DKT International

DKT International (DKT) is a charitable non-profit organization that promotes family planning and HIV prevention through social marketing. The Washington, D.C.-based DKT was founded in 1989 by Phil Harvey and operates in 57 countries in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. Its revenue largely comes from sales of low-cost contraceptives. In 2019, DKT sold over 805 million condoms, 93 million cycles of oral contraceptives, 30 million injectable contraceptives and 3.6 million intrauterine devices (IUDs), among other products. This is equivalent to 47.8 million couple years of protection (CYPs), making DKT one of the largest private providers of contraceptives in the developing world. The average cost per CYP was US$1.57.[2] DKT's marketing strategies have included advertising, creating location-specific brands, working with social networks and militaries, and targeting high-risk groups.[3][4][5][6][7] DKT also works with health workers and clinics that provide family planning products, information, and services.[3] Charity Navigator has given DKT a four-star rating for its finances, with 98.4% of its budget going towards programs and 1.6% towards headquarters expenses and fund raising in 2018.[1]

FounderPhil Harvey
FocusFamily planning and HIV/AIDS prevention
Area served
Africa, Asia, Latin America
MethodSocial marketing of family planning and HIV/AIDS products and services
President & CEO
Christopher Purdy
US $200.5[1]


Phil Harvey became interested in family planning in 1968 while working on emergency food relief for CARE International in India.[8] In 1970, he and his fellow UNC student Tim Black founded the business Adam & Eve in order to finance their charitable activities, and also founded the non-profit health organization Population Services International that same year.[8][9][10][11] DKT International, named for D.K. Tyagi, an early pioneer of family planning in India, was founded in 1989.[12] DKT has grown rapidly over the years; its revenue from selling contraceptives increased from US$4.5 million in 1996 to $143.2 million in 2018, and its couple years of protection increased from 5.7 million in 2002 to more than 47.8 million in 2019.[13]

In 2006, DKT International refused to take the U.S. government's anti-prostitution pledge, feeling the pledge would interfere with its HIV/AIDS services worldwide. DKT challenged the pledge as a violation of First Amendment rights, with the support of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU). Judge Emmet G. Sullivan ruled in favor of DKT in the District Court for the District of Columbia on 18 May 2006, but the D. C. Court of Appeals reversed the decision on 27 February 2007.[14][15]

In 2013, a different organization successfully challenged the pledge before the U.S. Supreme Court in Agency for International Development v. Alliance for Open Society International, Inc.[16]


On 31 December 2013, Phil Harvey stepped down as president after 24 years, replaced by Christopher Purdy. Its board includes Robert Ciszewski, Carlos Garcia, Christopher Purdy, Matthew Reeves, Julie Stewart and Harvey, who also serves as chair of the board.[17]

In 2018, 71.5% of DKT's revenue was from contraceptive sales and related services, 27.3% from grants and contracts and 10.5% from other income. 54.5% of expenses were related to program costs, 36.3% to contraceptive costs, 1.4% to headquarters, 0.2% to fundraising and 7.6% to other expenses.[18] Revenue from contraceptive sales first exceeded donor support in 2005.[13]

For its first 26 years, DKT established stand-alone programs in each country and focused on countries with large markets, such as Ethiopia, Brazil and the Philippines. Eventually, though, DKT managers saw the benefits of a regional approach that can serve the reproductive health needs of multiple countries, including smaller ones. Therefore, DKT established its first regional program in French-speaking West and Central Africa in 2015. Since then, DKT has established six other regional platforms with two or more countries. These programs require fewer financial resources per country (and streamlined back office support), and leverages the common language, culture and regulatory environment of the region.

In 2017, DKT launched DKT WomanCare, a marketing and distribution platform to advance DKT’s mission of providing people around the world with reproductive health options. In close partnership with manufacturers, DKT WomanCare provides global integrated supply chain and marketing support. It sells a range of reproductive health products to multilateral bodies, ministries of health, commercial entities, and social marketing and family planning organizations and supports product launches and sales with world class marketing and training of health providers.

In 2019, DKT WomanCare sold 222,123 manual vacuum aspiration kits, 1.8 million cannulae and 1.4 million implants in 90 countries, producing 1.5 million couple years of protection.


As of 2020, DKT International's donors include: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Children's Investment Fund Foundation, David and Lucile Packard Foundation, U.K. Department for International Development (DFID), Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Embassy of Sweden, Erik and Edith Bergstrom Foundation, Gates Philanthropy Partners, Government of Germany (KfW Development Bank), Government of India, Government of Sweden, National Philanthropic Trust, National Postcode Lottery (Netherlands), Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA), United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS), United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), WestWind Foundation, William and Flora Hewlett Foundation and anonymous donors.[19]


As of 2020, DKT International had 23 programs with sales in 57 countries in Africa, Asia, and Latin America.[20] Some platforms serve more than one country.

