
2002Starships UnlimitedApezoneSci-fi (Space)WIN
2002Civilization III: Play the WorldFiraxisHistoricalWINExpansion to Civilization III.
2002Disciples II: Dark ProphecyStrategy FirstFantasyWINSequel to Disciples: Sacred Lands.
2002Empire Earth: The Art of ConquestMad Doc SoftwareHistoricalWINExpansion to Empire Earth.
2002Haegemonia: Legions of IronDigital RealitySci-fi (Space)WIN
2002Heroes of Might and Magic IV: The Gathering StormNew WorldFantasyWINExpansion to Heroes of Might and Magic IV.
2002Heroes of Might and Magic IVNew WorldFantasyWINSequel to Heroes of Might and Magic III: The Restoration of Erathia.
2002Medieval: Total WarCreative AssemblyHistoricalWINSequel to Shogun: Total War.
2003Age of Wonders: Shadow MagicTriumphFantasyWINSequel to Age of Wonders II: The Wizard's Throne.
2003Civilization III: ConquestsBreakAway, FiraxisHistoricalWINExpansion to Civilization III.
2003FreeColThe Freecol TeamHistoricalWIN, OSX, LINColonization clone.
2003Disciples II: Guardians of the LightStrategy FirstFantasyWINExpansion to Disciples II: Dark Prophecy.
2003Disciples II: Rise of the ElvesStrategy FirstFantasyWINExpansion to Disciples II: Dark Prophecy.
2003Disciples II: Servants of the DarkStrategy FirstFantasyWINExpansion to Disciples II: Dark Prophecy.
2003Galactic CivilizationsStardockSci-fi (Space)WINFirst title in the series.
2003Haegemonia: The Solon HeritageDigital RealitySci-fi (Space)WINExpansion to Haegemonia: Legions of Iron.
2003Heroes of Might and Magic IV: The Winds of WarNew WorldFantasyWINExpansion to Heroes of Might and Magic IV.
2003Master of Orion IIIQuicksilverSci-fi (Space)WIN, OSXSequel to Master of Orion II: Battle at Antares.
2003Medieval: Total War: Viking InvasionCreative AssemblyHistoricalWINExpansion to Medieval: Total War.
2003Space Merchants: ConquerorsPlayitoSci-fi (Space)WIN
2003Warlords IV: Heroes of EtheriaInfiniteFantasyWINSequel to Warlords III: Darklords Rising.
2004Anacreon: Imperial Conquest in the Far FutureGeorge MoromisatoSci-fi (Space)WINRemake of Anacreon: Reconstruction 4021.
2004AuroraSteve WalmsleySci-fi (Space)WINFreeware
2004Empire Deluxe Enhanced EditionKiller Bee SoftwareHistoricalWINExpansion of Empire Deluxe.
2004Galactic Civilizations: Altarian ProphecyStardockSci-fi (Space)WINExpansion to Galactic Civilizations.
2004Lords of the Realm IIIImpressions GamesHistoricalWINSequel to Lords of the Realm II.
2004Rome: Total WarCreative AssemblyHistoricalWIN, OSXSequel to Medieval: Total War.
2004Strength & HonourMagitechHistoricalWIN
2004FreeOrion 0.1 (initial release)Various developersSci-fi (Space)LIN
2005Civilization IVFiraxisHistoricalWINNT, OSXSequel to Civilization III.
2005Empire Earth IIMad Doc SoftwareHistorical and Sci-fi (Planet)WINSequel to Empire Earth.
2005Rome: Total War: Barbarian InvasionCreative AssemblyHistoricalWINExpansion to Rome: Total War.
2006C-evoSteffen GerlachHistoricalWINCivilization clone.
2006Civilization IV: WarlordsFiraxisHistoricalWIN, OSXExpansion to Civilization IV.
2006Empire Earth II: The Art of SupremacyMad Doc SoftwareHistorical and Sci-fi (Planet)WINExpansion to Empire Earth II.
2006Galactic Civilizations II: Dread LordsStardockSci-fi (Space)WINSequel to Galactic Civilizations.
