Linares International Chess Tournament

The Linares International Chess Tournament (Spanish: Torneo Internacional de Ajedrez Ciudad de Linares) was an annual chess tournament, usually played around the end of February, which takes its name from the city of Linares in the Jaén province of Andalusia, Spain, in which it was held. It is sometimes described as the Wimbledon of chess, being one of the strongest annual tournaments held on the de facto chess tour, along with the "Tata Steel" (Wijk aan Zee), Tal Memorial and Dortmund events.

Magnus Carlsen (Norway) and Levon Aronian (Armenia) playing against each other during the 2007 Linares International Chess Tournament

The Linares tournament began in 1978 and was held annually from 1988 to 2010 (with the exception of 1996). Since 2010, the tournament has not been held for financial reasons.


The event, sponsored by Spanish businessman Luis Rentero, was first held in 1978.[1] At that time it was not an elite event and was won by the relatively unknown Swede Jaan Eslon), (on tie-break from the Argentine Roberto Luis Debarnot). After the following year's event, it was held every other year until 1987 when no tournament took place, that being the year that Linares hosted the Candidates' Final, a match to determine a challenger for Kasparov's world title featuring Anatoly Karpov and Andrei Sokolov. The postponed 1987 event was deferred to 1988 and the tournament from that point onwards became an annual event, with the exception of 1996, when the Women's World Chess Championship was held.

Rentero was a strong opponent of short draws in chess, to the point that he offered cash bonuses for playing longer games. It's said that participants in these so-called "grand master draws" were sometimes penalised with a no invitation for the next year's edition![1]

The 1994 tournament had an average Elo rating of 2685, the highest ever at that time. The field, in eventual finishing order, consisted of Karpov, Kasparov, Shirov, Bareev, Kramnik, Lautier, Anand, Kamsky, Topalov, Ivanchuk, Gelfand, Illescas, Judit Polgár, and Beliavsky. Karpov won with an undefeated 11/13. Jeff Sonas considered Karpov's performance the best tournament result in history.[2]

The 1994 tournament was also noted for an incident in which Garry Kasparov "took a move back" against Judit Polgár. Kasparov's fingers briefly released a knight before he realized the move was a blunder; he then moved the knight to a different square. Polgár (17 years old at the time) did not protest and the arbiter did not intervene. Kasparov went on to win the game.[3]

In 1998, the format of the tournament changed from a single round-robin tournament to a double round-robin event (meaning that each participant plays every other participant twice, once with each colour).

Kasparov announced his retirement from chess after the 2005 tournament.

From 2006 through 2008, the first half of the tournament took place in the Mexican city of Morelia. The second half took place in Linares. Consequently, the event is sometimes referred to as Morelia-Linares.

In 2009 and 2010 the whole event took place in Linares.[4]

The Linares tournament of 2011 was cancelled,[5][6] for reasons including general economic problems. The tournament was cancelled again in 2012,[7] with no return since.


Only six players won the Linares Tournament multiple times: Garry Kasparov (9 wins), Vassily Ivanchuk (3), Viswanathan Anand (3), Vladimir Kramnik (2), Anatoly Karpov (2), and Larry Christiansen (2).

Full results






Casa de la Cultura, Linares, Spain, 17-31 January 1981

                 Age Elo  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2
01 Karpov        29 2690  * 1 ½ ½ ½ ½ 1 1 ½ 1 ½ 1  8
02 Christiansen  24 2515  0 * ½ ½ 1 ½ 1 ½ 1 1 1 1  8
03 Larsen        45 2610  ½ ½ * 0 0 1 1 ½ 1 ½ 1 1  7
04 Ribli         29 2585  ½ ½ 1 * ½ ½ ½ ½ 1 1 0 ½  6½
05 Spassky       43 2635  ½ 0 1 ½ * ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ 1 ½  6
06 Kavalek       37 2550  ½ ½ 0 ½ ½ * ½ ½ ½ ½ 1 1  6
07 Portisch      43 2650  0 0 0 ½ ½ ½ * ½ ½ 1 1 1  5½
08 Ljubojevic    30 2605  0 ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ * 0 ½ 1 ½  5
09 Gligoric      57 2530  ½ 0 0 0 ½ ½ ½ 1 * 1 0 1  5
10 Quinteros     33 2505  0 0 ½ 0 ½ ½ 0 ½ 0 * 1 1  4
11 Bellón        29 2415  ½ 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 * 1  3½
12 García        27 2520  0 0 0 ½ ½ 0 0 ½ 0 0 0 *  1½ 

Category: XIII (2568). Chief arbiter: IA José María González.









