Neo-Assyrian Text Corpus Project

The Neo-Assyrian Text Corpus Project is an international scholarly project aimed at collecting and publishing ancient Assyrian texts and studies based on them. Its headquarters are in Helsinki in Finland.

State archives of Assyria cuneiform texts

The following works are published in the series: State Archives of Assyria Cuneiform Texts:

State archives of Assyria studies

The following works are published in the series: State Archives of Assyria Studies:

  • 1992SAAS-Volume I..----Neuassyrische Glyptik des 8.-7.Jh. v. Chr. unter besonderer Berūcksichtigung der Siegelungen auf Tafeln und Tonverschlŭsse, by Suzanne Herbordt, 1992.
  • 1994SAAS-Volume II..---The Eponyms of the Assyrian Empire 910612 BC, by Alan Millard, 1994.
  • 1995SAAS-Volume III..--The Use of Numbers and Quantifications in the Assyrian Royal Inscriptions, by Marco De Odorico, 1995.
  • 1996SAAS-Volume IV..--Nippur in Late Assyrian Times c. 755612 BC, by Steven W. Cole, 1996.
  • 1996SAAS-Volume V..---Neo-Assyrian Judicial Procedures, by Remko Jas, 1996.
  • 1997SAAS-Volume VI..--Die neuassyrischen Privatrechtsurkunden als Quelle fŭr Mensch und Umwelt, by Karen Radner, 1997.
  • 1998SAAS-Volume VII..-References to Prophecy in Neo-Assyrian Sources, by Martti Nissinen, 1998.
  • 1998SAAS-Volume VIII..-Die Annalen des Jahres 711 v. Chr. nach Prismenfragmenten aus Nineve und Assur, by Andreas Fuchs, 1998.
  • 1999SAAS-Volume IX..---The Role of Naqia/Zakutu in Sargonid Politics, by Sarah C. Melville, 1999.
  • 1999SAAS-Volume X..----Herrschaftswissen in Mesopotamien: Formen der Kommunikation zwischen Gott und Kǒnig im 2. und 1. Jahrtausend v. Chr, by Beate Pongratz-Leisten, 1999.
  • 2000SAAS-Volume XI..---The King's Magnates; A Study of the Highest Officials of the Neo-Assyrian Empire, by Raija Mattila, 2000.
  • 2000SAAS-Volume XII..--A Survey of Neo-Elamite History, by Matthew W. Waters, 2000.
  • 2000SAAS-Volume XIII..-A Sketch of Neo-Assyrian Grammar, by Jaakko Hämeen-Anttila, 2000.
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See also


  • Cole, S. Nippur in Late Assyrian Times, c. 755-612 BC, by Steven W. Cole, (The Neo-Assyrian Text Corpus Project, University of Helsinki, by Vammalan Kirjapaino Oy, Finland), c 1996.
  • Novotny, J. The Standard Babylonian Etana Epic, by Jamie R. Novotny, (University of Helsinki, Ibid.), c 2001.
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