Tag: bashrc

2 How to enable the bash history only caching commands that are acutally in path? 2012-12-06T16:10:26.457

2 Alias defined in .bashrc not working after pipe 2013-02-04T16:30:45.880

2 Is it possible to set color for the user input in bashrc? 2013-02-20T16:21:48.397

2 how to clear the effect of system wide bashrc 2013-04-01T18:19:32.390

2 Sort out where to put my bash commands, alias, and configurations 2013-05-10T12:28:11.183

2 How can I make my configuration available regardless on which machine I am working on? 2013-05-23T21:00:08.380

2 Creating a .bashrc function with encapsulated commands 2013-06-18T16:40:59.910

2 After updating bashrc in cygwin the cursor starts at column 0 instead of after the prompt 2013-09-30T05:51:45.480

2 How to insert bash scripts inside the PS1 variable 2014-01-18T08:48:48.980

2 Color in bash prompt messes up git output 2014-04-23T15:25:58.650

2 Echoing aliases into a .bashrc file 2014-06-02T17:17:53.737

2 PATH preference in bashrc 2014-07-27T19:47:03.140

2 Removed lines in .bash_history are still listed in history command. How to load the changes? 2015-06-03T19:26:05.820

2 Auto source a script after sudo su 2015-08-06T18:42:28.563

2 Why does mac iterm and iterm2 not source .bashrc or .bash_profile? 2015-08-12T19:43:12.003

2 Automatically kill tmux session on session end? 2015-12-26T16:16:23.967

2 How to execute command on urxvt startup 2016-06-07T11:58:20.703

2 Bash-Completion Does not work for Apt 2016-07-23T17:15:50.280

2 PYTHONPATH Getting set in Bash Shell to incorrect value 2016-08-18T18:08:42.007

2 How to load Bash with .bash_profile from different folder 2016-09-27T06:50:48.270

2 How to have bash write two bash history files without changing bash source code? 2016-10-03T19:00:53.043

2 How to add all subfolders a folder to PYTHONPATH 2017-10-16T17:59:08.840

2 Automatically list contents of directory when changing to it 2018-01-03T03:11:00.440

2 Ctrl D not exiting bash after sourcing bashrc 2018-04-19T09:10:22.683

2 How to show git status and conda environment in command prompt? 2019-08-08T15:25:14.997

2 Slow midnight commander startup 2019-10-18T07:24:56.073

1 Ubuntu Karmic: what logs do I need to look at to figure out boot script problems 2010-01-05T11:10:27.547

1 Ubuntu Launcher Items Don't Have Correct Environment Vars under NX 2010-06-03T19:41:43.853

1 resumable bash sessions with branch maintenance 2010-06-29T02:52:52.457

1 .bashrc file adds a couple of tens of spaces to the prompt 2010-09-03T07:23:15.380

1 Bash profile script order in screen 2011-02-03T16:04:35.697

1 How do I install Z.SH to my Linux? 2011-02-19T03:37:00.090

1 How to detect ubuntu in a shared bashrc? 2011-03-10T14:40:24.520

1 What's the most reliable way to distinguish local from remote logins in .bashrc? 2011-03-18T20:56:00.413

1 Default folder from which commands execute 2011-04-12T15:41:20.847

1 How to use cyg-wrapper to fork a new tab in win32 gvim 2011-06-18T04:12:24.227

1 Formatting my $PS1 to x amount of character 2011-06-22T18:04:57.800

1 How to check terminal color capability from command line? 2011-08-16T14:55:51.617

1 How do I enable tab tips in Bash? 2011-10-25T09:54:14.817

1 How can I clean up my bashrc/zshrc file? 2012-04-05T14:26:35.403

1 launchctl - use rvm instead of system Ruby in executed scripts? 2012-06-12T14:53:42.687

1 How can I show only the current directory after the prompt in Ubuntu 10.04 2012-10-16T10:34:03.627

1 dmenu doesn't set environment variable as per my .bash_profile when running Emacs 2012-11-15T17:26:39.967

1 How do I boot a Raspberry Pi directly into browser? 2013-01-14T23:58:10.963

1 Bash colorless on Plesk machine (debian) 2013-01-30T14:27:12.740

1 gVim does not source .bashrc, .bash_profile, or .profile from non-interactive non-login shell 2013-04-21T00:04:21.460

