Tag: plaintext

51 Copy and paste plain text only in OSX? 2012-11-29T18:03:48.310

41 How to draw boxes and tables in plain text 2018-06-03T18:30:11.053

28 Configure Thunderbird to never send (or even try to send) HTML emails 2009-09-06T11:41:16.560

19 Character count for SublimeText/WordCount 2014-03-10T03:34:08.220

17 How can I justify plain text in Linux? 2010-08-03T21:40:07.160

17 How should I format plain-text emails to make everyone happy? 2014-10-17T08:51:58.733

11 Show text-only view of incoming email? 2012-04-10T15:57:54.697

8 bulleted lists for plain-text documents in Vim 2010-01-22T07:32:59.533

7 A desktop Wiki editor/viewer: is there anything out there? 2009-09-25T16:06:47.983

7 Quoting original message after conversion from HTML to plain text in Outlook 2011-04-01T15:00:10.080

5 Copy selected text with links appended in plain text? 2012-11-06T14:54:26.343

4 Firefox option to paste plain text into HTML inputs, similar to paste special? 2012-06-07T11:26:17.073

3 How do I open a file in binary/plaintext format on Mac OS X? 2009-07-18T20:56:16.577

3 How to replace special characters (curly quotes, dashes, ellipses) in OS X? 2010-05-07T16:31:03.680

3 How do I convert .txt into .xls? 2010-06-24T13:12:44.137

3 Prefer text/plain attachment to text/html attachment in Thunderbird? 2010-07-14T13:45:42.243

3 Increment one value in a text line, using script 2010-10-11T08:07:48.637

3 Outlook Signatures for Plain Text and HTML 2012-05-22T02:16:21.937

3 Thunderbird: export a mailing list thread to HTML or plain text 2013-01-01T23:26:48.803

3 Outlook keyboard shortcut to format a reply into plain text? 2013-11-22T10:20:48.353

3 How to copy table contents from LibreOffice writer to plain text? 2015-02-05T12:43:35.850

3 How to prevent Outlook 2016 from adding line breaks in long URLs? 2018-06-13T20:50:25.610

2 Send To | Mail Recipient always sends the email in plain text 2009-08-27T12:49:01.377

2 Compute salt with known plaintext and hash? 2010-12-26T07:13:25.807

2 OSX Mail.app send only plaintext but read as html 2011-03-16T15:10:37.723

2 Correct format for Mailing lists? 2012-02-19T22:08:57.770

2 Convert outlook email to plain text 2012-12-21T21:49:37.687

2 Disable warning about loosing formatting when saving plain-text files from Word 2013 2013-10-18T14:09:12.017

2 How to sort a file with string lines by the number of a specific symbol in the line? 2013-10-21T08:52:42.307

2 Make Outlook compose outgoing plain-text emails in monospaced font 2016-01-21T10:22:26.067

2 Prevent Outlook from displaying plain text emails with formatting 2016-05-24T13:30:10.133

2 How can I keep Notepad++ from replacing em-dashes with Chinese characters? 2017-07-01T02:45:26.813

1 Outlook Plain-Text Viewer 2009-09-14T21:45:59.340

1 How do I cut-and-paste an email, so that paste will be in pure text (stripping all html) 2010-08-19T21:52:32.233

1 Sort text file of blocks 2010-12-02T13:19:23.697

1 Trying to re-direct emails as plain text using Applescript. Code (inside) isn't working, any help would be great 2013-02-13T14:26:15.863

1 How can the data in this PDF be obtained in plain text? 2013-02-25T14:09:07.160

1 Cross platform softlinks? 2013-08-24T12:51:57.873

1 Copy text with inline hyperlinks as plain text 2014-04-11T19:36:45.373

1 Unicode for scientific communication -- useful but inconsistent? (Specifically superscript/subscript) 2014-05-07T15:34:05.630

1 A tool for sending and receiving plain text via TCP? 2014-09-04T16:53:46.577

1 How to format beautiful plain text email with Thunderbird? 2014-10-29T18:54:12.370

1 How to convert plain text files into libreoffice cal (Excel sheet) on Ubuntu 14.04? 2016-03-25T17:15:49.167

1 How to delete text after 3rd line in multiple files 2016-04-22T03:56:40.960

1 How can I tell Firefox that I want to view some plaintext MIME types directly in the browser 2018-01-11T23:31:50.463

1 How to copy formatted text from OneNote to other programs? 2018-02-23T07:26:29.583

1 What tool can I use to transform a binary file to and from plain text? 2019-09-28T18:45:10.763

1 How to get dialog box to prompt user to change the "format text" to HTML when pasting a picture in email reply? 2020-01-04T08:18:18.023

0 Why does Mail.app on Leopard force me to use plain text? 2011-02-28T15:59:09.037

0 Plaintext natural language dictionaries 2011-12-24T19:34:48.373

0 Sorting plaintext by line-ending content 2013-05-17T06:20:09.347

0 Can I use JavaScript to insert in place some plaintext from a remote file by URL? 2013-08-26T15:57:22.647

0 Is it possible to import a plain text numbed list into any version of Word, preserving formatting? 2014-01-09T22:21:28.933

0 Converting dictionary file to separate txt files 2014-08-26T14:11:54.503

0 How to force Outlook 2010 to forward HTML emails as plain text? 2014-10-20T08:16:24.203

0 How to paste plain text in IE11? 2015-02-09T17:25:26.780

0 Plaintext Syntax Highlighting and/or Custom Highlighting Syntax 2015-04-23T20:17:02.870

0 Using one text file as a modified 'stencil' for other text files with forms 2015-09-30T16:01:54.937

0 Outlook 2010 Macro to Convert Selected Email Messages to Plain Text 2016-08-29T17:51:27.513

0 odt2txt handling page breaks incorrectly 2017-01-13T16:44:50.553

0 7bit email gets received as base64 2017-01-24T14:13:06.803

0 Stripping and reformatting specific HTML tags from content 2017-07-28T22:36:50.467

0 Difference in plain text in Win10 vs OS X 2018-03-23T23:05:42.377

0 Consequences of removing NUL characters from a text file? 2018-09-19T01:17:11.673

0 How can I format documents that are not saved in visual studio code? 2019-12-01T07:50:24.873

0 Notepad or Excel altering accented character 2019-12-23T11:32:58.810

0 Is there a good way to save formatting information in a plain text document so that Microsoft Word understands it? 2020-01-16T07:43:50.230