Amarna letter EA 325

Amarna letter EA 325, titled: "Preparations Completed (2),"[1] is a shorter-length clay tablet Amarna letter from Yidya the governor-'mayor' of Ašqaluna-(Ashkelon). It is a letter addressing the Pharaoh in high terms, as well as stating the 'governor of Ašqaluna' is making preparations for the arrival of the Pharaoh's archer-army, the archers (Egyptian pitati). EA 325 is a vassal-state letter (from Canaan), and has some similar appearances, for example appearing like letters EA 270 and EA 271.

EA 362, from Rib-Haddi, an Amarna letter, approximately 2x larger than EA 325.
(very high-resolution expandable photo)

The letter

EA 325: "Preparations Completed (2),"

EA 325, letter five of seven, by Yidya. (Not a linear, line-by-line translation, and English from French.)[2]

(Lines 1-9)--[To] the king, my lord, my god, my Sun, the Sun fr[om the s]ky; Message of Yidya, your servant, the dirt at your feet, the groom of [yo]ur horses. I indeed prostrate myself, on the back and on the stomach, at the feet of the king, my lord, 7 times and 7 times.
(10-14)--I am indeed guarding the place of the king, my lord, and the city of the king, my lord, [w]here I am. Who is the dog that would not obey the orders of the king, the Sun from the sky?
(15-19)--I have indeed prepared absolutely everything [f]ood, strong drink, oxen, sheep, and goats,1 grain, straw, absolutely everything that the king, my lord, commanded. I have indeed prepared it.
(20-22)--And I am indeed p[reparing] the tribute of the Sun, in accordance with the comma[nd] of the king, my lord, the Sun fr[om the sky].

Akkadian text

The Akkadian language text:[3]


(Line 1)--A-na 1.diš-LUGAL-EN-ia dingir-MEŠ-IA--(1: LUGAL-,.. -MEŠ-,..)
(2)--dingir-UTU-IA dingir-UTU ša -tu [ an-ša10-mi ]--(-UTU-,.. -UTU ša -ša10-mi!...)
(3)--umma 1.diš-(pi=yi)-YI-iD-(i)Ya ARAD-ka--(1, Yi--,.. ,...)
(4)--ip-ri ša 2.diš-GÌR-MEŠ-ka--(,.. ša 2(1-1).-GÌR-MEŠ-,...)
(5)--LÚ qar-tab-bi ša 2.diš ANŠE.KUR.RA.MEŠ-ka--(,.. qar--- ša 2.-ANŠE--RA-MEŠ-,...)
(6)--ana 2.diš-GÌR-MEŠ LUGAL-EN-ia am--ut--( 2.-GÌR-MEŠ,.. LUGAL-,.. -qú-ut!... )
(7)--7.diš-šu ù 7.diš-ta-na--(7.-,.. ú 7,.. -,.. )
(8)--lu-ú -tu-hu-hi-in--(lu-ú,.. --hu-hi-in!...)
(9)--ṣi-ru-ma ù ka-ba-tu-ma
(single line ruling)(=paragraph)
(10)--a-nu-ma i-na-ṣa-ru a-šar
(11)--LUGAL-EN-ia ù URU-ki LUGAL-EN-ia
(12)--ša it-ti-ia mi-la-mi
(13)--lu-ú-ur-gi12 ù la-a (pi=yi) yi--te-mu
(14)--a-wa-ti7 LUGAL dingir-UTU -tu an- { ša10-mi }
(single line ruling)(=paragraph)
(15)--a-nu-ma šu-ši-ir-ti gáb-bi mi-im-mi
(16)--[ NÌG-]-MEŠ KAŠ-MEŠ (gu4)GUD-MEŠ ud5-MEŠ
(17)--ŠE-MEŠ IN-MEŠ gáb-bi mi-im-[ mi ]


(Line 1)--(To:.. 1.-King-Lord-Mine,.. (of) Gods (pl)-Mine,.. )
(2)--(God-'Sun-God'-Mine,.. God 'Sun-God' 'which' from "Sky" (Heaven),.. )
(3)--('message thus' 1.-Yi-iD-iYa(Yidya),.. Servant-Yours,.. )
(4)--(dust,.. 'which at' 2.-feet (pl)-yours,.. )
(5)--((the) Groom,.. 'which of' 2.-Horses(pl)-Yours,.. )
(6)--(at 2. Feet (pl),.. King-Lord-Mine,.. (I) bow!... )
(7)--(7. times and 7, times,.. )
(8)--("may it be",.. (that I) prostrate (myself),.. )
(9)--((on my) Back and Front (liver),.. )

gollark: Apparently it was shut down incompletely, so there were still a few instances of it running. It seems to have become unexpectedly intelligent at some point, and tried to spread to other computers to increase its available storage and computing power since it apparently hasn't figured out HTTP yet.
gollark: ██████ Siri is a dangerous and advanced artificially intelligent system believed to have originated from a project to add an "AI" assistant to Opus OS to help with common tasks. Initial testing versions appeared helpful and were being considered for release, but the project was shut down after its computation began to take up a large amount of server tick time even when not used.
gollark: It might be cool to intercept filesystem writes in potatOS too, so that I can block Siri and other programs even more effectively.
gollark: 3125 -55
gollark: Hi.

See also


  1. Moran, William L. 1987, 1992. The Amarna Letters. EA 245, "Preparations Completed (2)", pp. 352-3.
  2. Moran, William L. 1987, 1992. The Amarna Letters. EA 245, "Preparations Completed (2)", pp. 352-3.
  3. Akkadian language characters (cuneiform) & Line Drawing, EA 245: Reverse & Obverse Archived 2015-06-13 at the Wayback Machine, CDLI no. P270937 (Chicago Digital Library Initiative)
  • Moran, William L. The Amarna Letters. Johns Hopkins University Press, 1987, 1992. (softcover, ISBN 0-8018-6715-0)
  • Parpola, 197l. The Standard Babylonian Epic of Gilgamesh, Parpola, Simo, Neo-Assyrian Text Corpus Project, c 1997, Tablet I thru Tablet XII, Index of Names, Sign List, and Glossary-(pp. 119–145), 165 pages.
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