2011 Formula Renault seasons

This article describes all the 2011 seasons of Formula Renault series across the world.

2011 Formula Renault
Previous: 2010 Next: 2012

Formula Renault 3.5L

Formula Renault 2.0L

2011 Formula Renault 2.0 Eurocup season

2011 Formula Renault 2.0 Northern European Cup season

2011 Formula Renault 2.0 Alps season

2011 Formula Renault 2.0 UK season

2011 Formula Renault BARC season

2011 Formula Renault 2.0 Italia season

  • Point system : 32, 28, 24, 22, 20, 18, 16, 14, 12, 10, 8, 6, 4, 2, 1 for 15th. In each race 2 points for Fastest lap and 2 for Pole position in race 1.
  • Races : 2 race by rounds length of 30 minutes each.
Pos[1][2] Driver Team Monza
March 26–27
May 7–8
May 28–29
Red Bull Ring
June 11–12
July 23–24
September 24–25
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
1 Andrea Boffo Team Torino Motorsport 7 1 4 3 4 4 1 5 2 1 4 5 302
2 Omar Mambretti Team Torino Motorsport 2 11 2 2 5 1 4 7 5 2 3 4 276
3 Christian Mancinelli GSK Motorsport 1 Ret 6 1 1 17 5 2 1 13 1 2 266
4 Tommaso Menchini GSK Motorsport 6 4 3 4 3 3 2 4 Ret Ret 2 7 228
5 Nicola De Val Viola Formula Racing 3 3 22 5 7 13 3 1 4 6 7 6 224
6 Stefano De Val Viola Formula Racing 4 12 5 7 Ret 9 8 6 6 Ret 5 1 184
7 Simone Taloni Winner Motorsport 8 10 6 2 9 Ret 9 5 8 9 140
8 Alberto Agresta MG Motorsport 7 9 2 Ret Ret 7 6 3 114
9 Luis Michael Dörrbecker Team Costa Rica / Facondini Racing 8 13 15 Ret 11 6 6 3 Ret 12 10 Ret 103
10 Patrick Gobbo Team Torino Motorsport 5 2 9 11 8 7 98
11 Claudio Maria Castiglioni CO2 Motorsport Ret 7 Ret 13 9 5 7 8 9 14 96
12 Emanuele Piva Viola Formula Racing 13 6 10 10 10 4 15 10 85
13 Matteo Ciccaglioni SG Motors 9 14 1 15 Ret 8 Ret 16 61
14 Luca Defendi GSK Motorsport 7 8 14 11 Ret 8 54
15 Andrea Baiguera CO2 Motorsport 11 10 21 16 13 11 11 Ret 13 Ret 42
16 Angelo Mezzatesta Facondini Racing 12 8 11 Ret 12 12 40
17 Valeria Vanessa Carballo Berroteran Team Costa Rica / Facondini Racing 13 9 Ret 18 16 DNS Ret Ret 8 Ret Ret 11 38
17 Pierluigi Veronesi CO2 Motorsport Ret 5 14 12 Ret 15 31
19 Luca Mingotti AP Motorsport 10 8 15 14 29
20 James Adams Team Costa Rica / Facondini Racing 10 6 28
21 Stefano Turchetto TS Corse 3 15 27
22 Kevin Gilardoni Team Torino Motorsport Ret 3 24
23 Pietro Peccenini TS Corse 12 9 18
24 David Richert Team Torino Motorsport 16 20 13 10 14
25 Matteo Pollini CO2 Motorsport 11 12 14
26 Gabriele Larini Team Torino Motorsport 15 Ret 12 13 11
27 Juan Carlos Sistos Team Costa Rica / Facondini Racing 12 14 17 16 8
28 Laura Polidori LP Motorsport 14 14 4
29 Gianni Alessandria Team Costa Rica / Facondini Racing 14 15 3
Hervé Clement GTRO 17 19 0
Emanuele Mari GSK Motorsport Ret 17 0
Michel Mora GTRO 18 21 0
Christian Ruiz GTRO 19 23 0
Gilles Charpentier GTRO 20 22 0
Pos[2] Team Points
1 Team Torino Motorsport 590
2 GSK Motorsport 464
3 Viola Formula Racing 408
4 Team Costa Rica / Facondini Racing 195
5 CO2 Motorsport 149
6 Winner Motorsport 140
7 MG Motorsport 114
8 TS Corse 45
9 AP Motorsport 29
10 Facondini Racing 28

