Tag: awk

0 Replacing quotes in a file 2012-10-09T07:10:47.373

0 Filtering output from the "dscl -readall" command 2012-10-12T14:03:55.397

0 solaris 10 + display 2 lines after match by grep? 2012-10-18T15:00:13.433

0 script to convert GB to TB 2012-11-30T05:42:15.050

0 creating CDF data using bash or awk or perl 2012-12-20T15:33:46.943

0 Executing multiple awk commands in one file 2013-01-15T14:31:56.813

0 awk IGNORECASE not working. weird 2013-01-19T23:52:19.023

0 Can't use awk in terminal 2013-01-21T01:30:04.087

0 extracting words using awk 2013-01-28T13:33:52.087

0 Bash script is printing wrong characters in my variable 2013-02-20T03:24:32.567

0 Grep issue (match two strings on same line) 2013-02-24T17:44:06.510

0 Match and remove first and second pattern within xml tags 2013-04-20T15:58:27.740

0 Mass migration of EXIF GPS data (a.k.a. Escape from iPhoto) 2013-04-30T21:41:39.473

0 Write output to $TMPDIR/$variable : file does not exist (should be created) 2013-05-07T02:36:06.683

0 Computing average on a list of values for each value 2013-05-11T15:19:01.117

0 Counting by number of occurrences in first column 2013-05-16T18:36:49.633

0 redirect awk information to stdout 2013-05-22T02:20:41.653

0 Using awk or cut command to get CPU percentage 2013-05-23T16:04:45.047

0 trying to extract two tables at a time from http files with 40 tables each 2013-07-20T09:43:38.167

0 Sed/Awk line double 2013-08-05T21:02:09.210

0 Find a pattern in a line, and append that matched pattern to the same line 2013-08-13T01:31:12.180

0 Trying to get example from Awk and Sed book to work on Ubuntu 13.04 2013-08-19T00:23:37.820

0 Attempting to read data from a text file and inputting the variable text to a script 2013-08-20T23:08:25.240

0 Changing multiple lines in to single line with spaces in linux 2013-10-13T00:43:41.123

0 Count the number of lines in a piped input? 2013-10-22T13:37:51.250

0 Move numbers in a filename to the start 2013-11-02T12:41:26.237

0 Why is this awk statement not working? 2013-11-08T11:48:17.357

0 split a textfile after each n matches to a new file using sed or awk 2013-11-09T15:08:40.437

0 match patterns update output file uncomment when desired 2013-11-13T13:15:40.027

0 combining bourne shell and awk 2013-11-18T08:57:35.187

0 several awk commands consecutively 2013-11-23T16:05:27.563

0 sum numbers in different lines in shell 2013-12-12T09:38:23.743

0 grep out condition and add the values of the grep value 2014-02-06T11:30:38.880

0 How to replace an exact matching word using gsub 2014-02-13T16:43:43.067

0 How to encrypt the mail in unix? 2014-02-14T10:11:03.037

0 Replace words on given line numbers 2014-02-19T06:54:09.487

0 Replace string in string but not when its somewhere between double square bracket 2014-02-20T09:36:04.247

0 Grep values from nethog and netperf 2014-03-07T15:08:20.203

0 How to find the matching records from 2 files in unix 2014-03-10T08:28:06.957

0 awk remove sign "," in all columns, if it exists between 2014-03-12T13:30:06.557

0 Grep values from nethog and netperf 2014-03-07T15:37:52.567

0 Bash Sum Average numbers in files 2014-03-31T14:46:08.820

0 I have file called songs and i'm trying to find the longest and shortest song name using AWK 2014-04-17T23:36:49.200

0 Regexp based editing of content in large CSV files 2014-05-09T17:58:24.300

0 how to extract last number sequence in an IP Address (using Linux) 2014-05-18T17:55:25.730

0 awk used with grep - no output 2014-05-23T15:54:29.760

0 How to grep values under columns 2014-05-30T14:00:13.773

0 Perform a GROUP BY-like command in UNIX 2014-06-02T16:20:26.260

0 Using Grep or AWK to find all of the occurences of a specified string 2014-06-16T21:15:56.613

0 Does an awk script or command execute itself to every line it reads? 2014-06-17T13:25:01.753

0 How to capture diff output from find command exec? 2014-07-10T07:27:39.040

0 Replace negative values in a file with zeros 2014-07-24T09:05:48.930

0 Sort piped to uniq unexpected output 2014-08-08T16:05:23.197

0 I'm trying to mirror dns queries generated by TCPDUMP filter and replay them with dig or any other utility 2014-09-12T21:04:25.057

