Tag: awk

1 How to add a prefix to every row of a particular column in a csv file via command line on linux 2014-06-15T01:59:46.023

1 How to replace a line in an xml file with a set of lines stored in a variable or file using unix commands? 2014-07-07T09:33:39.003

1 How to convert a column of hex to dec in gawk, strtonum in gawk gives erroneous results 2014-07-28T17:22:58.983

1 How to use the awk to print the output 2014-09-18T15:43:25.727

1 Get a range of lines from a file and replace a line in that range using awk or sed or both 2014-10-02T17:58:49.073

1 reverse print without trailing 2014-10-15T22:36:35.253

1 How can I print everything before a match? 2014-10-22T00:53:22.567

1 Using grep, sed or awk to find words in between? I want to be able to extract the package name until .el7 2014-10-31T07:25:41.130

1 How to delete the 3rd occurrence of a pattern in a file, and beyond 2014-12-07T16:39:59.820

1 bash sed/awk: replace string from a file searching in another file 2015-02-21T19:40:08.673

1 Get the Group name which has GID=0 2015-03-25T09:53:29.867

1 SED/AWK/PERL(GNU userland) - how to substitute pattern A but not pattern B? 2015-04-08T02:32:15.410

1 How to search for a line which contains specific string in Bash? 2015-04-14T10:51:49.540

1 Awk to merge two files using hash 2015-04-20T00:34:16.997

1 How to parse a space delimited text file 2015-04-24T09:07:25.977

1 Best way to increment numbers in one line in Linux 2015-05-23T00:15:31.513

1 escaping awk with remote ssh command and bash that is already escaped 2015-08-04T14:54:41.963

1 Find duplicate column and separate them to a file or variable(Bash) 2015-08-11T21:32:58.240

1 AWK - Add variable and result of function to variable 2015-08-31T11:10:02.690

1 How to run the awk command in Windows 7? 2015-09-15T10:57:50.593

1 Conditional AND in awk with environment variables 2015-10-06T12:50:37.983

1 Generate CSV from NS Zone File 2015-10-07T20:24:06.087

1 awk character differences when using if 2015-10-13T17:29:10.570

1 How to find the last 2 characters of Chinese names with command lines tools? 2015-11-05T10:23:55.763

1 How to replace first n no. of occurrence of a string using sed and/or awk? 2015-12-11T21:46:17.033

1 Fetch required column from a file with \001 delimiter 2015-12-17T12:18:21.690

1 Increase efficiency of bash loop with awk 2016-01-21T18:57:11.517

1 Remove a certain part in a text file 2016-01-23T22:21:31.910

1 chunking screen output using grep/head/awk/sed/etc 2016-03-07T02:30:35.573

1 Combine multiple lines in a file to a single line 2016-05-24T02:24:46.317

1 Display file contents if it has corresponding line number 2016-06-05T18:10:57.207

1 Linux Shell script to change grep for a string, then comment out 2 lines above and 1 below the string found in the file 2016-06-09T20:15:10.330

1 Using a shell script to add a ‘</pre>’ after the last line in a large file 2016-06-22T03:21:54.483

1 receiving a bunch of (incomplete)s during a GREP and AWK command 2016-08-12T21:39:38.210

1 How to prefix the first 3 lines of a file with different variables? 2016-09-24T06:11:00.977

1 `awk -F_ "{print $1}"` not removing everything before the underscore in each line 2016-10-26T08:13:58.580

1 Print the commnd run by shell 2016-11-19T13:36:23.803

1 correcting awk script to have output in correct order 2017-01-13T15:49:26.310

1 Read XML tags and then remove XML tags using a shell script 2017-01-18T06:57:11.803

1 Extract contents from log file for the last 5 minutes 2017-02-09T19:33:12.660

1 How to move files to specific folders based on CSV entries? 2017-02-17T23:57:14.700

1 parse multiple lines of text bash 2017-04-07T19:11:01.350

1 Suppress lines with awk 2017-06-08T23:18:54.360

1 For each output of grep execute multiple commands 2017-07-22T17:23:59.300

1 How can I make this awk statement run on Windows? 2017-08-15T16:50:01.803

1 Filter lines if number of string occurrence found? 2017-09-17T13:47:17.130

1 how to select and copy columns that are not space separated to new file? 2017-10-26T17:46:36.853