2006Heroes of Might and Magic V: Hammers of FateNivalFantasyWINExpansion to Heroes of Might and Magic V.
2006Heroes of Might and Magic VNivalFantasyWIN, OSXSequel to Heroes of Might and Magic IV.
2006Medieval II: Total WarCreative AssemblyHistoricalWINSequel to Rome: Total War and Medieval: Total War.
2006Rome: Total War - AlexanderCreative AssemblyHistoricalWINExpansion to Rome: Total War.
2006Space Empires VMalfadorSci-fi (Space)WINSequel to Space Empires IV.
2006Sword of the StarsKerberosSci-fi (Space)WINNTTurn-based with Real-time combat.
2006Dominions 3: The AwakeningIllwinter Game DesignFantasyWIN, OSX, LINThird game in the Dominions series
2007Sword of the Stars: Born of BloodKerberosSci-fi (Space)WINNTTurn-based with Real-time combat. Expansion to Sword of the Stars.
2007Civilization IV: Beyond the SwordFiraxisHistoricalWINExpansion to Civilization IV.
2007Empire Earth IIIMad Doc SoftwareHistorical and Sci-fi (Planet)WINSequel to Empire Earth II.
2007Galactic Civilizations II: Dark AvatarStardockSci-fi (Space)WINExpansion to Galactic Civilizations II: Dread Lords.
2007Heroes of Might and Magic V: Tribes of the EastNivalFantasyWINExpansion to Heroes of Might and Magic V.
2007Medieval II: Total War: KingdomsCreative AssemblyHistoricalWINExpansion to Medieval II: Total War.
2007Lost EmpirePollux GamelabsSci-fi (Space)WINTurn Based.
2008Galactic Civilizations II: Twilight of the ArnorStardockSci-fi (Space)WINExpansion to Galactic Civilizations II: Dread Lords.
2008Lost Empire: ImmortalsPollux GamelabsSci-fi (Space)WINTurn Based.
2008Sins of a Solar EmpireIroncladSci-fi (Space)WINReal-time.
2008Civilization RevolutionFiraxisHistoricalPS3, DS, X360
2008Civilization IV: ColonizationFiraxisHistoricalWIN
2008Shattered SunsClear CrownSci-fi (Space)PC
2008Sins of a Solar Empire: EntrenchmentIroncladSci-fi (Space)WINReal-time. Expansion to Sins of a Solar Empire.
2008Sword of the Stars: A Murder of CrowsKerberosSci-fi (Space)WINNTTurn-based with Real-time combat. Expansion to Sword of the Stars.
2009Empire: Total WarCreative AssemblyHistoricalWINFifth in the Total War series.
2009Disciples III: RenaissanceAkellaFantasyWINSequel to Disciples II: Dark Prophecy.
2009Sword of the Stars: Argos Naval YardKerberosSci-fi (Space)WINNTTurn-based with Real-time combat. Expansion to Sword of the Stars.
2009Mayhem IntergalacticInventive DingoSci-fi (Space)WINTurn-based, streamlined.
2009AI War: Fleet CommandArcen GamesSci-fi (Space)WIN
2010Civilization VFiraxisHistoricalWIN, OSX, LINSequel to Civilization IV.
2010Sins of a Solar Empire: DiplomacyIroncladSci-fi (Space)WINReal-Time. Expansion to Sins of a Solar Empire.
2010Conquest: Divide and ConquerProxy StudiosSci-fi (Planet)WIN, OSX, LINSimultaneously executed turn-based tactical combat game placed in a dark and distant future.
2010Elemental: War of MagicStardockFantasyWINTurn-based strategy with a fantasy theme, combining role-playing elements.
2010Distant WorldsCode ForceSci-fi (Space)WINReal-time
2010Star RulerBlind Mind StudiosSci-fi (Space)WINReal-time
2010Napoleon: Total WarCreative AssemblyHistoricalWinSixth in Total War series.
2010Distant Stars (videogame)Expat GamesSci-fi (Space)iPadTurn-based, streamlined.
2010Neptune's PrideIron Helmet GamesSci-fi (Space)WEBPvP where games can take weeks to play out.