2011 Asian Formula Renault Challenge season

  • Point system : 30, 24, 20, 17, 15, 13, 11, 9, 7, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 for 14th. No points for Fastest lap or Pole position. Drivers, that start their season at round 5 or later, don't receive any points for the final standing. The team point attribution is different from the driver point system : 10, 8, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.
  • Races : 2 races by rounds.
  • All races were held in China.

The Asian Challenge Category (A) reward the best Asian driver.

Pos[3][4] Driver Team Zhuhai
7–8 May
28–29 May
18–19 June
20–21 August
22–23 October
10–11 December
Points Points
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
1 Leopold Ringbom PS Racing 1 5 5 4 1 Ret 1 1 1 1 2 2 275 N/E
2 Yuki Shiraishi PS Racing 1 1 2 1 3 2 Ret 2 1 1 242 264
3 Alexandra Asmasoebrata PS Racing 2 3 3 6 6 3 9 5 4 10 3 5 182 224
4 Kazuhiro Saeki Champ Motorsport 4 3 2 4 4 3 115 138
5 Diana Rosario Gold Wolf Racing Team 7 Ret 5 4 6 8 8 6 Ret 6 91 112
6 Timothy Teo Champ Motorsport (1–2)
Asia Racing Team (3–12)
3 Ret 6 9 Ret 2 Ret 7 Ret 8 84 102
7 Victor Yung Champ Motorsport 5 4 7 6 6 7 80 96
8 Li Chi Cong Asia Racing Team 6 2 2 7 72 88
9 Juan Arenas Gold Wolf Racing Team 4 1 Ret 5 62 N/E
10 Patrice Bonzom PS Racing 7 6 5 8 7 Ret 57 N/A
11 Alexey Karachev Champ Motorsport Ret 2 3 Ret 44 N/E
12 Angelo Negro Audax / PS Racing 3 5 35 39
13 Sunny Wong Champ Motorsport 6 3 33 44
14 Tsutomu Achiha Champ Motorsport 4 5 32 39
15 Leo Ye FRD Racing Team 5 4 32 37
16 Shigetomo Shimono Champ Motorsport 5 4 32 37
17 Kei Yamaura Albirex Racing Team 8 3 29 35
18 Matthew Lock Gold Wolf Racing Team Ret 8 8 7 29 39
19 Thomas Chow Asia Racing Team DNS 8 8 9 25 35
20 Lam Kam San FRD Racing Team 7 6 24 32
21 Martin Cao FRD Racing Team 2 DSQ 24 30
22 Alan Lee FRD Racing Team Ret 10 7 9 23 43
23 Wai Kai Un Champ Motorsport 8 7 24 28
24 Wu Ruo Peng FRD Racing Team 8 7 20 28
25 Francis Tjia OpenRoad Racing 4 DNS 17 17
26 Chacky Ip Champ Motorsport 9 11 11 16
27 Guille Pintanel Champ Motorsport DNS 8 5 N/E
28 BJ Cook PS Racing DNS DNS 0 N/E
Pos[4][5] Team Points Points
1 PS Racing 110 80
2 Champ Motorsport 85 99
3 FRD Racing Team 55 71
4 Asia Racing Team 36 45
5 Gold Wolf Racing Team 22 10
6 Audax / PS Racing 12 0
7 Albirex Racing Team 9 10
8 OpenRoad Racing 6 6

Formula Renault 1.6L

2011 French F4 Championship season

Replace the F4 Eurocup 1.6.