X Ciudad de Linares, 23 February – 13 March 1992, Linares, Jaén, Spain, Category XVII (2659)
1 Garry Kasparov (Russia)2780½11½1½½½111½11028611
2 Vassily Ivanchuk (Ukraine)2720½Does not appear½½½10½½11½1½827412–3
3 Jan Timman (Netherlands)26200½Does not appear10½01011111827492–3
4 Anatoly Karpov (Russia)27250½0Does not appear½½101½11½127114
5 Viswanathan Anand (India)2670½½1½Does not appear½½½101½½0726875–7
6 Boris Gelfand (Belarus)266500½½½Does not appear110½1½½1726875–7
7 Valery Salov (Russia)2655½110½0Does not appear0½½½1½1726885–7
8 Evgeny Bareev (Russia)2635½½01½01Does not appear½10½½½26618
9 Alexander Beliavsky (Ukraine)2620½½1001½½Does not appear0½0½1626339–10
10 Artur Yusupov (Commonwealth of Independent States)2655000½1½½01Does not appear0½11626309–10
11 Miguel Illescas (Spain)2555000000½1½1Does not appear11½261011
12 Ljubomir Ljubojević (Yugoslavia)26100½00½½0½1½0Does not appear10255312
13 Jon Speelman (England)2630½00½½½½½½000Does not appear½4252013–14
14 Nigel Short (England)26850½00100½00½1½Does not appear4251613–14


XI Ciudad de Linares, 23 February – 14 March 1993, Linares, Jaén, Spain, Category XVIII (2677)
1 Garry Kasparov (Russia)280511½½½½½11½1111028781
2 Anatoly Karpov (Russia)27250Does not appear½½½1½11½101127832
3 Viswanathan Anand (India)27100½Does not appear½½½1011½11127843
4 Alexei Shirov (Latvia)2670½½½Does not appear10½011½½11827644
5 Vladimir Kramnik (Russia)2685½½½0Does not appear0111½½½1½27335
6 Valery Salov (Russia)2660½0½11Does not appear0½½1½½½026786–7
7 Vassily Ivanchuk (Ukraine)2710½½0½01Does not appear001½11½26746–7
8 Alexander Beliavsky (Ukraine)2610½0110½1Does not appear00½1½0626538
9 Gata Kamsky (United States)265500000½11Does not appear½110½26219–10
10 Evgeny Bareev (Russia)26700½00½001½Does not appear½1½126209–10
11 Artur Yusupov (Germany)2645½0½½½½½½0½Does not appear0½½5259211–12
12 Jan Timman (Netherlands)2635010½½½00001Does not appear½15259311–12
13 Boris Gelfand (Belarus)269000000½0½1½½½Does not appear1256613
14 Ljubomir Ljubojević (Federal Republic of Yugoslavia)26050000½1½1½0½00Does not appear4254114


XII Ciudad de Linares, 23 February – 14 March 1994, Linares, Jaén, Spain, Category XVIII (2686)
1 Anatoly Karpov (Russia)2740½½1111½½111111129781
2 Garry Kasparov (Russia)2815½Does not appear½100½111½11½27862–3
3 Alexei Shirov (Latvia)2715½½Does not appear0011½11½11½27942–3
4 Evgeny Bareev (Russia)2685001Does not appear½½1½½101½127434
5 Joël Lautier (France)2625011½Does not appear½1100½01½727205–6
6 Vladimir Kramnik (Russia)2710010½½Does not appear0½½½½111727135–6
7 Veselin Topalov (Bulgaria)26400½0001Does not appear1½11½0126907–9
8 Viswanathan Anand (India)2715½0½½0½0Does not appear10½11126847–9
9 Gata Kamsky (United States)2695½00½1½½0Does not appear½½1½126857–9
10 Vassily Ivanchuk (Ukraine)271000001½01½Does not appear½1½16265510
11 Boris Gelfand (Belarus)26850½½1½½0½½½Does not appear0½½262911
12 Miguel Illescas (Spain)2590000010½0001Does not appear11258312
13 Judit Polgár (Hungary)2630000½0010½½½0Does not appear14254913
14 Alexander Beliavsky (Ukraine)26500½½0½00000½00Does not appear2239314


