Windows user account just for accessing network shares on a Windows 7 machine


I would like my Xbox (Xbmc) to access my Windows 7 shares without having Guest accounts enabled and without using my Administrator account login details. I have tried making it an account called Xbox and this works fine but the Xbox account appears on the login page for Windows. Is there a way to create an account that is purely for accessing shares without it appearing as a user account????


Posted 2010-03-15T19:50:48.287

Reputation: 113



Do you have four questions, because I see four question marks.

No, you can't. Users are users, and they can't really be hidden. If you are on a domain and using domain accounts then you have a few more options as to logging in, but they are still users.

If you want easy access to the share, why not just enable anonymous access?

Andrew Backer

Posted 2010-03-15T19:50:48.287

Reputation: 517

I guess i just wanted a finer grain approach to giving multiple people/systems differing levels of access to shares. – Paulo – 2010-03-25T01:13:09.607

I really wish there was more control here, too. Kinda bummer that sharing is still so oldschool. I don't know if homegroups will give any more logical control, but I doubt the would work for you since you still have the xbox. – Andrew Backer – 2010-03-26T17:31:47.747

Oh, how about making the login screen the old xp way, where you have to type in the username, not click on the picture. – Andrew Backer – 2010-03-26T17:32:19.927

See the Answer below for a suggestion that might really work. – Andrew Backer – 2011-11-04T06:45:48.350


  1. HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\SpecialAccounts\UserList
  2. Create the following entry: Username: REG_DWORD
  3. Set value to 0
  4. Reboot

See: Hide User Account from Welcome Screen in Windows

Pavel Chuchuva

Posted 2010-03-15T19:50:48.287

Reputation: 8 135