Questions tagged [xcopy]

35 questions
1 answer

Xcopy and hosts file in windows scheduled tasks

I have some trouble with xcopy or maybe with windows/drivers/etc/hosts DNS file. If I add my xcopy command in a windows scheduled task, xcopy can not resolve server's name stored in hosts file, infact, if I change the command with ip address instead…
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Oracle Database 11g Express Edition - Built-in backup files-to-be-saved

Considering the built-in 'Backup Database' script (backup.bat) that comes with a new instalation of the Oracle Express 11g Edition, after finishing the script execution, what folders/files should be copied to an external media ('XCOPY' Backup) so…
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7 answers

XCOPY access denied error on My Documents folder

Here's the situation. We have a file server set up at \fileserver\ that has a folder for every user at \fileserver\users\first.last I'm running an xcopy command to backup the My Documents folder from their computer to their personal folder. The…
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How do you synchronize content between IIS Servers?

I just came across this utility that will sync IIS servers and was wondering what other software people are using? The company I'm at uses a very old version of Content Management Server 2003 and I'm looking…
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6 answers

How do I mirror a folder (copy only missing and changed files recursively) in windows?

I'm trying to find a fast way to recursively update a folder and all subfolders from another folder. Obviously, a full delete and Xcopy would work but that is very slow. After the update, the destination folder should exactly match the source…
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How do I copy a network file using wmic on a remote computer?

I'm an admin of a domain and im trying to run a wmic script to copy a file on a remote pc from another remote pc. My command: WMIC /NODE:@"C:\compList.txt" PROCESS CALL Create "xcopy \\networkPC\file.exe C:\" it doesn't copy file.exe on the…
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Copy files and folders by specific days of the month

I'd like to create a batch file to copy the files and folders by specific days. For example, 15th and 30th of the month(not 15th to 30th) copy the files and folder to another location. How can I write this script with xcopy or robocopy…
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linux copy directory over another directory and if the same rename older files appending the modification date-time

In Linux, I am wondering how one can copy (maybe some sort of merge) one directory over the second directory - which can have the same name - and if two file have the same name then rename whichever file is older appending the modification date-time…
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xcopy & robocopy - Encrypted during transfer?

I need to transfer some files on some windows hosts, as i come from the unix side, i searched for a tool similar to scp or rsync. I came across xcopy and robocopy and searched the manuals for a hint if the filestream is encrypted or not. The only…
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Windows Server Sync?

Looking to see if anyone has knowledge in this. Currently I am trying to set up 2 windows 2012 servers, to synchronize the files in C:\Company\Record of each machine. For example. Machine A makes 06-08-2016.log, it gets pushed to Machine B. And vice…
1 answer

Copy multiple files from different folders to 1 folder

i'm looking for a sollution to copy multiple files from different folders to 1 folder. What I have is that I need to copy files from c:\Customers\folderA\folderB\files copy to e:\FolderB\files The problem is that the "Customers" everytime is…
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xcopy to WebDAV drive gives directory not empty error

I am trying to synchronize two folders. I am trying to synch a WebDAV mapped drive folder (Z:\Images) with a folder on a hard drive on my local computer (E:). Here is the command I am running: xcopy E:\Images Z:\Images /D /E Here is the error…
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How to copy files to destination system through a specific LAN card?

I want to copy database backup from my running DB Server to Backup server. The source server has two LAN cards connected through their own IP address. One LAN card is used to connect to the application server and I want to user the other LAN card to…
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psexec and xcopy error 4

I am trying to use xcopy on a remote machine with psexec but i keep getting an error 4 and would love some brainstorming as to why that error might come up. The actual error says: Invalid drive specification 0 File(s) xcopy exited on 'remote…
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XCOPY for only new files not working for Network drive?

I have the following xcopy command to back up only the new files in Windows Server 2008 box: XCOPY /D /Y C:\TMP\*.dat C:\Test it works fine first time to copy all the files to Test and copy nothing subsequently since no files have been changed in…
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