XIII Ciudad de Linares, 1 – 18 March 1995, Linares, Jaén, Spain, Category XVII (2654)
1 Vassily Ivanchuk (Ukraine)2700½½1½11½½1½1111028611
2 Anatoly Karpov (Russia)2765½Does not appear½11½½½1½1½1½927862
3 Alexei Shirov (Latvia)2710½½Does not appear1½½½½1½½½½1827363–4
4 Veselin Topalov (Bulgaria)2630000Does not appear½1½1111½½1827423–4
5 Alexander Khalifman (Russia)2635½0½½Does not appear11½½0½½1127125
6 Alexander Beliavsky (Ukraine)26500½½00Does not appear1½½½1½11726826
7 Sergei Tiviakov (Russia)26250½½½00Does not appear1½½1½½½626267–8
8 Miguel Illescas (Spain)2595½½½0½½0Does not appear0½1½1½626297–8
9 Ivan Sokolov (Bosnia and Herzegovina)2645½000½½½1Does not appear½½10½25979–10
10 Alexey Dreev (Russia)26500½½01½½½½Does not appear0½0125969–10
11 Nigel Short (England)2655½0½0½000½1Does not appear1½½5256611–12
12 Ljubomir Ljubojević (Federal Republic of Yugoslavia)25800½½½½½½½0½0Does not appear½½5257211–12
13 Joël Lautier (France)265500½½00½011½½Does not appear0254313
14 Vladimir Akopian (Armenia)26550½0000½½½0½½1Does not appear4251214


XIV Ciudad de Linares, 4 – 16 February 1997, Linares, Jaén, Spain, Category XIX (2701)
1 Garry Kasparov (Russia)279511111½01½1½29031
2 Vladimir Kramnik (Russia)27400Does not appear½11½½1½1½128302
3 Michael Adams (England)26650½Does not appear½½½1½½11½27693–4
4 Veselin Topalov (Bulgaria)272500½Does not appear½½11110127633–4
5 Judit Polgár (Hungary)264500½½Does not appear0½111½1627415
6 Viswanathan Anand (India)27650½½½1Does not appear½½01½½26956
7 Boris Gelfand (Belarus)2700½½00½½Does not appear½1½½½526647–8
8 Vassily Ivanchuk (Ukraine)274010½00½½Does not appear½011526617–8
9 Predrag Nikolić (Bosnia and Herzegovina)26550½½0010½Does not appear½1½26409
10 Alexey Dreev (Russia)2650½00000½1½Does not appear½14260310
11 Alexei Shirov (Spain)26900½01½½½00½Does not appear0256811–12
12 Jeroen Piket (Netherlands)2640½0½00½½0½01Does not appear257311–12


Final Results of 1998:

XV Ciudad de Linares, 22 February – 9 March 1998, Linares, Jaén, Spain, Category XXI (2752)
1 Viswanathan Anand (India)27701 ½½ ½0 ½1 ½½ 1½ 128441
2 Alexei Shirov (Spain)27100 ½Does not appear½ 1½ ½1 01 01 1728162
3 Vladimir Kramnik (Russia)2790½ ½½ 0Does not appear½ ½½ 1½ ½1 ½27743–4
4 Garry Kasparov (Russia)28251 ½½ ½½ ½Does not appear½ ½½ ½½ ½27693–4
5 Peter Svidler (Russia)26900 ½0 1½ 0½ ½Does not appear1 0½ 127335
6 Vassily Ivanchuk (Ukraine)2740½ 00 1½ ½½ ½0 1Does not appear0 ½526976
7 Veselin Topalov (Bulgaria)2740½ 00 00 ½½ ½½ 01 ½Does not appear426297


Final Results of 1999:[8]

XVI Ciudad de Linares, 21 February – 10 March 1999, Linares, Jaén, Spain, Category XX (2735)
1 Garry Kasparov (Russia)2812½ 1½ ½½ ½1 11 ½½ 11 110½ 2817
2 Viswanathan Anand (India)2781½ 0Does not appear½ ½½ ½½ ½½ 11 ½½ 1832778
3 Vladimir Kramnik (Russia)2751½ ½½ ½Does not appear½ ½½ ½½ ½½ 11 ½822782
4 Peter Leko (Hungary)2694½ ½½ ½½ ½Does not appear1 ½½ ½0 ½0 ½2712
5 Vassily Ivanchuk (Ukraine)27140 0½ ½½ ½0 ½Does not appear½ 11 ½0 ½622688
6 Veselin Topalov (Bulgaria)27000 ½½ 0½ ½½ ½½ 0Does not appear½ 1½ ½612690
7 Peter Svidler (Russia)2713½ 00 ½½ 01 ½0 ½½ 0Does not appear½ 122658
8 Michael Adams (England)27160 0½ 00 ½1 ½1 ½½ ½½ 0Does not appear22657



FIDE World Champion Alexander Khalifman was a late replacement for Alexander Morozevich.

