How to enable the bash history only caching commands that are acutally in path?



Having a bash history enabled is a security risk, because when you accientally enter your password into the bash the password gets stored in the bash history. To prevent this a good solution would be to configure the bash history not to save commands that were'nt found in $PATH.

So far this is how i setup the history behaviour

# Dont Save duplicated history lines
HISTIGNORE="su":"su *":"sudo *":"sudo":"his":"his *":"history":"history *":"halt":"reboot":"apt-get *":"apt-cache *":"aptitude *":"dpkg *"

# need a bigger history 
# uncomment these lines

It there a way to setup the history so it would only store commands that are in path?


Posted 2012-12-06T16:10:26.457

Reputation: 933



You could put all the commands in the variable, I suppose.

HISTIGNORE=${HISTIGNORE}:`find ${PATH//:/ } -printf %f: |sed s/:$//`

Ярослав Рахматуллин

Posted 2012-12-06T16:10:26.457

Reputation: 9 076

umm.. that's the opposite of what you want, isn't it? – Ярослав Рахматуллин – 2012-12-06T17:21:53.703

yes it is. but i think this might not be solved that easy. it seems that i need a backgroud process or something looking whether the command is in $PATH or not. but thanks anyway – l1zard – 2012-12-06T17:30:37.957