18th Parliament of Turkey

The 18th term of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey lasted from 29 November 1987 to 20 October 1991.[1] There were 450 MPs in the parliament. Motherland Party (ANAP) held the majority. Social Democrat Populist Party (SHP) and True Path Party (DYP) were the other parties.[2]

Main parliamentary milestones

Some of the important events in the history of the parliament are the following:[3]

List of members

AdanaAhmet Akgün AlbayrakMotherland Party
Ledin BarlasMotherland Party
Mehmet Ali BiliciMotherland Party
Yılmaz HocaoğluMotherland Party
Ersin KoçakMotherland Party
Mehmet PerçinMotherland Party
İbrahim ÖztürkMotherland Party
Mahmut KeçeliSocial Democratic Populist Party
İbrahim Cüneyt CanverSocial Democratic Populist Party
Abdullah Sedat DoğanSocial Democratic Populist Party
Mehmet CanSocial Democratic Populist Party
Mehmet Selahattin KılıçDemocrat Party
Orhan ŞendağDemocrat Party
Mehmet Halit DağlıDemocrat Party
AdıyamanArif AğaoğluMotherland Party
Zeynel AslanMotherland Party
Mehmet DeliceoğluMotherland Party
Abdurrahman KaramanMotherland Party
AfyonkarahisarMetin BalıbeyMotherland Party
Baki DurmazDemocrat Party
Mustafa KızıloğluMotherland Party
Hamdi ÖzsoyMotherland Party
Nihat TürkerMotherland Party
Abdullah UlutürkDemocrat Party
AğrıHasan Fecri AlpaslanMotherland Party
Cezmi EratMotherland Party
Yaşar EryılmazMotherland Party
Mehmet YaşarMotherland Party
AmasyaHasan Adnan TutkunMotherland Party
İsmet ÖzarslanMotherland Party
Mehmet Tahir KöseSocial Democratic Populist Party
Kazım UlusoySocial Democratic Populist Party
AnkaraMuzaffer AtılganMotherland Party
Tevfik ErtürkMotherland Party
Göksel KalaycıoğluMotherland Party
Onural Şeref BozkurtMotherland Party
Kamil Tuğrul CoşkunoğluMotherland Party
Mehmet ÇevikMotherland Party
Rıfat DikerMotherland Party
Hüseyin Barlas DoğuMotherland Party
Hazım KutayMotherland Party
Alpaslan PehlivanlıMotherland Party
Mehmet Sezai PekusluMotherland Party
Mehmet SağdıçMotherland Party
Halil ŞıvgınMotherland Party
Mustafa Rüştü TaşarMotherland Party
Ercan VuralhanMotherland Party
Zeki YavuztürkMotherland Party
Battal KarabulutMotherland Party
Eşref ErdemSocial Democratic Populist Party
Tevfik KoçakSocial Democratic Populist Party
İbrahim TezSocial Democratic Populist Party
Kamil AteşoğullarıSocial Democratic Populist Party
Rıza YılmazSocial Democratic Populist Party
Arif SağSocial Democratic Populist Party
Erol AğagilSocial Democratic Populist Party
Beşer BaydarSocial Democratic Populist Party
Ömer ÇiftçiSocial Democratic Populist Party
Yaşar YılmazSocial Democratic Populist Party
AntalyaAdil AydınDemocrat Party
Zekeriya BahçeciDemocrat Party
Deniz BaykalSocial Democratic Populist Party
Hasan ÇakırMotherland Party
Abdullah Cengiz DağyarMotherland Party
İbrahim DemirDemocrat Party
Hasan NamalDemocrat Party
Cengiz TuncerMotherland Party
ArtvinHasan EkinciDemocrat Party
Bahattin ÇaloğluMotherland Party
Ayhan ArifağaoğluSocial Democratic Populist Party
AydınCengiz AltınkayaMotherland Party
Mustafa BozkurtMotherland Party
Ömer Okan ÇağlarMotherland Party
Mehmet ÖzalpMotherland Party
Nabi SabuncuMotherland Party
Mehmet YüzügülerMotherland Party
Hilmi Ziya PostacıSocial Democratic Populist Party
BalıkesirAhmet Edip UğurMotherland Party
Ali Sami AkkaşMotherland Party
İsmail DayıMotherland Party
Kudret BölükoğluMotherland Party
Mehmet Fenni İslimyeliMotherland Party
Necat TunçsiperMotherland Party
Mustafa Tosun ÇorapçıoğluMotherland Party
