Lintrax family

Lintrax was the surname of a wealthy fourthling family during the First Age of Flight.

Family history

Hirmina Verginix was born into the Lintrax family, and went on to marry Orlis Verginix, a wealthy sky pirate captain. A year after their marriage, their first son, Lucius, was born. Five more sons eventually followed; Centix, Murix, Pellius, Martilius and Quintinius, who was born in 0 ᴇ.ʏ.. They lived a lavish lifestyle in a large palace in the Western Quays.

In 3 ᴇ.ʏ., Orlis' quartermaster, Turbot Smeal exacted vengeance on his captain by burning their palace down, in the Great Fire of the Western Quays. Hirmina her five eldest sons and their nanny perished, with only Quint surviving.[1]

Known family members

Family members

Close relatives

Family Tree

Verginix Family
Lintrax Family
Orlis Verginix
Hirmina Lintrax
Lucius Verginix
Murix Verginix
Martilius Verginix
Centix Verginix
Pellius Verginix
Quintinius Verginix


  1. Clash of the Sky Galleons, Chapter 3: Turbot Smeal
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