Alpha Psi Lambda

Alpha Psi Lambda Fraternity (ΑΨΛ), is a co-educational, Latino-oriented Greek letter intercollegiate fraternity. It is the first such organization for Latino college students in the United States.[1][2] It has 37 collegiate Chapters and 6 Affiliate Chapters; the National headquarters is in Chicago.

Alpha Psi Lambda
FoundedFebruary 11, 1985 (February 11, 1985)
The Ohio State University
MottoTogether We Shall Seek the Noblest
Colors     Gold      White
SymbolPalm Tree
FlowerGold Rose
PhilanthropyBoys and Girls Clubs of America
Chapters36 (plus 7 Affiliate Chapters)
Colonies7 (Affiliate chapters)
HeadquartersPO BOX 804835
Chicago, Illinois 60680


Alpha Psi Lambda was founded on February 11, 1985, on the campus of The Ohio State University in Columbus, Ohio.

In Columbus, Ohio, in May 1984 a group of undergraduate students led by Dr. Josue Cruz, Assistant Vice Provost to the Office of Minority Affairs, set out to research the country for other Latino Greek lettered organizations and learn how to begin a fraternity at The Ohio State University.

On March 10, 1985, at The Ohio State University, thirteen men and women were officially initiated into Alpha Psi Lambda. These individuals set the foundation for what is the nation's first and now largest co-ed Latino fraternity. The thirteen founders were Annette Saldivar, Annette Seda, Carolyn Christian, Clara Isern, Diana Acevedo, James Cordero, Juan Casimiro, Juan Vera, Marisol Lugo, Nancy Romo, Saddy Rivera, Tammy Harris, and Yolanda Natal.

Alpha Psi Lambda was the first Latino-based fraternity established at a Big Ten school. It is a founding member of the National Association of Latino Fraternal Organizations (NALFO).

Important dates

May 18, 1984 – Several students attending a Hispanic leadership retreat noted a need for Latino organizations at The Ohio State University. An exploratory group, led by Dr. Josue Cruz, Assistant Vice Provost to the Office of Minority Affairs, was formed to research possible fraternities and sororities. After reviewing their findings, the group decided to start a new Latino Greek organization.

February 11, 1985 – Alpha Psi Lambda was established at The Ohio State University.

March 10, 1985 – Thirteen individuals were officially initiated as the founders of Alpha Psi Lambda.

September 25, 1992 – Alpha Psi Lambda was officially recognized as a National organization.

Present – Alpha Psi Lambda has grown to include 37 collegiate Chapters and 6 Affiliate Chapters with over 3,500 members.

Purposes and mission

The 8 purposes of Alpha Psi Lambda are:

  1. Serve the University Campus, and Community.
  2. Bring forth on a scholastic level, Hispanics/Latinos and others at the University on the Basis of Friendship.
  3. Provide a supplementary educational, social and cultural experience for the mutual cultivation of its members.
  4. Advocate for the needs and concerns of the Hispanic/Latino students.
  5. Promote a basis for the diversity of the Hispanic/Latino cultures.
  6. Enhance the educational experience through social and cultural activities, and assist in the development of members' leadership abilities.
  7. Promote inter-fraternity relations.
  8. Foster positive relations between the Greek system, University/Campus Administration and the outside community.

The Mission of Alpha Psi Lambda is:

To promote continued personal and collective growth of our membership, success and unity through education, leadership, cultural awareness and community service.

Chapters of Alpha Psi Lambda

Undergraduate chapters are present at the following schools:[3]

ChapterYearFounding LineUniversityLocation
Alpha1985Los PrimerosThe Ohio State UniversityColumbus, OH
Beta1988La FamiliaUniversity of Illinois at Urbana–ChampaignChampaign, IL
Gamma1989Los DedicadosNorthern Illinois UniversityDeKalb, IL
Delta1991Los OriginadoresSouthern Methodist UniversityDallas, TX
Epsilon1991Los PredestinadosPurdue University NorthwestHammond, IN
Zeta1993Los InvenciblesUniversity of Illinois at ChicagoChicago, IL
Eta1996Los FielesOhio UniversityAthens, OH
Theta1996Los CaballerosUniversity of CincinnatiCincinnati, OH
Iota1996Los PrestigiososDePaul UniversityChicago, IL
Kappa1997Los IluminadosKent State UniversityKent, OH
Lambda1998AztlánIllinois State UniversityNormal, IL
Mu1999Los SobresalientesUniversity of HoustonHouston, TX
Nu2001Los EsperadosUniversity of ToledoToledo, OH
Xi2001Los InmortalesLoyola University ChicagoChicago, IL
Omicron2003Los IniciadoresTexas A&M International UniversityLaredo, TX
Pi2003FuerzaTexas State UniversitySan Marcos, TX
Rho2005La LuchaNortheastern Illinois UniversityChicago, IL
Sigma2005El EncendimientoUniversity of TexasAustin, TX
Tau2006El Año De Las LucesTexas Tech UniversityLubbock, TX
Upsilon2006Los DeseadosFlorida Atlantic UniversityBoca Raton, FL
Phi2009La DevociónPrairie View A&M UniversityPrairie View, TX
Chi2012DominaciónLewis UniversityRomeoville, IL
Psi2013Los CaciquesNorthern Kentucky UniversityHighland Heights, KY
Alpha Alpha2013PatriaCoastal Carolina UniversityConway, SC
Alpha Beta2013La FronteraUniversity of Texas Rio Grande ValleyBrownsville, TX & Edinburg, TX
Alpha Gamma2014DivergenciaCalifornia State University, SacramentoSacramento, CA
Alpha Delta2014La DinastiaSouthern Illinois University EdwardsvilleEdwardsville, IL
Alpha Epsilon2015La TormentaUniversity of Michigan - DearbornDearborn, MI
Alpha Zeta2015El CuartelejoColorado State University - PuebloPueblo, CO
Alpha Eta2016Los AliadosEastern Illinois UniversityCharleston, IL
Alpha Theta2016Espíritus ResilientesUniversity of North Carolina WilmingtonWilmington, NC
Alpha Iota2016La FundaciónWestern Illinois UniversityMacomb, IL
Alpha Kappa2017El ReinoUniversity of St. FrancisJoliet, IL
Alpha Lambda 2016 Los Chiquillos Washington State University Pullman, WA
Alpha Mu 2018 Los Profundos Washington University in St. Louis St. Louis, MO
Alpha Nu 2018 Los Innovadores University of Dayton Dayton, OH
Alpha Xi 2017 DAUNTLESS University of Lynchburg Lynchburg, VA

Affiliate Chapters of Alpha Psi Lambda

Undergraduate Affiliate Chapters are present at the following schools:[4]

Affiliate ChapterYearFounding LineUniversityLocation
Affiliate Chapter2015TikalVillanova UniversityVillanova, PA
Affiliate Chapter2018La OportunidadLindenwood UniversitySt. Charles, MO
Affiliate Chapter2018Los RapsódicosState University of New York at FredoniaFredonia, NY
Affiliate Chapter2019TauroBradley UniversityPeoria, IL
Affiliate Chapter 2019 Dinámicos Sewanee: The University of the South Sewanee, TN
Affiliate Chapter 2020 La Recíedumbre Illinois Wesleyan University Bloomington, IL
gollark: <@!670366060872073276> DO NOT golang.
gollark: > golang
gollark: Implement Minoteaur 7.5?
gollark: (this is in fact an actual thing Intel is doing)
gollark: Just stack two M0.5s on each other, silly.


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