İsmet Önder KırlıSocial Democratic Populist Party
BilecikMehmet SevenMotherland Party
Tayfur ÜnSocial Democratic Populist Party
BingölMehmet Ali DoğuşluMotherland Party
İlhami BiniciSocial Democratic Populist Party
Haydar BaylazDemocrat Party
BitlisFaik TarımcıoğluMotherland Party
Kamran İnanMotherland Party
Muhyettin MutluMotherland Party
BoluAhmet Şamil KazokoğluMotherland Party
Kazım OksayMotherland Party
Nevzat DurukanMotherland Party
Seçkin FıratMotherland Party
Turgut Yaşar GülezDemocrat Party
BurdurFethi ÇelikbaşMotherland Party
İbrahim ÖzelMotherland Party
Sait EkinciMotherland Party
BursaAhmet Kurtcebe AlptemoçinMotherland Party
Fahir SabunişMotherland Party
Hüsamettin ÖrüçMotherland Party
İlhan AşkınMotherland Party
İsmet TavgaçMotherland Party
Mehmet GedikMotherland Party
Mustafa Ertuğrul ÜnlüMotherland Party
Ahmet Fehmi IşıklarSocial Democratic Populist Party
Cavit ÇağlarDemocrat Party
Abdülkadir CenkçilerDemocrat Party
Beytullah Mehmet GazioğluDemocrat Party
ÇanakkaleAyhan UysalMotherland Party
İlker GenlikMotherland Party
Mustafa Cumhur ErsümerMotherland Party
Mümin KahramanMotherland Party
ÇankırıAli ÇiftçiMotherland Party
Ali Necmettin ŞeyhoğluMotherland Party
İlker TuncayMotherland Party
ÇorumMithat BalakMotherland Party
Mustafa NamlıMotherland Party
Nevzat AksuMotherland Party
Ünal AkkayaMotherland Party
Cemal ŞahinSocial Democratic Populist Party
Rıza IlımanSocial Democratic Populist Party
DenizliAycan ÇakıroğullarıMotherland Party
İsmail ŞengünMotherland Party
Muzaffer ArıcıMotherland Party
Adnan KeskinSocial Democratic Populist Party
Arif Hüdai OralSocial Democratic Populist Party
Esat Yıldırım AvcıDemocrat Party
DiyarbakırAbdülkadir AksuMotherland Party
Mahmut KepoğluMotherland Party
Nurettin DilekMotherland Party
Hikmet ÇetinSocial Democratic Populist Party
Fuat AtalaySocial Democratic Populist Party
Sait EnsarioğluDemocrat Party
Mehmet KahramanSocial Democratic Populist Party
Salih SümerSocial Democratic Populist Party
Edirneİsmail ÜğdülMotherland Party
Şener İşletenMotherland Party
Erdal KalkanSocial Democratic Populist Party
Mehmet Fuat ErçetinSocial Democratic Populist Party
ElazığHüseyin Cahit AralMotherland Party
Nizamettin ÖzdoğanMotherland Party
Ahmet KüçükelDemocrat Party
Ali Rıza SeptioğluDemocrat Party
Mehmet Tahir ŞaşmazSocial Democratic Populist Party
ErzincanMetin YamanMotherland Party
Yıldırım AkbulutMotherland Party
Mustafa KulSocial Democratic Populist Party
ErzurumMehmet KahramanMotherland Party
Mustafa Rıfkı YaylalıMotherland Party
Nihat KitapçıMotherland Party
Rıza ŞimşekMotherland Party
Sabahattin ArasMotherland Party
Togay GemalmazMotherland Party
İsmail KöseDemocrat Party
EskişehirErol ZeytinoğluMotherland Party
İsmet OktayMotherland Party
Mustafa BalcılarMotherland Party
Mehmet Cevdet SelviSocial Democratic Populist Party
Zeki ÜnalSocial Democratic Populist Party
GaziantepAhmet GünebakanMotherland Party
Hasan Celal GüzelMotherland Party
Hasan TanrıöverMotherland Party
Mehmet AkdemirMotherland Party
Mustafa Hikmet ÇelebiMotherland Party
Ünal YaşarMotherland Party
Abdülkadir AteşSocial Democratic Populist Party
Mustafa YılmazSocial Democratic Populist Party
GiresunBurhan KaraMotherland Party
Mehmet Ali KaradenizMotherland Party
Yavuz KöymenMotherland Party
Mustafa ÇakırSocial Democratic Populist Party
Rüştü KurtSocial Democratic Populist Party
GümüşhaneMahmut Oltan SungurluMotherland Party
Muhittin KaramanMotherland Party
Ülkü Gökalp GüneyMotherland Party
