Dong-in Literary Award

The Dong-in Literary Award (Korean: 동인문학상) is a South Korean literary award named after novelist Kim Dong-in, established in order to praise the literary achievement of The Republic of Korea. In commemoration of the Korean modern literature pioneer, Kim Dong-In, this award is given each year to the novelists with short and mid-length works published in the main Korean literary magazines to promote the creativity of domestic novelists.[1] The award was established in 1955 and is currently run by the Chosun Ilbo. Here are the winners since 1956:


YearAuthor (Hangeul)Author (English)Title (Hangeul)Title (English)
1956김성한Kim Seonghan바비도Babido
1957선우휘Seonu Hwi불꽃Fiery Flame
1958오상원O Sangwon모반Betrayal
1959손창섭Son Changseop잉여인간Surplus Men
1960이범선Yi Beomseon오발탄Stray Bullet
1960서기원Seo Giwon이 성숙한 밤의 포옹This Embrace of a Ripe Evening
1961남정현Nam Jeonghyeon너는 뭐냐What are You
1962이호철Yi Hocheol닳아지는 살들Eroding Mountain
1962전광용Jeon Gwangyong꺼삐딴 리Kapitan Lee
1964송병수Song Byeongsu잔해 (3)Debris 3
1965김승옥Kim Seungok서울 1964년 겨울Seoul, Winter of 1964
1966최인훈Choe Inhun웃음소리Laughter
1967이청준Yi Cheongjun병신과 머저리The Cripple and the Fool
1979조세희Jo Sehui난장이가 쏘아올린 작은 공Dwarf Hurls a Ball
1980전상국Jeon Sangguk우리들의 날개Our Wing
1982오정희O Jeonghui동경Bronze Mirror
1982이문열Yi Munyeol금시조Golden Wing
1984김원일Kim Wonil환멸을 찾아서In Search of Disillusion
1985정소성Jeong Soseong아테네 가는 배Ship to Athens
1987유재용Yu Jaeyong어제 울린 총소리Yesterday’s Gunshot
1988박영한Pak Yeonghan지옥에서 보낸 한철A Season in Hell
1989김문수Kim Munsu만취당기Record of Manchi Party
1990김향숙Kim Hyangsuk안개의 덫Pitfall in the Fog
1991김원우Kim Wonu방황하는 내국인Wandering Homelander
1992최윤Choe Yun회색 눈사람Gray Snowman
1993송기원Song Giwon아름다운 얼굴Beautiful Face
1994박완서Pak Wanseo나의 가장나종 지니인것My Very Last Possession
1995정찬Jeong Chan슬픔의 노래Song of Sorrow
1996이순원Yi Sunwon수색, 어머니 가슴속으로 흐르는 무늬A Quest, The Pattern Flowing into Mother’s Heart
1997신경숙Sin Gyeongsuk그는 언제 오는가When Is He Coming?
1998이윤기Yi Yungi숨은 그림 찾기1Seeking Hidden Picture 1
1999하성란Ha Seongnan곰팡이꽃Flower of Mold
2000이문구Yi Mungu내 몸은 너무 오래 서 있거나 걸어왔다My Body Stood Too Long, Walked Too Long
2001김훈Kim Hun칼의 노래Ode to the Sword
2002성석제Seong Sukje황만근은이렇게말했다Thus said Hwang Man Keun
2003김연수Kim Yeonsu내가 아직 아이였을 때When I was Still an Infant
2004김영하Kim Yeongha검은꽃Dark Flower
2005권지예Gwon Jiye꽃게무덤Blue Crab Mound
2006이혜경Yi Hyegyeong틈새The Gap
2007은희경Eun Huigyeong아름다움이 나를 멸시한다Beauty Snubs Me
2008조경란Jo Gyeongnan풍선을 샀어Buying a Balloon
2009김경욱Kim Gyeonguk위험한 독서Dangerous Reading
2010김인숙Kim Insuk안녕, 엘레나Goodbye Elena
2011편혜영Pyeon Hyeyeong저녁의 구애The Courtship of the Evening
2012정영문Jeong Yeongmun어떤 작위의 세계A World of Artificiality
2013이승우Lee Seung-u지상의 노래Earthly Song
2014구효서 Gu Hyo-seo별명의 달인
2015김중혁 Kim Jung-hyuk (author)가짜 팔로 하는 포옹
2016권여선 Lee Seung-u안녕 주정뱅이 
2017김애란 Kim Aeran바깥은 여름
2018이기호 Lee Ki-ho누구에게나 친절한 사람 
gollark: The server serves the API, the really short HTML/CSS and the JS bundle.
gollark: It's not actually in JS and the client just downloads RSS item data from a server I set up.
gollark: Might be harder.
gollark: Right now I'm working on search.
gollark: I'm considering it.


  1. The Chosun Ilbo: "Many Voices, one Heart"
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