9th Legislative Yuan

The Ninth Legislative Yuan is a session of the Legislative Yuan of Taiwan, from 1 February 2016 to 31 January 2020. Members were elected in the 16 January 2016 legislative election. The ruling Democratic Progressive Party control the Legislative Yuan for the first time. The next legislative election was held on January 11, 2020 for the Tenth Legislative Yuan.[1]

Ninth Legislative Yuan
8th 10th
Legislative bodyLegislative Yuan
Meeting placeLegislative Yuan Building
Term1 February 2016 – 31 January 2020
Election2016 Taiwanese legislative election
GovernmentExecutive Yuan of Lin Chuan
Executive Yuan of William Lai
Second Executive Yuan of Su Tseng-chang
SpeakerSu Jia-chyuan (DPP)
Deputy SpeakerTsai Chi-chang
Secretary GeneralLin Chih-chia
Majority LeaderKer Chien-ming (DPP)
Minority LeaderJohnny Chiang (KMT)
9th Legislative Yuan members on February 1, 2016.
Seat composition for the 9th Legislative Yuan
  DPP (68)
  KMT (35)
  NPP (5)
  PFP (3)
  NPSU (1)
  Independent (1)
Su Jia-chyuan (DPP), speaker of Legislative Yuan (Party list)
Tsai Chi-chang (DPP), deputy speaker of Legislative Yuan (Taichung 1)

The list is arranged by single-member constituency (district) and party-list proportional representation.

