Tag: dns

2 Windows 10 DNS setting sporadically reverts to old (incorrect) address 2017-02-20T22:12:21.880

2 Cannot send / receive mail to host server, but IMAP/SMTP login authenticates in mail.app 2017-02-20T22:49:12.043

2 How can I add DNS to all my interfaces without naming them? 2017-02-27T16:07:51.403

2 DNS issue after domain migration 2017-02-27T16:57:59.807

2 using dnsmasq to resolve all dns queries in my local LAN 2017-03-29T15:17:52.917

2 How does VPN route to the private address? 2017-04-07T00:20:23.370

2 DNSmasq configuration in multiple network 2017-04-28T07:54:02.140

2 DNS lookups don't work in Windows except immediately after ipconfig /flushdns 2017-05-10T05:48:46.667

2 Why does my dnsmasq refuse DNS queries from its own local DHCP clients? 2017-05-15T18:36:55.720

2 If top-level domain servers return only the domains of nameservers, how do DNS providers contact said nameservers? 2017-05-19T20:00:47.317

2 Change netmask to increase number of IP addresses 2017-05-21T11:09:32.217

2 DNS server merging 2017-05-25T11:38:00.823

2 How do I redirect all HTTP requests to HTTPS when ISP blocks port 80? 2017-07-13T21:14:28.370

2 DNS LOC Purpose 2017-07-18T20:27:05.057

2 Which devices store DNS cache and how to flush? 2017-07-29T08:39:54.547

2 Residential router interfering with SRV records 2017-08-02T12:29:43.757

2 Chrome 60 ignoring /etc/hosts 2017-08-15T08:08:00.120

2 How do DNS name databases are built? 2017-09-07T10:11:26.953

2 wifi working, ping is also fine but no internet connection in browser 2017-09-16T16:53:56.613

2 How to use local DNS server for specific domain, and use DHCP-assigned DNS for everything else 2017-09-20T02:09:59.937

2 Domain lookup issue from within network namespace 2017-09-22T13:18:31.403

2 I cannot access ssh after configuration of cloudflare DNS 2017-09-22T15:13:49.847

2 Vesta CP, Cloudflare and Let's Encrypt: Wrong folder and error 2017-09-28T11:49:34.780

2 DNS lookup fails in chrome only 2017-09-28T20:14:33.017

2 DNS solution for LAN or local home network 2017-09-30T16:58:30.170

2 BIND: Redundant Master Nameservers 2017-10-06T15:03:13.500

2 How do I forward my subdomain to my Minecraft server? 2017-10-08T19:28:08.547

2 Working with ZoneFiles and I see odd domain names, are these encrypted? 2017-10-08T19:49:29.857

2 My Raspbian (RPi3) cannot resolve names in my LAN 2017-10-29T22:30:47.617

2 Selective DNS server usage 2017-11-02T13:25:26.577

2 rndc reload says zone was found in multiple views 2017-11-02T14:18:19.617

2 Why do I have 3 IP's and one FQDN? 2017-11-28T07:26:15.213

2 Can I connect three routers together using their WAN ports? 2017-12-06T15:38:15.677

2 Way to make a Local dns server to Resolve .local domains 2017-12-08T22:58:12.543

2 Home router DNS sending scrambled IPs 2017-12-16T16:17:27.960

2 What are the pros/cons to these two styles of authoritative name servers 2018-01-22T04:33:17.893

2 Unable to ping local systems from freshly installed Ubuntu Linux 16.04.3 LTS 2018-01-26T00:21:25.040

2 DNS resolution wrong only on my PC (aka "Ghost of Hosting Past") 2018-02-01T09:08:16.907

2 no dns server on nfsroot with systemd-networkd 2018-02-05T07:14:50.013

2 How can I successfully lookup hostname from an IP, but not vice versa? 2018-02-17T08:23:11.610

2 How to configure Firefox to only try opening an URL if it really looks valid and search it if it doesn't? 2018-02-26T12:58:02.230

2 sharing internet/vpn with ipfw, can't access google.com over https 2018-02-28T21:28:35.427

2 How to find all IP addresses and/or subnet(s) associated with a FQDN hostname? 2018-03-01T23:37:24.117

2 Recursive DNS server answers with CNAME but does not return the A record 2018-03-05T16:53:19.827

2 FritzBox 7490: Handing out a secondary internal DNS via DHCP impossible? 2018-03-06T15:07:41.803

2 DNS problems with ASUS router 2018-03-13T18:39:53.573

2 Why does nslookup return "DNS request timed out" 2018-03-13T19:00:29.197

2 Why is dnsmasq forwarding already resolved addresses? 2018-03-23T10:56:49.187

2 Get DNS server from DHCP options without lease 2018-03-26T19:47:57.157

2 How to configure Unbound to validate a DNS over TLS server's certificate? 2018-04-06T08:47:59.993

2 I'm having DNS problems, but can still ping How do I still search the Stack Exchange network? 2018-04-18T19:09:44.107

2 Is there any way to get all DNS A records worldwide for a specific domain? 2018-06-03T22:13:53.520

2 What does @ mean when setting up A Records in your DNS settings? 2018-06-05T19:00:32.203

2 Windows DNS server resolving specific outside domain to 2018-06-19T13:27:06.587

2 Shady verizon fios DNS name coming up in ssh keys 2018-06-22T14:53:37.997

2 Why does it take couple of seconds for DNS resolver to find .local domain specified in etc/hosts 2018-06-22T19:23:01.637