HakkâriNaim GeylaniMotherland Party
Cumhur KeskinSocial Democratic Populist Party
HatayKamran KaramanMotherland Party
Mehmet PürdeloğluMotherland Party
Mehmet Vehbi DinçerlerMotherland Party
Abdullah Öner MiskiSocial Democratic Populist Party
Ali UyarSocial Democratic Populist Party
Mehmet DönenSocial Democratic Populist Party
Mustafa Kemal DuduoğluSocial Democratic Populist Party
Turhan HırfanoğluSocial Democratic Populist Party
Mustafa Murat SökmenoğluDemocrat Party
IspartaSüleyman DemirelDemocrat Party
İbrahim GürdalDemocrat Party
Ertekin DurutürkDemocrat Party
Abdullah Aykon DoğanDemocrat Party
İçel (Mersin)Ali ErMotherland Party
Ali Hüsrev BozerMotherland Party
Ali Rıza YılmazMotherland Party
Hikmet BiçentürkMotherland Party
Rüştü Kazım YücelenMotherland Party
Durmuş Fikri SağlarSocial Democratic Populist Party
Ekin DikmenSocial Democratic Populist Party
Etem CankurtaranSocial Democratic Populist Party
Mustafa İstemihan TalaySocial Democratic Populist Party
İstanbulBehiç Sadi AbbasoğluMotherland Party
Bülent AkarcalıMotherland Party
Cevdet AkçalıMotherland Party
Avni AkyolMotherland Party
Bedrettin Doğancan AkyürekMotherland Party
Abdülbaki AlbayrakMotherland Party
Yaşar AlbayrakMotherland Party
İmren AykutMotherland Party
Abdullah BaştürkSocial Democratic Populist Party
İsmail CemSocial Democratic Populist Party
Yüksel ÇengelSocial Democratic Populist Party
Orhan DemirtaşMotherland Party
Mehmet Necat EldemMotherland Party
Hayrettin ElmasMotherland Party
Ali Haydar ErdoğanSocial Democratic Populist Party
Mehmet Ali ErenSocial Democratic Populist Party
Halil Orhan ErgüderMotherland Party
Temel GündoğduMotherland Party
Hasan Fehmi GüneşSocial Democratic Populist Party
İsmail Safa GirayMotherland Party
Nuri GökalpMotherland Party
Talat İçözMotherland Party
Ömer Ferruh İlterMotherland Party
Adnan KahveciMotherland Party
Altan KavakMotherland Party
Mehmet Cavit KavakMotherland Party
Recep Ercüment KonukmanMotherland Party
Aytekin KotilSocial Democratic Populist Party
Leyla Yeniay KöseoğluMotherland Party
Mehmet MoğultaySocial Democratic Populist Party
Hüsnü OkçuoğluSocial Democratic Populist Party
İsmail Hakkı ÖnalSocial Democratic Populist Party
Turgut ÖzalMotherland Party
İbrahim ÖzdemirMotherland Party
Mustafa Hilmi ÖzenMotherland Party
Mustafa SarıgülSocial Democratic Populist Party
Kenan SönmezSocial Democratic Populist Party
Güneş TanerMotherland Party
Ali TanrıyarMotherland Party
Ali TopuzSocial Democratic Populist Party
Mustafa TimisiSocial Democratic Populist Party
Sudi Neş’e TürelMotherland Party
Reşit Akif ÜlkerMotherland Party
Adnan YıldızMotherland Party
Namık Kemal ZeybekMotherland Party
İzmirAkın GönenMotherland Party
Burhan Cahit GündüzMotherland Party
Hüsnü DoğanMotherland Party
Işılay SaygınMotherland Party
Işın ÇelebiMotherland Party
İsmet Kaya ErdemMotherland Party
Kemal KarhanMotherland Party
Ramiz SevinçMotherland Party
Ahmet ErsinSocial Democratic Populist Party
Birgen KeleşSocial Democratic Populist Party
Erdal İnönüSocial Democratic Populist Party
Erol GüngörSocial Democratic Populist Party
Halil ÇulhaoğluSocial Democratic Populist Party
Kıvılcım Kemal AnadolSocial Democratic Populist Party
Mehmet Turan BayazıtSocial Democratic Populist Party
Neccar TürkcanSocial Democratic Populist Party
Türkan AkyolSocial Democratic Populist Party
Veli AksoySocial Democratic Populist Party
Fuat KılcıDemocrat Party
KahramanmaraşAdil Erdem BayazıtMotherland Party
Ali TopçuoğluMotherland Party