1 Running source ~/.bashrc doesn't load the right version of node when using nvm 2013-04-29T06:36:04.977

1 Use the result of 'whoami' as part of an alias 2013-08-14T22:06:57.863

1 .bashrc used in gnome not just terminal 2014-06-27T09:00:13.143

1 Broken sudo commands 2014-07-13T19:47:44.957

1 Sourcing ~/.bashrc in ~/.profile? 2014-12-19T11:31:22.440

1 How to let the .bashrc know the current operation system 2015-01-08T06:39:55.993

1 Can't run /bin/bash... sometimes? 2015-02-19T03:59:27.333

1 How convert decimal to Hexadecimal in Ubuntu? 2015-04-04T10:48:26.753

1 running remote command with arguments and shell using ssh 2015-08-04T09:01:07.257

1 .vimrc sourcing another leads to plugin errors 2015-10-31T14:56:33.270

1 lost virtualenv display to the left of bash prompt 2016-04-27T14:57:22.830

1 Why are spaces not allowed while setting up aliases in .bashrc 2016-05-07T15:05:49.113

1 Want to prevent accidental shutdowns, reboot, etc by aliasing commands such as shutdown 2016-11-08T08:08:20.847

1 Logged in to "-bash", not to "bash". And what is the difference? 2016-12-10T19:57:37.500

1 line 63: syntax error near unexpected token `;' in bashrc 2016-12-15T00:42:30.197

1 bashrc substitute in Windows for making auto execution of CMD commands in each bootstrapping? 2016-12-16T16:04:02.860

1 How can I add password of user as alias in bashrc file? 2017-05-17T15:49:30.533

1 emacs-style partial directory path completion in bash 2017-05-30T05:12:06.773

1 .bashrc not automatically initalising? 2017-06-08T22:51:38.583

1 How to edit a new .bashrc file in a Mac to set the python path? 2017-09-12T18:23:21.843

1 ssh hostname cmd isn't loading .bashrc 2019-08-24T18:47:10.370

1 Can't Run bash file inside ZSH 2019-11-12T09:17:55.210

1 Dash rc files for non-login non-interactive shells 2020-02-05T12:29:11.763

1 can't find bash history executed via ruby net::sh library 2020-02-26T20:10:51.810

0 Bash: overridding ls -la with ls -la | more (basic bash scripting problem) 2010-02-08T16:13:50.640

0 /etc/inputrc does not seem to be recognized as user on Ubuntu 8.04.2 LTS 2010-06-13T06:54:06.743

0 I want to make a save command by editing the .bashrc 2011-02-19T02:34:54.963

0 Why isn't the shell reading from Bash startup files? 2011-03-03T06:54:16.743

0 -bash: /home/rb27/.bash_profile: Permission denied 2011-09-09T02:11:37.730

0 source .bashrc doesn't work 2011-12-01T07:00:28.327

0 Login issue - .bashrc permission denied? 2011-12-19T21:16:45.383

0 Create a function that wraps an alias, but prints out the alias string 2011-12-22T02:23:48.627

0 How can I check whether Vim has the -p (tabs) option or not? 2012-02-06T15:21:54.873

0 Cygwin: Can I automatically change wa-foo-go to smart_wa_foo_go by only typing wa-foo-go? 2012-03-16T14:07:25.470

0 Where are shell variables sourced in bash under RedHat? 2012-03-22T16:56:27.827

0 Where is ORACLE_HOME set in AIX? 2012-06-26T17:13:24.013

0 Prompt Customization Query - PS1='[\u@\h]\!:echo $? $ ' 2012-07-04T03:23:29.670

0 sftp packet length error with loaded .bashrc 2012-07-13T14:51:16.803

0 alias: extract options from command 2012-08-02T20:03:22.210

0 unset LC_* previous to ssh 2012-10-18T15:24:42.247

0 In linux, how can we change bash environment variables using initialize script? 2012-10-28T08:44:36.830

0 can't cd into directory with spaces 2013-01-14T01:11:48.027

0 csh -> bash, autostart .bashrc PCBSD (FREEBSD) 2013-02-17T03:31:13.310

0 linux - Play sound on login? 2013-03-12T06:41:56.193

0 can you make your terminal so that it times all the commands except common ones? 2013-03-30T02:07:58.117

0 emacs gui from the terminal 2013-04-16T13:53:26.527

0 Why I have a .bashrc.dpkg-dist file? 2013-07-09T18:26:02.493

0 Open list of files in the directory from which to choose the file to edit in vim 2013-08-21T14:34:34.567

0 Linux Mint something wrong with my .bashrc 2013-10-27T14:02:44.717

0 Run bash_aliases on start 2013-11-11T12:01:02.287

0 Sourcing local .bashrc .vimrc without copy to remote machine 2014-01-28T10:09:07.453

0 modify ssh_config ip addresses based on current ip 2014-01-31T13:14:08.410

0 How to store setings 2014-02-19T01:45:39.293