2 If "a:domain.com" is used, would it include emails sent from *@subdomain.domain.com address? 2018-06-29T09:11:45.013

2 Mapping domain name with local IP address? 2018-06-30T16:43:16.920

2 Setup home network with multiple SSL devices on one IP 2018-06-30T21:39:56.230

2 How to use dnsmasq for custom hostnames on OpenVPN? 2018-08-04T08:49:03.677

2 Web browser hangs up on "Performing TLS handshake" message on one website in my desktop PC. why? 2018-08-06T21:21:39.423

2 DNS causing HSTS / certificate problems 2018-08-19T16:57:38.913

2 Why Will Custom Nameservers Will Not Delegate? 2018-08-21T17:18:17.253

2 What mechanism does Windows use to register its address in DNS? 2018-09-13T09:16:12.397

2 How are names resolved on modern local networks? 2018-09-20T01:28:51.847

2 Windows 10 laptop can only open Google.com and Youtube 2018-09-23T10:53:25.437

2 How to know primary and secondary DNS servers for IPv6? 2018-10-01T17:27:11.600

2 If a WHOIS search returns 428 domains on the nameservers for that domain, does that mean that server is hosting 428 domains? 2018-10-05T13:40:44.450

2 DNS lookup fails only on specific sites while using Arch Linux 2018-10-12T03:24:14.553

2 Is this how I indicate that only my MX IP is authorized to send email for this domain? 2018-10-16T17:46:27.793

2 New Router: Unable to download images from Instagram and WhatsApp 2018-12-24T05:17:38.113

2 Is it possible to set specific network settings depending on the WiFi I am connected to with Windows? 2018-12-29T20:23:00.817

2 Docker: Connection PHP/Apache --> MySQL slow 2019-01-07T13:47:32.950

2 Make Windows 10 send the "computer name" as DHCP hostname 2019-01-07T19:47:07.947

2 PHP connecting to wrong MySQL hostname? 2019-01-29T02:32:20.270

2 Nameserver unable to resolve domain names 2019-02-15T19:34:56.350

2 Securing a public Pi-Hole? 2019-03-12T22:33:03.190

2 How to force hostname to resolve to local address instead of public address? 2019-03-21T14:26:34.207

2 Why do I need to change the order of hosts in nsswitch.conf? 2019-03-25T09:41:27.807

2 How to setup router DNS to access website from LAN 2019-05-20T19:11:32.027

2 How to determine whether DNS is being redirected or not? 2019-06-01T08:56:34.690

2 having router DNS resolving to internal IP address 2019-06-11T18:24:49.857

2 Firefox is slow to resolve localhost domains on MacOS, Chrome is not 2019-06-13T00:30:34.017

2 Windows hosts file: aliases without explicit IP address? 2019-06-17T19:32:25.460

2 How can I get the separate IP address of each DNS root-servers' mirrors in the world? 2019-07-10T07:04:15.817

2 Google Cloud DNS subdomain forwarding 2019-07-16T14:27:26.143

2 New /etc/hosts domain not working when called with SSH from terminal 2019-09-06T22:37:34.647

2 Change DNS settings for all network adapters 2019-09-28T15:37:59.170

2 Why does DHCP on this wifi network intermittently fail, and what can I do (as a client only) to fix it? 2019-11-05T08:00:34.540

2 Specify DNS servers per SSID in Windows 10 2019-11-10T02:14:13.727

2 Am I going crazy, or is my ISP rewriting DNS A records? 2019-11-16T18:58:19.723

2 Forward the whole domain of a domain name without hosting 2019-12-04T15:47:57.807

2 Can I build a pair of networks with a DNS server on a different network to the gateway? 2019-12-25T18:13:09.993

2 How to set up local domain name (.home)? 2020-02-07T21:32:54.777

1 Why do I get slow network throughput when I have a bad DNS server? 2009-07-20T08:11:22.077

1 Is there a DNS specific glitch with Windows 7 build 7600? 2009-08-29T00:56:27.657

1 Why does this laptop have random wireless problems with DNS resolving? 2009-09-01T04:03:34.220

1 Customised URL problem with Google Apps 2009-09-01T08:52:03.590

1 Intermittent DNS failures after upgrading to Snow Leopard 2009-09-13T22:40:48.843