Other Formulas powered by Renault championships

2011 GP2 Series seasons

The GP2 Series and GP2 Asia Series are powered by 4 litre Renault V8 engines and Pirelli tyres with a new Dallara chassis.

2011 GP3 Series seasons

2011 Austria Formel Renault Cup season

The season will be probably held on 14 rounds in 7 venues in Czech Republic, Germany, Belgium and Austria. The races occur with other categories cars: Austrian Formula 3, Formelfrei and Formula 3,5L like (Renault 3,5L from World Series, Lola Cosworth). This section present only the Austrian Formula Renault 2.0L classification.

  • Point system : 20, 15, 12, 10, 8, 6, 4, 3, 2, 1 for 10th. No points for Fastest lap or Pole position.
Pos[6] Driver Team Hockenheim
April 2
Red Bull Ring
May 21–22
June 11–12
July 9–10
July 22–23
August 6–7
October 14–15
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
1 Thomas Amweg Equipe Bernoise 2 3 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 3 2 3 2 2 211
2 Thomas Aregger Thomas Aregger DNS 2 1 1 3 DNS 4 1 3 1 5 2 1 1 192
3 Kurt Böhlen Equipe Bernoise (1–2, 7–12) ; Böhlen Motorsport (3–4, 13–14) 3 1 3 3 1 1 3 3 2 4 3 1 Ret Ret 177
4 Steeve Gerard SG Racing 6 4 4 4 4 3 9 6 4 2 6 7 Ret DNS 101
5 Manuel Amweg Equipe Bernoise 4 Ret 7 5 Ret 4 5 5 4 8 3 3 85
6 Gregory Striebig Team One 5 6 5 5 6 6 6 Ret DNS 6 8 9 4 Ret 69
7 Kai Boller Franz Wöss Racing (1–8) ; Kai Boller (11–12) 1 8 2 DNS 1 5 66
8 Remy Striebig Team One 7 5 7 8 8 8 7 7 7 8 7 10 8 7 52
9 Remy Kirchdörffer Team One 8 DNS 6 6 5 7 Ret 8 6 7 9 6 9 DNS 50
10 Marlene Dietrich Keese Motorsport (7–8) ; Marlene Dietrich (9–14) 5 5 Ret 13 5 4 34
11 Stefan Scho Stefan Scho Ret 7 Ret 4 8 DNS 6 6 29
12 Philippe Leclere Philippe Leclere 9 9 9 9 10 9 10 11 12
13 David Palmi Palmi Motorsport 10 4 11
14 Toomas Annus Scuderia Nordica 8 DNS 9 10 10 9 9
15 Hubertus Carlos Vier Hubertus Carlos Vier 12 5 8
16 Christophe Weber Christophe Weber 8 9 5
Madis Kasemets Scuderia Nordica 7 10 5
18 Agris Stanevics Scuderia Nordica Ret 7 11 12 4
19 Frank Nowak Frank Nowak 11 8 3
20 Dr. Ruthard Boller Franz Wöss Racing 10 10 2

2011 Formula 2000 Light season

This is the fourth season of the Formula 2000 Light held in Italy. The series use Tatuus Formula Renault or Dallara Formula 3 chassis with 2000 cc maximum engines and Michelin tyres. Last year a Formula 2000 Top without Tatuus chassis and less powerful Formula 1600 Light (1.6L) classes was introduced and raced mixed up with the main F2000 class.[7] Since this season it partly races together with the Formula 3000 Light.

  • Point system : 32, 28, 24, 22, 20, 18, 16, 14, 12, 10, 8, 6, 4, 2, 1 for 15th. In each race 2 point for Fastest lap. 3 points for Pole position in first race.
  • Races : 2 races by rounds.
  • All races were held in Italy.

The F2000 championship reward several sub categories :

  • Over 35 : for drivers older than 35 years old (+).
  • Under 17 : for drivers younger than 17 years old (-).
  • Formula 3 : for drivers using Formula 3 chassis (F3).
  • Team : for racing team involved in all venues.

