Tag: bash

61 Rename user's group name 2012-03-23T20:34:11.017

61 How can I get the mount path of a USB device on OSX? 2012-05-26T09:09:09.103

60 The MD5 hash value is different from Bash and PHP 2016-02-21T16:42:03.033

58 Cygwin bash prompt is wrapping lines on the same line 2011-05-14T00:17:24.683

57 In Linux, how do I truncate command-line output? 2011-09-06T06:33:34.063

57 How to write a script that accepts input from a file or from stdin? 2014-04-30T09:46:43.457

56 How to prevent SSH from disconnecting if it's been idle for a while 2014-01-10T07:52:52.567

56 command not found when using sudo 2014-01-31T08:57:41.957

56 What is the purpose of cd ` (backtick)? 2017-04-25T22:03:08.497

55 how to cd into a thumb drive from terminal ( Mac OSX ) 2011-06-30T02:35:44.943

55 How can I use a Bash-like shell on Windows? 2013-06-15T11:48:25.310

54 Difference between "a=b" and "export a=b" in bash 2009-08-06T12:04:25.277

54 How to get infinite command history in bash? 2012-04-29T16:59:10.103

53 Find files filtered by multiple extensions 2010-04-01T01:31:40.227

53 How do I convert a bash array variable to a string delimited with newlines? 2012-08-15T14:41:32.893

53 how do I add the 'tree' command to git-bash on Windows? 2013-01-09T18:22:35.337

53 Windows 10 build 14316: Ctrl + v doesn't work on Bash on Ubuntu on Windows 2016-04-13T03:25:18.353

53 What does echo $((2#$1)) exactly do? 2017-01-02T13:08:31.813

52 Bash command to focus a specific window 2010-05-19T14:02:48.030

52 How to verify that file2 is newer than file1 in bash? 2010-09-13T19:21:59.847

52 How to "unextract" a zip file? 2013-02-13T23:24:08.983

51 Using the Terminal keybindings with bash on macOS 2010-03-26T09:08:36.793

51 How can I display the absolute path in bash prompt? 2010-10-22T08:52:45.757

51 How can I sort all files by size in a directory? 2011-12-16T21:16:01.583

51 Monitor TCP Traffic on specific port 2013-06-07T15:55:48.567

50 Why is Bash everywhere (in most if not all Linux distributions)? 2009-10-27T04:15:06.830

50 Avoid unwanted path in Zip file 2010-03-14T01:30:53.160

50 Bash: is there a way to search for a particular string in a directory of files? 2011-10-10T20:05:44.913

50 Can I save these documents on a dying machine from oblivion? 2017-11-16T08:12:38.247

49 what is the difference between "command && command" and "command ; command" 2013-07-12T15:03:21.833

48 Looping Through Subdirectories and Running a Command in Each 2009-09-21T21:34:05.153

48 How to use Cmd's tab autocomplete effectively? 2013-04-15T14:33:48.987

47 How to cd to a directory that contains a space in its name? 2011-03-13T11:06:35.537

47 How do I use a Bash variable (string) containing quotes in a command? 2011-11-24T05:11:02.597

47 What does this strange symbol ":>" in bash mean 2015-09-01T15:28:47.157

46 Newlines in sed on Mac OS X 2011-07-06T16:01:32.967

46 Delete files with regular expression 2012-02-22T18:07:35.050

46 How can I get bash to perform tab-completion for my aliases? 2012-06-13T14:03:04.210

46 I want to change DPI with ImageMagick without changing the actual byte-size of the image data 2012-09-24T15:35:33.903

46 Have a file named ~ (tilde) in my home-directory 2013-06-19T04:44:15.103

45 How can I prepend a line number and tab to each line of a text file? 2009-07-21T16:30:41.993

45 diff directories, excluding one folder inside 2013-02-08T14:30:46.120

45 What do those +/- mean if linux job in background finishes (started with &) 2013-03-01T09:20:41.203

45 Does rsync delete files, folders at destination by default? 2014-03-18T23:09:39.330

44 Bash vs. Gnu screen : Replace Ctrl-A with Ctrl-Shift-A 2010-05-18T20:56:43.530

44 Bash autocomplete on symlink to directory complete to whole directory, including slash 2011-04-16T12:58:49.037

44 The command 'ls -d' is not displaying directories. Is there a way to get 'ls' to only display directories instead of files and directories? 2011-10-10T08:44:47.770

