Tag: user-accounts

8 Can't run File Explorer as different user 2016-09-22T10:58:33.590

8 How to identify the (original) user profile name from a changed user account name in Windows? 2017-06-24T13:48:02.787

7 Use cron to screen capture on Mac OS X 2009-08-21T04:05:22.040

7 In Windows 7, my user profile cannot be loaded, how do I fix this? 2010-01-06T05:37:12.153

7 How to use an AFP network share with fast user switching? 2010-02-09T07:38:53.290

7 Change desktop background at school? 2010-04-15T02:30:19.383

7 Problem after moving users folder on Windows 7 2010-10-16T12:01:02.060

7 What is 'Run as Administrator' in Windows 7? 2011-01-19T23:53:38.013

7 Easy user switching program for Windows 7? 2011-02-12T04:40:30.583

7 In Windows 7 Home Premium, is it possible to grant a user account the "log on as a service" right and if so, how? 2012-06-24T19:29:48.097

7 Set a password that's not linked to my Microsoft account? 2012-12-23T21:36:42.013

7 List All User Accounts on a Windows System via Command Line 2013-06-18T06:31:41.060

7 How To Lock Down Windows RT 2013-07-30T14:42:32.827

7 Administrator account prevents me from reverting Windows 10 to 8.1 2015-08-04T03:43:01.283

7 How to change account picture of DIFFERENT user in Windows 10? 2016-04-04T08:33:26.490

7 Local Users and Groups in Windows10 Home upgrade 2016-08-03T23:58:47.013

7 usermod equivalent for Alpine Linux 2019-01-17T17:13:03.273

6 Windows 7 hidden account 2009-09-24T14:42:01.127

6 Moving users folder on Windows 7 to another partition, bad idea? 2010-01-10T21:33:37.853

6 Can I change the user that is the default choice in UAC? 2010-02-24T20:55:39.707

6 Mac OS X - User home directories shared via NFS 2010-03-08T18:24:18.270

6 Windows 7 locked out account 2010-03-25T20:58:10.007

6 Allowing multiple passwords attached to one account (Linux) 2010-06-14T19:59:25.057

6 Why run apache under it's own user name? 2010-06-16T20:43:23.503

6 How can I set up a policy on Windows XP to logout all users at midnight? 2010-08-31T22:11:09.833

6 Where are Mac user account passwords stored? 2010-10-08T20:36:51.053

6 Use one home directory for more than one operating system 2011-03-05T22:30:20.513

6 Enforce user time restrictions to log out or off from Windows 7 2011-05-06T00:30:18.723

6 giving read and write access to group and folder 2011-11-08T01:09:49.633

6 Completely remove user account and create another with same name in Windows 7 2012-04-10T02:54:44.790

6 Are there no default user pictures to choose from in Windows 8? 2012-11-01T01:00:09.450

6 How do you stop the process of deleting an account on Mac? 2014-09-24T09:21:25.437

6 linux - enabling system user to login? 2015-06-10T13:51:08.200

6 How can I change the email associated with my Windows 10 account? 2015-08-01T11:36:51.397

6 Is it possible to have two Win 10 user accounts running simultaneously, with one used locally and one used via RDP? 2016-02-06T18:20:05.090

6 Can I delete user directory after deleting user? 2016-09-16T00:49:18.403

6 New Windows 10 user is logged out immediately after login 2017-08-13T09:59:14.270

5 file permissions and group ownership using sftp 2010-01-14T20:23:46.870

5 Removing old domain user files from local machine 2010-01-27T14:18:48.840

5 Weird linux problem: user is in www-data group in /etc/groups but groups command doesn't show him 2010-01-28T20:45:22.857