The rounds a and b held in Imola, March 19–20 are the opening series and don't reward points.

Pos[8] Driver Team Imola
19–20 March
9–10 April
30 April–1 May
21–22 May
1–2 July
3–4 September
1–2 October
a b 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
1 Antonino Pellitteri (FA) Tomcat Racing 4 13 2 4 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 5 3 3 349
2 Baldassare Curatolo (-) (L) Durango (1–8) ; GSK Motorsport (9–12) 5 5 3 2 4 7 2 2 3 1 8 9 273
3 Simone Gatto (+) (L) TS Corse Ret 8 4 6 2 3 2 4 3 3 7 3 4 14† 254
4 Pietro Peccenini (+) (L) TS Corse 9 12 10 9 4 5 3 2 4 5 5 4 6 5 238
5 Francesco Mingione (L) GSK Motorsport 13† 12 8 8 8 5 7 8 6 2 12 10 164
6 Alfredo Maisto (+) (L) (FA 9–12) Di e Gi Motorsport 7 13† 7 3 2 7† 7 12† 126
7 Yoshiki Ohmura (FA) Tomcat Racing (1–8) ; Squadra Corse.ch (11) 8 11 7 7 6 6 8 7 13 124
8 Luca Marco Spiga (F3) GTR Racing 12† 3 1 2 95
9 Matteo Pollini (L) LineRace (1–2) ; CO2 Motorsport (5–8) 11 8 9† 9† 5 4 88
10 Paolo Coppi (F3) LineRace (A–2) ; PureSport (11–12) Ret 4 9 DNS 2 1 72
11 Francesco Frisone (F3) Alan Racing 1 1 71
12 Paolo Viero (+ 11–12) (F3 A–B) (L 11–12) LineRace (A–B) ; GSK Motorsport (5–6) ; CO2 Motorsport (11–12) Ret 7 5 1 11 11 68
13 Marco Pollara (FA) Tomcat Racing 4 6 10 6 68
14 Enrico Garbelli (+) (L) AP Motorsport 5 4 42
15 Luca Mingotti (+) (L) AP Motorsport 3 7 40
16 Paolo Collivadino (+) (L) Sarchio Racing 8 10 6 4 40
17 Federico Porri (+) (L) Keks Motorsport 5 6 14† 40
18 Marcus Jardin GSK Motorsport 14† 2 30
19 Gabriele Larini (L) Torino Motorsport 6 10 28
20 Andrea Baiguera (L) CO2 Motorsport / Brixia 10 9 10† 6 28
21 Piero Longhi (+) (L) CO2 Motorsport 9 7 28
22 Paolo Poletii (FA) CO2 Motorsport 9 9† 24
23 Markus Ebner (+) (L) CO2 Motorsport (7–8) ; TS Corse (11–12) 6 DSQ Ret 13† 22
24 Maurizio Copetti (F3) PureSport 15† 8 15
25 Antonino Pellegrino (FM) Pellegrino Racing Ret 0
26 Enrico Milani (F3) PureSport Ret 0
The following drivers are not eligible to final standing
Mauro Calamia Daltec-Interwetten 1 2 0
Christof von Grünigen Daltec-Interwetten 2 1 0
Giorgio Roda (FA) Cram Competition 3 3 0
Tommaso Menchini (L) GSK Motorsport 5 6 0
Emanuele Mari (L) CG Motorsport 6 11 0
Nicolò Rocca Daltec-Interwetten 7 5 0

† = Did not finish but classified for standing

  • (-) = Indicate drivers younger than 17 years old.
  • (+) = Indicate drivers older than 35 years old.
  • (L) = Indicate drivers driving in the Light Class
  • (FA)= Formula Abarth
  • (FM)= Formula Master
  • (F3)= Indicate drivers using Dallara or Mygale Formula 3 chassis.
  • (FG)= Formula Gloria
  • (w) = indicate women drivers
Pos Team Points
1 Tomcat Racing 541
2 TS Corse 474
3 GSK Motorsport 58
4 Durango
5 Di e Gi Motorsport
6 LineRace
7 PureSport
8 CO2 Motorsport
9 AP Motorsport
10 Sarchio Racing
11 Keks Motorsport
12 Alan Racing
13 Team Torino Motorsport
14 Brixia
15 Pellegrino Racing

