How to completely disable Subpixel rendering in Windows 8.1?


I am - unfortunately - one of the persons, for whom subpixel rendering is a visual burden instead of a help. So I am trying to disable it completely in Windows 8.1, but it still pops up a lot of places.

I have disabled ClearType in the Display control panel, which is respected by some applications. But Windows still use subpixel rendering in e.g. the control panel and other places.

Is there any way to disable it for all text-rendering?

Carsten Gehling

Posted 2015-02-23T14:09:04.443

Reputation: 151

Question was closed 2015-02-24T12:28:18.730

@Techie007 that may be so, but the answer (points 2 & 3) below definitely hasn't been posted before. – Carsten Gehling – 2015-02-24T06:37:34.853



There is font smoothing in addition the ClearType. Briefly, quoting from Disable ClearType everywhere:

  1. Disable ClearType by opening “Control Panel->Fonts->Adjust ClearType text” and unchecking “Turn on ClearType”.

  2. Disable font smoothing by unchecking “Smooth edges of screen fonts” in “Control Panel->System->Advanced system settings -> Performance Settings->Visual Effects.

  3. Change window elements fonts. To do this, open “Control Panel->Personalize->Window Color->Advanced appearance settings” and change all fonts from Segoe UI 9 to any other font.

See the reference above and Disable all font smoothing in Windows 7 (ie: including taskbar, menus, control panel, etc...) for more complete directions, still applicable to Windows 8.1.

DrMoishe Pippik

Posted 2015-02-23T14:09:04.443

Reputation: 13 291

@Pippik I had already tried 1 & 2 (also through regedit), but 3) is new to me - will try it tomorrow when I'm back at the computer in question. Thanks – Carsten Gehling – 2015-02-24T06:38:48.857

@Pippik 3) is unfortunately not available in Windows 8.1. Sometimes I simply don't understand what goes on inside the head of those Windows development teams... – Carsten Gehling – 2015-02-25T09:12:11.140

A developers motto: "If it ain't broke, it don't have enough features." (adapted from Dilbert,

– DrMoishe Pippik – 2015-02-25T17:40:18.773