Final Results of 2000:[9]

XVII SuperGM Linares, 28 February – 10 March 2000, Linares, Jaén, Spain, Category XXI (2752)
1-2 Garry Kasparov (Russia)2851 ½ ½1 ½1 ½½ ½½ ½6212803
1-2 Vladimir Kramnik (Russia)2758 ½ ½1 ½½ ½1 ½½ ½6212822
3 Alexei Shirov (Spain)2751 0 ½0 ½Does not appear1 ½½ ½½ ½112715
4 Viswanathan Anand (India)2769 0 ½½ ½0 ½Does not appear½ 1½ ½102712
5 Alexander Khalifman (Russia)2656 ½ ½0 ½½ ½½ 0Does not appear½ 1102734
6 Peter Leko (Hungary)2725 ½ ½½ ½½ ½½ ½½ 0Does not appear02721


Final Results of 2001:[10]

XVIII SuperGM Linares, 23 February – 6 March 2001, Linares, Jaén, Spain, Category XX (2722)
1 Garry Kasparov (Russia)2849 ½ 11 1½ ½½ 1½ 12889
2 Alexei Shirov (Spain)2718 ½ 0Does not appear1 00 1½ ½½ ½22686
3 Alexander Grischuk (Russia)2663 0 00 1Does not appear½ ½½ 1½ ½22697
4 Judit Polgár (Hungary)2676 ½ ½1 0½ ½Does not appear½ 0½ ½12694
5 Anatoly Karpov (Russia)2679 ½ 0½ ½½ 0½ 1Does not appear½ ½12694
6 Peter Leko (Hungary)2745 ½ 0½ ½½ ½½ ½½ ½Does not appear02681


Final Results of 2002:[11]

XIX SuperGM Linares, 22 February – 10 March 2002, Linares, Jaén, Spain, Category XX (2732)
1 Garry Kasparov (Russia)2838½ 1½ ½½ ½1 ½½ 1½ 182839
2 Ruslan Ponomariov (Ukraine)2727½ 0Does not appear1 ½½ ½0 1½ 1½ ½2762
3 Vassily Ivanchuk (Ukraine)2717½ ½0 ½Does not appear½ ½1 ½½ 1½ 062734
4 Viswanathan Anand (India)2757½ ½½ ½½ ½Does not appear0 ½½ ½½ 162728
5 Michael Adams (England)27420 ½1 00 ½1 ½Does not appear½ ½½ 162730
6 Francisco Vallejo Pons (Spain)2629½ 0½ 0½ 0½ ½½ ½Does not appear½ 152692
7 Alexei Shirov (Spain)2715½ 0½ ½½ 1½ 0½ 0½ 0Does not appear2648


Final Results of 2003:[12]

XX Ciudad de Linares, 22 February – 9 March 2003, Linares, Jaén, Spain, Category XX (2733)
1 Peter Leko (Hungary)2736½ ½0 1½ ½½ ½1 01 1742790
2 Vladimir Kramnik (Russia)2809½ ½Does not appear½ ½½ ½1 ½½ ½1 ½722778
3 Viswanathan Anand (India)27531 0½ ½Does not appear0 ½1 ½½ ½½ 132759
4 Garry Kasparov (Russia)2847½ ½½ ½1 ½Does not appear1 ½½ ½0 ½22743
5 Ruslan Ponomariov (Ukraine)2734½ ½0 ½0 ½0 ½Does not appear1 1½ ½2704
6 Francisco Vallejo Pons (Spain)26290 1½ ½½ ½½ ½0 0Does not appear½ ½52694
7 Teimour Radjabov (Azerbaijan)26240 00 ½½ 01 ½½ ½½ ½Does not appear2664


Final Results of 2004:[13]

XXI SuperGM Linares, 19 February – 5 March 2004, Linares, Jaén, Spain, Category XX (2731)
1 Vladimir Kramnik (Russia)2777½ 1½ ½½ ½1 ½½ ½½ ½72780
2 Peter Leko (Hungary)2722½ 0Does not appear½ ½1 ½½ ½1 ½½ ½22762
3 Garry Kasparov (Russia)2831½ ½½ ½Does not appear½ ½½ ½½ ½1 ½12743
4 Teimour Radjabov (Azerbaijan)2656½ ½0 ½½ ½Does not appear½ ½0 1½ 1622744
5 Veselin Topalov (Bulgaria)27350 ½½ ½½ ½½ ½Does not appear½ 1½ ½612730
6 Alexei Shirov (Spain)2736½ ½0 ½½ ½1 0½ 0Does not appear½ ½512673
7 Francisco Vallejo Pons (Spain)2663½ ½½ ½0 ½½ 0½ ½½ ½Does not appear502685