Mehmet OnurMotherland Party
Ülkü SöylemezoğluMotherland Party
Ahmet UncuDemocrat Party
Atilla İmamoğluDemocrat Party
Ali ŞahinSocial Democratic Populist Party
Karsİlhan AküzümMotherland Party
Kerem GüneşMotherland Party
Sabri ArasMotherland Party
Yasin BozkurtMotherland Party
Mahmut AlınakSocial Democratic Populist Party
Vedat AltunSocial Democratic Populist Party
KastamonuMurat BaşesgioğluMotherland Party
Hüseyin Sabri KeskinMotherland Party
Nurhan TekinelMotherland Party
Sadettin AğacıkMotherland Party
KayseriAbdulmecit YağanMotherland Party
Servet HacıpaşaoğluMotherland Party
Mehmet İrfan BaşyazıcıoğluMotherland Party
Mehmet YazarMotherland Party
Mustafa ŞahinMotherland Party
Nuh Mehmet KaşıkçıMotherland Party
Recep Orhan ErgunMotherland Party
Seyit Halil ÖzsoyMotherland Party
KırklareliCemal ÖzbilenMotherland Party
Gürcan ErzinSocial Democratic Populist Party
İrfan GürpınarSocial Democratic Populist Party
KırşehirGökhan MaraşMotherland Party
Kazım ÇağlayanMotherland Party
Şevki GöğüsgerMotherland Party
KocaeliAbdulhalim ArasMotherland Party
Bülent AtasayanMotherland Party
Alaettin KurtDemocrat Party
Ali Rıza SirmenSocial Democratic Populist Party
Erol KöseSocial Democratic Populist Party
Onur KumbaracıbaşıSocial Democratic Populist Party
Ömer TürkçakalSocial Democratic Populist Party
KonyaAbdullah TenekeciMotherland Party
Abdurrahman BozkırMotherland Party
Adil KüçükMotherland Party
Ali PınarbaşıMotherland Party
Ali Talip ÖzdemirMotherland Party
Haydar KoyuncuMotherland Party
Kadir DemirMotherland Party
Mehmet KeçecilerMotherland Party
Mehmet ŞimşekMotherland Party
Mustafa DinekMotherland Party
Saffet SertMotherland Party
Ziya ErcanMotherland Party
Ömer ŞekerDemocrat Party
Vefa TanırDemocrat Party
KütahyaMehmet Rauf ErtekinMotherland Party
Mustafa KalemliMotherland Party
Mustafa Uğur EnerMotherland Party
Hüseyin Cahit ErdemirDemocrat Party
Mehmet KorkmazDemocrat Party
MalatyaGalip DemirelMotherland Party
Mehmet Bülent ÇaparoğluMotherland Party
Metin EmiroğluMotherland Party
Talat ZenginMotherland Party
Yusuf Bozkurt ÖzalMotherland Party
İbrahim AksoySocial Democratic Populist Party
ManisaEkrem PakdemirliMotherland Party
Mehmet Gürbüz ŞakranlıMotherland Party
Mehmet YenişehirlioğluMotherland Party
Münir Fuat YazıcıMotherland Party
Hasan ZenginSocial Democratic Populist Party
Mustafa Erdoğan YetençSocial Democratic Populist Party
Önol ŞakarDemocrat Party
Sümer OralDemocrat Party
Ümit CanuyarDemocrat Party
MardinAbdulvahap DizdaroğluMotherland Party
Beşir ÇelebioğluMotherland Party
Nurettin YılmazMotherland Party
Selahattin DağMotherland Party
Ahmet TürkSocial Democratic Populist Party
Adnan EkmenSocial Democratic Populist Party
Süleyman ÇelebiDemocrat Party
MuğlaAhmet AltıntaşMotherland Party
Süleyman Şükrü ZeybekMotherland Party
Musa GökbelSocial Democratic Populist Party
Tufan DoğuSocial Democratic Populist Party
Latif SakıcıDemocrat Party
MuşAlaattin FıratMotherland Party
Erkan KemaloğluMotherland Party
Mehdin IşıkMotherland Party
Mehmet Emin SeydagilMotherland Party
NevşehirAli BabaoğluMotherland Party
Cemal SeymenSocial Democratic Populist Party
Esat KıratlıoğluDemocrat Party
NiğdeBirsel SönmezMotherland Party
Haydar ÖzalpMotherland Party
Raşit DaldalMotherland Party
Doğan BaranDemocrat Party
Mahmut ÖztürkDemocrat Party
OrduErtuğrul ÖzdemirMotherland Party
Gürbüz YılmazMotherland Party
İhsan Nuri TopkayaMotherland Party
Mustafa Bahri KibarMotherland Party
Nabi PoyrazMotherland Party