0 word boundary in a awk command not working when printing a range of lines 2014-09-23T21:50:42.413

0 Extract text between two slashes and add it at the end of the line after a tab character 2014-10-01T09:14:29.120

0 Awk script to run a command based on condition using 'if' 2014-10-17T18:25:25.930

0 Text deletion between patterns across multiple lines with respect to text inside pattern 2014-12-29T20:57:29.600

0 Filtering 2nd field from a data set and then using uniq on the output 2015-01-04T21:28:35.033

0 How to fetch the string "Hi there" from the below array in unix 2015-01-07T11:56:28.050

0 Unable to get accurate record count of a csv file 2015-01-12T23:04:17.593

0 using awk on only files which START with 'xyz' 2015-01-20T18:21:22.993

0 Replace with sed a tag value under a specific section when matching a line 2015-01-23T08:20:18.790

0 Copy huge file skipping first line using dd in Linux 2015-01-29T16:33:11.563

0 Sort on ID, then sort on date, then remove lines which have the older date? 2015-02-22T02:55:12.123

0 quote-enclosed fields in input to awk 2015-02-24T12:30:22.660

0 list file and using awk to get comment 2015-03-27T19:04:25.880

0 Multiple replace - using sed or awk 2015-04-09T11:44:40.787

0 How to copy file using awk based on time creation to some directory 2015-04-22T16:36:33.507

0 Skip the first 6 lines/rows in a text file with awk 2015-04-23T04:01:52.807

0 Extending awk one-liner from identifying matching pair of columns (row by row), to multiple columns 2015-05-25T04:36:35.103

0 Script shell get id and kill process 2015-05-29T11:41:30.303

0 Monitoring changes in file with bash 2015-06-12T16:44:37.543

0 Match the column heading and print the values of the column using awk 2015-06-17T10:51:19.253

0 need to get average idle time using mpstat 2015-06-18T05:58:47.453

0 Pass a path with parenthesis and space in system call inside awk script 2015-07-21T13:48:38.723

0 Why awk printing wrong string into the output file? 2015-08-14T17:29:55.507

0 awk - field separator change in program, letters in the field 2015-08-24T08:38:32.073

0 awk and regex with {} 2015-08-29T17:15:23.713

0 awk print data in fixed column 2015-08-30T08:41:31.267

0 Pass variable from awk to bash 2015-08-31T14:25:56.053

0 awk - Assign variable result of system function 2015-09-01T07:28:56.777

0 Random function in awk like in bash 2015-09-01T07:37:26.703

0 AWK formatting Disk Utility command formatting incorrectly 2015-09-01T10:27:46.453

0 awk - I can't print to file 2015-09-01T17:44:31.790

0 Awk eqivalent to grep -C <num> 2015-09-11T17:04:02.480

0 Merging two files in unix, with one common column that is redundant 2015-10-31T14:41:06.023

0 Why can't I redirect output from awk? 2015-11-07T05:18:34.473

0 bash script read line by line 2015-12-11T10:01:31.993

0 A way to split a text file into arbitrary blocks based on first column? 2015-12-23T00:46:42.073

0 Transform CSV column by a function using command line tools 2016-01-14T11:36:04.073

0 How to Check value for an input element after fetching contents of page using cUrl 2016-02-16T11:11:57.250

0 arithmetic operation on a nested column in a tab delimited file 2016-03-12T21:05:27.690

0 new column to a tab delimited file, with as predefined value 2016-03-17T13:16:09.910

0 Insert a string or blank line after specific search criteria, in a loop 2016-03-25T01:17:27.683

0 Pattern search the user input in a file in Unix using awk 2016-05-02T11:44:52.660

0 AWK - print file and length in two lines in END 2016-05-03T22:38:44.817

0 How to change a character on a certain line without delimiters with awk 2016-05-31T19:05:25.220

0 How to extract specific data from the table? 2016-06-15T04:29:37.037