44 How to remotely write to a file using SSH 2012-03-14T17:22:17.453

44 How to create symbolic links to all files (class of files) in a directory? 2013-08-19T08:39:55.363

44 How can I get the scp command to overwrite the destination folder 2013-09-23T14:15:50.193

44 How to quickly change the first word in a Bash command? 2015-01-22T07:36:28.733

43 How do I configure ConEmu to run Cygwin Bash? 2013-05-03T18:52:23.930

43 How to add a line to .bash_profile 2013-11-19T22:53:31.377

43 How can I "grep" recursively filtering the name of the files I want with wildcards? 2014-05-23T08:42:50.100

43 iTerm/zsh not reading .bashrc OR .bash_profile 2015-01-19T15:50:53.660

43 why it is 2>&1 and not 2>>&1 to append to a log file 2019-05-06T10:50:06.320

42 how to get elements from list in bash? 2010-03-19T03:19:46.183

42 Is there any way to get bash to have syntax highlighting like fish? 2011-06-30T00:18:35.847

42 How to use 'sed' with piping 2016-08-02T07:59:10.447

42 Accessing removable media in Bash on Windows 2016-08-04T23:20:41.727

41 Finding the definition of a bash function 2010-05-24T18:42:54.587

41 Make bash's tab-completion case-insensitive 2011-04-16T03:26:02.547

41 How can I make my own "shell commands" (e.g. mkdir/cd combo)? 2016-05-06T13:09:18.623

41 How to disable Bash on Windows notification sound effect 2016-08-03T06:49:30.420

41 Can ',,' be aliased to '..'? 2017-04-27T17:25:54.780

41 Is there a method of getting a percentage on a DD in linux? 2018-01-30T22:46:54.207

40 Bash completion for commands in Mac OS X 2011-05-25T14:33:54.697

40 How to include environment variable in bash line CURL? 2014-11-04T02:44:10.393

39 Change Terminal Title in Mac OS X 2010-02-06T08:16:39.237

39 Killing all instances of Chrome on the command-line? 2010-04-14T19:30:49.053

39 In bash, how can I rename a file without repeating the path? 2011-06-16T14:34:35.830

39 How to remove all files starting with a certain string in Linux 2012-10-02T12:18:00.423

39 Bash if on single line 2017-01-20T15:05:37.413

38 Rename a group of files with one command 2009-07-19T19:41:06.037

38 In bash, how to sort strings with numbers in them? 2009-12-06T00:14:52.610

38 Equivalent/Alternatives for Alt+Dot in Mac 2009-12-18T14:15:37.163

38 Bash: create anonymous fifo 2010-09-03T15:18:17.050

38 Can't rename a file the name of which starts with a hyphen 2012-11-25T14:55:37.453

38 How can I fix a Broken Pipe error? 2013-02-20T15:29:55.707

38 Deleting millions of files 2013-11-23T16:28:51.810

38 Does the Shellshock bug affect ZSH? 2014-09-25T12:27:28.953

38 UTF8 characters in windows 10 bash terminal 2016-08-03T18:05:01.583

38 How do you change the color scheme in bash on Ubuntu for Windows? 2016-08-17T13:17:15.077

38 How can I pass an alias to sudo? 2017-06-19T21:33:04.413

37 How do I unset or get rid of a bash function? 2010-06-19T03:16:08.420

37 echo text with new line in bash 2010-06-21T09:52:50.490

37 How can I list only non-empty files using ls? 2010-09-23T12:39:44.753

37 Bash Shebang for dummies? 2010-10-04T21:09:09.907

37 How do I change the default startup directory in Cygwin? 2012-02-10T14:59:40.480

37 How can I make the bash backtick operator keep newlines in output? 2012-03-22T23:27:38.770

37 How to disable set -e for an individual command? 2015-07-14T15:12:02.587

37 What exactly is <() in bash (and =() in zsh)? 2016-03-31T18:18:35.560

36 Why doesn't echo support "\e" (escape) when using the -e argument in MacOSX 2009-09-01T21:24:46.173

36 Command: sudo su - 2010-02-05T22:15:54.730

36 Copy list of files 2010-08-24T21:14:20.873

36 List of all available man pages 2010-11-05T13:18:00.113

36 Preventing bash from displaying "Done" when a background command finishes executing 2011-07-04T03:25:34.813

36 Environment variables in bash_profile or bashrc? 2012-04-06T04:15:25.653

36 Is there a “reverse incremental search” functionality in Fish similar to Bash’s CTRL+R? 2013-08-04T23:08:30.110