2010Armada 2526Ntronium GamesSci-fi (Space)WIN
2011Total War: Shogun 2Creative AssemblyHistoricalWinSeventh in Total War series.
2011Sword of the Stars II: The Lords of WinterKerberosSci-fi (Space)WINNTTurn-based with Real-time combat. Sequel to Sword of the Stars.
2011Might & Magic: Heroes VIBlackHoleFantasyWINTurn-based. Sequel to Heroes of Might and Magic V.
2012Warlock: Master of the Arcane1C:Ino-Co PlusFantasyWINTurn-based. Derived from the Majesty universe.
2012Endless SpaceAmplitude StudiosSci-fi (Space)WIN, OSXTurn-based
2012Civilization V: Gods and KingsFiraxisHistoricalWIN, OSX, LINExpansion to Civilization V.
2012Sins of a Solar Empire: RebellionIroncladSci-fi (Space)WINReal-Time. Expansion to Sins of a Solar Empire.
2012Legends of PegasusNovacore StudiosSci-fi (Space)WINTurn-based
2012Elemental: Fallen EnchantressStardockFantasyWINTurn-based strategy with a fantasy theme, combining role-playing elements.
2013StarDriveZer0sum GamesSci-fi (Space)WINReal-time
2013Lords of the Black SunArkavi StudiosSci-fi (Space)WINTurn-based
2013Civilization V: Brave New WorldFiraxisHistoricalWIN, OSX, LINExpansion to Civilization V.
2013Pandora: First ContactProxy StudiosSci-fi (Planet)WIN, OSX, LINTurn-based planetary colonization and conquest, borrowing heavily from Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri.
2013Dominions 4: Thrones of AscensionIllwinter Game DesignFantasyWIN, OSX, LIN
2013Fallen Enchantress: Legendary HeroesStardockFantasyWIN, OSX, LIN
2013Eador: Masters of the Broken WorldSnowbird GamesFantasyWIN
2014HorizonL3OSci-fi (Space)WINTurn-based space strategy game with MOO2 like tactical combat and story missions.
2014Age of Wonders IIITriumphFantasyWINSequel to Age of Wonders: Shadow Magic.
2014Sid Meier's Civilization: Beyond EarthFiraxisSci-fi (Planet)WIN, LINTurn-based
2014Endless LegendAmplitudeFantasyWIN, OSXEndless Legend is a 4X turn-based fantasy strategy game by the creators of Endless Space and Dungeon of the Endless.
2014Star Ruler 2Blind Mind StudiosSci-fi (Space)WIN, OSX, LINReal-time. Sequel to Star Ruler.
2014Warlock II: The Exiled1C:Ino-Co PlusFantasyWINTurn-based. Sequel to Warlock: Master of the Arcane.
2014Sorcerer KingStardock EntertainmentFantasyWIN
2014Distant Worlds: UniverseCode ForceSci-fi (Space)WIN
2014Star Traders: 4X EmpiresTrese BrothersSci-fi (Space)WIN
2014The Last FederationArcen GamesSci-fi (Space)WIN
2014Golden Age of CivilizationsGACIVSHistorical and Sci-fi (Planet)MULTIPLATFORMBased on FreeCiv
2015StarDrive 2Zer0sum GamesSci-fi (Space)WINTurn-based. Sequel to StarDrive.
2015Sid Meier's StarshipsFiraxis GamesSci-fi (Space)WINTurn-based space strategy game.
2015Galactic Civilizations IIIStardockSci-fi (Space)WINTurn-based space strategy game.
2015Worlds of MagicWastelands InteractiveFantasyWIN
2015Galactic InheritorsArgonauts InteractiveSci-fi (Space)WINTurn-based space strategy game.
2015Gates of HorizonHex KeepSci-fi (Space)WIN, OSX, LIN
2015PredestinationBrain and Nerd LtdSci-fi (Space)WINTurn-based space strategy game.
2016Stellar MonarchSilver Lemur GamesSci-fi (Space)WINTurn-based space grand strategy game.
