Tag: bashrc

453 Difference between .bashrc and .bash_profile 2010-09-02T14:40:34.913

106 What is the .bashrc file? 2009-09-30T15:54:44.903

97 What does the 'rc' in `.bashrc`, etc. mean? 2010-08-07T14:41:17.687

93 How do I modify my Git Bash profile in Windows? 2013-06-02T20:08:32.720

83 Mac OS X .bashrc not working 2011-02-12T13:58:17.023

76 Show only current directory name (not full path) on bash prompt 2009-10-25T21:38:55.423

70 Is there windows equivalent to the .bashrc file in linux? 2010-05-23T10:44:31.323

43 iTerm/zsh not reading .bashrc OR .bash_profile 2015-01-19T15:50:53.660

39 Bash if on single line 2017-01-20T15:05:37.413

38 MinGW Bash profile 2012-03-27T15:06:31.827

36 Environment variables in bash_profile or bashrc? 2012-04-06T04:15:25.653

35 Open gnome terminal programmatically and execute commands after bashrc was executed 2010-10-10T22:04:14.780

31 Where's .bashrc for root? 2011-04-08T19:22:02.603

24 Linux: coloring bash prompt will break carriage return 2011-12-12T19:58:22.687

23 Bash not loading '.profile' in new session on Linux 2010-08-16T14:23:03.037

22 Is it possible to override the command line's built in "cd" command? 2011-06-13T15:51:09.283

21 "Reset" colors of terminal after ssh exit/logout 2011-07-31T15:51:28.210

20 What's the difference between /etc/bash.bashrc and ~/.bashrc? Which one should I use? 2009-10-01T14:01:06.967

19 Bash is slow to start because of this line in .bashrc. What could cause this? 2017-05-14T21:57:47.447

17 Is it a good idea to put "screen -r" in my .bashrc? 2010-12-21T19:49:23.780

15 Bash completion makes bash start slowly 2011-04-07T11:00:35.593

15 Bash prompt to change color when I am logged into a server 2016-08-29T06:23:07.207

14 overriding user defined functions with the same name as system commands 2012-09-13T17:10:15.697

13 bash: execute command given in commandline and don't exit 2011-10-08T22:29:19.517

13 No bashrc file in my home directory 2013-04-18T13:04:47.730

13 What does . .bashrc actually do? 2014-03-14T09:18:57.897

12 why alias names defined in .bashrc file are not working? 2012-06-27T04:21:20.093

12 Bash, how to globally fix ^H and ^? backspace problems 2013-09-04T22:28:21.977

12 `ssh <host>` is a login shell, but `ssh <host> <command>` is not? 2017-07-02T09:18:15.347

11 .bashrc loading aliases from different file 2011-09-04T13:02:05.020

10 Run parts of .bashrc asynchronously 2011-01-19T05:53:40.083

10 bashrc: how to know X window is available or not? 2011-02-10T20:15:33.973

10 Putty solarized the manual way 2013-09-03T05:02:01.280

9 Cygwin .bashrc not being source because cygwin starting in Windows home 2012-02-29T07:02:06.757

9 How to persist bash history? 2013-04-18T12:12:25.087

8 Adding git branch to bash prompt on snow leopard 2010-03-19T08:21:10.517

8 How do I permanently set my bashrc changes? 2010-04-12T19:56:56.230

8 How to execute python script from console without writing full path? 2011-05-12T12:01:01.840

8 Can I make bash stop parsing and validating a certain alias? 2017-03-05T14:15:11.530

8 Does .bashrc contain syntax errors? 2019-03-16T23:57:17.080

7 running .bashrc versus new login 2010-08-12T01:10:04.217

7 How to escape commands in a bashrc alias? 2010-09-17T21:30:44.507

7 bash: source from URL 2011-03-09T13:45:20.167

7 Bash Alias Adding a Background Process 2011-07-12T17:07:08.140

7 How do I stop automatic changing of iterm tab titles? 2011-10-06T18:56:11.270

7 Find out where $PATH is defined 2012-07-01T20:08:13.200

7 What's the meaning of "rc" in filenames such as .vimrc and .bashrc? 2012-10-27T16:22:22.203

7 Why do people source bash_profile from bashrc instead of the other way round? 2014-01-18T04:46:19.687

6 To have Vim Psql's editor 2009-08-03T03:23:55.367

6 gnome-terminal: how to preserve symlinks of working directory when opening new tab? 2010-08-31T13:08:08.367