Final Results of 2005:[14]

XXII SuperGM Linares, 23 February – 17 March 2005, Linares, Jaén, Spain, Category XX (2743)
1 Garry Kasparov (Russia)2804½ 0½ ½½ ½1 11 1½ 18532857
2 Veselin Topalov (Bulgaria)2757½ 1Does not appear0 ½½ ½1 ½1 1½ 18512865
3 Viswanathan Anand (India)2786½ ½1 ½Does not appear½ ½½ 0½ ½½ 12764
4 Peter Leko (Hungary)2749½ ½½ ½½ ½Does not appear½ ½½ ½½ ½62742
5 Michael Adams (England)27410 00 ½½ 1½ ½Does not appear1 ½½ ½2714
6 Francisco Vallejo Pons (Spain)26860 00 0½ ½½ ½0 ½Does not appear½ 1412627
7 Rustam Kasimdzhanov (Uzbekistan)2678½ 0½ 0½ 0½ ½½ ½½ 0Does not appear402628


XXIII SuperGM Morelia/Linares, 18 February – 11 March 2006, MoreliaLinares, Category XX (2732)
1 Levon Aronian (Armenia)2752 1 ½½ 0½ 10 ½1 ½1 ½½ 12808
2 Teimour Radjabov (Azerbaijan)2700 0 ½Does not appear1 ½0 ½½ 1½ 11 ½½ ½82786
3 Veselin Topalov (Bulgaria)2801 ½ 10 ½Does not appear½ 11 ½0 1½ 10 ½82771
4 Peter Leko (Hungary)2740 ½ 01 ½½ 0Does not appear1 ½½ ½½ ½1 ½2759
5 Vassily Ivanchuk (Ukraine)2729 1 ½½ 00 ½0 ½Does not appear1 ½½ 0½ 12703
6 Peter Svidler (Russia)2765 0 ½0 ½1 0½ ½0 ½Does not appear1 ½1 ½2698
7 Étienne Bacrot (France)2717 0 ½0 ½½ 0½ ½½ 10 ½Does not appear½ 162683
8 Francisco Vallejo Pons (Spain)2650 ½ 0½ ½1 ½0 ½½ 00 ½½ 0Does not appear52641


XXIV SuperGM Morelia/Linares, 17 February – 10 March 2007, MoreliaLinares, Category XX (2746)
1 Viswanathan Anand (India)2779 1 11 ½0 ½½ ½½ ½½ ½1 ½2820
2 Magnus Carlsen (Norway)2690 0 0Does not appear1 ½½ ½½ ½1 11 ½½ 02782
3 Alexander Morozevich (Russia)2741 0 ½0 ½Does not appear½ ½½ 1½ 10 1½ 12775
4 Levon Aronian (Armenia)2744 1 ½½ ½½ ½Does not appear½ ½0 ½½ ½½ ½72745
5 Peter Svidler (Russia)2728 ½ ½½ ½½ 0½ ½Does not appear½ ½½ ½½ 172748
6 Vassily Ivanchuk (Ukraine)2750 ½ ½0 0½ 01 ½½ ½Does not appear1 ½½ ½2715
7 Veselin Topalov (Bulgaria)2783 ½ ½0 ½1 0½ ½½ ½0 ½Does not appear½ ½62690
8 Peter Leko (Hungary)2749 0 ½½ 1½ 0½ ½½ 0½ ½½ ½Does not appear62695


XXV SuperGM Morelia/Linares, 15 February – 7 March 2008, MoreliaLinares, Cat. XXI (2756)[15]
1 Viswanathan Anand (India)2799 1 ½½ ½0 ½½ ½½ ½1 ½1 12829
2 Magnus Carlsen (Norway)2733 0 ½Does not appear1 11 ½0 ½½ 1½ 0½ 182808
3 Veselin Topalov (Bulgaria)2780 ½ ½0 0Does not appear1 0½ ½1 ½1 10 12781
4 Levon Aronian (Armenia)2739 1 ½0 ½0 1Does not appear½ ½1 ½½ ½½ ½2787
5 Teimour Radjabov (Azerbaijan)2735 ½ ½1 ½½ ½½ ½Does not appear½ ½0 ½0 172758
6 Vassily Ivanchuk (Ukraine)2751 ½ ½½ 00 ½0 ½½ ½Does not appear1 1½ ½2727
7 Peter Leko (Hungary)2753 0 ½½ 10 0½ ½1 ½0 0Does not appear½ ½2676
8 Alexei Shirov (Spain)2755 0 0½ 01 0½ ½1 0½ ½½ ½Does not appear2675