2011 Formula 2000 Light Winter Trophy

  • Point system: 32, 28, 24, 22, 20, 18, 16, 14, 12, 10, 8, 6, 4, 2, 1 for 15th. Also 3 points for pole position and 2 for fasted lap.
Pos Driver Team Varano
12–13 November
1 2
1 Massimo Torre (F3) Morrogh 1 1 69
2 Luca Marco Spiga (F3) GTR Racing 2 3 57
3 Pietro Peccenini (+) (L) TS Corse 6 2 46
4 Jakub Śmiechowski Europol Competition 3 9† 36
5 Alfredo Maisto (+) (FA) Di e Gi Motorsport 7 5 36
6 Marco Zanasi (+) (FA) Di e Gi Motorsport 4 11† 30
7 Simone Gatto (+) (L) TS Corse 5 10† 30
8 Yoshiki Ohmura (FA) Tomcat Racing 9 7 28
9 Daniele Cazzaniga (L) Di e Gi Motorsport 13† 4 26
10 Markus Ebner (+) (L) TS Corse 11 6 26
11 Remy Kirchdoerffer Team France 10 8 24
12 Dino Lusuardi (F3) Lusuardi Racing 8 DNS 14
13 Giovanni Ciccarelli (F3) Morrogh 12† DNS 6
Pos Team Points
1 / Henry Morrogh 77
2 Di e Gi Motorsport 66
3 TS Corse 64
4 ... ...

2011 Formula Renault 2.0 Argentina season

All cars use Tito 02 chassis.

  • Point system : 20, 15, 12, 10, 8, 6, 4, 3, 2, 1 for 10th. 1 point for Pole position. 1 extra point in each race for regularly qualified drivers.
Pos Driver Team Gen. Roca
March 13
Santa Fe
April 10
San Martín
May 1
San Juan
May 22

June 5
June 26
Río Hondo
July 17
La Plata
August 21
September 11
October 2
Potrero d. l. F.
November 6
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
1 Rodrigo Rogani Litoral Group 1 1 1 7 24 71
2 Bruno Etman Gabriel Werner Comp. 4 3 2 3 5 62
3 Franco Girolami HRC Proteam (1–3) ; Gabriel Werner Comp. (4–) 2 28 19 2 1 56
4 Gianfranco Collino Litoral Group 18 17 3 1 3 51
5 Mario Gerbaldo Gabriel Werner Comp. (1–3) ; Werner Competición (4–) 5 5 6 5 2 50
6 Ayrton Molina Gabriel Werner Comp. 3 4 18 8 23 30
7 Facundo Conta Werner Junior 8 14 7 4 7 26
8 Antonino García FIV Fórmula 6 2 12 20 25
9 Julián Santero Castro Racing 7 18 4 6 18 25
10 Agustín Calamari Werner Junior 28 6 11 23 4 21
11 Federico Moises Croizet Racing 20 19 5 26 6 19
12 Octavio Chagas Werner Competición 24 7 23 13 8 12
13 Agustín Giuliani Litoral Group 13 9 8 15 25 10
14 Gastón Rossi JLS Motorsport 10 8† 10 9 10
15 Oscar Conta FIV Fórmula 9 10 22 16 11 8
16 Carlos Javier Merlo Corza Racing 25 24 27 14 9 7
17 Matías Vidal Bouvier Racing 16 11 14 12 10 6
18 Matías Galetto FIV Fórmula 11 27 9 5
19 Marcos Muchiut Werner Competición 12 13 20 25 20 5
20 Emanuel Cáceres Cáceres Competición 15 20 15 21 12 5
21 Amadis Farina Bouvier Racing 31 23 24 24 17 5
22 Nicolás Meichtri HRC Proteam 29 22 25 19 19 5
23 Fernando Ayala Croizet Racing 17 16 16 18 14 5
24 Nicolás Cotignola Schick Team 23† 12 10 16 4
25 Manuel Luque Litoral Group 26 25 21 27 26† 4
26 Juan José Garriz Satorra Competición 14 WD† 13 11 15 4
27 Franco Mezzelani JLS Motorsport 19† 29 26 22 21 4
28 Matías Muñoz JLS Motorsport 30 17 22 3
29 Roberto Arato HRC Proteam 22 15 2
30 Franco Riva Riva Racing 27 21 2
31 Franco Ercoli Schick Team 21† 26 17 13† 2

