How to handle large (2GB<) files in WinMerge


If I try to compare two files that are larger than 2GB in WinMerge, I get an error: Cannot open file UniMemFile cannot handle files over 2 gigabytes. As far as I know this is related to the fact that WinMerge runs as a 32-bit process by default even if my computer is running a 64-bit Windows 7.

How can I configure WinMerge to run as a 64-bit process?


Posted 2018-02-02T22:06:26.443

Reputation: 123

1"How can I configure WinMerge to run as a 64-bit process?" - You would have to recompile the application. It does not appear that will be easy, if the source code was 64-bit compatible, they would distribute 64-bit versions of Winmerge already compiled. Even if you were to recompile it to be a 64-bit executable, more work goes into loading larger files, then just having a 64-bit executable. What you want isn't possible with substantial amount of work – Ramhound – 2018-02-02T22:19:28.200

I suggest using something other then WinMerge. The last version was released 5 years ago. – Ramhound – 2018-02-02T22:24:08.387

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