Şükrü YürürMotherland Party
Yılmaz SanioğluMotherland Party
RizeAhmet Mesut YılmazMotherland Party
Mustafa NazikoğluMotherland Party
Mustafa ParlakMotherland Party
Şadan TuzcuMotherland Party
SakaryaAyhan SakallıoğluMotherland Party
Ersin TaranoğluMotherland Party
Mümtaz ÖzkökMotherland Party
Yalçın KoçakMotherland Party
Ahmet NeidimDemocrat Party
Mehmet GölhanDemocrat Party
Samsunİlyas AktaşMotherland Party
Kemal AkkayaMotherland Party
Mehmet AkarcaMotherland Party
Mehmet AydınMotherland Party
Ali EserDemocrat Party
Cemal AlişanDemocrat Party
Hüseyin ÖzalpDemocrat Party
İrfan DemiralpDemocrat Party
Nafiz KurtDemocrat Party
Siirtİdris ArıkanMotherland Party
Kemal BirlikMotherland Party
Kudbettin HamidiMotherland Party
Mehmet Abdurrezak CeylanDemocrat Party
Zeki ÇelikerDemocrat Party
SinopHilmi BiçerMotherland Party
Özer GürbüzSocial Democratic Populist Party
Yaşar TopçuDemocrat Party
SivasYılmaz AltuğMotherland Party
Ömer GünbulutMotherland Party
Ekrem KangalSocial Democratic Populist Party
Mahmut KarabulutMotherland Party
Kaya OpanMotherland Party
Şakir ŞekerMotherland Party
Mehmet Mükerrem TaşçıoğluMotherland Party
ŞanlıurfaAziz Bülent ÖncelMotherland Party
Bahri KarakeçiliMotherland Party
Eyyüp Cenap GülpınarMotherland Party
Murat BaturMotherland Party
Mustafa DemirMotherland Party
Necati AkıncıMotherland Party
Osman DoğanMotherland Party
TekirdağAhmet KaraevliMotherland Party
Ali Rıfkı AtaseverMotherland Party
Enis TütüncüSocial Democratic Populist Party
Güneş GürselerSocial Democratic Populist Party
TokatErkan YükselMotherland Party
Mehmet Zeki UzunMotherland Party
Metin GürdereMotherland Party
Talat SargınMotherland Party
Kazım ÖzevSocial Democratic Populist Party
Kenan SüzerSocial Democratic Populist Party
TrabzonAvni AkkanMotherland Party
Eyüp AşıkMotherland Party
Fahrettin KurtMotherland Party
Hayrettin KurbetliMotherland Party
İbrahim ÇebiMotherland Party
Necmettin KaradumanMotherland Party
Mehmet ÇakıroğluDemocrat Party
TunceliKamer GençSocial Democratic Populist Party
Orhan Veli YıldırımSocial Democratic Populist Party
UşakAhmet AvcıMotherland Party
Mehmet TopaçMotherland Party
Mümtaz GülerMotherland Party
VanHüseyin Aydın ArvasiMotherland Party
İhsan BedirhanoğluMotherland Party
Muslih GörentaşMotherland Party
Reşit ÇelikMotherland Party
Selahattin MumcuoğluMotherland Party
YozgatAli Şakir ErginMotherland Party
Cemil ÇiçekMotherland Party
Lütfullah KayalarMotherland Party
Mahmut OrhonMotherland Party
Seyit Ahmet DalkıranMotherland Party
ZonguldakHasan Pertev AşçıoğluMotherland Party
Mustafa Tınaz TitizMotherland Party
Ömer Faruk MaçunMotherland Party
Veysel AtasoyMotherland Party
Güneş MüftüoğluDemocrat Party
Köksal ToptanDemocrat Party
Ömer BarutçuDemocrat Party
Şinasi AltınerDemocrat Party
Tevfik ErtüzünDemocrat Party
gollark: Says the other person who is LITERALLY HOST.
gollark: Repeatedly.
gollark: No, I mean whoever is sending the `>` via my bridge.
gollark: BEE this mysterious... user?
gollark: If a module doesn't exist it should simply infer it.


  1. "TÜRKİYE BÜYÜK MİLLET MECLİSİ KATALOĞU". tbmm.gov.tr. Retrieved 2015-09-25.
  2. "1987 Yılı Seçim Sonuçları - Seçim Sonuçları". secim-sonuclari.com. Retrieved 2015-09-25.
  3. Türkiye'nin 75 Yılı; Tempo Yayıncılık, İstanbul
Preceded by
17th Parliament of Turkey
18th Parliament of Turkey
Yıldırım Akbulut
Kaya Erdem

19 November 1987 – 20 October 1991
Succeeded by
19th Parliament of Turkey
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