Tag: dns

3 Setting DNS servers on a VPN adapter in Windows 10 has no effect 2017-02-11T00:02:36.550

3 A weird DNS issue 2017-02-20T18:08:33.017

3 Is setting up a backup domain controller as simple as adding AD DS to an existing server on the network? 2017-02-20T20:46:40.407

3 How does Name Resolution actually work in the latest version of macOS? 2017-02-28T21:09:31.177

3 Linux: routing based on domain names 2017-03-06T18:51:22.513

3 Wildcard subdomain returning ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED 2017-03-15T01:01:17.530

3 Whois database cannot find the entry? 2017-03-25T13:08:10.790

3 How web browser determines when to use IPv4 or IPv6 to connect to the destination? 2017-04-12T19:55:05.397

3 How is routerlogin.net implemented? 2017-06-09T17:28:08.217

3 DNS propagation not happening on local network 2017-06-28T11:12:44.087

3 Hosts entry getting ignored when in vpn 2017-07-09T14:10:08.190

3 server DNS address could not be found 2017-08-05T10:30:35.610

3 How do I connect my local DNS server to provider's? 2017-08-10T12:58:09.220

3 Address resolution service by a device that isn't a gateway or DNS server? 2017-08-14T14:18:44.817

3 Slow DNS resolution of local network computer 2017-09-10T03:47:17.990

3 What is the priority order mechanism of dns server configuration in windows? 2017-09-18T03:44:16.973

3 Why do i get "Got bad packet : FORMERR" from dig? 2017-09-29T09:42:55.877

3 Windows hosts file alternative without needing admin rights? 2017-11-21T22:08:21.677

3 After opening port with ufw, nmap output shows port as closed 2017-12-30T22:28:50.730

3 VirtualBox: Windows host, linux guest - DNS/ping works, all other access is broken 2018-01-02T11:37:53.093

3 Filter DNS Forwarded responses with Bind 2018-01-17T00:47:10.433

3 How does lvh.me (localtest.me, vcap.me) works? 2018-01-26T08:09:46.893

3 Can you screenshot a Malicious website safely? 2018-02-07T03:28:49.043

3 Domain suddenly not resolving on ISP's default DNS server 2018-02-15T10:53:40.297

3 Identify reason for DNS resolution delay via VPN 2018-02-23T08:12:55.280

3 How do I use iptables to forward all dns requets from a specific MAC address to a IP address? 2018-05-18T21:46:08.783

3 How can I set up shortlink domain resolution on my home router or within an OS or browser? 2018-06-15T21:20:42.687

3 Is it possible for an ssh server to know which public domain name was used to log into it? 2018-07-19T10:05:33.983

3 GSuite and DNS: "Reverse DNS does not match SMTP Banner issue" reported by mxtoolbox - what to do? 2018-08-02T10:39:53.043

3 Why do DNS-based adblockers return instead of NXDOMAIN? 2018-08-17T22:10:36.017

3 What Linux command line tool can I use to determine the version and name of a remote DNS? 2018-08-20T01:14:03.427

3 Docker container can't make DNS queries with FirewallD running 2018-09-01T01:34:48.647

3 can't access website by ip but I can access by fully qualified domain 2018-09-26T20:56:02.243

3 Setting up a srv record with dnsmasq - do I need to use a FQDN? 2018-11-15T21:10:43.037

3 Local hostname not working without the trailing dot 2018-12-16T14:42:50.567

3 Why do spoofed DNS packets get ignored? 2019-03-08T16:46:03.223

3 Cannot access Wikipedia and Imgur, but can access Google and Youtube 2019-05-10T06:19:25.837

3 Google MX check bogus error? Every name server must reply with exactly the same TXT records 2019-09-21T15:57:58.693

3 Mail client sender icons 2019-10-10T18:06:00.467

3 Delete and Add Entries to DNS Suffixes 2019-12-04T19:10:44.360

2 DNS randomly fails 2009-07-18T15:28:35.767

2 DNS does not resolve 2009-09-02T13:08:18.877

2 Does using OpenDNS have any disadvantages? 2009-10-16T07:25:21.147

2 slackware change dns permanently 2009-12-12T15:28:39.977

2 Is there any free reverse DNS lookup service (DNS replication)? 2009-12-18T22:59:18.430

2 Connected to office via VPN. How to resolve computer names? 2009-12-22T23:06:15.350

2 Weird DNS Issue on XP 2010-01-05T21:50:08.087

2 Can the order in which a DNS entry is looked up be changed? 2010-01-07T09:33:01.243

2 How to redirect a domain to another one on my machine only? 2010-01-07T13:02:21.877

2 DNS / DHCP Issues 2010-01-16T03:36:36.660

2 I need some basic help setting up CNAME and apache correctly 2010-01-16T11:17:50.693

2 How can browsers in VMs resolve hostnames of websites on parent PC? 2010-03-10T14:30:02.023

2 Connect to host by name using a Linksys wrt54g as my router and dhcp server 2010-03-11T18:13:47.910

2 resolv.conf not working properly with Ethernet in Ubuntu 2010-03-15T14:37:09.227