2016StellarisParadox InteractiveSci-fi (Space)WIN, OSX, LIN, PS4Real-time space grand strategy game.
2016Falling Stars: War of EmpiresRiveted GamesSci-fi (Space)WINTurn-based online digital tabletop game.
2016Master of Orion Conquer the StarsNGD StudiosSci-fi (Space)WIN, OSX, LINTurn-based space strategy game.
2016Civilization VIFiraxis GamesHistoricalWIN, OSX, LIN, PS4, X360Sequel to Civilization V
2016Romance of the Three Kingdoms 13Koei GamesHistoricalWIN, PS4, Xbox 1Sequel to Romance of the Three Kingdoms 13, play as an individual during the three kingdoms era in China.
2017Stars in ShadowAshdar GamesSci-fi (Space)WINTurn-based strategy in the vein of Master of Orion 2
2017Crisis in the Kremlin (2017)KremlingamesHistoricalWINTurn-based strategy game.
2017Thea: The AwakeningMuHa GamesFantasyWIN, Xbox 1, PS4Turn-based strategy game.
2017Endless Space 2AmplitudeSci-fi (Space)WIN, OSXEndless Space 2 is a turn-based strategy, science fiction 4X game developed by Amplitude Studios. It is the sequel to the Endless Space.
2017Dominions 5: Warriors of the FaithIllwinter Game DesignFantasyWIN, OSX, LIN
2018Aggressors: Ancient RomeKubat SoftwareHistoricalWIN4X Turn-based strategy game with tactical elements.
2018Warhammer 40,000: Gladius - Relics of WarProxy StudiosSci-fi (Planet)WIN, OSX, LINTakes place in the Warhammer 40,000 universe
2019 Burned Land Koya Game Fantasy WIN 4X Turn-based strategy game.
2019Interstellar Space: GenesisPraxis GamesSci-fi (Space)WINTurn-based strategy in the vein of Master of Orion 2 and Stellaris
2019EonzeeEonzee operating on ENIX BlockchainSci-fi (Space)WEB/Blockchain4X Turn-based strategy game galatic warfare, built on blockchain utilising $ENIX as a payment ecosystem within the game.
2020Old WorldMohawk GamesHistoricalWin

Games with additional 4X mode

These games include a mode of gameplay that resembles the 4X genre (i.e. global map instead campaign).

Year Game Developer Setting Platform Notes
1990Star ControlToys for BobSci-fiAMI, CPC, C64, DOS, Genesis, ZX Spectrum
1994Wing Commander: ArmadaOrigin SystemsSci-fiDOS
1996Star Control 3Legend EntertainmentSci-fiDOS, MAC
2001Emperor: Battle for DuneWestwood StudiosSci-fiWINCampaign mode
2003Rise of NationsBig Huge GamesHistoricalWIN, MACConquer The World mode
2004Rise of Nations: Thrones and PatriotsBig Huge GamesHistoricalWIN, MACConquer The World mode
2004Star Wars: BattlefrontPandemic StudiosSci-fiWINGalactic Conquest mode
2005Star Wars: Battlefront IIPandemic StudiosSci-fiWIN, XboxGalactic Conquest mode
2006Star Wars: Empire at WarPetroglyph GamesSci-fiWIN, MACGalactic Conquest mode
2006Star Wars: Empire at War: Forces of CorruptionPetroglyph GamesSci-fiWIN, MACGalactic Conquest mode
2006The Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-earth IIEA Los AngelesFantasyWINWar of the Ring mode
2006The Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-earth II: The Rise of the Witch-kingEA Los AngelesFantasyWINWar of the Ring mode
2006Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War: Dark CrusadeRelic EntertainmentSci-fi/FantasyWINCampaign mode
2008Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War: SoulstormRelic EntertainmentSci-fi/FantasyWINCampaign mode
2008Command & Conquer 3: Kane's WrathEA Los AngelesSci-fiWIN, XboxGlobal Conquest mode
2017Starpoint Gemini WarlordsLittle Green Men GamesSci-fi (Space)WIN4X, Space sim and RPG
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See also


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