ProgramGeographical areaYear created2019 CYPsAdditional info
Brazil and South AmericaLatin America19902,123,703Program description
ChinaAsia1996140,480Program description
Democratic Republic of CongoAfrica20092,303,597Program description
DKT WomanCareGlobal20171,486,020Program description
Egypt, Middle East and North AfricaAfrica/Asia20041,947,247Program description
EthiopiaAfrica19903,060,343Program description
Francophone West and Central AfricaAfrica20151,054,402Program description
Ghana: Anglophone West AfricaAfrica2011692,114Program description
India - Bihar (Janani)Asia19964,503,929Program description
India - MumbaiAsia19926,039,121Program description
IndonesiaAsia19969,492,867Program description
Kenya and UgandaAfrica2016342,633Program description
Mexico, Central America and CaribbeanLatin America20031,344,672Program description
MozambiqueAfrica2009407,305Program description
MyanmarAsia2014670,796Program description
NigeriaAfrica20123,688,719Program description
PakistanAsia20123,315,547Program description
PhilippinesAsia19902,506,244Program description
TanzaniaAfrica2013333,441Program description
ThailandAsia200956,284Program description
TurkeyAsia2008463,101Program description
VietnamAsia19931,565,725Program description
gollark: Or the stupidly large numbers representing, say, copyrighted MP3s.
gollark: Or just DMCA-or-whatever-protected encryption keys.
gollark: An interesting consequence of modern computers and copyright law is that some numbers are sort of illegal.
gollark: Bad idea #12593c.1: encode *illegal numbers* (and data, e.g. copyrighted content you don't have the rights to) as images, sell those as art, reveal its nature and the decoding scheme afterwards, ???, profit.
gollark: Bad idea #12593c: encode random binary data as images, then sell *those* as art.


  1. "Current Rating - DKT International". Charity Navigator. Retrieved 5 June 2009.
  2. "About DKT". DKT International. Retrieved 16 September 2010.
  3. "How Social Marketing Changes Lives". DKT International. Retrieved 5 June 2009.
  4. Batty, David (2 November 2007). "Coffee condoms promote safe sex in Ethiopia". The Guardian. Retrieved 5 June 2009.
  5. Jordon, Miriam (21 September 1999). "Selling Birth Control to India's Poor: Medicine Men Market an Array Of Contraceptives". The Wall Street Journal.
  6. Cheshes, Jay (2002). "Hard-Core Philanthropist". Mother Jones. Archived from the original on 6 March 2008. Retrieved 5 June 2009.
  7. Schnayerson, Ben (24 November 2002). "AIDS in Asia: The Continent's Growing Crisis". San Francisco Chronicle. Retrieved 5 June 2009.
  8. "Philip D. Harvey: King of porn, master of charity (including interview)". Retrieved 5 June 2009.
  9. "About Adam & Eve". Adam & Eve. Retrieved 5 June 2009.
  10. "PSI at a Glance". Population Services International. Archived from the original on 26 November 2010. Retrieved 15 October 2010.
  11. "The Times obituary of Dr Tim Black, CBE 1937 - 2014". Marie Stopes International. Marie Stopes International (Originally published by The Times). Archived from the original on 8 December 2015. Retrieved 4 December 2015.
  12. "Phil Harvey: Kind of blue". The Independent. 23 April 2005. Retrieved 5 June 2009.
  13. "Progress Report" (PDF). DKT International. Retrieved 16 September 2010.
  14. "ACLU and Public Health Groups Urge Appeals Court to Reject Bush Global AIDS Gag" (Press release). ACLU. 21 December 2006. Retrieved 5 June 2009.
  15. U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia]]. "DKT International v. USAID" (PDF). Retrieved 5 June 2009.
  16. Roberts, John (20 June 2013). "AGENCY FOR INT'L DEVELOPMENT v. ALLIANCE FOR". Legal Information Institute. Cornell Law School. Retrieved 17 July 2013.
  17. "Board". DKT International. Retrieved 8 June 2016.
  18. "Operating Financials". DKT International. Retrieved 5 June 2009.
  19. "Donors". DKT International. Retrieved 8 June 2016.
  20. "Our Programs". DKT International. Retrieved 8 June 2016.
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