2 Aventail VPN connection doesn't work 2010-03-17T20:12:45.803

2 OpenVPN DNS: VPN DNS stomping local VPN 2010-03-23T17:35:52.850

2 DNS lookup of GTLD servers using dig 2010-03-24T10:24:40.490

2 How to set the hostname according to the DNS name on Ubuntu 9.10? 2010-04-09T17:48:10.273

2 Using BIND as a Personal DNS Server on Windows XP 2010-05-05T17:40:46.197

2 What to do if I get ping results for non-existing hosts? 2010-05-08T03:35:16.530

2 DNS Lookup over SSH Tunnel 2010-07-09T19:28:22.203

2 Rogue DNS Entry Causing Problems 2010-08-05T10:36:57.183

2 Will ipconfig /all display the correct dns ip's being used by my router if I have manually configured my router to use a specific dns 2010-08-15T05:04:26.017

2 really weird DNS problem in Ubuntu {after one month, seems like ISP problem} 2010-09-06T03:52:11.107

2 How can I block specific domains on Windows, only for certain users? 2010-09-19T20:11:34.953

2 Cygwin/SSH Over Corporate Proxy 2010-09-29T18:31:22.913

2 Diagnose DNS problem 2010-10-01T18:04:27.940

2 Mac OS X traceroute not even reaching router gateway 2010-10-15T22:08:43.840

2 Dynamic DNS (DynDNS, No-IP, etc.) security issues 2010-10-26T19:42:47.383

2 dig lookup different from system lookup 2010-11-28T19:58:38.473

2 MacBook Pro 10.6 losing dns service, network connection still functional if you know the ip address 2010-12-09T01:56:32.693

2 Adding localhost entry to Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts file with port number 2011-01-05T19:25:31.900

2 Laptop is Switching DNS Servers 2011-01-20T23:40:28.953

2 How to set-up my webserver properly on my local network? 2011-01-22T16:52:52.050

2 How to use Google DNS 2011-01-28T14:53:16.697

2 DHCP disable client DDNS updates 2011-02-02T12:26:30.073

2 OS X Snow Leopard 10.6 Refuses to Load Websites the first time intermittently 2011-02-15T13:40:38.500

2 Sites loading slowly in Windows, possibly due to DNS? 2011-03-02T13:45:29.253

2 Dual Stack Routers for home use? 2011-03-03T23:15:52.587

2 Google Chrome / IE to show DNS information 2011-03-28T18:22:33.317

2 Using static DNS in Debian Squeeze? 2011-04-07T07:46:24.800

2 DNS server is not responding 2011-04-10T07:45:00.467

2 Change DNS Server through registry? 2011-05-04T09:33:43.860

2 Where can I find out which OS is used for the Internet root DNS servers? 2011-05-10T12:48:31.323

2 can't override name resolution for firefox on Ubuntu 2011-06-01T15:35:17.890

2 Dns lookup failed 2011-06-09T16:13:02.087

2 How to reference a PPP adapter in a netsh command? 2011-06-16T02:53:15.717

2 Create a local DNS TLD for development 2011-06-17T10:16:09.307

2 Where does the DNS record go? 2011-06-20T16:29:45.743

2 Slow domain login; server pings to outside address; what happened? 2011-06-27T14:06:31.267

2 Getting SMB file shares working over a PPTP VPN 2011-06-28T08:06:45.627

2 Active available dns servers 2011-07-24T08:39:51.917

2 Using DHCP manual/auto independantly from DNS manual/auto 2011-07-29T19:57:48.643

2 Does it make sense having a separate DHCP server 2011-08-06T23:27:09.940

2 DNS Route Public IP To Private IP? 2011-08-24T15:06:14.053

2 Windows Authentication Issues Over Internet 2011-09-04T19:27:36.527

2 Can't ping network machines by hostname when behind wireless router on university network (only IP) 2011-09-05T11:59:33.543

2 Setting up an email server's IP address for reverse DNS lookup 2011-09-05T21:20:58.777

2 How can I monitor which applications make DNS requests on OS X? 2011-09-06T17:19:47.370