Tag: terminal.app

330 Mac OS X equivalent of the Ubuntu "tree" command 2011-11-21T10:38:01.130

194 How can I install 7zip so I can run it from Terminal on OS X 2013-02-08T10:35:49.193

77 How can Homebrew print a beer mug in Terminal? 2013-01-18T04:54:46.533

75 Mac OS X Terminal: mouse support? 2010-03-28T08:39:20.440

75 Undo OS X terminal window split 2013-10-11T05:14:50.377

74 How to have full directory path always shown in mac terminal (like linux terminal) 2011-01-31T15:46:03.943

71 Set the title of the terminal window to the current directory 2009-12-07T18:27:01.753

71 ip command in Mac OS X terminal 2013-12-12T07:46:35.853

69 What's the difference between ^C and ^D for UNIX/Mac OS X terminal? 2010-07-28T21:02:37.527

64 Setting iTerm2 as the default terminal (OSX Lion) 2012-01-17T11:16:44.387

56 How to use Terminal to delete all .svn folders recursively? 2012-02-09T16:33:39.267

51 Using the Terminal keybindings with bash on macOS 2010-03-26T09:08:36.793

41 Use terminal scrollbar with tmux 2011-07-13T21:55:34.697

38 What does Terminal app's "Show Alternate Screen" do? (OS X) 2011-08-10T03:03:38.667

37 Copy colored output from Mac OS X terminal 2011-01-04T16:19:01.343

32 Replace OS X's shell commands with the linux versions? 2012-09-18T13:12:56.667

24 Can I specify double-click selection delimiters in Terminal.app? 2010-04-01T18:30:04.440

24 How can I export all my Terminal.app settings from one Mac to another? 2010-10-29T07:42:54.513

20 Mousing and Page-Up/Down in Terminal for Mac OS X 2010-01-26T23:33:56.813

20 Cannot use F10 key in Midnight commander running in OS X's terminal 2010-10-15T18:21:00.173

20 How can I hide or remove the split-pane bar on the right in Mac terminal? 2012-10-15T01:32:46.097

19 How to stop and start dropbox.app in Apple Terminal? 2013-09-22T08:48:58.190

17 Resume Zsh-Terminal (OS X Lion) 2011-07-22T09:21:07.073

17 Hostname issue in Mac OS X Lion 2011-08-03T13:17:00.977

17 enabling colors in the python interactive shell on OS/X 2011-12-04T09:38:47.173

16 Mac OS X - Could not start Terminal.app - shell has illegal value 2009-11-13T12:40:22.877

15 Mouse cursor in Terminal? 2010-05-29T20:04:05.800

14 How do you get a shell on a Mac? 2010-08-21T17:12:48.713

13 How to get Mac OS X Terminal.app and screen/vim scrolling to play nice? 2010-04-01T22:47:00.877

13 Mac Terminal/iTerm history cursor problems 2010-11-05T00:32:28.230

13 name terminal/tabs 2010-12-18T03:00:40.487

13 Ctrl + A doesn't work in Bash Terminal on OS X Lion 2011-07-29T14:29:38.487

13 How to kill a zombie process on a mac 2012-02-16T08:06:51.290

13 How would I restart Apache using the Terminal in Mac OS X? 2014-11-15T07:07:27.747

12 How do I make OS X set the terminal title back to the original title when coming back from ssh? 2009-08-24T18:12:48.497

12 Bash on Snow Leopard doesn't obey terminal colours 2009-08-31T05:47:21.387

12 Making ls aware of "hidden" file flag 2011-05-30T19:22:05.033

11 How can you customize your terminal bash prompt with smiley faces? 2011-12-16T02:07:49.767

11 Any way to prevent Dropbox from opening the Camera Uploads folder when an iPhone is connected? 2013-03-17T06:37:55.920