Single-member Constituency

Yao Wen-chih (DPP, Taipei 2). Resigned in November 2018 to run for Mayor of Taipei
Chiang Wan-an (KMT, Taipei 3)
Huang Kuo-chang (NPP, New Taipei 12)
Apollo Chen (KMT, Taoyuan 3)
Ker Chien-ming (DPP, Hsinchu City). Leader of the DPP in the Legislative Yuan.
Changhua County1st Ko Cheng-fang柯呈坊Kuomintang
2nd Huang Hsiu-fangHuáng Xiùfāng黃秀芳Democratic Progressive Party
3rd Hung Chin-yiHóng Zōngyì洪宗熠Democratic Progressive Party
4th Chen Su-yuehChén Sùyuè陳素月Democratic Progressive Party
Chiayi City Lee Chun-yiLǐ Jùnyì李俊俋Democratic Progressive Party
Chiayi County1st Tsai Yi-yuCài Yìyú蔡易餘Democratic Progressive Party
2nd Chen Ming-wenChén Míngwén陳明文Democratic Progressive Party
Hsinchu City Ker Chien-mingKē Jiànmíng柯建銘Democratic Progressive Party
Hsinchu County Lin Wei-chouLín Wèizhōu林為洲Kuomintang
Hualien County Hsiao Bi-khimXiāo Měiqín蕭美琴Democratic Progressive Party
Kaohsiung City1st Chiu Yi-yingQiū Yìyíng邱議瑩Democratic Progressive Party
2nd Chiu Chih-weiQiū Zhìwěi邱志偉Democratic Progressive Party
3rd Liu Shyh-fangLiú Shìfāng劉世芳Democratic Progressive Party
4th Lin Tai-huaLín Dàihuà林岱樺Democratic Progressive Party
5th Kuan Bi-lingGuǎn Bìlíng管碧玲Democratic Progressive Party
6th Lee Kun-tseLǐ Kūnzé李昆澤Democratic Progressive Party
7th Chao Tien-linZhào Tiānlín趙天麟Democratic Progressive Party
8th Hsu Chih-chiehXǔ Zhìjié許智傑Democratic Progressive Party
9th Lai Jui-lungLài Ruìlóng賴瑞隆Democratic Progressive Party
Keelung Tsai Shih-yingCài Shìyìng蔡適應Democratic Progressive Party
Kinmen County Chen Yu-chenIndependent
Lienchiang County Chen Hsueh-shengChén Xuěshēng陳雪生Kuomintang
Miaoli County1st Chen Chao-mingChén Chāomíng陳超明Kuomintang
2nd Hsu Chih-jungXú Zhìróng徐志榮Kuomintang
Nantou County1st Ma Wen-chunMǎ Wénjūn馬文君Kuomintang
2nd Hsu Shu-huaXǔ Shūhuá許淑華Kuomintang
New Taipei City1st Lu Sun-lingLǚ Sūnlíng呂孫綾Democratic Progressive Party
2nd Lin Shu-fenLín Shūfēn林淑芬Democratic Progressive Party
3rd Yu TianYú Tiān余天Democratic Progressive Party
4th Wu Ping-juiWú Bǐngruì吳秉叡Democratic Progressive Party
5th Su Chiao-huiSū Qiǎohuì蘇巧慧Democratic Progressive Party
6th Chang Hung-luZhāng Hónglù張宏陸Democratic Progressive Party
7th Lo Chih-chengLuó Zhìzhèng羅致政Democratic Progressive Party
8th Chiang Yung-changJiāng Yǒngchāng江永昌Democratic Progressive Party
9th Lin Te-fuLín Défú林德福Kuomintang
10th Wu Chi-mingWú Qímíng吳琪銘Democratic Progressive Party
11th Lo Ming-tsaiLuó Míngcái羅明才Kuomintang
12th Huang Kuo-changHuáng Guóchāng黃國昌New Power Party
Penghu County Yang YaoYáng Yào楊曜Democratic Progressive Party
Pingtung County1st Su Chen-chingSū Zhènqīng蘇震清Democratic Progressive Party
2nd Chung Chia-pinZhōng Jiābīn鍾佳濱Democratic Progressive Party
3rd Chuang Jui-hsiungZhuāng Ruìxióng莊瑞雄Democratic Progressive Party
Taichung City1st Tsai Chi-changCài Qíchāng蔡其昌Democratic Progressive Party
2nd Yen Kuan-hengYán Kuānhéng顏寬恒Kuomintang
3rd Hung Tzu-yungHóng Cíyōng洪慈庸New Power Party/Independent
4th Chang Liao Wan-chienZhāng-Liào Wànjiān張廖萬堅Democratic Progressive Party
5th Shen Chih-hweiShĕn Zhìhuì沈智慧Kuomintang
6th Huang Kuo-shuHuáng Guóshū黃國書Democratic Progressive Party
7th Ho Hsin-chunHé Xīnchún何欣純Democratic Progressive Party
8th Johnny ChiangJiāng Qǐchén江啟臣Kuomintang
Tainan City1st Yeh Yi-jinYè Yíjīn葉宜津Democratic Progressive Party
2nd Kuo Kuo-wenGuō Guówén郭國文Democratic Progressive Party
3rd Chen Ting-feiChén Tíngfēi陳亭妃Democratic Progressive Party
4th Lin Chun-hsienLín Jùnxiàn林俊憲Democratic Progressive Party
5th Wang Ting-yuWáng Dìngyǔ王定宇Democratic Progressive Party
Taipei City1st Rosalia WuWú Sīyáo吳思瑤Democratic Progressive Party
2nd Ho Chih-weiHe Zhìwěi何志偉Democratic Progressive Party
3rd Chiang Wan-anJiǎng Wàn'ān蔣萬安Kuomintang
4th Lee Yen-hsiuLǐ Yànxiù李彥秀Kuomintang
5th Freddy LimLín Chǎngzuǒ林昶佐New Power Party/Independent
6th Chiang Nai-shinJiǎng Nǎixīn蔣乃辛Kuomintang
7th Alex FaiFèi Hóngtài費鴻泰Kuomintang
8th Lai Shyh-baoLài Shìbǎo賴士葆Kuomintang
Taitung County Liu Chao-haoLiú Zhàoháo劉櫂豪Democratic Progressive Party
Taoyuan City1st Cheng Yun-pengZhèng Yùnpéng鄭運鵬Democratic Progressive Party
2nd Chen Lai Su-meiChén-Lài Sùměi陳賴素美Democratic Progressive Party
3rd Apollo ChenChén Xuéshèng陳學聖Kuomintang
4th Cheng Pao-chingZhèng Bǎoqīng鄭寶清Democratic Progressive Party
5th Lu Yu-lingLǚ Yùlíng呂玉玲Kuomintang
6th Chao Cheng-yuZhào Zhèngyǔ趙正宇Independent
Yilan County Chen Ou-poChén Ōupò陳歐珀Democratic Progressive Party
Yunlin County1st Su Chih-fenSū Zhìfēn蘇治芬Democratic Progressive Party
2nd Liu Chien-kuoLiú Jiànguó劉建國Democratic Progressive Party
Lowland Aborigine
(3 seats)
Sra KacawZhèng Tiāncái鄭天財Kuomintang
Chen YingChén Yíng陳瑩Democratic Progressive Party
Liao Kuo-tungLiào Guódòng廖國棟Kuomintang
Highland Aborigine
(3 seats)
Kung Wen-chiKǒng Wénjí孔文吉Kuomintang
Chien Tung-mingJiǎn Dōngmíng簡東明Kuomintang
Kao Chin Su-meiGāo-Jīn Sùméi高金素梅Non-Partisan Solidarity Union