GM Alejandro Ramírez (2509) won the III Morelia Open tournament.[16]


XXVI Ciudad de Linares, 19 February – 7 March 2009, Linares, Jaén, Spain, Category XXI (2756)[17]
1 Alexander Grischuk (Russia)2733 ½ ½½ 0½ ½1 ½1 ½1 ½½ ½832809
2 Vassily Ivanchuk (Ukraine)2779 ½ ½Does not appear½ ½½ ½½ ½½ ½1 1½ ½822802
3 Magnus Carlsen (Norway)2776 ½ 1½ ½Does not appear1 ½½ ½½ 0½ 0½ 12781
4 Viswanathan Anand (India)2791 ½ ½½ ½0 ½Does not appear1 ½1 ½0 ½½ ½72750
5 Teimour Radjabov (Azerbaijan)2761 0 ½½ ½½ ½0 ½Does not appear½ ½½ 1½ ½2726
6 Wang Yue (China)2739 0 ½½ ½½ 10 ½½ ½Does not appear½ ½½ ½2729
7 Levon Aronian (Armenia)2750 0 ½0 0½ 11 ½½ 0½ ½Does not appear1 ½2727
8 Leinier Domínguez (Cuba)2717 ½ ½½ ½½ 0½ ½½ ½½ ½0 ½Does not appear62711


XXVII Ciudad de Linares, 13–24 February 2010, Linares, Jaén, Spain, Category XXI (2758)[18]
1 Veselin Topalov (Bulgaria)2805 1 0½ ½1 ½½ 1½ 12858
2 Alexander Grischuk (Russia)2736 0 1Does not appear½ ½½ 11 ½½ ½62834
3 Levon Aronian (Armenia)2781 ½ ½½ ½Does not appear½ 1½ ½½ ½2789
4 Vugar Gashimov (Azerbaijan)2759 0 ½½ 0½ 0Does not appear½ ½1 ½42.52685
5 Boris Gelfand (Israel)2761 ½ 00 ½½ ½½ ½Does not appear½ ½42.02685
6 Francisco Vallejo Pons (Spain)2705 ½ 0½ ½½ ½0 ½½ ½Does not appear41.52696
gollark: (also, do you people *not* know how to use `file`?
gollark: * contains and runs
gollark: * contains
gollark: Interesting fact: esoserver.pyc runs an ELF binary.
gollark: The idea wasn't mine, I just patched it.


  1. {{cite web | url= | title=FIDE Honorary Member Luis Rentero | publisher=FIDE | date=23 December 2015 | accessdate=March 23, 2019 | author=Javier Ochoa de Echagüen
  2. Facts and figures: Magnus Carlsen's performance in Nanjing. Retrieved on 2009-10-26.
  3. ten Geuzendam, Dirk Jan (2003). Linares! Linares!: A Journey into the Heart of Chess. New In Chess, Csi. ISBN 90-5691-077-9.
  4. Official website noting the 2009 tournament takes place entirely in Linares. Retrieved 2 March 2009. Archived 2 March 2009 at the Wayback Machine
  5. "Linares 2011 Cancelled". Retrieved 2014-01-24.
  6. Ángel Mendoza. "Linares aplaza el Intercontinental de Ajedrez hasta el año que viene. Ideal". Retrieved 2014-01-24.
  7. Linares 2012 canceled.
  8. TWIC 227 Archived 2012-04-01 at the Wayback Machine
  9. TWIC 279 Archived 2011-08-11 at the Wayback Machine
  10. TWIC 331
  11. TWIC 383
  12. TWIC 435
  13. TWIC 487
  14. TWIC 540
  15. Mark Crowther (10 March 2008). "The Week in Chess 696". The Week in Chess.
  16. Mark Crowther (3 March 2008). "The Week in Chess 695". The Week in Chess.
  17. Mark Crowther (9 March 2009). "The Week in Chess 748". The Week in Chess.
  18. "Topalov wins Linares, remains number two in the world". ChessBase. 25 February 2010. Retrieved 25 February 2010.
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