10 How to send F9-F12 to curses program running inside Terminal.app? 2010-08-30T09:48:36.587

10 Does anyone have a Mac Terminal script to remove hidden files? 2011-08-05T16:20:37.710

10 How do I make Vim beautiful (read: Textmate font/color ) on Mac OS X Lion? 2011-12-23T15:34:52.987

10 Equivalent of 'clear' command when using tail -f 2012-03-30T18:00:54.303

9 Any way to fix screen's mishandling of line wrap? (Maybe only Terminal.app) 2009-09-25T18:17:46.910

9 Mac OS X Terminal not logging in 2010-04-16T12:41:52.680

9 Snow Leopard hide scrollbar in terminal? 2010-08-20T18:07:58.890

9 How can I Pbpaste an image in to the command line? 2012-05-21T14:39:53.700

9 How to reset mac PRAM through the command line in Lion/Mountain Lion? 2013-01-03T15:16:10.300

9 Cancelling shutdown -h command on Mac 2014-05-21T18:14:18.723

8 vim is very slow on my Mac 2010-03-11T20:20:53.167

8 Command line history & tab-completion for sftp in OS X Terminal.app 2010-08-16T10:48:37.057

8 Why does Option+Left Arrow work in Vim, but not Right Arrow on Mac OS X? 2013-08-22T21:20:03.423

8 How to identify the terminal from a script? 2013-12-04T18:12:31.943

8 OS X: let scutil use stored secret when connecting L2TP VPN 2015-05-31T03:25:51.907

8 Copy the output of the last command in iTerm2 2017-08-03T05:15:15.163

7 Select text from Terminal.app using the keyboard in OS X 2010-03-29T02:29:38.907

7 Spawn a new terminal window (Mac OS X)? 2010-04-03T17:06:54.073

7 Manipulate Mac OS X file icons from Automator or command-line 2010-04-22T19:22:00.273

7 Is it possible to change the transparency of an already open window in Mac OS X? 2010-07-13T21:00:18.420

7 How to list network shared items in terminal 2012-01-10T16:29:36.330

7 View Shared Folders from Terminal 2012-11-03T17:37:40.590

7 Terminal.app opens different theme when launching a new shell window 2013-02-22T15:45:08.723

7 Script to create folder with same name as file and move file into folder 2016-03-05T09:21:41.797

7 Less seems to no longer accept mouse-scrolls in the Terminal in macOS 2018-08-05T03:30:18.993

7 Ping more than 56 bytes on macOS 2019-10-16T01:01:25.147

6 Web page from the terminal 2010-03-17T13:41:11.317

6 Arrow keys don't work in htop on OS X in Terminal 2010-04-12T17:46:20.230

6 Mac OS Terminal - keyboard echo breaks after ctrl-c with some applications 2010-09-15T23:30:18.710

6 Capturing remote output locally in Mac Terminal 2011-06-02T18:06:14.040

6 Can I scroll Terminal down when there is nothing to scroll? 2011-09-17T17:27:58.107

6 When I paste a command on my bash prompt it is not in history — how can I add it? 2012-02-20T22:25:20.720

6 Enabling mouse scrolling in OS X terminal man pages 2012-03-01T19:11:24.810

6 Syntax highlighting in Terminal Mac OS X 2012-03-13T20:10:15.777

6 Reset Mac OS X Terminal to default 2012-05-21T19:25:12.340

6 Add sound to keystrokes in iTerm2 / zsh 2013-05-12T17:35:58.937

6 How to have multiple windows in a SSH terminal session? 2013-07-16T18:27:06.367

6 Disabling AppNap for Terminal 2013-11-29T12:32:01.383

5 Can I make Terminal.app open different profiles with shortcut like iTerm? 2010-06-21T16:17:11.120

5 How to get files from Mac OS X desktop to Remote Server? 2010-08-30T19:45:00.440

5 Terminal missing in Mac OS X? 2010-11-09T09:29:34.223

5 Connect to another Mac via Terminal? 2010-11-24T20:52:44.820

5 Mac OS X Terminal get in Macintosh HD? For using Git and Github 2011-01-14T12:14:37.620

5 Different Terminal color theme for remote connections? 2011-07-28T12:23:44.190

5 Blank Terminal (no response) on Mac 2012-03-30T18:04:22.860

5 Scroll Bar on OS X Lion Terminal won't go away 2012-05-01T03:24:28.330

5 How to compile Rarcrack for Mac OSX? 2012-08-22T13:52:18.897

5 How to make ls command not show Icon? files? 2012-12-12T01:49:11.070

5 'subl -w' doesn't ever un-block when running under tmux on OS X 2012-12-20T14:40:01.323

5 On startup, how can I configure Terminal.app to open in fullscreen? 2013-02-27T15:52:12.920

5 Mac OS X Terminal - Naming SSH Connections? 2013-12-23T10:11:29.140

5 OS X Find and RM recursively through folders with spaces in the names? 2014-08-04T22:01:17.657

5 Keyboard shortcut to scroll Terminal one line at a time 2016-02-18T23:10:58.273

4 How to use UTF-8 in vim on Mac OS X? 2009-08-11T17:20:53.380

4 How do I ensure that the Mac OS X Terminal asks me for my private-key’s password every time I SSH? 2010-02-16T00:42:58.180

4 How can I free files that are in use by quicklook? 2010-03-30T20:42:49.037

4 Syntax Highlighting in Terminal for Python? 2010-03-31T03:00:42.390

4 Mac Terminal.app: Force '^C' to be printed when editing current prompt, then aborting it 2010-06-01T23:56:46.543

4 White flash of screen in Terminal 2010-10-02T16:59:57.023

4 Weird behaviour/rendering of backspace in Terminal.app when SSHing into zsh using tmux/screen 2011-01-05T09:29:04.840