6 Source new .bashrc in all open terminals 2013-03-22T17:02:50.090

6 How to benchmark bashrc / zshrc and prompt rendering time? 2013-06-12T11:30:23.667

6 Can I tell if I'm in an scp session in my .bashrc? 2013-12-19T17:32:04.040

6 How does one define aliases for use within MobaXTerm *local* bash shell? 2015-12-28T17:16:06.420

5 Bash prompt: how to have the initials of directory path 2010-08-24T21:34:35.543

5 Bash shell: how to reconcile portable configuration files and GUI terminal start-up types (login or interactive)? 2010-12-02T05:58:53.760

5 xterm not wrapping text properly 2013-09-30T14:02:53.837

4 I've broken my .bash_profile 2010-07-31T18:33:39.003

4 Problems with bash path when using 'su' 2010-09-08T03:29:08.760

4 How do I only display the base dir in my Ubuntu Terminal? 2010-09-09T19:19:25.207

4 How to create a directory symbol like ~ for HOME? 2012-08-29T19:06:58.147

4 BASH function not escaping control characters 2012-08-31T19:14:27.050

4 Where are aliases set in CentOS? 2013-05-03T21:11:18.827

4 .profile and .bash_profile ignored when starting tmux from .bashrc? 2013-07-01T18:17:51.540

4 Spaces in Linux environmental variables? 2013-07-06T18:13:25.270

4 what is `ssh-agent bin/bash` and why I have to `ssh-add` everytime 2014-10-02T08:11:30.997

4 Execute same command for each non-interactive bash session 2015-12-12T14:09:19.547

4 SSH Login "clear screen" before MOTD is displayed 2017-01-19T21:16:53.323

3 What site is there for sharing Linux custom configuration files? 2010-06-09T06:25:52.013

3 How can I change my bash prompt on Ubuntu? 2011-02-02T00:53:48.833

3 Multiple .bashrc.save in my ~/home/user/ 2011-12-28T14:31:06.970

3 ~/.bashrc not sourced in a new lxterminal window 2012-02-22T12:06:32.837

3 Bash LS Options ~ Group Directories First 2012-05-08T19:46:52.693

3 Sudo can not find binary 2012-07-25T03:32:08.527

3 Function defined in my user's .bashrc causes an error when I sudo su 2013-03-21T15:26:20.343

3 Append dir to PATH 2013-08-01T07:13:15.877

3 Source my bash profile when I su on OS X 2013-08-25T14:18:50.293

3 how to disable `alt-numkey` in bash shell 2014-06-19T13:35:52.470

3 Non-interactive ssh sessions don't have PATH set on some systems 2015-03-19T16:06:58.333

3 Periodically source shell profile 2016-02-18T23:54:57.730

3 Wrap git's shell script to add bashrc or equivalent start-up commands 2016-04-18T20:58:45.897

3 Which bash rc files are run on non-interactive/non-login shells? 2017-05-03T16:20:24.373

3 Bash macro that does not let me "git push" after 3am 2017-09-20T09:40:42.553

3 Activate virtualenv using alias 2017-12-31T07:42:13.677

3 Is there a way to enable fuzzy Bash auto-completion like Intellij has? 2018-04-02T16:36:22.373

3 Bash on Ubuntu on Windows gives error "-bash: /home/user/.bashrc: Permission denied" on startup 2018-05-02T04:40:32.343

3 Alias to source .bashrc after it's been edited? 2019-04-30T20:55:38.910

3 Configure .bashrc to save all commands and output 2019-09-10T14:32:43.870

2 Changing Default UMASK Value 2010-01-15T17:56:21.973

2 Can't change permission for bash.bashrc file in Ubuntu 2010-05-28T23:53:22.803

2 Why is there a dot in front of .bashrc 2010-11-24T17:40:11.603

2 Bash: take local .bashrc (or similar) settings to remote boxes w/o putting .bashrc on every instance 2011-05-05T07:25:32.213

2 How to change default vi alias in Fedora 14? 2011-05-25T15:53:40.307

2 Alias that allows to edit ~/.bashrc and then "sources" it automatically - Why it doesn't work? 2011-11-22T22:10:27.177

2 What is the correct way to alias applications in OS X through bash? 2012-02-05T21:26:24.850

2 How can I create session logs of individual SSH sessions? 2012-06-06T14:29:47.873

2 Why does this line appear every time I launch iTerm on my MacBook? 2012-09-25T22:09:00.743

2 Where can I find bash_profile / bashrc themes? 2012-10-17T06:40:11.957

2 editing .bashrc file 2012-11-18T12:01:19.073