Party-list Proportional Representation

Democratic Progressive Party
1 Wu Kuen-yuhWú Kūnyù吳焜裕Democratic Progressive Party
2 Wu Yu-chinWú Yùqín吳玉琴Democratic Progressive Party
3 Chen Man-liChén Mànlì陳曼麗Democratic Progressive Party
5 Frida TsaiCài Péihuì蔡培慧Democratic Progressive Party
6 Wang Jung-changWáng Róngzhāng王榮璋Democratic Progressive Party
8 Karen YuYú Wǎnrú余宛如Democratic Progressive Party
9 Su Jia-chyuanSū Jiāquán蘇嘉全Democratic Progressive Party
10 Tuan Yi-kangDuàn Yíkāng段宜康Democratic Progressive Party
13 Yu Mei-nuYóu Měinǚ尤美女Democratic Progressive Party
14 Lee Ying-yuanLǐ Yīngyuán李應元Democratic Progressive Party
16 Lin Ching-yiLín Jìngyí林靜儀Democratic Progressive Party
18 Chou Chun-miZhōu Chūnmǐ周春米Democratic Progressive Party
19 Shih Yi-fangShī Yìfāng施義芳Democratic Progressive Party
20 Lee Li-fengLǐ Lìfēn李麗芬Democratic Progressive Party
21 Julian Kuo郭正亮Democratic Progressive Party
22 Chiu Tai-yuan邱泰源Democratic Progressive Party
23 Chiang Chieh-an蔣絜安Democratic Progressive Party
24 Chen Ching-min陳靜敏Democratic Progressive Party
1 Wang Jin-pyngWáng Jīnpíng王金平Kuomintang
2 Ko Chih-enKē Zhì'ēn柯志恩Kuomintang
3 Arthur ChenChén Yímín陳宜民Kuomintang
4 Lin Li-chanLín Lìchán林麗蟬Kuomintang
5 Jason HsuXǔYùrén許毓仁Kuomintang
6 Tseng Ming-chungCéng Míngzōng曾銘宗Kuomintang
7 Huang Chao-shunHuáng Zhāoshùn黃昭順Kuomintang
8 John WuWú Zhìyáng吳志揚Kuomintang
12 Alicia WangWáng Yùmǐn王育敏Kuomintang
14 Lin Yih-hwa林奕華Kuomintang
15 Jennifer Tung童惠珍Kuomintang
People First Party
1 Lee Hung-chunLǐ Hóngjūn李鴻鈞People First Party
2 Chen Yi-chiehChén Yíjié陳怡潔People First Party
3 Chou Chen Hsiu-hsiaZhōu Chén Xiùxiá周陳秀霞People First Party
New Power Party
1 Jang Show-lingZhèng Xiùlíng鄭秀玲New Power Party
2 Hsu Yung-mingXú Yǒngmíng徐永明New Power Party

Members resigned during tenure

NationwideCheng Li-chunZhèng Lìjūn鄭麗君Democratic Progressive PartyAppointed as Minister of Culture (20 May 2016)
NationwideLee Ying-yuanLǐ Yīngyuán李應元Democratic Progressive PartyAppointed as Minister of Environmental Protection Administration, Executive Yuan (20 May 2016)
NationwideWellington KooGù Lìxióng顧立雄Democratic Progressive PartyAppointed as Chairperson of Ill-gotten Party Assets Settlement Committee (1 September 2016)
NationwideHsu Kuo-yungXú Guóyǒng徐國勇Democratic Progressive PartyAppointed as Spokesperson of Executive Yuan (1 October 2016)
NationwideKolas YotakaGǔlàsī Yóudákǎ谷辣斯·尤達卡Democratic Progressive PartyAppointed as Spokesperson of Executive Yuan (16 July 2018)
NationwideChang Li-shanZhāng Lìshàn張麗善KuomintangRunning in election (2 November 2018)
NationwideChen Chi-maiChén Qímài陳其邁Democratic Progressive PartyRunning in election (3 November 2018)
Taipei 2ndPasuya YaoYáo Wénzhì姚文智Democratic Progressive PartyRunning in election (18 November 2018)
Taichung 5thLu Shiow-yenLú Xìuyàn盧秀燕KuomintangRunning in election (20 November 2018)
Changhua 1stWang Huei-meiWáng Huìměi王惠美KuomintangElected as Magistrate of Changhua County (25 December 2018)
Tainan 2ndHuang Wei-cherHuáng Wěizhé黃偉哲Democratic Progressive PartyElected as Mayor of Tainan City (25 December 2018)
NationwideHsu Chen-weiXú Zhēnwèi徐榛蔚KuomintangElected as Magistrate of Hualien County (25 December 2018)
Kinmen CountyYang Cheng-wuYáng Zhènwú楊鎮浯KuomintangElected as Magistrate of Kinmen County (25 December 2018)
New Taipei 3rdGao Jyh-pengGāo Zhìpéng高志鵬Democratic Progressive PartyRemoved from office upon conviction (26 December 2018)
NationwideKawlo Iyun PacidalGāolù Yǐyòng Bājǐlá高潞·以用·巴魕剌New Power PartyRemoved from legislature after revocation of party membership (2 September 2019)
gollark: What I did last time as a custom node application to download all the files from their sources, but that was annoying to update.
gollark: Do you have some way to automatically download it for everyone? I'd rather not go through it by hand.
gollark: It would be running on spare capacity on my webserver, but I've used it for that before and it was okay with about 50 mods and a reasonably sized base.
gollark: That's basically creative mode.
gollark: There is also the question of what to have in the modpack.


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