1 Linux Extract Matched Text Field from File 2017-10-27T12:54:27.927

1 Getting AWK error while transpose some message content 2017-11-21T06:34:04.493

1 How to extract a segment of a binary file based on starting and ending hex strings 2017-11-24T23:30:37.263

1 Text processing: transforming numbers in equivalent number of spaces in bash 2018-01-23T10:57:05.860

1 How to change the highlight in Notepad ++ for variables in double quotes? 2018-03-07T14:36:07.217

1 Search a line(string) between other two diferent lines 2018-03-24T01:14:42.853

1 How can I output iperf results for only Interval and Bandwidth? 2018-05-10T17:39:21.147

1 Remove First 8 columns from ls Output with AWK 2018-08-31T02:33:58.033

1 Take a file of regexes and return the first match for each in another file 2018-09-15T01:39:54.300

1 mac: concatenate contents of text files across many directories; append directory names to corresponding text file contents 2018-09-18T18:42:34.177

1 How can I sort the output of awk, disregarding a certain character? 2018-10-21T23:13:25.840

1 awk, sed, or other text processing suggestions, please 2018-12-30T21:49:40.860

1 awk/perl statement to validate and return fixed-structure data lines at start of file 2019-03-02T22:51:00.117

1 print the number in second col the number of times in a new line always as specified in col 1 2019-04-18T21:48:56.947

1 Sed / awk / perl text editing on n lines after match 2019-06-06T12:59:15.703

1 awk + print lines only if second field match hours:min:sec 2019-09-25T08:18:33.360

1 Remove specific string from file 2019-11-22T09:31:00.110

1 how to awk from n to n elelment 2019-12-20T18:16:14.270

0 how to use grep, sed, and awk to parse tags? 2010-02-01T20:27:31.213

0 How to use sed or AWK to separate a string (NOT string in files) 2010-03-11T10:18:45.770

0 Solaris bash script / search and append field to end of line in /etc/group 2010-06-23T10:16:51.187

0 awk + verify field if zero 2010-06-27T08:53:25.927

0 Unix command to list the portion of the end of a log file from a line containing only hyphens to end of file 2010-07-13T12:02:24.180

0 Linux file content replacement issue 2010-07-28T12:52:40.490

0 Add a newline after each XML tag 2010-09-20T13:01:51.830

0 Optimize shell and awk script 2011-02-16T21:46:34.497

0 how to change the existing printed line in AWK 2011-03-01T09:55:39.603

0 using awk to make exact matches 2011-03-07T19:23:46.060

0 grep the specific date patterns 2011-04-05T17:58:41.737

0 How to construct a grep command with a variable argument in bash? 2011-04-09T17:35:42.283

0 Perform a math operation on all numbers in a file 2011-05-13T17:28:06.230

0 Getting the week number based on date with different first day of the week in gawk 2011-06-24T08:03:32.360

0 lines identical except for their first word, put the first word in a variable 2011-07-17T08:48:40.263

0 Truncate all files in a directory after underscore? 2011-08-10T21:17:15.473

0 AWK CSV stream editing, merge third columns for identical first columns when second column >= 0 2011-08-31T14:52:50.990

0 "find | grep | awk" fails miserabily 2011-10-16T13:35:16.327

0 How to reconnect a screen session every time terminal is fired? 2012-01-13T20:22:19.403

0 awk + sed + match complex string 2012-01-17T11:32:34.267

0 usermod + awk invalid syntax 2012-01-26T22:25:31.903

0 how to redirect output of command line execution to more than one file according to weight of output 2012-02-06T19:58:06.683

0 How can I improve or wrap my sed-script? 2012-02-07T09:51:55.587

0 Oneliner for multiline regex s/,\n]/]/g? 2012-02-09T09:21:05.200

0 Generate a files list and truncate it in 2 list of X Mb of files each 2012-04-16T17:32:29.033

0 Parsing out specific URLs from local html file 2012-04-17T13:01:07.083

0 Generate new file with specific structure from text file 2012-04-17T14:26:18.013

0 ping|awk not responsive 2012-04-18T10:44:37.047

0 Convert an ascii character to ascii hexadecimal representation 2012-05-02T00:25:17.107

0 IP Address dotted decimal to /8 or /16 notation using bash,sed or awk? 2012-06-09T05:03:50.930

0 Bash script to get specific prior context 2012-06-14T16:17:54.770

0 XML text transformation 2012-06-15T08:50:57.177

0 how to get access to environment variables from output file 2012-07-06T09:11:12.197

0 linux sort -n uniq -c 2012-09-14T00:25:45.717