Tag: winmerge

32 How to change WinMerge font size? 2011-05-11T12:11:25.997

28 Can I replace internal diff in Total Commander with a custom tool? 2011-01-26T13:44:27.700

19 How to Use WinMerge as the Diff tool for Mercurial 2009-08-17T04:12:34.070

14 Get recursive list of different files in Winmerge (without folder tree/structure) 2011-06-22T04:20:35.617

9 WinMerge: How to exclude *.bak and *.tmp files? 2014-03-09T01:45:27.043

6 Can I compare only file contents? 2010-08-09T19:22:30.697

6 How to view only the differences in WinMerge 2015-04-14T14:49:41.860

4 How to use WinMerge Excel plugin? 2011-01-17T11:42:30.473

4 Looking for utility to look for identical blocks text within a *single* document 2011-05-26T14:52:27.713

4 Why doesn't WinMerge filter .git folders although the FileFilter is in effect? 2015-10-01T16:18:04.520

4 How to show the exact difference of words in WinMerge? 2016-07-11T17:44:43.050

3 Alternative to WinMerge in windows 2010-07-13T14:47:26.770

3 Can I use WinMerge to compare *.class files? 2011-05-15T07:00:39.723

3 Empty folders in WinMerge compare? 2011-06-10T19:55:11.683

3 How can I compare the contents of .pdf files, excluding filenames from comparison? 2012-03-18T19:29:40.570

3 Free WinMerge alternative with more clear line comparison 2012-06-27T19:29:48.777

3 WinMerge & Encoding 2012-09-18T11:21:27.457

3 WinMerge add diff. instead of overwrite 2014-09-09T08:06:16.317

2 How to use winmerge line filter? 2012-08-27T06:49:20.313

2 Opening a "Unicode little endian without BOM" file from the command line with WinMerge? 2015-04-17T12:31:06.283

2 Compare two directories recursively, except for \bin\ and \obj\ 2015-07-22T14:07:42.490

1 Winmerge identical file names with different extension 2013-04-20T21:18:29.857

1 How to set WinMerge default zoom level? 2016-02-03T18:39:45.440

1 How to filter Recycle Bin out of WinMerge compare? 2016-10-05T20:55:26.827

1 Wine - Make WinMerge treat different case files and folders names as distinct files and folders 2017-11-21T21:14:58.200

1 How to use Winmerge for archive compare 2017-11-30T09:44:58.487

1 How do I reload files in WinMerge after making changes? 2018-01-23T17:45:05.887

1 Re-enable the selected files are identical" message in winmerge 2020-01-25T11:57:12.080

0 Winmerge not in the context menu of everything tool 2011-04-15T19:54:02.787

0 WinMerge - disable comparison 2015-10-26T21:56:43.213

0 Why doen't WinMerge refresh seleced folder compare? 2015-10-28T14:35:17.860

0 WinMerge says two files are identical when doing a diff on the directory, but comparing the files shows differences 2017-02-24T19:16:04.613

0 How to handle large (2GB<) files in WinMerge 2018-02-02T22:06:26.443

0 How do I setup WinMerge to show compare on an explorer context menu? 2020-02-28T23:38:28.923