5 consequences of changing uid/gid on snow leopard 2010-04-25T16:46:24.130

5 User write in a subfolder when cant access parent? 2010-07-13T14:05:36.520

5 Is there a quicker way to switch user accounts on Windows 7? 2010-07-19T22:39:43.973

5 How can I delete a Mac OS X Snow Leopard user account from Command Line? 2010-08-24T15:44:19.907

5 How can a Windows 7 user account be hacked? 2010-11-16T19:28:06.373

5 User account status degraded? 2010-12-19T23:30:25.907

5 Is there a limit on the number of user accounts you can create in Windows 7 Home Premium? 2011-01-24T20:32:26.507

5 Can 'Switch User' in Windows 7 work with Active Directory? 2011-03-04T12:01:52.877

5 How to protect all privacy from someone that needs to use my computer? 2011-06-16T03:22:46.653

5 force user logoff script for Windows 7 2011-10-26T23:24:35.947

5 How can I list all locked users in Linux? 2011-12-18T15:44:39.600

5 Remove password of user on OSX 2012-01-10T16:24:04.933

5 Windows 7 x64 %userprofile% and %username% are wrong 2012-07-19T16:17:03.013

5 Make a user account an administrator account in Windows 7? 2012-08-01T20:47:14.920

5 How to create new user and set the privilege for this account on windows 8 2012-11-01T22:28:48.853

5 How can I continue audio playback even after switching user? 2012-11-10T02:27:02.627

5 How do I enable the user switching feature for the guest account in Windows 8? 2012-11-22T20:38:51.670

5 How can I migrate all of my Linux settings (& home directory) to a new computer? 2013-01-02T08:27:13.043

5 CentOS: View all users in a specific group 2013-11-07T15:48:02.477

5 How can I choose the default user account for Windows 10 (technical preview) 2015-02-06T08:28:53.877

5 How can I protect my data from certain apps in Windows 7? 2015-02-23T23:04:39.500

5 Is there any way to show a user's current password in Windows 7? 2015-06-12T15:23:19.183

5 How to completely remove account and data from Outlook 2016 for MAC? 2015-07-22T19:05:33.227

5 User Profile Service Failed User Profile Could Not Be Loaded on Windows 10 2015-08-29T23:31:11.553

5 Remove Microsoft linked account in Windows 10 2016-01-20T02:38:32.023

5 How to limit PIN attempts in Windows 10 2016-02-20T11:17:01.323

5 Can I simply copy to restore AppData / Roaming folder in Windows 10? 2016-05-09T13:56:13.093

5 Windows metro apps not working after renaming default user account 2016-06-14T22:36:40.483

5 Non destructive change of Windows 10 administrator account password 2016-09-06T23:17:36.477

5 Account folder moved to "Administrator.000"? 2017-03-04T18:33:08.740

5 Windows 7 - run as administrator doesnt ask for password 2017-05-02T09:33:05.830

5 Win10 - remember to execute as a specific user 2017-05-22T18:03:18.487

5 Rename User Account on Windows 10 2018-07-13T17:18:08.670

4 Is there any way to change the password of the current user account using the command line? 2009-08-20T09:59:38.570

4 Windows XP: Consequences of setting a password for an account 2010-01-02T14:52:11.683

4 Windows user account just for accessing network shares on a Windows 7 machine 2010-03-15T19:50:48.287

4 OS X: Copy a user account from one computer to another? 2010-04-11T00:29:00.760

4 How to mount remote samba share from local host with multiple groups? 2010-05-06T12:56:17.927

4 Delete a user in Windows XP, can't find delete button or it's not showing 2008-09-07T18:12:58.177

4 Why did Vista lose my user profile? 2010-07-23T19:23:21.060

4 Using Remote Desktop, connect to a Windows 7 domain user account without first logging on locally? 2010-08-04T20:18:24.010

4 How to prevent an account from downloading in Windows 7 2010-10-09T14:48:58.343

4 Change user account picture 2010-10-15T13:29:51.197

4 How to print all users from windows-group to a textfile? 2011-01-10T13:53:37.903

4 How to know SID of Windows' user account? 2011-01-11T19:27:23.387

4 UIDs for service users in Mac OS X 2011-01-11T22:42:46.577

4 Is there a way to "preselect" a certain user on the Windows 7 login screen? 2011-02-28T14:32:49.440

4 managing trac users 2011-04-04T08:21:21.443

4 Clear history of usernames in Skype 2011-04-12T08:05:25.653

4 Synergy client drops when installing something 2011-04-15T16:53:17.317

4 Auto Relogon after remote access by admin 2011-06-04T23:27:50.513

4 Should I be concerned with deleting a user account 2011-07-04T13:03:33.547

4 Windows user just for one thing 2011-08-02T21:00:13.660

4 Can I make Windows have multiple passwords for a single user? 2011-09-07T20:36:36.713

4 How do I copy user settings to a Windows 7 machine? 2011-11-04T17:54:22.887

4 Can't create user on Mac with dscl command 2011-11-08T22:22:37.433

4 Create a "postgres" user account on OSX? 2012-01-12T09:19:39.017

4 run as "NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" is ideal for scheduled tasks? 2012-01-14T15:40:50.803

4 How to disable internet connection only for some standard user accounts in Windows 7 Ultimate? 2012-01-18T14:10:58.203