Tag: cleartype

38 Not clear/sharp font in Windows after connecting it thru Remote desktop for the 1st time 2014-11-06T08:31:23.170

28 ClearType keeps turning off on Windows 7 over RDP 2013-03-12T10:36:14.687

24 Terrible font rendering in some applications but not others 2015-02-11T12:44:55.827

22 How to turn off ClearType and use whole-pixel anti-aliasing in Windows 7? 2011-12-12T17:56:25.953

17 Text display quality in Visio 2010 2010-03-31T16:29:17.500

12 How to turn off ClearType for one application only? 2010-11-30T20:31:19.457

12 Smooth font rendering for Japanese characters 2012-03-13T06:08:13.283

12 What are all the places where ClearType can be disabled? 2012-03-26T20:34:45.460

11 ClearType settings per-screen 2014-04-18T14:51:44.740

10 How to get Apple font rendering on Windows? 2009-08-01T07:35:36.583

9 Toggle ClearType (Windows 7) 2011-06-15T09:49:53.657

9 Disable ClearType (blurry fonts) in Internet Explorer 10 on windows 7 2012-11-15T17:53:53.327

9 Odd Windows Font-Rendering Issue (With Video Demo) 2016-02-11T21:10:59.267

8 Does subpixel rendering technology such as ClearType have any effect on CRT displays? 2009-07-23T14:51:03.753

7 Are there any LCD monitors with vertically oriented RGB stripes when in portrait orientation? 2009-08-06T17:24:58.483

7 possible to enable ClearType in Office 2013? 2014-03-26T17:31:54.857

6 Force cleartype fonts in Google Chrome 2011-01-29T02:38:14.373

5 Chrome on Windows 7 is not respecting ClearType 2012-07-19T17:39:50.267

5 My ClearType won't become monochrome 2013-09-22T13:07:22.497

5 Chrome 37 - BGR subpixel text rendering 2014-08-27T16:12:28.213

5 How do I change Windows 10 fonts? 2015-08-10T07:24:43.753

4 Windows 7 cleartype fuzziness 2009-11-23T03:58:55.117

4 ClearType setting ignored in Windows Virtual PC with Windows XP Pro 2010-04-13T14:58:14.637

4 Is it possible to disable ClearType in Internet Explorer 9 Beta 2010-09-30T09:27:11.440

4 No ClearType in Internet Explorer 11? 2013-09-03T12:07:34.980

4 How to improve the text clarity in Windows 10 2015-08-08T10:10:48.657

3 Cleartype for S-PVA panels 2009-08-21T19:59:19.813

3 Clear Type problem in Windows 7 2009-10-01T21:03:52.870

3 Is there a monospaced font that have bold stand out when cleartype is turned on? 2012-03-27T06:48:46.977

3 How to render fonts in Windows 8 like in XP? 2013-05-27T11:45:52.557

3 ClearType keeps reseting (disabling) every time I restart windows 2014-04-21T17:46:32.647

3 ClearType Text Tuner: what exactly do all steps do? 2015-06-19T19:44:30.457

3 Why are WSL GUI apps rendered with blurry fonts with Xming? 2018-05-19T10:12:34.240

2 Turning ClearType of on a 2nd monitor in Windows 7 2009-08-10T06:36:20.057

2 Can you force an app to use Cleartype? 2009-09-17T14:38:56.777

2 Can ClearType be taught y-dir AA and reverse subpixel-order when turning the display? 2009-09-18T17:02:55.433

2 How to make ClearType looks ok even with large fonts 2010-04-13T10:10:25.343

2 Is ClearType enabled here? 2011-02-19T22:23:41.873

2 Consolas font occasionally turns ugly, blurry after months of sharpness 2011-06-14T10:16:57.720

2 How can I find out the current ClearType (and related) settings in Windows 7? 2013-02-14T16:52:23.687

2 Why does the text become multicolored when a Windows screenshot is zoomed? 2013-04-28T09:21:20.797

2 _Working_ sub-pixel rendering with Linux 2013-12-12T18:10:01.553

2 Is it possible to have different cleartype and color settings in a multimonitor setup in Windows 8? 2014-03-22T11:13:56.567

2 Why do some graphics programs use ClearType to render text in exported images? 2014-06-18T14:35:09.980

2 How to force Windows to use cleartype for all font sizes 2014-10-23T09:13:36.850

2 How to completely disable Subpixel rendering in Windows 8.1? 2015-02-23T14:09:04.443

2 How to Disable Direct Write in Windows 10? 2016-07-10T10:01:01.060

2 Is there a way to manually adjust ClearType in Windows without "choosing which looks best"? 2016-12-07T14:29:03.163

1 Windows 7 (DirectWrite) text-rendering comparison 2009-07-21T07:48:26.150

1 Tweaks to make Cleartype better at high resolutions? 2010-04-25T05:03:43.647

1 Does ClearType work on a Quattron display? 2010-06-24T19:34:40.270

1 How to fix Windows XP's extremely sharp fonts? 2011-01-28T13:40:31.810

1 Is it possible to apply cleartype tuner to Windows Server 2008 when in remote-control mode? 2011-02-10T12:14:29.837

1 ClearType conditions 2011-12-29T06:33:35.297

1 Disable anti-aliasing for some fonts in Windows 8 2013-01-15T08:43:25.860

1 How can I make cleartype change subpixel layout when I rotate my tablet? 2013-08-25T20:29:29.100

1 How do I prevent font smoothing from turning on when changing theme? 2013-09-01T01:50:10.927

1 Is there a way to get rid of cleartype/font smoothing in Internet Explorer 11? 2014-02-24T22:36:44.460

1 How can I enable ClearType fonts in Firefox? 2014-10-03T16:05:51.817

1 ugly font in XP, how can I restore it? 2015-02-11T10:40:52.707

1 Corrupted rendering of Courier New font in Windows Server 2003 2015-02-17T18:42:20.163

1 Disable cleartype Windows 7 title bar text 2015-08-21T01:14:54.683

1 Why would text be blurry in Excel 2016 under Windows 10 on one PC and not the other? 2018-12-02T13:29:05.373

1 Why does Windows 10 has some text as ClearType but not others? How can I enable Clear Type on it? 2019-06-08T01:03:06.220

0 can't disable anti-aliasing on second monitor on Vista (Lenovo ThinkPad T500 2055) 2009-12-02T00:25:08.900

0 Fine-grained control over font size in Windows 7 2011-04-21T00:47:21.457

0 enable clear type and font smoothing windows xp 2011-04-24T12:15:27.830

0 How to disable ClearType from all programs on Windows XP? 2012-05-17T10:44:36.063

0 Why isn't Sublime Text 2 affected by system wide font rendering settings? 2012-06-21T06:31:40.367

0 Fonts don't look as sharp after re installing windows 7 2013-05-11T18:54:49.687

0 Disable ClearType fonts in Windows8 2013-08-16T14:21:41.507

0 How to check ClearType status through WMI/CIM 2014-03-11T09:32:38.580

0 Fonts smoothing on Windows - how to disable ClearType but still get a smoothing 2014-09-05T23:23:26.947

0 Turn off font smoothing in SeaMonkey for Windows 2016-04-12T15:42:47.123

0 What has happened to my anti-aliasing on text? 2017-12-13T10:49:37.073

0 Cleartype continuously scanning across screen 2019-03-15T13:17:39.537