† = Did not qualify regularly

Pos Team Points
1 Gabriel Werner Comp. 121
2 Litoral Group 114
3 Werner Junior 51?
4 Werner Competición 30
5 FIV Fórmula 26
6 HRC Proteam 15
7 Castro Racing 14
8 Croizet Racing 14
9 JLS Motorsport 6
10 Corza Racing 2
11 Schick Team 1
12 Bouvier Racing 1

2011 Fórmula Renault Plus season

The series is held partially on the same rounds than its secondary series Fórmula Renault Interprovencial. It use Crespi chassis.

  • Point system : 20, 15, 12, 10, 8, 6, 4, 3, 2, 1 for 10th. Extra 1 point for Pole position. All drivers receive 1 point for take part of the qualifying session.

2011 Fórmula Renault Interprovencial season

The series is held in the same rounds than its main series Fórmula Renault Plus.

  • Point system : 20, 15, 12, 10, 8, 6, 4, 3, 2, 1 for 10th. Extra 1 point for Pole position. All drivers receive 1 point for take part of the qualifying session.

2011 Fórmula Metropolitana season

The series is held in Argentina. Cars use the Renault Clio K4M engine (1598cc) with lower power than the former Fórmula 4 Nacional series held in 2007. Teams can choose chassis manufacturer (Crespi, Tulia, Tito...).

  • Point system : 20, 15, 12, 10, 8, 6, 4, 3, 2, 1 for 10th. Extra 1 point for Pole position and 1 point for completed race.
gollark: So when you have `(a, b, c, d)` that (conceptually) creates a new copy of `b`, changes to which won't affect the original variable `b`.
gollark: Basically, `b` is just an integer so it's copied each time it's used somewhere.
gollark: The issue is that `i` is thingied by value, not by reference.
gollark: It loops over each value of `(a, b, c, d)`.
gollark: Or be dynamically configurable per-array.


  1. Calendario e Risultati 2010 Archived 2009-06-22 at WebCite renaultsportitalia.it.
  2. Classifica renaultsportitalia.it
  3. AFR 2009 results Archived 2009-06-22 at WebCite frdsports.com
  4. 2010 AFR Points Table frdsports.com. Accessed 2009-08-25. Archived 2009-09-07.
  5. AFR Asian Category Points Table frdsports.com
  6. Austria Formel 3 Punktestand 2011 Archived 2012-02-22 at the Wayback Machine austriaf3cup.com. Accessed 2012-03-15.
  7. see Reglemento della serie 2010 Archived 2009-09-27 at WebCite formula2000light.com
  8. Formula 2000 Light, Classifiche formula2000light.com. Accessed 2009-09-23. Archived 2009-09-26.
Silver2nd place
Bronze3rd place
GreenFinished, in points
GreenRetired, in points
BlueFinished, no points
PurpleDid not finish (Ret)
Not classified (NC)
RedDid not qualify (DNQ)
BlackDisqualified (DSQ)
WhiteDid not start (DNS)
Withdrew (WD)
Blank Did not participate
Injured (INJ)
Excluded (EX)
Bold Pole position
* Fastest lap
spr Sprint Race
fea Feature Race
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