I usually use WinMerge to view the differences between files, but in this case it doesn't help. The files I'm comparing are known to have different filenames, which is creating false positives when 2 files with the same document inside have different filenames.
I have a folder full of many directories representing all the vendors my company does business with, and they include many .pdf files of receipts & invoices. It's the master vendor list. The invoices & receipts are named such that the names don't make sense without the surrounding directory structure to provide context. For example here we have "Vendors/Company Foo/Product Bar/Invoice#3.pdf"
Then I have another folder with many receipts & invoices in it, that used to be maintained separately from the master vendor list, and was supposed to include a manually-created copy of every receipt & invoice that was entered into the appropriate entry in master vendor directory structure. These receipts & invoices were to have been renamed so they're easier for the accountant to read & know what they refer to. For example here we have "Taxes/CompanyFoo ProductBar.pdf".
I've searched for files of type .pdf in the top-level folder of the master vendor list, so that my search results include receipts & invoices from all the vendors in the directory structure. Then I copied these .pdf files to another folder on my Desktop, so I can compare them. I compared those files to the files in the 'taxes' folder using WinMerge to see if any of the files in the 'taxes' folder don't exist in the 'master vendor' directories, and vice-versa.
But WinMerge counts files as different just because their filenames don't match. I need to know if the file content is different despite what the filename is.
There are hundreds of these files & if any are in the 'taxes' folder that aren't in their corresponding 'master vendor' directory, I need to rectify that & file them correctly.
Can someone recommend a tool that can do this?
1Why don't you use md5sum recursively? Two PDF files with the same checksum and same file size have extremely low chance of being different. – Benoit – 2012-03-18T19:35:33.647
possible duplicate of Which duplicate files and folders finders exist for Windows?
– Daniel Beck – 2012-03-18T19:37:37.910I found something in this thread that does what I need, in fact the answer to that thread is what it was. Thanks Daniel Beck! I don't know how to make that the answer to this one however. – cdvonstinkpot – 2012-03-18T23:43:25.147