How can I hide or remove the split-pane bar on the right in Mac terminal?



What do I need to do to remove the split pane sidebar on the right from the terminal window? Never used to have it and now I don't know how to get rid of it.

Josh Mu

Posted 2012-10-15T01:32:46.097

Reputation: 303



I found out what was triggering it. The split-pane sidebar shows up when you have a non-magic mouse plugged in. So my answer for you could be: use an Apple's Magic Mouse.

However I'll tell you how to get rid of it, this will change the scroll bar behavior to show up only when scrolling:

  • Launch System Preferences from the  Apple menu
  • Click on General
  • Look for 'Show scroll bars' and select the radiobox next to "When scrolling"


Posted 2012-10-15T01:32:46.097

Reputation: 418

3give this man an money, women, and guns. – justinpage – 2015-01-08T19:14:04.317

1I got this even with a magic mouse after a reboot. Turning the magic mouse off, waiting for disconnect, and turning it back on again caused the bar to clear. – Jason R. Coombs – 2015-05-26T21:27:24.493

1So Apple think you'll need to split and mirror the terminal if are using a non magic mouse? – Weishi Zeng – 2016-04-07T06:41:46.763

1Excellent! That did the trick. – Josh Mu – 2014-03-17T02:26:30.840


Shift-Command-D or the "Close Split Pane" item in the View menu should do it.

Tony Williams

Posted 2012-10-15T01:32:46.097

Reputation: 533

See also How do I disable Cmd-D in Terminal?.

– sds – 2017-03-28T14:36:43.677